Sorry for the delay on the strip – I’ve been in recovery from the Phoenix Comicon the past few days, but I’m nearly there, so expect a comic strip this Friday! Here’s some words about what went down in Arizona:

The Phoenix Comicon is over and done with and thus, my second year with the BOTbooth there has come to an end. Has it really been over a year since I started doing this exhibiting thing at comic conventions? Wow. Time does, indeed, fly.

Anyway, I was a bit discouraged going into the convention, since I didn’t have any JEFbot books to sell (I sold out of them at the previous convention in Seattle and my printer couldn’t get the new edition done in time for this con), but I decided to make the most of things by bringing my entire stock of existing shirts, including the enthusiastically received “Quality Time” tee and a new tee I had printed just days before the show, “All Dysfunctions Normal” (artwork pictured). I also brought along all my new BOTtons, BOTprints and printed up some sketchcards and hoped for the best. Well, I’m happy to report this show turned out to be my 2nd most profitable show of all the conventions I’ve done since last year! (#1 still goes to this year’s Emerald City Comicon.) If I had the books there, I’m pretty sure this would have been my most successful show to date.

Part of what made the show such a success for me was my location. Those that visited me in 2011 will remember the BOTbooth being tucked away in a corner, far from the entrance and all but the most adventurous and curious attendees. What saved me last year was Bruce Boxleitner (yep, Tron himself!) buying out nearly all of the “Original Energy Drink” tees from my table. Had that not happened, I might have figured it wasn’t worth exhibiting at this show, which would have been far from the case. Well, after buying that booth last year, I had a bit of seniority this year, which allowed me to pick a booth closer to the entrance doors. I don’t think I could have picked a better space. First of all, I was just a couple of booths away from where most of the attendees funneled in, which meant I had tons of people filing by my booth. Secondly, I was right behind the big Blind Ferret booth which attracted a lot of webcomic readers, which turned out great for me (and would’ve been even greater had I had the JEFbot book!) Thirdly, I had a fantastic booth neighbor – Don from Skullastic – who was quite a showman, and had a cool booth with awesome products which you should definitely check out, especially if you’re in school.

The other part that made the show such a success was of course, the BOTfans, the BOTistas, the BOTomatons! Nearly everyone I met last year came back to the BOTbooth this year to chat and/or pick up some new merch. As much as I met new folks and sold shirts and stuff to people who have never even heard of me or JEFbot (but hopefully they’ll be checking it out now!) the BOTpeeps managed to come out with their support, which always makes the convention more awesome and keeps me powered up throughout the weekend. Of course, I’m not up to the high stature of a Ryan, Lar or Danielle (i.e. I don’t have a line around my booth waiting for a sketch or signature) but I hope to be there someday. And the readers that show up always make me feel like a rock star!

All in all, Phoenix was a terrific convention and one of the most fun, laid back and successful times I’ve had in the BOTbooth. I have to thank my bud, Joe Price, for being of invaluable help to me in the booth on Saturday and Sunday, and also Mombot for pushing me to make the “Dysfunctions” shirt for this convention! And of course, everyone who came by to chat or buy stuff. Looking forward to Phoenix Comicon 2013 and my next con: the San Diego Comic-Con International this July! Hope to see you there!