I’m kind of embarrassed to admit this strip’s pretty accurate as far as the ratio between “precious things” and “stuff-I-didn’t-mind-being-handled-by-others.” My “precious pile” grew so big at one point, that I began to wonder if hiring movers was even necessary. In the end, everything worked out, but I did create way more work for myself than I should have – work which will surely be documented in a future strip.
I love reading your comic but this is my first time posting.
thanks for reading, Doug – i’m happy you found your way to posting! perfect time, too, since by getting the first post, you just achieved the Shades of Firsting for your efforts! wear them well: these definitely belong in the “precious things” box:
Lots of boxes…
indeed, Rin. too many.
Oh, I was so close!
I’ve moved several times (in my younger years) and I gotta say, there wasn’t much I cared for enough that I couldn’t entrust other people to carry for me (then again, I use to trust ANYTHING)
Except my teddy bear. He was always carry on. Moving, on the Airplane, anything. XD;
I can’t wait to see what wild antics Jefbot will get in unpacking everything XD
yes, so close, JoLee! but look how close Rinthia was, above: she must have been within seconds of getting the Shades!
i need to adopt your way of thinking in trusting other people to move your stuff. i always make way too much work for myself with my distrust. 😛
I can easily see you acting just like this Jeff. I’m sure I’d have a stack of “precious things” piled up to the roof if I were to move out. Stop scarying CF, he might stop showing up!
protip: that “precious things” pile only grows bigger as you grow older, Nat, so try and minimize it as much as possible before you move out!
and i think the Cornfather’s used to bot’s antics by now, so isn’t that alarmed by it anymore. 🙂
this is how it is for me every time i move
ahhhh… i’m glad i’m not alone, MrSnow. 🙂
Oh goodness, definitely not how i move. Well, Sort of. I wrap glass and tell people not to touch. But everything else is tossed into boxes. “Top drawer”, “Moira’s room”, “Kitchen”, “bathroom”, “nightstand”, “DO NOT OPEN IF YOU WANT TO LIVE”, “Erik’s computer parts”, that type of stuff lol and then I organize it when we get to wherever we’re going! And no one gets to help because they don’t know where anything goes?
heheh. i do a lot of creative labeling too, Ky, some of which we’ll get to see in the strip! usually as the clock runs out, i’m just dumping things in boxes, though, and figure i’ll just sort it out later.
it’s been over a year since i’ve moved – i’m still sorting.
Oh gosh, got you beat! There’s 3 HUGE boxes of scrapbooking stuff which I’ve not touched in 4 years. It’s mainly photos. We’ve only been at the current place for 18 months….
i’m sure i have boxes whose interiors haven’t seen the light of day since my move out of the valley over 7 years ago, Ky! and photos are some of the most time consuming things – once you start going through stacks of photos, it’s hard to stop!
I always started a move with clearly-labeled boxes (“towels,” “bedding/sheets,” etc.), but then things start getting generic (“bedroom,” “bathroom,” etc.) and by the end it all just devolves down to being labeled “stuff” if at all.
…come to think of it, there’s still a room in my house full of boxed-up stuff from the last time my wife ‘n I moved. Great. Now I’m self-conscious.
i’ve dealt with this very thing, Joe – which most likely means we’ll see how bot deals with labeling his stuff during this move, too. i’m wishing i rented another two-bedroom apartment when i moved just so i could have a room for storing my boxes!
That is a whole lotta stuff bot! Glad to see you’re back to regular posting schedule! 😀
hoping to get this tuesday’s strip up on time, too, F_F! *fingers crossed* busy getting things ready for a comic-convention i’m doing this friday!
Ha, that reminds me of when my family moved several years ago. My dad took the week off and moved most of the small stuff over to our new house. That way when we called the movers all they had to move were things like our couches and beds. Then again my Dad was friends with the vice president of that moving company, so I don’t think we would’ve had to worry that much.
Hope nothing bad happens to Jefbot.
nice! i totally need to be friends with someone of note at a moving company, GB! i’ve moved so many times over the past couple decades or so, it’s getting ridiculous.
I think you have a problem Bot. But, I must admit, I do understand. After being moved from Indiana to Colorado by movers, we discovered that EVERY lampshade was crushed and our recliner was broken. There were other problems too, but those are the ones that immediately spring to mind. 😛 I think your towels should be safe though. 😉
i definitely have a problem, Anonymous, but i’m not sure how to solve it without getting rid of all my cool, geeky loot! (and that just ain’t happening. heheh.) sorry to hear ’bout your broken stuff – so far i’ve been pretty lucky, with just a couple poster frames broken. *knocks on wood*
Oops. That anonymous was me.
Looks like bot could build a fortress with all those boxes. I guess finding your own place wasn’t so hard after all. 🙂
well, bot still hasn’t found a new place yet, Striker, but since he already gave his notice to vacate, he better find one, soon!
