Of course, “normal” is entirely relative. For some, normal is actually going out in a superhero outfit and fighting evil like that dude in Seattle. Remember him? For others, normal is watching How I Met Your Mother, which I’m sure is a really good show (I love that Willow from Buffy‘s in it) but I doubt the Cornfather and jefbot will be placated by it indefinitely. No doubt Chubman and Scrawn will reappear when the need arises, and hopefully both will be in fighting shape when that call is sounded. But for now… Cheese puffs (though I prefer Cheetos, for the record) and sitcoms.
Been busy creating new BOTmerch for Valentine’s Day! Details on that and special deals this Wednesday, so keep an eye on the JEFblog.
yep! the Shades of Firsting are yours, TCG! and check you out: these are your 2nd Shades in a row! wear them well – these play whatever sitcom you want on the lenses:
😎 😎
I’m on roll baby!
I think it’s wrong to say that watching How I Met Your Mother is normal. Normal people don’t watch that silly thing.
see, i’m so far removed from sitcom territory, like jefbot, i consider HIMYM normal, TCG! so what’s a normal sitcom these days?
I don’t know honestly. I used to despise Big Bang Theory but now I watch it and think of my circle of friends and it makes sense!
i’ve heard BBT is good, and the couple episodes i’ve watched were pretty funny, but i avoid it cuz i don’t want to be unintentionally influenced by their ideas or humor in JEFbot. 🙂
Well boo on you!
i did see all the Big Bang Theory eps with Wil Wheaton in ’em, tho! (i think.)
NOOO D: I.. I give up. :c Stupid Jason.
I’m a little surprised Bot isn’t gaming.
You are officially an evil man! How dare you laugh at my pain.
NEXT COMIC, I.. D: I don’t even know if I should bother trying.
so close, Nat! the Shades will be yours someday!
Agreed on Bot gaming. That should be the norm.
it should be the norm! (and depending on the type of gaming, it slowly but surely is becoming that way.) but i wanted something more “typically” norm for this particular strip.
I’m sure we all have our own, subjective, take on normal but if this particular show is baseline, I’m out.
in this strip, bot’s trying to figure out what “normal” is, Sarah W! i think he just assumes HIMYM is what “normals” watch. so the baseline is truly imaginary. 🙂
It’s alright to be normal. Definitely an upgrade from being common. 😛
it’s true, Bill Murphy. sometimes normal is awesome. sometimes i pray for normal! but sometimes un-normal is just as great. 😉
HIMYM is good. Dont undestand why people seem to hate it.
a couple of my friends love it, Jf#300, and i like the cast but the title has always turned me off. which is one of the reasons i thought it funny to use in the strip.
Ha! I love it. And I guess that makes me at least semi-normal since I love HIMYM but hate cheese puffs of any kind. Blech!
“Willow” is really good in HIMYM (I think she is just a fabulous actress all around) as is Neil Patrick Harris. He’s one of my personal faves.
yeah, i pretty much love Alyson Hannigan in anything she’s in, Shanna. especially Buffy! and NPH is great in Harold & Kumar and Dr. Horrible (goes without saying.)
Poor guys have lost their touch.
Yay for more botmerch to add to my collection ! I can’t wait to see!
sad but true, dj. quite possible they’ll get their C&S mojo back someday! *fingers crossed*
can’t wait to show you the new merch! almost ready to put on the site. 😀
Well, at least they picked a funny show, although I figured they’d be watching Big Bang Theory, seems more up thier alley.
nice to hear the show’s good and that bot and the Cornfather may be pleasantly surprised, TPC! bot just picked it cuz he assumed it’s normal. possibly mundane. BBT would definitely be more up their alley but less what “normals” watch. (although i know BBT’s ratings are huge, so maybe that’s not the case.)
I imagine that if they were to switch back their powers might come back, though they might not be as potent as before due to the weight gaining/losing.
you’re right, Fijiman, on both points. i’m sure this isn’t the last we’ve seen of Chubman & Scrawn!
