Hmm. Is this creature actually offering bot (and friends) shelter and safety or is it luring them all into a deadly trap? Methinks we’ll find out soon.
News & stuff: Unfortunately, I probably won’t be able to post another strip before next week, y’all; between recovering from the Anime Expo this past weekend and now drawing frantically to have some new prints ready for the Monster of Comic-Conventions – the San Diego Comic-Con – next week, I’m fairly overwhelmed at the moment. I’m gonna try to get a comic up on Monday before heading down to San Diego on Tuesday, but that might not happen. Your regularly scheduled JEFbot comics should return after the madness of SDCC passes, though. Pre-thanks for understanding! Okay, back to drawing and prepping.
Awwww friendly monster
it at least appears friendly, flame_fingers!
and, hey! you’ve just gotten back and you’re already claiming another Shades of Firsting! congrats and wear them well – these will help you see in those dark caves, the next time you’re invited in by a strange creature:
Don’t know why but I read all of his lines with Michael Clarke Duncan’s (rip) voice. Something that big has to be friendly 🙂
MCD (rip) would be a great voice, f_f! for some reason, i imagine it w/ an english accent, tho. i guess we’ll just have to wait for the JEFbot cartoon to see. 😉
Awww I finally come back and now you’re leaving? hahaha
Have a great time at the cons bot!
heheh. yeah, i’ll be gone for a bit, but i’ll keep y’all posted on all the SDCC happenings while i’m there! 😀
o/` Little rabbit, come inside, safely to abide… o/`
*rubs stomach*
heh. scary, Skreyola.
Dang flame Fingers! i just got the email now that Bot updated. Rawr but props. still i love how JB wanted to defend his buds even though he would of got glomped maybe lol
f_f is crazy quick on-the-draw, midnightarcher5!
and, yeah – it would seem bot would go pretty far to save his buddies. as for just how far, remains to be seen.
Thanks archer! Got lucky this time 😛
come on Jefbot, he’s wearing the good guy colors!
true that, theBean! whether bot has put that whole color thing together or not is unknown just yet.
Love the line action in the second panel. Could almost feel the movement.
thanks, Relique77! i love drawing action panels so i’m happy you could feel this one!
Strange creature. I wonder why it’s helping them? (Then again, it IS glowing white like Mu, not red like the others.)
SDCC is a total nuthouse, both inside AND outside. That’s why I hardly ever go, despite my close proximity to it.
its intentions will be revealed soon, Insectoid! stay tuned.
and re: SDCC – TRUE! i got here last night (tuesday) to start setting up and it was already fairly crazy. i’m exhausted already and the con hasn’t even started! 😛
An enemy of my enemy is my friend maybe?
maybe, DJ. hopefully!
Take the invitation, but keep holding that sword Jefbot. I know it does look friendly, and it has all the signs of being friendly, but who but the writer knows what’s planned for you?
good advice, GB – you can never be too careful when meeting mysterious creatures in the hollywood hills.
He’s friendly. He has two eyes after all. All the bad guys so far have only had one.
let’s hope that reasoning plays out, Bunk! seems logical to me.
Somehow, you’ve drawn this creature so that its expression of amusement is clearly visible, even though we can’t see its face.
That takes a lot of skill. 🙂
awww, thanks, Sarah W! i’ve found there’s always a bit of alchemy in writing and drawing, so hearing that emotion played through the panel makes me happy. 😀
As long as jefboy doesnt mess anything up or anger the rabbit, I think he will be fine.
Theory/Guess: Mu knows the rabbit as an enemy, and as soon as he wakes up and sees it, he starts a fight.
ooh, a fight between Mu and this new creature would be pretty epic, DAS! we’ll see.
… OK, so much for Jefbot keeping his cool. Now you have two options: Run away in panic or cautiously enter.
heheh. yeah, jefbot does seem to have a problem with keeping his cool in these situations, Maryz. i have a feeling there’s gonna be some element of danger no matter what he decides here.
That’s one hell of a big rabbit.
yup. it’s a big ‘un, Fijiman!
Yay! You’re back! Did you have fun with whatever’s kept you away and do you have pictures?
yup, yup! just put up a blog post about it, here!
@flame_fingers: I read all of his lines with sean connery (draco) voice. Any way, i must say BOT shows some great courage facing what he thought was a huge powerful enemy. You go BOT ! Love the fluffy tail, must be an enhanced bunny. Oh, this must be the “barney” from Star ocean 2 (Geek Gamer Points if you get the reference).
lol that actually works too
He’s gonna seduce the bot in his cozy cave hahaha
ha! let the slashfic begin, f_f!
kidding. KIDDING!!!
the Sean Connery/Draco voice would fit pretty well methinks, Graypatch! and glad you like the fluffy tail – i thought it would be a interesting contrast to this character’s otherwise gruff (and battleworn) appearance. 🙂
a. (Hook, line, and…)
b. (Misunderstood by Reader)
c. (Is actually lonely, will eat you later though.)
And a backstory too!
it definitely has a backstory which we’ll explore soon, ROM! and yes, let’s hope this isn’t some sort of trap.
Wooden sword V.s. 800 pound abomination. Place yer bets.
heh. yes. methinks this will go badly for bot if it comes to a fight, Anime fan.
I think he’s got nothing to lose by accepting the invitation. If that thing had intended to harm them, that sword wouldn’t slow him down much.
unless getting bot to drop his guard is part of the rabbit’s plan, Karen! heheh. but i think you’re right – if it wanted to harm bot, it could’ve gotten him from behind before bot knew of its presence.
and here i was hoping for a jefbot update on my birthday! oh well, but every time you do update it feels like it is my birthday again! so yea, and cool stuff (>^-^)> (#) chocolate chip cookie
sorry about that, Val! SOOOO busy at the San Diego Comic-Con right now, but i’m sending BIG BIRTHDAY WISHES your way!!! WOOHOOOOO!!! eat lots of cake (or chocolate chip cookies!) and make awesome wishes. 😀
Man, I hate saying this but with the erratic update times and slow developments I’m starting to lose interest in the story. Which I hate because it seems like this can be one hell of a great arc. My problem is just that I’m impatient.
I’ve been reading close to when this comic first went online, so I’ve had these feelings come back every time the schedule was all over the place 😐
awww, i hope you can wait a bit longer, DJ Llama, as this storyline’s just gonna get bigger and better! and sorry about the erratic schedule – now that i’m doing JEFbot full-time, a big chunk of my income comes from comic conventions so i have to give them 100% of my attention whenever one comes up so i can continue doing the strip (and continue paying rent!) things will get back on track once this current convention’s over so hope you can stick around ’til then.
I’ll be here.
awesome. 🙂
He’s kinda scary but seems to be an okay guy. The question is, is this creature being helpful for Bot’s sake, or is there something it wants in return for it’s generosity? You know me, devil’s advocate.
sometimes being devil’s advocate is the smartest way to go, KB. being too trusting can be a liability, especially where giant, mutant rabbits are concerned.
I could have sworn that I commented on this strip, but apparently I just hallucinated it. 😉
Awwww… Look at his cute little (big?) mutant bunny tail. Nice of him to offer shelter to Bot and the hamsters. Looks like he’s a good guy after all.
i hallucinate all the time, Shanna; thinking i’ve done something when i haven’t! heheh. glad you like its fluffy tail, and let’s hope it’s a good guy, for bot/mu/yu’s sake!