As a supplement to today’s JEFbot, I’ve added a new poll which will run until midnight, December 30, 2012. I, myself, loved The Hobbit, which was just released last week, but it seems to have divided a lot of fans. I’m interested to see which side you BOTreaders fall on, so vote away!
Related strips:
• JEFBOT.351_Spoiled Rotten
• JEFBOT.480_An Unexpected Journey
• JEFBOT.481_The Price of Frame
As always, if there’s an option you’d like added to the poll, let me know in the comments and I’ll see what I can do.
So what'd you think of The Hobbit?
- Skipped opening weekend but will see it soon. (37%, 107 Votes)
- Loved it unabashedly and will keep loving it forever, preciousss. (25%, 71 Votes)
- Loved it, but it had problems. (20%, 57 Votes)
- Didn't see it and have no plans to. (11%, 32 Votes)
- Liked it. Nothing more, nothing less. (6%, 18 Votes)
- Meh. It was okay. (1%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 289
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How did you see the Hobbit?
- I saw it as movies are meant to be seen: 24fps, 2D (49%, 73 Votes)
- I spiced it up a lot: 48fps HFR, 3D (21%, 31 Votes)
- I spiced it up a bit: 24fps, 3D (17%, 26 Votes)
- I was King under the Mountain: 48fps HFR, 3D, True IMAX (9%, 14 Votes)
- I went big and fast: 48fps HFR, 3D, Lie-MAX (3%, 5 Votes)
Total Voters: 149
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You should put up a when/if you plan to see it again. ‘Cause I sure do!
woo! i plan to, too, AndyO!
I saw it opening night in 3D and don’t regret it one bit. I agree with a few scenes going on a bit too long or being perhaps unnecessary, but overall it just felt *good* to be back in Middle Earth again. At the very least I think it’s pretty safe to say there won’t be an extended version of the first movie, because it seems like everything made it in there.