So my dad did offer me the vacant family chicken coop to store my stuff in and I took him up on it. I didn’t store any of my easily damaged or collectible items, of course. And while it was nice of him to give me such a convenient storage space free-of-charge, the downside is that it’s just too scary in there now for me to ever get my stuff back out. It seems, although the spiders, rats and other vermin were cleaned out when I first took over the place years ago, they’ve since taken the place back.
Another reminder to come by the BOTbooth (#311) if you’re in the Seattle, WA area this weekend (March 30-April 1) and attending the Emerald City ComiCon!
why does your dad sounds like Dad( William Shatner) from SH*T MY DAD SAYS?
i’ve never watched that show before, jf#300, but i’m not surprised my dad sounds like William Shatner since both are captains – one of a starship and one of a little boat called the Quarter Deck.
and check you out – you achieved the Shades of Firsting! (how long has it been since your last pair?) wear them well – these help detect vermin if you’re stuck in a situation like bot:
Poor chickens. They eat everything
it’s true, DJ. and then it all comes out 15 mins later. 😛
But this is the perfect place to store the collectible stuff—no one would believe you’ve stored anything good in there, and thieves won’t think it’s worth the effort.
Spiders and rats make great security guards. And chicken poop is a great deterrent . . .
i did end up storing a bunch of stuff in that chicken coop, Sarah W, but nothing expensive or important; it’s surprisingly hot and humid in there, plus, it actually does have a bunch of nasty critters running around and i just couldn’t do it. i’m almost afraid to look in the containers i put in there.
OK, so that’s a step down from “spider-infested shed”. And yea, that’s a problem when the critters move back in with your stuff. We have a lot of black widows around here, and I am really scared of them. Other spiders don’t bother me nearly as much, but black widows totally give me the heebies. If there was a chance they’d moved into any of my stuff, I might just have to abandon it as new spider habitat!
P.S. This is the closest to the top I’ve been in a while! Yay, me!
i concur – black widows are totally nasty, Shanna! they’re one of the few critters i’ll actually kill when i see ’em, and i’ve seen more than a few around my parents’ house. no doubt they’re crawling about all the boxes and containers i put in that chicken coop! ick.
*clear throat* Good Morning BOTiverse!
Wow….the chicken coop huh? Rat AND spider infested? I think I peed a little. In both laughter and fright.
HA! laughed and peed, Pixie!!? i’m flattered!!!
Where are all the chickens? And is/was your dad a farmer?
my dad had gotten rid of the chickens long ago, DAS, so they’re no longer around. and though we had chickens and vegetables, my dad wasn’t a farmer – at least not in the sense that he sold those things for money – i think he was just making use of the space we had in the backyard. 🙂
Drat! Missed it again! By 3 hours!
A chicken coop?! With bugs and stuff? Golly, that’s some dad.
yep, and that coop was actually a small trailer he converted for the chickens, ShadowShuffler!
good luck on future Firstings!
OMG just received my Quality Time t-shirt!! LOVE IT, it’s ADORKABLE!!! TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTY!! <3 <3 <3 <3!!
And yeah, get your scrawny buns to a con near us so we can go!! Ty for the BOTon 😀 SQUEEEEEEEEEEE *happy dance*
Yea, what she said.
and a “thank you” to you, too, Shanna! hoping to get the shirts in a new BOTshop soon, so others can order them. (but i’m happy i could offer them to the BOTladies first!)
*blink* I am so JELLY!!!!!!
awww… no worries, Pixie – “Quality Time” has been a huge success so will be around for a long time, in case you want to get one down the road! 🙂
hooray!!! and thank YOU, ESQ! that shirt has been really popular at the comicons over the past couple of weeks so i’m glad you’re happy with yours. and i sold out of a couple of the sizes at this last con, so i’m glad i was able to get you one before i have to reorder!
would love to bring my scrawnness to a con near you, soon! if i make any progress, i’ll let you know. 🙂
Do you guys seriously have a chicken coop? Because, that’s freakin’ sweet. I remember how our old house used to be like.
we used to, Andrei, and then my dad converted it into the storage facility you see in the strip. when i was growing up, i loved playing with the chickens (when they were still chicks) and getting warm, fresh eggs in the morning!
