I’m sure a bunch of you BOT ROCKIN’ PEEPS can relate to today’s strip, so i’m afraid to even ask what the grossest YouTube video you’ve seen is. And putting the “YouTube” in the strip and in the previous sentence was intentional so as to keep my site PG – PG13. I’m sure there are “other” sites with much “nastier” material but I wouldn’t know about such things. *ahem*
I’m not sure what the initial spark was, but I was hanging out with a friend the other day when I started looking at gross things on YouTube – the biggest back zit you’ve ever seen getting popped, a long, long ingrown facial hair getting pulled, a crude cyst extraction – you know the kind. Well, my buddy pulls up a video of some bot fly larvae (yes! BOT flies!) getting pulled out of some dudes back. Well, that just started hours of finding and sharing gross videos that just kept coming; it’s hard to stop once you start down that vile path. Anyway, it’s not the grossest thing I’ve ever seen by a long shot, but it was the video that inspired this strip:
• Bot fly removal. (Warning: Grody to the Max. Also, some language.)
If you have a gross vid, feel free to share in the comments, just remember to keep it under PG-13 guidelines or I’ll have to remove it. For the children.
Been there done that!
I’ve seen a video like that on TV once. I think it was Smoking Gun Presents on TruTV or one of the shows like that, but it was in a girls head and came out of her hair.
there are a couple vids with bot flys embedded in peoples’ heads. don’t even search for the one where the guy’s squeezing a bunch of them out of his dog. O_o
ugh. i started going into a YouTube Gross-Out Hole just getting the link for that bot fly vid, Jereme! had to pull myself out before i lost track of time again…
hey! check you out – you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! wear them well – these filter out any vile vids you may encounter on the ‘net. OR they feed them directly into your optic nerve. i forget which. anyway:
They do? Darned batteries must’ve gone flat on mine.
each pair of Shades is unique, Jim! well, mostly.
I think they only last for 24 hours, after that they explode.
that, or they last until the next Shades come into existence with the posting of a new strip. and then, yeah, they explode. 🙂
Please, PLEASE! bring cel back!
Eww. I don’t hunt up bad YouTube videos usually, since my imagination is usually good enough to create videos in my head when I’m reading something. Bad *fanfiction*, on the other hand…I used to be part of GodAwful Fanfiction (GAFF), back in the day. I still shudder when I read the word “lavender” and “vanilla ice cream”.
i’m afraid to even whisper a question about what “lavender” or “vanilla ice cream” means to you, T. 🙂
*twitch twitch*
*holds flashlight under her chin*
Long ago, in the early days of the rampant Lord of the Rings fanishness on the internet, someone looked at the original source material and saw a name that did not appear in the movies. The character? Elrond’s beloved wife, who passed over the Sea many years before the events Lord of the Rings.
This unnamed fan saw that Tolkien had only said she left after being captured by orcs, and their influence on her so broke her spirit that while Elrond was able to heal her body, he could not heal her soul and she had to cross the Sea. This fan-person immediately began wondering what the orcs had done to cause this, and since the internet has bred a special kind of sadomasochism, s/h/it wrote a story that came to be known as the testing ground for new GAFF members.
It has been said that if one can read this story without throwing up, one has reached a special state of transcendence. Even hardened GAFF members would blanch when the name was spoken; some tried to mitigate the evil of the name by adding asterisks to it, so as to not cause PTSD flashbacks.
The owner of this piece of intellectual dreck came to realize the horror unleashed upon the world and attempted to delete it, but as the internet has a knack for remembering *everything*, a site lives on with the saved record.
The name?
The site?
*turns the flashlight off and goes to find some brain bleach*
thanks(?) for the explanation, T. while i can currently resist clicking that link, i know i’m going to have trouble sleeping one night, remember your comment here and in a moment of weakness, i’m going to read that ff. expect a strongly worded email shortly thereafter.
Lol, I look forward to your reaction to that particular fic. I should’ve mentioned, it’s probably rated M or higher. So if anyone under 18 comes through here, don’t click. There’s a couple pages reminding people not to read it if they don’t like graphic…well, anything, but there’s my warning.
thanks for the warning, T. 😉
I do not particularly like gross things or videos and certainly dont look them up on net. I have better things to do with my time.
i can’t help it, Maryz! while i don’t seek it out until it has me in its grasp, i’m just too curious as to what horrors lurk on the web – especially when it comes to parasitic bugs and bodily functions – that i can’t turn away.
Awwww man… it’s 3 am here, I gotta be up in 4 hours to go to work and I am stuck watching the most disgusting videos in youtube… Thanks bot! *facepalm*
Still think one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen on the internet is the 2G1C video, it’s just burned into my mind along with that damn piano music.
my bad, f_f! i should’ve known not to publish this strip until readers were safely at work or at school. heheh. and, UGH: 2G1C. the horror, the horror.
Spent almost 2 hours hunting down nasty stuff in youtube. Ended up not sleeping cause of you lol
uh-oh. sorry for the lost time and the lost sleep, f_f! at least you still have your appetite – which some other readers have lost – after watching all those vids. 🙂
I’m a chubby bastard NOTHING makes me lose my appetite lol
Hate those flies.murghhh. Why they exist i dont know
i just thank the gods that we don’t have a bot fly problem in L.A., Jf300.
Sometimes it doesn’t pay to watch youtube, they’ll put anything and i mean anything on
very true, Jiro. and the community there can be really trollish and downright mean!
Well, I wasn’t looking for diet aids, but those videos are doing the trick (not literally, I hasten to add).
