A couple strips back I promised I wouldn’t have Xinda, “punching, kicking, spraying, poking, stomping or stabbing anything or anyone,” for a while. Well, doing what she does in this strip doesn’t count as any of those things, so I figured it was fair game. Besides, I felt this was a cautionary tale that needed to be told. You might think that puking into someone else’s napkin and then putting it back (even accidentally) would be something that everybody knows instinctively not to do. You’d be wrong. Welcome to the Schuetze Family Thanksgiving Dinner of 2007.
You had to be there.. or maybe lucky that you weren’t. 🙂
yes, i think it’s better that the readers weren’t there! from the look of these comments, seeing it in comic form is bad enough!!!
If I didn’t have a steel stomach, i think I may have hurled at that. Loved the depth of field with the turkey – and the gravy boat is a really nice touch. As always, sir, well played.
thanks, eleventeen. glad there was no hurling.
Oh wow. This is pure gold. (And quite gross all at the same time. Good times.
heh. thanks, Spanky. “pure gold” and “quite gross” – it’s not every day that both of those terms are used to describe the same strip. i’ll take it!
oh my gosh… no way did that really happen…
Ew. Ew. Ew.
*Read this while eating dinner*
sorry about that, Tomix. i probably should have put a disclaimer telling readers “Do Not Read While Eating!” and unfortunately, yes, it did happen.
there were no promises about “vomit” being off limits!
Oh goodness. I laughed so hard.
This made my day.
What a horrific experience.
horrific indeed, wraith. imagine how my brother-in-law, ted, feels.
On the last panel that guys mouth looks like something gross!
well, if you define someone else’s vomit on your own mouth as “gross” then yeah, you’ve got a point, seth6.
haha now THAT is funny!
heheh. figures you’d like this one, jhorsley3. 🙂
I.. oh. oh my no. oh god…. BLLEEAAUUUGH!!!!
also, your sister seem awfully thrilled that you posted this. classic brother move! but watch your back in the next few weeks…
i love that in your comment you threw up, but still thought it was funny, CitizenJed. heheh. and as you can guess, around linda, i’m always watching my back!
I just threw up my entire Thanksgiving dinner from yesterday…. Somehow, I think that’s a compliment to your strip, bot. Wait, I have to go and throw up again…..
throwing up once is quite a compliment, Michael, but throwing up twice!? – that’s just humbling.
Oh my god! That’s horrible! I hope your sister is feeling better. I hope everyone is. 😛
i don’t think we’ll ever feel better, shan. ever.
THAT IS DISGUSTING!!! GROSS, FOWL, and JUST NASTY!!! Very nicely captured Jefbot. I felt the chunks well up in my own throat!
ooOOoh! chunks, even!!!
The most disgustingly brilliant strip yet. It will haunt me forever.
ha! “disgustingly brilliant” – i may have to use that on the cover of the JEFbot book. thanks, PTG!
mann, that is SICK!
Thanks, now i cant finish my stick of bueno chocolate =_=.
again, yeah, sorry, Jazzy K. i guess i need another disclaimer: “Do Not Read While Eating Bueno Chocolate.”
i admit this strip does deserve all those w’s, Mr Mojo.
Ewww, that looks absolutely GROSS, yet really cool. I hope everyone’s all better and isn’t throwing up anymore. The orange stuff on that dude’s face looks like it’s ALIVE!, or at least bubbling.
Since your sister sounds absolutely THRILLED that you posted this, I suggest you become a diglet hobo and avoid your town like the plague until Christmas Eve.
this actually happened last year, hanakitsunechan7, so we were all on our toes this thanksgiving. also, i like your suggestion, but i might actually have to become a dugtrio, so i can watch my back!
This year I kept hold of my napkin throughout dinner. Great strip, but in real life it was not funny. Nice how you can look back on it and laugh. I’m sure Ted still can’t . Poor Ted. Too bad I couldn’t keep hold of my Pom. Martini. “Someone” had their lips on it.
Ew, that’s gross x_x
darn….but wouldnt spoil my dinner though…i just keep on eating
Her facial expression on the 2nd panel is truely PRICELESS!! Very nicely done…
you should have known not to serve Rabbit for T Day….
… I bet this will still haunt you… reading through archives and this will stick with me forever. Now I have to show this to my wife!
Oh barf! Literally! I would go on one of my trademark rampages if I were her. Still, I have to admit this is hilarious!
Oh my goodness.
This is the first (and hopefully only) time in my life that I’ve laughed so hard while simultaneously suppressing vomit. Truly hilariously disgusting.