We’ve all been there. Whether you’ve had a paper due, or chores, or need to get up early in the morning, or have an appointment you need to get to – whatever. We’ll somehow find the time to get one more game in. Or four, or ten. I’ve actually gotten a lot better at scheduling my time, since, with my full-time job and JEFbot, I don’t have a lot of it to go around. But I still find time to play a little DragonVale, Persona 3 Portable and Pokémon when I can. I just can’t seem to find as much of that time as I’d like, these days.
There’s a new BOTmobile in town, so I’ll be blogging about that as a follow-up to this post! Thanks for all the support this week; it got a tad stressful over here, and hearing from you guys seriously helped. Have a great weekend!
first first
I’m surprised that the batteries have corroded in that device, bot.
yeah, i’ve had my share of corroded batteries (especially when using Costco batteries) but every so often – as was the case when i recently found my NeoGeo Pocket – i’ll find an electronic device that miraculously still comes to life, Bl4ckw0lf!
ooh, and check you out: with your “first first” you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! wear them well – these don’t run off of batteries and will last forever:
I was so happy to see new territory to write “first first” on, such that I did the touchdown symbol in the restaurant that I was surfing in.
ha! hope you did an endzone dance too, Bl4ckw0lf. (at least mentally.) 🙂
See, that’s cute…I think I still have the Brick somewhere in my parents’ house. And I’ve done that so many times when moving…I find a book or game I haven’t seen in ages, and next thing I know, it’s late at night and I’m looking at pulling an all-nighter to get things done.
i do that all the time, T! coming across reading material’s the worst (as we’ll see for jefbot in the next strip) when you’re trying to get stuff done. it’s just impossible to ignore!
I have such a problem with that…when I go to talk to my professors, I either spend ten minutes reading everything on their desks (upside down, because I have that talent for some weird reason), or I put something on top of their desks so I’m not distracted. Anything with the printed word on it distracts me. Maybe that’s why I’m such a fast reader? So I can decide if whatever’s written is worth my attention. Hmmm…
hmm… that’s quite the superpower you’ve got there, T! actually, the reading upside down and scanning words rapidly to see if they’re worth your time are both pretty cool powers. 😀
I love it! (: Although my GBC is still MIA I still have all my old games. <3 Hope Bot doesn't get stuck in the world of Tetris!
I see a dragon ball!! <3
yep! jefbot must be collecting them to make a wish or something… 😉
the GBC was awesome, Nat! i have one of those “pikachu editions” i still cherish. 🙂
I actually took apart modded my original GBC and gave it an internal screen light. I think I may even have it somewhere still.
i’ve always wanted to do that, Senso, but never got around to it/didn’t have the nerve. as it was, i had one of those Light Boy magnifier/lights that you affixed to the top of the Gameboy. worked okay, but it was pretty clunky. the internal screen light would’ve been way cooler.
I had one of those. I had super mario and Tetris.
That’s also what happens when I “clean” I end up getting distracted by all the cool stuff I find and get little to no cleaning done.
even Mombot was addicted to Tetris on the GB, dj! i think she played that game more than i did! 😀
There goes that idea. Why is it when we’re packing we find the coolest stuff? ‘Scuse me for a second, I just found my old spiderman comics
heh. i totally understand, Jiro: whenever i try organizing my comic collection i get bogged down reading old issues or ones i never had a chance to read. i don’t think i’ll ever get them all sorted.
Tetris and GameBoy, so simple yet so amusing for hours on end. Me go sleep now because it’s after one where I am.
Stupid email address.
i’ve spent endless hours playing “simple yet amusing” games, Fijiman. usually, those are some of the best ones! Tetris, Donkey Kong, Asteroids, Bejeweled, Scrabble – the list goes on…
hope you got some ZZZs in!
Heh. The original GameBoy. I’ve only touched it once.
That was around the time I got a pink GameBoy Color. Three guesses for my favorite color at the time.
i had that original gray one for the longest time, Rinthia, then i got the transparent purple GBC, then the pikachu edition (which was my favorite), then onto the Gameboy Advance, which was pretty awesome, too.
and, yep: Dragonball! i wonder if it’s a real one…?
Hehe, a Dragon Ball.
One of my friends in school had an original GameBoy, but I never played much with it. I had a GameBoy Color once upon a time, that I got from another friend. Didn’t have many games for it, but by that time I had plenty of games for the SNES and N64 to play.