Think I’ll delay breakfast for a couple hours . . .
heheh. sorry, Sarah W – hope you get your appetite back, soon! i’ll try not to post any more links before then. 😉
It’s like a train wreck. You don’t want to look, yet you are strangely intruiguied. Never did have the courage to look at the back zit. The thumbnail alone make me nearly vomit.
yeah, if you nearly vomited at the thumbnail, definitely stay away from that back zit vid, Saeed! it’s grosser than the bot fly one and you won’t be able to turn away.
I find myself needing to say ” I’m good”. I try very hard to avoid gross things, helps me keep what’s left of my sanity… Their is so little left.
I am one of those people though whom if I see a video I like, I try to look for more videos just like it, until It is suddenly 3 hours later and I am convinced it had only been 20 minutes.
yep, that’s exactly what happens to me, Satoshieyes – luckily, i’m at work right now and YouTube’s blocked here, otherwise i might have to look at more bot fly vids one more time…
Like watching a train wreck, it’s awful but you can’t look away. Thanks a bunch, Youtube.
and it’s amazing just how many gross things people post on YouTube, Anime fan. you could probably go for weeks sifting through all that content!
Gods dammit, Jefbot! Now I can’t stop!
sorry, Psy! i tried to warn you!!!
I’d throw in my 2 cents on gross-out YouTube videos, but I’m too distracted by the fact that ‘bot actually used “grody to the Max.”
not sure why but i’ve been using that phrase lately – i rarely even used it when it was popular – but it popped back into my lexicon a few months ago and now i can’t stop.
this made me dry heave a little.. well done.
dry heaved? then my work here is done, 11TN.
and, hey: happy birfday!!! 😀
YouTube logic: The grosser, the better.
Or maybe thats the whole internet… I just almost watched it and I will now not eat noodles or any kind of pasta until I get that disgusting image out of my head. also: BLERGABLAAHNVGJKFNMCKSLFJCM. <– the sound of me barfing into my trashcan. :S
yeah, best not to eat, period, while watching gross stuff on YouTube, DAS. and i think you’re right – “the grosser, the better” applies to the whole internet. 🙂
also, who says “GRODY” anymore? or who ever said that… only place I’ve heard it is on Dr. Tran.
“grody” was a big word in The Valley of L.A. in the 80s, DAS. for some reason, my brain put in back in my vocab, recently. 😛
Yep… If it’s gross I need to look away the first time, and watch through my fingers the second! So funny!
ha! yep, that’s a good way to watch this stuff, FunnyShaffer.
thats totally not something I’ve done to my roommates. Nope. No sir.
nope. not you, DJ. you’d never do that. 🙂
I don’t watch gross YouTube videos, but I have been known to watch cute or funny stuff and follow the trail wherever it leads… to a point. Maru the Cat is one of my favorite YouTube stars. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Maru+The+Cat+On+YouTube&FORM=VQFRVP I know that just doesn’t compare to a giant back zit, but really I prefer it that way. 😛
after watching all those disgusting vids and reliving them in my mind after visiting these comments, i’d love to watch some cutesy stuff, Shanna! sadly, i’m at work and streaming videos are blocked here. work wants me to wallow in my depravity, apparently. i’ll have to remember and click it later.
Hysterical! I’ve seen that exact expression on your face in the second panel dozens of times. It’s usually after I come out of the bathroom. …anyway, I haven’t seen this comic in a while. Glad to see that it still RAWKS!
hey! welcome back, MC! glad you found the strip still rawking. 🙂
and let’s hope i don’t have a reason to make that face around you for a looooong time!
Tonsil removals are pretty grody. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdhpNzXUfK0
will have to bookmark that link for when i can review it at home, Elaine. 🙂
Here you have my favourite site… 😉
oh no. why do i have a feeling i’m going to go down a rabbit hole and not emerge for days if i click on that link, Michael???
Sry for that… 😉
haha the most common of all reactions to gross videos
yep. even some of my most squeamish friends can’t look away when they see a gross video, MrSnow.
its a good thing i dont trust ppl that dont wanna watch awsm junk makes me think they cause those very things to happen GUILTY I SAY! GUILTY!
woooooo! will there be pizza amid the chaos, KB?
DUH! Pizza goes with chaos like peanut butter goes with jelly. Sorry I couldn’t reply sooner, but the whole SADBOT bit interfered. C’est la vie. I’ll keep in touch.
I don’t tend to watch a lot of disgusting videos if I can help it. I mostly stick to [a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B6xfCCaQVw&feature=g-u-u”]silly[/a] [a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8uXYUy7QE8&feature=g-u-u”]awesome[/a] [a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLtLjlnLt_I&feature=relmfu”]randomness[/a] that often comes from my subscriptions.
And my links fail to work. Perfect.
i was still able to check ’em out, Fijiman – silly and funny is probably a healthier way to go than gross and disgusting, anyway. and that Uncaged: The Way of the Samurai vid was pretty good. 🙂
Okay, that’s pretty bad but far not worst I have seen… so I wasn’t grossed out much. *shrugs*
i couldn’t post a vid that was too gross, Formel – i think i’d get my “PG” rating yanked if i did. 🙂
Unfortunately, I don’t think anything can beat personal experience. 😀
Damn you Jefbot… I actually have to scroll through my ‘bookmarked’ list because of all the web-comics already and you had to add one more…
ALSO: Hello from Australia…
hello from the United States, J_D! and thanks for adding me to your bookmark list – i’m honored! 😀
I… don’t remember this post.
Was I too late to see this before the sadbot screen? (The bot screen of death?)
I can absolutely relate to you. But I stopped YouTube-ing a long time ago.
yeah, this one came out right before the sadbot screen happened, ROM!, so that’s why you missed it.
I try to avoid any video not related to music, good vid games and pop. Cartoons. Slender man.
Damn, that happens in my country? Wonder why I haven’t gotten one, maybe he was over at the rural areas, or a forest area….or something.