After watching the recent E3 presentations from Microsoft and Sony (for the upcoming XBOX One and Playstation 4, respectively) and the Nintendo Direct broadcast (for its Wii U and 3DS consoles) this week, I wanna know what you BOTpeeps are most excited about! Since I don’t want to influence the results, I’ll give my opinion below the poll. You have three votes, so pick your Top 3!
I went in pretty much hyped on the XBOX One, figuring Microsoft would have something crazy and awesome up its sleeve for E3, but after watching both the Microsoft and Sony presentations, I was fairly sold on Sony’s message for the PS4: that it’s a machine created for traditional gaming and gamers, rather than a big play for your living room filled with crazy restrictions and ownership paradigms never before seen in a home console. I rarely, if ever, loan my games out and don’t trade games in, so Microsoft’s restrictive policies regarding these things shouldn’t bother me, but they do, especially when the XBOX One requires an Internet connection at least once every 24 hours to play (again, this shouldn’t bother me since I always need a connection for JEFbot) and I won’t even get into the (mostly) “always on” Kinect, watching and listening to you, even when the console’s “off.” And then there’s the whole, “PS4’s a hundred dollars cheaper” thing. Now that I’m pinching pennies doing JEFbot as my full-time job, I have to think about these things, and $399 sounds so much better than $499 these days. I don’t even care that the $399 model of the PS4 doesn’t come with a Playstation Eye; I have one for the PS3 and almost never use it, and use the Kinect for the 360 even less. Sony’s support of Indie developers and allowing them to self-publish vs. Microsoft’s seeming neglect (and/or disdain) of them is also big for me, as I had some of my favorite experiences this generation playing Indie games (Fez, Super Meat Boy, Cave Story, Journey, Bastion, LIMBO, etc.) Also, I love me some JRPGs, and I’ll bet more of those will hit the PS4 vs the XBOX One in the future.
Those are some quick thoughts after processing the initial news out of E3. The new consoles aren’t coming out ’til the end of the year so things can change before then and I might come back around on the XBOX One (or XBone as the kids are now calling it) so my mind is still open to change as more info is released. I already have a Wii U and am semi-excited for some upcoming games (mostly Pikmin 3, LoZ: Wind Waker HD and the upcoming JRPG from the Xenogears peoples) which is why I didn’t talk about it much. My most-played console of the moment is the 3DS, though, and I’m way more excited for the upcoming games for that than pretty much anything: Pokémon X&Y, Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros., Dragon Quest VII, Shin Megami Tensei IV and more. I suppose this means the 3DS gets my first vote as far as excitement about upcoming games goes. And with that, here are my votes:
1) 3DS
2) PS4
3) XBOX One
Let me know what you think and kindly back up those thoughts in the comments!
I’m very much in the “wait-and-see” stage. I’m buying none of them at release. I’ve got a nice big backlog of PC games to tide me over, so I’m hardly chomping at the bit for a new game generation. The only thing vaguely intriguing to me so far is the new Monolith game, and that’s only because they’ve got a bit of credit with me from the excellent Xenoblade Chronicles. That’s far from enough to sell me on the WiiU as it stands, though.
I wanted to vote Other three times 🙁
1) PC
2) Board & Card
3) Wii
I am exited foor the PS4 since it seems Sony has learned form the mistakes they made with the PS3 launch. I am propably not going to buy an Xbox one since the dollar price is 499 but they decided to make the price in euros… 499 which means I’d pay 160$ more than the US peeps. and Halo is not worth it. I also like to loan and borrow games from and to friends which is made stupidly complicated by Microsofts ******* ****** moves, whereas Sony made a beautifull tutorial depicting how to exchange games to each other. I am most exited however about the future Steam box and Source2 engine. It would make sense for valve to make Half Life 3 their release/flagship title shwoing off the capabilities of source 2 and at the same time giving me an awesome reason to buy their Steam Box.
My favorite part of the PS4 information was the info that came out afterwards that their cute little video on trading games is only for the 1st part stuff and all outside publishers can impose DRM or restrict used games…just like MS but they did a good job putting on a show to hide the fact they’re doing the same thing, lol.
Microsoft pretty much ostracized its dedicated fan base with the new console. I bought my consoles first to play games, the fact that I can stream YouTube and Netflix is a plus not a requirement. I about cried when the new pokemon stuff came out yesterday it looks so awesome. But DragonAge Inquisition and kingdom hearts III were also announced. I was hoping to not have to buy a new console to play both of those but it looks like I’ll have to. Inquisition doesn’t come out til November 2014 so I don’t have to worry about getting a ps4 right away.
I’m not voting cause I’m skeptical now that things have been announced. I am looking forward to the Dragon Age release, which they said they were waiting for the next gen consoles to be released for. I’m going to be getting it for PC no matter what, so it was more of an annoyance for me that they were purposefully pushing it back.
I’m also skeptical about that release, but that isn’t what this thread is about 😉
I was initially wanting to get the new Xbox because I already have a PS3 but man…everything I’m seeing about Microsoft’s release makes me not want it. Sony hasn’t really announced enough to move my needle either way. I am still leery about the future of 2nd hand games, Sony is continually trying to remove this market while saying that the PS4 is not going to restrict it so I kind of feel like they are talking about of both sides of their mouth.
The future is unclear so right now I’m in the wait and see mode.
I’m about as unexcited about the next gen as I probably could be. Microsoft’s decisions keep making the Xbox one more and more unappealing. If I end up getting any of the next gen consoles it would probably be the PS4, and even then not for quite some time after its launch.
I’m a Nintendo fanboy, so of course the games I’m looking foward to are on the 3DS (Pokemon X and Y), and the Wii U (Mario Kart 8), or on both (Super Smash Bros.). I’ll have to admit though that Sony is a strong opponent for Nintendo. Microsoft on the other hand is about to drive off of a cliff.
I’m excited about a progression toward more open consoles, such as the Ouya. The next crop of non-backward-compatible closed-everything consoles doesn’t interest me at all, and I’m happy enough with my Wii to care less about the Wii U than about something like Ouya.
To me, it seems like Microsoft polled gamers and asked “what is the worst possible thing we could do while making a console” to get a list of things to avoid. Then, someone slipped that list into the production process.
I really wish Sony would just give us the backward compatibility we want, or, in the VERY LEAST, let our playstation store purchases carry over. I’m not crazy about the whole motion gaming and touch pad nonsense, but whatever, I’ll adapt.
My next gen is ps4. Sony have earned my trust in this next gen war. Xbox one would be expensive, and even though i am always connected in the city, my village is another story.
Sorry xbox and sorry MS. Im moving out. Its not you its me. Just because xbox n ms did a 180 on their promise does not mean that they would not want to implement it in the near future. Besides, the cheaper price one gets my vote.
BTW JB, if u have an unused 3ds or ds please send them my way. Currently itching to play fire emblem.
1. Ps4
2. Vita
3. 3ds