There are still times when, apropos of seemingly nothing, I’ll want to dust off the SNES or N64 and play something—Super Metroid, for instance—for hours and hours. 🙂
And don’t even get me started on books. If I suddenly pick up a good book that I haven’t read in a while, you may as well consider me dead to the world for the next 5 or 6 hours. 😉
yeah, books are downright dangerous when you’re trying to get things done. absolutely.
i love that you readers see those details i hide in the background, Insectoid. always makes putting them in worth it. 🙂
and, yes: i get that feeling to plug in the SNES all the time. there are a few games i’ve bought via the Wii Shop just to scratch that itch. Actraiser, for one. and i bought Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the 3DS just to get some N64 mojo going!
It’s funny; I powered up the SNES the other day to play Mario Kart with my brother, only to discover that the B button on my controller needed cleaning. It’s always something…
Just because I’m impulsive and about as sane as ‘bot, I bought a used copy of Tetris DX to play on the GBA. I’m almost tempted to find an original GB. Almost. 😉
i haven’t connected my SNES for that very reason, Insectoid – i’m afraid something will be wrong with it, or a controller will be broken. and, yeah: Tetris DX was awesome. one of my favorite versions of the game.
Tetris is a game that never gets old! I actually played it for 4 hours straight on facebook, but I only quit because my mom said I had school the next day.
@JefBOT you always make me remember so funny things that I have forgotten, thank you for all the happiness you give me every time you upload a new comic strip! 🙂
awWww… thanks for such an awesome comment, DAS. makes me happy that you get such a kick out of the strip!
and, yes: Tetris never does get old. i have it on my iPhone now and have wasted many hours playing it. and now that i know it’s on Facebook, i’ll have to waste many hours playing it there, too. 😉
Hah. Been there, done that. Like most people, you find stuff you thought forever lost when you are packing things up to move. Also know what it’s like to brush off the old games and start playing. I miss playing Super Mario RPG, Zelda: Link to the Past, and the original Super Mario Kart, not to mention Final Fantasy 2 & 3 (U. S. versions). Hell, I love it when I get to work with someone close to my age that we can reminisce about the old 80’s cartoons, like the original Transformers, or Shirttales or the Smurfs. Anybody with me?
glad you could relate, KB! all those games you mentioned are favorites of mine as well. i actually wish they’d release Link to the Past on the 3DS so i’d have an excuse to play it again. and i was a big fan of Transformers when i was a kid, and i know i watched the Smurfs, but i don’t remember Shirttales. not sure it was on the channels i watched. i take it it was good?
It was a show that originated with a Hallmark campaign, that was later picked up by Hanna-Barbera for a TV show. It wasn’t very long-lived, but the characters were sorta crime fighters. Here’s more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shirt_Tales
hmm… yeah, it looks familiar KB, but i never watched it. i might have to check it out on YouTube or something. 🙂
You know, Tetris is like practice for packing, anyway, so playing makes good, practical sense.
yep! …this very thing may come up in a later strip, Sarah W! and if not, it’s still a great excuse to play when one should be packing anyway. 🙂
Haha. Funny, and sadly true. Why must procrastinating be so easy?!
i know, Destructur25! why couldn’t we have evolved to enjoy doing work, rather than enjoy doing nothing???
HA! I still use my old gameboy as a display for my first tesla-coil music-system
you always manage it to throw me right into a nostalgia mood^^
I wish you a nice weekend, too
have fun with your new botmobile
wow! i’d love to see your music system, Malkav! and i’m glad you enjoy getting thrown into a nostalgia mood, as much as i enjoy throwing you there. 😀
hope you had a great weekend. it’s almost over, over here in los angeles!
I have no pics of it (and it’s stored somewhere deeply in my tech-graveyard in my basement), but I have already posted one of them (that now enrages my cousins’s neighbors^^)
http://www.jeffschuetze.com/2011/11/29/jefbot-396_wish-list/ – at the end of the side
so cool, Malkav! i’d totally set one of those things up in my apartment (to enrage my own neighbors, if nothing else. heheh.)
I did that with my comic book collection when I move. “Oooh, I loved this issue of Iron Man!” Then I spent twenty minutes reading it, then going to the next issue. Next thing I know my mom is in my room wondering why I haven’t packed anything.
i hear ya, TPC – it’s sOOooo easy to do that with comics. and lately i’ve been doing that with trades, too. been going through the Invincible volumes one after the other for the past couple weeks.
This always happens when I try to clean out my room, with my DS, my books, my magazines…every time.
it’s like, why even fight it at this point, GG? the more we fight it, the more we inevitably succumb to our distractions. glad you could relate. 🙂
Well, at least Jefbot has two weeks to move. I remember when I moved from my one-bedroom apartment to a two-bedroom in the same complex I only had, like, three days or something crazy like that (plus my bachelor party was during that weekend [that schedule fail was my best man’s fault]).
yeah, at least bot seems to be getting an early start, Joe. (if he doesn’t continue procrastigaming, that is. heheh.) but three days!!? i don’t know how you did it. i hope your best man helped you move!!!
