I’m not saying the movies that have come out during this award season haven’t been good, I’m just saying I’ve needed to psyche myself up before seeing some of these heavy films, then needed to pop some antidepressants after leaving the theater.
Oh, and just for kicks, check out how much the art style of jefbot and the Cornfather have evolved since the beginning, by comparing the last panel of today’s strip and this strip from August 2007. I must have had something against drawing shoulders back then.
When faced with choices – you can’t go wrong with 3D.
About the other strip; what your characters lacked in shoulders, you made up for in neck. =P Thanks for that Superbad memory!
you ain’t kidding about the neck thing, Milas – the girl sitting next to jefbot could be a kaminoan cloner from episode ii.
SooOoOo true about all of the nominated films and their depression factor. (With the exception of say The Dark Knight, and maybe a couple others.)
I’d have to say right now the new movies of the first couple of months of the new year, those are just “filler” movies which will be forgotten when the next awards season comes along.
But anyway, getting to the strip now: Love all of the 3D glasses in the background of the last panel, that gives it some nice depth perception. Love how you fit so much dialogue into 2 panels, and love Cornfather’s satisfied expression in the last panel as well. Good times!
thanks, Spanky! glad you liked the background of the last panel – that image you always see of a theater filled with people with 3d glasses on is always funny so i wanted to recreate the look of that. and i agree about the “filler” movies playing right now – (box office champion) Paul Blart : Mall Cop, anyone?
Y’know, I have to agree. I really haven’t been compelled to see any of the nominees and will likely wait for the DVD’s.
It’s funny… I had a discussion with the boys in my after school class I teach about how “Friday the 13th”, “My Bloody Valentine”, and “Halloween” were all remakes of movies that came out originally when I was THEIR ages. I guess they ARE supernatural: they won’t rest and keep coming back!
seriously! not to mention other remakes like, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Amityville Horror and Dawn of the Dead. who says hollywood’s out of ideas?
Yeah, I’m with the Cornfather. no desire in me to pay that much money just to sit and watch a marraige fall apart for two hrs. it’s not like i’ve never seen the ‘angst and pain and secrets hidden behind the facade of suburban America’ theme before. i think though, that Drama just largely isn’t my thing, with a fem noteaable exceptions. it’s a genre that seems to exist solely for itself. if that makes any sense. but i guess every genre’s got that stigma somewhere.
sigh… now when i wear my My Bloody Valentine shirt I’ll have to point out to people “no, it’s for the band, not the movie. the band? rock band from England? Late 80’s early ’90s? took their name from the original movie? helped create and define the shoegazer movement? no? ok…” =D
really cool to look back and see how your art has evolved. who knows what Jefbot and The Cornfather will look like in 2011…
thanks, Jed. i do like a well written, well acted drama, but i can dig a great popcorn movie just as much! and that’s hilarious about the confusion over your My Bloody Valentine shirt. kids these days! heheh. and yeah, not sure how my artwork will evolve. maybe by 2011 i’ll be into my cubist period. 😉
MY BLOODY VALENTINE was high-larious and it instantly cheered me up. I’m in agreeement with the C’Father. Another stellar strip!
muchas gracias, g! so you’re saying My Bloody Valentine is the feel good movie of the season? 😉
wow, that art quality has improved a TON since that other strip.
And My Bloody Valentine 3D looks really good, I need to go see it. Only problem? My wife wont see anything with blood in it…
just don’t tell your wife My Bloody Valentine is a horror film, JH3. tell her it’s a valentine’s day film from england!
Revolutionary Road is pure raw emotion. I completely agree with needing to psyche yourself up. On the plus side, it makes me feel really good about my marriage.
Nice blur on the people behind you in the theater.
i actually really want to see RR, eleventeen. i think it was on fanboy radio that it was described as the story of what would’ve happened if jack had never died on the titanic, and he and rose and gotten married instead, which i think is hilarious.
Hysterical!!! Love it!!
thanks, Mary! 😀
I would have loved to have seen “my bloody valentine” with you & cornboy.
cornboy saw it, but i didn’t. i was actually too busy working on this strip to go!
My Bloody Valentine WINS!!! How could you not love Jensen Ackles and lots o’ gore?
heheh. very true, Amber. i really might have to skip a nominated film and check MBV out!
This one made me lol in real life.
yes! glad you dug it, Vee!
Hmm, I think I’m with the Cornfather, I’d rather see something on the mind numbing side when at the theater. They make you pay enough for your movie experience, that baby better eat lightning and crap thunder! I save the stuff that could make me cry for the comfort and privacy of my home.
