This strip is not meant to suggest that I don’t love my newly purchased iPhone. On the contrary, I love it so enthusiastically, I would place it on the pillow next to mine and spoon it at night if I didn’t fear its cancer-causing electromagnetic radiation irradiating my brain while I slept. It’s just that, like the Wii and other hard-to-get electronics before it, once the weeks of planning and waiting have paid off and I obtain the thing, its allure drops off dramatically.
not to mention you can only run proprietary programs signed by apple on it. as I see it that makes it lose the point of it.
Congrats and welcome to the club!!! Love the look of the strip this week.
As for the iPhone, like any cool “toy” it has it’s ups and downs… But all and all
it’s awesome that all of your music, contacts, pictures, videos, calendars, maps, favorite websites, visual voicemail, camera, etc……….. Is right at the palm of your hand!!! So what if it only works 1/2 the time! Excellent job Jefbot, very touchysexycool!!!!
it really is awesome. so does this club you speak of have secret handshakes, decoder rings or monthly meetings? do we at least trade apps?
Love the strip! Aside from the fitting format, your cool iphone, etc. you totally understand the nature of collecting. The fun is in the pursuit… like my unicorns, mini ceramic mice, silver, gold… 🙂
Ha, nice! Yeah I agree…it’s the anticipation. Once you got it, then what?
P.S. The Cabbage Patch in the second panel is HI-friggin-larious
Really fun strip, bot. It makes me smile every time I look at it. It’s amazing. Oh and by “amazing,” I mean it’s amazing it’s taken you this long to get an iPHONE. Your Japanese genes must be getting weaker. 😉
but now that i (finally) have this new piece of tech, my japanese genes have been quelled, and all is well in the world again.
Well I’m preparing to experience euphoria then since AT&T told me I’m not eligilble for an upgrade and have to pay an extra $200 to get the phone plus an upgrade fee!!! I guess I’ll be “wanting” until at least May 12th, 2009…when AT&T said they might avail the discounted price to me. 🙁 Hmmm. I do suddenly feel better. Interesting.
So funny!!! and so true!!!!
Lol!! Great comic Jeff.
I don’t even wanna see it for reals. The dance makes the iphone looks like too much fun.
The radiation will only give you super powers, amiright?
you are absolutely right, jeremy. in fact, when i wrote “electromagnetic radiation” i meant “gamma rays.”
So, should I not worship my Wii Fit as much as I do? ’cause I’m still solidly addicted after 24 days. (And I kinda still love my year-old iPhone too… even though the upgrade to 2.0 was the worst idea ever! Luckily, the bug-fix was only a few weeks away… but damn those few weeks.)
An irradiated brain makes one less susceptible to false information and errors. Downsides: you’re likely to be temporarily stupider. May cause irreversible insanity. Not recommended for people over 15.
This goes for potential mates also.
Although, according to my physics teacher, you’re more likely to get cancer off a lightbulb than a phone….
Hmm… I have an old Nokia that enables you to call people, send text and set reminders. That’s all I want from a phone, for all the rest, I have a notebook. Seriously, I don’t get all the hype about these smartphones.
i learn this every christmas.