Gross! I can almost smell the aroma… But at least it’s free!
heheh. true dat, FunnyShaffer. free is free. 🙂
My family has a chicken coop attached to the back of the house. Maybe if they give up on the “self sufficient” thing, I can use that to store my crap when I pack up my car and go driving around the States. Or maybe I can go out in the woods a bit and build my own shed…as long as I can keep the shrews, lynx and foxes out of there…gotta figure something out soon, the end of summer is coming!
heh. i hope it’s a big coop, Tiana! (and make sure it’s weather proof, as well as critter-proof.) can’t wait to hear about the adventures you’re going to have when you start traveling!
eeewwwwwww thats terrible o<O time get to ur hustle on bot
seriously! or at least start eBaying some stuff, Anonymous. 🙂
I had to do the storage thing recently. I’d been sharing a house for several years with a couple other guys, and then we learned our landlord hadn’t been paying the mortgage and the place was going to be foreclosed out from under us. Fortunately, we had plenty of advance notice, so I rented a mini-storage unit and just started moving stuff into it as I had the time. Most of my 3000+ comic books are in there now. It really did save me from a big, all-at-once moving project when the time came to vacate the premises.
good idea, Mister Rik – i’ve thought about renting a short-term storage place to keep my stuff in while i figure out what to do with it, but i’m afraid “short-term” would become “life-term” just as the chicken coop has! (i’ve had my stuff in there for over a decade now, methinks.) *sigh*
I hear that, Jeff! I’ve been trying to help my Dad fix up his old ’75 Buick, but it’s infested with rabbits, and not the cute kind. In stead, it’s been taken over by the mean, nasty kind that eats wiring, upholsestery, and anyone that tries to remove them from old cars!
ooh, don’t tell my sister Lin/Xin about those rabbits, Soul Man – she loves those things (she’s kept quite a few over the years), and i bet she’d love them even more if she knew they were mean and nasty!
If she’s willing to come out here and pull them out of the car, she’s welcome to them! 😉
There’s never a clean non-rat-infested place to put ones stuff. What’s up with that?!?!
if that’s true i’m in big trouble, TCG!
You guys had chickens? Huh, new Schuetze secret discovered. Only 7,381 more to go.
yup! my dad upgraded the coop since i moved my stuff into it, but you can still see it in the backyard by the garden, next to the barn/shed, Nat!
… Why were those two surprisingly sensible suggestions denied?
apparently, Popbot doesn’t want jefbot’s stuff mixing with his own stuff, Maryz. 🙁
EWWWWWWWWW! Spider nests! I HATE spiders!
you wouldn’t like my parents’ backyard then, KB – it’s at the foot of a hill where there are tons of spiders that come out at night! O_o
hahahhahah!!! funny!
ps. Lor’s old room, has been dad’s room for several years now.
i know. i don’t think he even lets mom put her stuff in there, Xin.
Chicken coop?! That’s how I know your family is Asian.
….Or Puerto Rican. Yeahhh…My aunts…the whole rooster and hens thing,,,Talking the whole nine when I was a kid. My Badness.
our neighbor had an even bigger chicken coop, Pixie, and the mom there was puerto rican! i never put the 2 and 2 together…
ha! true that, Stan! maybe it was my mom’s idea to raise chickens? hmm…
Hey if you have free time, you should come up to the AFK Tavern… I’ll be there Saturday night… just sayin’….
we ended up at the Sheraton hotel bar, Psy, and then went to the Taphouse, but both bars were so packed it probably would’ve been better to go to the AFK Tavern!
hey pixie. is it me or are we missing a few of the old regular commenters?
oof! that’s like getting a hotel unit in the ass end of nowhere, still better than nothing right?
Sounds like something your dad would do. BTW, would you do me a favor JB? It’s only a little one.
I’m still here – enjoying every adventure – including the conventions, just really busy in the real world right now.
I wonder what could be in the box to make Jefbot sweat so much from carrying it.