Oh I’m sure they’ll pop again eventually, especially if they ever figure out that swapping powers isn’t as simple as changing costumes.(well, in most cases it’s not that simple) Of course I’m also wondering when we’ll see certain characters who we haven’t seen since they disappeared after some, possibly alien caused, events happened. I know we’ll see them eventually, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be curious as to when.
i haven’t forgotten about those characters, Fijiman! all i can say is that they’ll be back soon… 🙂
Meh, I have been trying to watch HIMYM and I just can’t get into it. Person I watch it with loves it so I’m stuck watching it for the time being.
We have a rule in place though, for every two hours of her programs we get to watch an hour of mine. At the moment, what were watching are Aaron Sorkin shows for my turn, but also classic movies like the princess bride and my cousin Vinny.
Actually as of late, due to a cracked rib, all I’m doing is watching Netflix or playing video games, I used to love doing this but I’m starting to get bored.
my friends got me to watch an episode of HIMYM a year or two ago, Satoshieyes – one where one of the friends is shown to have been a 80s pop star in Canada. really funny, but not enough to get me to sit and watch 6-7 seasons of the show to catch up! have they revealed who the mother is yet???
and i’m with ya on Aaron Sorkin shows. tempted to watch The West Wing from start to finish since i saw they had it on Amazon Prime. and the movies you mentioned are awesome, of course.
sending healing vibes your way!
Robin Sparkles! It’s a funny reoccurring joke in the show. It is one of those shows you have to watch a few times to get some of the jokes.
Yea I’m slowly getting into it, but I am not a fan of sitcoms really. Sometimes I just have to sit through them for a while till I like them. That’s what I did with the Big Bang theory
i hear that about BBT – that it grows on you the more you watch.
heh. yeah, Robin Sparkles! singing about going to the mall, if memory serves.
I remember watching the first episode of the west wing, a few years after it was canceled.. After watching four more episodes I ran out and bought all the seasons.
I’ve watched it twice, I’m now watching it on Netflix.
i’ve never watched the last couple seasons, Sato. not a big fan of Jimmy Smits, actually, and was skeptical when Aaron Sorkin was booted. does it hold up?
It really does, still powerful acting and the seasons fit the show. I agree about jimmy, but he is good in it and he is carried well by the rest of the cast.
Actually a lot of people involved in the last few seasons were great. If you saw the episodes with John goodman they are wonderful and Alan Alda was fantastic for the 2-3 seasons he was on.
Jimmy, is less seemingly god like then sheen comes off as in the show. Meaning that he isn’t as all knowledgable but Bradley Whitford actually takes control even more so as Josh and it just comes together very nicely.
thanks for the review, Satoshieyes. if i revisit the show, i’ll definitely catch up on the seasons i missed. good to hear bradley whitford is an even bigger presence later on; he’s one of the best things about WW!
HIMYM is a good show, bot. I just started watching it myself.
good to hear, Striker! some friends of mine insist i’d love it. just can’t commit the time!
That is brilliant. I’ve never watched the show… But I’m so NOT normal. Love the color in the strip this week. Bright!
you just go on being not normal, FunnyShaffer! i think we can all relate to that! 😀
Yes. I always watch that show, even if I have seen all the episodes already. It is hilarious. And Barney, aka Neil, is great, my favourite 😀
another vote for the show! like bot, i may just have to give it a chance someday, DAS. 🙂
Normalcy is overrated.
true. but also underrated, curiously.
Ha! True that!
How I Met Your Mother is a pretty good show, but I prefer Big Bang Theory.
Or Community, which is really good.
i don’t watch many sitcoms but i do watch Community, GG11! LOVE IT. can’t wait for it to return! (though i fear its unique voice will be lost with the firing of Dan Harmon.) 🙁
Their powers are fading away?! Well, that sucks. If I was a super hero that would be my number one fear. Along with dieing, that would suck too.
yes, it seems that “normalcy” is Chubman & Scrawn’s kryptonite, GB! and, yeah: dying would suck.
I wonder i that is actually a kind of thing that a couple of college students would do every once in while
i like to think so, JBJ. 🙂
I think I gotta get some sleep to regain my super powers.