When I moved, I had a special pile too, but someone didn’t notice and just dumped it into some box. My thoughts were rather “angered”. heh…
Nice comic! Read it in about a month, full of laughs. Keep up the good work.
i feel your anger, ShadowShuffler! nobody touches my special stuff!!!
and thanks for reading and commenting – glad you’re enjoying the strip and i’m happy to have you onboard! 😀
Now I’m thinking of the M*A*S*H* episode “Hey, Look Me Over” (season 11, Ep. 1). In it, the nurses were evacuated, leaving the doctors and other male personnel to do everything. They had a very ‘inventive’ way of putting stuff together in boxes (for example ‘Purple Things’).
ooh, i loved M*A*S*H, KB! (though i don’t remember many specifics of most episodes, sadly.) organizing my stuff by color would’ve been an interesting way of doing things. we’ll be seeing how specific bot gets with organizing his “special loot,” shortly. 🙂
I’m insanely good with M*A*S*H*, BtVS, Angel and Charmed trivia. Also, Harry Potter, and X-men. My bro is good with Star Wars, Stargate and M*A*S*H*. We’d be trouble on Jeopardy with those for categories.
Yeah, I know this song and dance. I did all my own packing and most of my moving (I recruited a friend with a pickup truck to move my furniture), so I never had to worry about someone else breaking things in transit. But the things that had to go into storage because I moved from an apartment to a bedroom in my parents’ house…yeah, I still wake up at night sometimes, scared to death that one of the other people who have a key to the shared storage might touch my “DO NOT TOUCH IF YOU WANT TO LIVE” boxes and break something I can’t replace easily.
At least I have everything seperated into “stuff I need every day” and “stuff I can live without and occasionally visit to get that warm feeling”, so I was able to focus my efforts appropriately.
i don’t think i’ve done my own moving since college, T. unfortunately, i’ve accumulated too much stuff to move by myself since then, and i refuse to recruit friends to help. it’s just too crazy/big a job now. heheh.
and i like how you focused your efforts during your move – bot would be wise to organize his boxes according to something as practical.
Two moves ago (never again, I swear), I packed up the glassware and other breakables and labeled the boxes “FRAGILE—do not stack—place on TOP.”
It was suggested to me that it wasn’t practical to fill the moving truck with one layer of stuff at a time . . . so those boxes went in my car, except or one I forgot.
Guess what I found at the bottom of a stack of book boxes?
I hate moving.
after a move, i’m always saying, “never again,” Sarah W – that is, until the next time i move. 😛
and i feel your pain: this is why i never trust moving companies with my fragile or cool stuff unless absolutely necessary. and i can’t watch them move the non-fragile stuff, either; it’s too painful to watch.
Clothes sure, blankets, fine. Electronics and Books. NOPE.
this is a good rule, dj.
I don’t know if this was intended but what a GREAT Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference! Always know where your towel is and don’t panic!
heh. it certainly wasn’t a conscious reference to Hitchhiker’s Guide, Lizzy040, but i’ll take it (since i love those books)! if things go wrong, at least bot will know where his towels are – though he should really keep at least one on him. heheh.
Well, with your inclination to hoardnig, im not surprised at all.
true that, Maryz. we’ll see if bot can keep up his hoarding tendencies in a place half the size. 🙂
Hello BOTiverse!
This also hits close to home. I am not ok with just anyone touching my stuff. I have literally had anxiety attacks over it. Which is why i usually don’t have other people help me move. So this next time Mr. Pixie and i hit the bricks I will have to trust some people…maybe just to help with the furniture.
hola, Pixie!
you are wise not to trust others to handle your stuff! only badness can come of that. furniture, clothing and soft stuff – maybe – and then only sparingly, but anything breakable or valuable – FORGET IT!!!
nope. no trust issues here. moving on…
Oh Bot. You’re just a tad OCD aren’t you?
only a tad, TCG. a tiny tad. an itty-bitty tad. DON’T LOOK AT ME!!!
You mean CDO, right? 😉
hey towels are very personal y’know, who knows where those movers’ hands have been right JB?
towels are very personal, Jiro. (and no doubt bot will have to wash them all after the move.) although bot really did want them in the small “movers’ pile” and not the big “special pile,” where Corn was depositing them. 🙂
Perhaps you should reconsider the move… LOL! Hilarious.
I’ve been moving this month, myself, from Brooklyn to Manhattan. I can relate to that. My mother’s cousin offered to get a U-Haul to help, and I only packed minimal stuff for that. Everything else I was thinking, “oh no, that’s too delicate to bounce around in the muddy truck” and I’ve made like 20 trips (so far, more to go…) using a big backpack and tote bag on the subway to haul stuff…
When my relative saw the pile of stuff to go in the U-Haul he was like, “that’s it?” and wanted to start packing more and more stuff, while I was getting stressed out about “what if it breaks?” and “the back of the truck is filthy, I don’t want that stained…”