Well, I had borrowed my boss’s pickup truck and the buildings were around the corner from one another. The good news for ‘bot is that Tetris is a good, healthy learning tool for how to properly pack a truck.
And yes, my best man helped all day Saturday leading up to the bachelor party.
good to hear that your best man helped out, Joe!
and bot may have learned a thing or two about packing from Tetris. we’ll find out in a few strips down the road.
Just wanted to say that I found your comic 3 days ago and have spent that time catching up. Absolutely awesome!! You are most deffinately on my favorites list.
Hope that maybe you will be at Sakuracon in Seattle in April, so I can buy your books and get them signed as well.
Also, more Cel!
Thanks and keep up the work!!
hey, thanks for reading through the archive and adding me to your favorites, Tiedupinknots! if you’re lucky, one of this strip’s mighty helpers might offer you a welcome and cookies!
as far as cons go, i’m not planning on Sakuracon, but i will be at the Emerald City Con in seattle at the end of this month and will be bringing books and new bot stuffs! if you’re planning on going, definitely stop by my booth and say hi. 😀
Ah Tetris how I waste so many hours on you. And by waste I mean pass time that I wouldn’t be doing much else by playing a fun and additing game.
“so many hours” wasted, indeed, GardeBlaze. sometimes, i can still hear that russian music pinging away in my brain at night.
LOL, I know the feeling… Though its MagicTG for me usually.
i still have my Magic cards, Maryz, but i feel so behind since i haven’t played in years. i now play D&D with the friend that i used to play Magic with, though, so that’s our obsession now.
You are distracted by ghafla…
Fear is not the only mind-killer… 😉
(says one still playing Dune 2000)
oh shi-
another nostalgia moment
dune 2000 was the first RTS I’ve every played (and my first PC-game as well)
it’s quite emberassing for me to admit that I completely sucked at it, but even if I never finished any campaign or even won one skirmish-mission, I loved it!
It woke up my fable for RTS-Games and the one I stuck with is “Supreme Commander” and its add-on “Forged Alliance”
I freakin’ love it
HAHA! Im simillar. I Allways finish the game, but in RTS against human oponents Im not doing so well. Still I love it!
Dune 2000 was not my first RTS. That was orriginal Dune. But for me the top of first games is taken by arcade Prince of Persia – basicly any PC could run it back then.
Also Turn-based strategy Civilisation is still great. I swear, sometimes its more fun to play than modern versions.
especially Civ 4 steals me a good part of my time, that could’ve been used more productive^^
i think the original Dune was my first RTS too, Maryz. i played a ton of that on my 386 back in the day.
fear is the little death that brings total obliteration! < - i say the whole Dune fear-mantra to myself more often than i'd like to admit, YuehCopter! and yeah, Dune 2000 was all kinds of awesome. 🙂
Good Morning BOTiverse!
Wow…I can’t tell you how much this hits home. I hate moving. Moving sucks. So in order not to have to do the moving thing, I look for things to get distracted with. I end up having to put the music on so I;m moving myself anyway so I might as well move stuff too.
morning, Pixie!
yeah, music’s a good way to distract yourself from distracting yourself. although, sometimes i’ll start going through my CDs, and then sorting them alphabetically, or ripping them to my computer, or listening to certain tracks…
How many of us still have our original white gameboys? Show of hands?
How many still work? Show of hands?
Suck on that, Red Ring of Death.
*raises hand*
yep: still have it, Saeed. still works. now on my 4th (or 5th) XBOX due to RRoD. 😛
I can’t believe I missed this on Friday. I thought I had checked several times since then to see if you had posted. Doh!
I can TOTALLY relate to this strip. Queen of procrastination here. But you know, when you are stressed about something, I think a little down time is probably a good thing. At least that’s what I tell myself! 😉
I love the expressions in this one. 😀
the strip didn’t go up ’til late friday, Shanna, which is probably why you missed it. so you aren’t going insane or anything. (yet!) 🙂
and glad you could relate! i like your reasoning behind your procrastination. now i feel better about mine. heheh.
its strange how the simple things in life can be a great distraction/pleasure also i used to have one of those bad boys but i sold it to upgrade to N64 >.< i always had the hottest new thing 😛
see, trading in your old tech to upgrade to new tech is pretty awesome, MrSnow, and very efficient. i wish i could do that but i just can’t bear to part with the old tech! sad, i know. 🙂
You’re in trouble! You better call for back up… preferably someone who is not as easily distracted! LOVE panel 3! The expression is perfect.
I can relate. I should be cleaning something right now.
That feel