It’s true that my sister Linda always seems to want to buy family members animals for their birthdays, myself included. Fortunately, the only pet I’ve received from her was a pet cockatiel, Bilbo, who was totally awesome. I’ve been lucky in that I’ve managed to dodge the ferret she’s been wanting to get me for years.
It’s also true that my mom’s celebrating her birthday this week! so help me wish Mombot a “Happy Birthday!”
I almost want to know what she means by that… do I want to know? great job! keep em coming!
thanks, Nimrod! and no, you don’t want to know, believe me. 😉
Oh my. I can just see Jefbots bottom lid twitching in the second panel. I would definitely get over my fear of driving as quickly as Jefbot did, especially when it comes down to being threatened like that.
I won’t be around for a week come Sunday, as I’ll be in Florida on a family vacatioin so I’m gonna miss out on the strip. 🙁 (Guess I’m trying to say, that I’m going to need a fix/I can’t quit you.. or something along those lines. :-P) Yet another great strip!
P.S. Here’s to wishing Mombot a very Happy Birthday! 😉
awww, thanks Spanky. i’ll miss your comments for sure while you’re away, but have a fun vacation! 🙂
“Because it’s DULL, you twit. It’ll hurt more.”
The realization in jefbot’s eyes in the third panel is fantastic. Nice work, and happy 39th birthday Mombot! 😉
that reference was definitely on my mind, eleventeen! as much as i wanted Xinda to say she would cut jefbot’s heart out with a spoon, it’s doubtful her character would know that quote, so i had to leave it out.
Heck. I would be more afraid of Xinda than driving as well… but she can’t get into my house so I’m safe (I decided to use the electric fild I used for my collections around the house and the rabid trained pirahnas as well!). oh, I fear for poor mombot!
“But she has a dog.”
“Not like the ones I have in mind.”
*hides under the computer desk in uter fear*
But I gotta admit that treatening younger siblings with stabbing with a dull object is always a winner.
*goes in search of little sister to try it*
*evil laugh*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOMBOT from Puerto Rico! HAVE A BLAST, MOMBOT! You deserve it!
i think that’s a smart move of you to move the fences and piranhas to outside your house, Sonitan, although even that might not be enough to protect you from Xinda. and note that officially, neither the strip or myself condone the threatening of siblings. unofficially though, we think it’s hilarious and suggest you send us the details of how it goes. 😉
Happy B-Day to Mombot!
thanks, man! i know mombot appreciates all these birthday wishes. 🙂
Hahahahaha!!! You draw your fear of Xinda so well, bot. Hahahahahaha. I love this one: I love the dialogue, the detail in the characters, and the fact that you gave a shout out for Mombot’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Mombot!! Great work, bot. Really great work. You truly are the Picasso of the world wide web!
thanks, man! by now i’ve had a lot of experience drawing jefbot’s fear of Xinda.
Ever since my brothers got taller than me I have lost the ability to scare them. Maybe I will threaten them with something dull…..
heheh. try a spoon, Rachel. results not guaranteed. 😉
ME TOO!!! I understand… I love the fear in your face!!! …I’ve felt that feeling too!
thanks, Funnyshaffer!
It’s so funny!!!
heh. glad you liked it, JP!
I think I’d be more afraid of Xinda DRIVING then being stabbed with something dull… Unless a car counts as something dull; does it? Stabbed with a car! Well, they don’t call it blunt force trauma for nothing.
Many happy returns of the day, Mombot! <3
although she’s been sticking to an mph closer to the speed limit in recent years, my sister Linda used to be Hell On Wheels, Foxmouse! it was definitely an experience to ride along in a car with her, and a scary one at that.
That sounds about right.
yes, unfortunately, the punchline really is mostly true, Shan. 🙂
Love the strip,too! Thanks to all for happy birthday wishes! Thanks to all of you who take the time to comment on Jefbot’s adventures. 🙂
yeah, so cool of the readers here to wish you a happy birthday. people on my twitter feed have been doing the same!
XD I’m totally a fangirl now. I love this strip. XD
i love hearing that, DaughterJudy! thanks for reading and supporting the strip! 😀
Happy Birthday, Mombot! <3
woo-hoo! thanks, reynard61!
I just read through the archives. Great stuff!
But don’t let Xinda give you that ferret. The state of California does horrible things to ferrets for outdated and indefensable reasons.
thanks for taking the time to read through the archives, Andara! and i think i’m safe for now, but the idea of getting me a ferret for my bday pops up in Linda’s head from time to time, so i really never know. 🙂
Happy Birdday, Mombot… er, BIRTHday, I mean 😉
heheh. let’s hope there are no more “birddays” for a while, Stan!
those who are not afraid of linda are either brave or stupid. drive jeffbot! drive!
Happy b’day to you.
Happy b’day to you.
Happy b’day to M0mb0t.
Happy b’day to youuuuuu…
As in my ethnic says:
gayu guru gerai nyamai.
lantang senang nguan menua.
selamat ari pengada.
so true, JF3! fear xinda or die. and thanks for the birthday wishes to my mom in both languages! btw, what language is that?
Happy Birthday Mombot!
Great strip Bot! I can totally sympathize with being more afraid of your sister than some horribly painful death.
sorry you can relate, Eptha! heheh.
you are such a girl. 😉
another great strip! love the “fear of xinda” final frame the most!
girls rock.
As well you should! She’s terrifying. Great job!
thanks, dude! terrifying indeed, sometimes. 🙂
Happy Birthday MomBot!
as to what language that i’m saying try wikipediaing iban. lol
lol…vodka is not ur friend? i thought u had another bottle lying around after the cornfatherbutterfiasco…lol
OMG! j-bro whose birthday is coming up and guess what idea has popped up in my mind again???? who wants to drive to las vegas? a. drink b. gamble c. catch a show d. buy a ferret e. drive home. viva las vegas!