So this week’s JEFBOT came out of a conversation I had with my brother-in-law, Mike. We’ve seen the trailer for upcoming movie Iron Man now multiple times and he was pondering how his dad would react to it, knowing that the man doesn’t know or care about the comic hero. The above JEFBOT was my suggestion on how best to explain the character.
I’m pretty psyched for Iron Man, actually. Not because I love the character, (although I have warmed to him since becoming a fan of the New Avengers comic and to a lesser extent, the Civil War series), and not because of the promising trailer, but because I trust the director, Jon Favreau. So far, I’ve enjoyed every feature he’s directed including Made (cool, funny, crime flick), Elf (my favorite modern Christmas movie) and even Zathura (an underrated, fun, family movie) . He’s also had some great turns as writer (Swingers, of course) and actor. Basically, he’s earned my trust and I think it’s going to be a cool superhero movie and maybe the start of a fun franchise. Tony Stark’s a pretty complicated character and I feel confident Mr. Favreau will do him justice.
Jefbot-this ROCKS, man!!! I love it. This is so fantastic! The little piece of IRON biting Tony Stark is both hysterical and endearing. I can’t wait to see the movie…I wonder who plays the little piece of IRON in the flick, though? Anyway, great work as always, bro. You’re my favorite webcomic artist on the whole world wide web.
I think I auditioned for that piece of iron. Bastards never called me back.
Very funny, sir!
Love it! The art is fantastic (as usual) and the humor is true Jefbot. This time I’m glad there was an explanation. I’m as clueless as Michael – that loveable character. 🙂
I don’t know about the movie but the graphics kick ass!
michael is in every strip! the comic strip as usual is very very funny. it makes me want to bite michael.
Now I can’t wait to see the movie!! Great artwork and funny!!
mc, thanks! glad you liked the little piece of iron – i’m thinking of giving him his own spinoff webcomic.
john, sorry to hear that. maybe at the audition you were a little rusty? heheh.
anonymous, was afraid the humor was a little too “true.” thankfully, it seems some of you think its funny, too.
fig, true dat. so far, things are lookin’ good.
anonymous, hopefully you aren’t a vampire or zombie.
mary, sweet! maybe i should be getting advertising dollars from Paramount.
Good old Mike, always searching for the truth… So funny! Jeff I’ll never get tired of your outstanding artwork! rock on!!!!!
I am your vampire father jeff…
funnyshaffer, HE CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! *groan* sorry, it just came out.
anonymous, funny, you sound more like my vampire sister…
janet, likes the cornfather better than you. he is the golden child!
The radioactive metal. Hysterical. does it have backstory? Did it scream “Raisin Tart” in Stark’s sleep?
you are the enemy of truth!!!
I too heart Jon Favreau. Sweet tubby man, and makes really good films.
I love the abrupt nerdness to it.
Five <3<3<3<3<3’s.
I did LOVE the film, but if there’s a T-shirt I’d save up to buy, (and I’m atrociously poor) it’d be panel 2. In its entirety. ^w^