As for previous comic, it’s got it’s charms, I don’t see it as being any better or worse; stylized toons/humans are always fun to draw and view. Your new comics just have a different life of their own!
i agree Foxmouse – it’s ridiculous how expensive it is to see a movie nowadays! and thanks for the comments on my old style. i always love looking at early comic collections of strips like Peanuts and Garfield, to see just how much the design of the characters and art style changed over the course of the strip. and like you said, those changes aren’t any worse or better for the most part, just different.
I realize that I’m going to stand out like a sore thumb, but I would dearly *LOVE* to see Coraline. But movie theater etiquette (turning off cell-phones, not talking/[insert gross, noisy bodily function here] while the movie is playing, etc.) is non-existent these days so I’m going to wait for the DVD.
i’m TOTALLY gonna see Coraline, reynard61! and hopefully, in 3D!!! do you have an arclight near you? yeah, you have to pay a couple bucks extra, but there are generally no kids, they check on the picture and sound throughout the movie, and they don’t play ads before the film. plus, in some theaters, you can order drinks!!!
FWIW, Milk ends about like you would expect, but the movie has plenty of levity throughout. I don’t watch dark and depressing movies most of the time, and I wouldn’t put Milk in that category.
good to know, Anna. thanks for the comment! Milk is definitely on my must see list. maybe not the Cornfather’s, though. 😉
hahaha, good choice and great punchline. Hmmm… I haven’t see a 3D movie for awhile… 😉
thanks, alecho! i think the last 3D film i saw was Bolt, which was pretty good, although i kind of forgot about the 3D after a while.
i love the ocassional heavy thinking type of movie but give me blood and gore and i’ll be settled for the night.
i’m the same way, JF#300. it really just depends on what mood i’m in.
Haha, I only ever see Oscar season style stuff in the afternoon, I can’t watch downers that may be long at night, I end up not being able to sleep.
Hence after the Wrestler, we had time to watch Wolverine vs. the Hulk before bed. Different vibe 🙂
i’m kind of the same way, Kevin I, in that the mood and atmosphere of a film can really affect me long after the lights have come up in the theater. that’s awesome you can counter your sleeplessness by watching something more lighthearted!
Haha this was funny Coraline looks good though 🙂
it does. i can’t wait to see it, Nat!!!!
Ha! Really funny, bot! Very witty. I love the third panel. And for the record, I have to say that so far “My Bloody Valentine” is the funniest movie of 2009.
wow, after reading some of these comments, sounds like MBV is a real knee slapper. who knew?
Being that I’m a real SCARDY cat and I stay like 10,000 miles away from anything horror I do got to admit that if anyone invited me to any of the other movies that Jef and Michael were considering I would have also go seen the Bloody Valentine movie. I had a friend that went to see Revolutionary Road and Doubt and he said he fell asleep in both! And we’re talking that he’s one of these people that really dig into “interesting” story movies!
On other notes, I’m glad you and Michael are back in good therms, Jef.
ha! would love to see your reactions to a really, really scary movie, Sonitan! i don’t think i’ve ever completely fallen asleep in a movie theater. i’ve nodded off a couple times, but the movie would have to be really boring or bad for me to do that since movies are too expensive for me to spend the time sleeping! heheh. and yeah, looks like jefbot and the Cornfather are back on good terms.
I love the transition from second to third panel…very funny! I also love the 3d glass in the background of the other movie goers.
yeah, that abrupt shift between the 2nd and 3rd panel is funny to me. glad you liked it!
I haven’t seen any previews for My Bloody Valentine…then again I really don’t watch TV that often either. Besides, if what other people are saying is true I wouldn’t wanna see the Bloody Valentine thing. Me likes comedies mostest.
Great strip Bot. I think even I’d agree to watch horror over Doubt or Revolutionary Road or Milk
thanks, Eptha! i’ve only seen a couple commercials for MBV, but it looks hilariously bad. which just happens to be one of my favorite genres. 🙂
jefbot. & cornboy will you be MBV’s this year…?
Outstanding! And so true!!! I love The Cornfathers face in the last frame!!! Excellent color too!!! Rock on!
3d is back and totally awesome. Jefbot and the Cornfather look totally cool with their 3d glasses on, as well as the rest of the theater audience.
I saw Milk. The ending was a tearjerker, I’ll say.
What I said about 3/4th of the way through Milk was “There sure is a lot of kissing in this movie.” This has come back to haunt me again and again and again. Anytime somebody kisses somebody in a movie/show one of my friends says that line. rrrrrr…