I gotta admit, I’m a sucker for deals, especially when it comes to video games. I check Amazon and CAG frequently and, in fact, have Dark Sector ($8.99) and Condemned 2 ($12.99) in a virtual shopping cart at the moment, just waiting to be bought. Do I really have the time or desire to play those particular games right now? Doesn’t matter since sadly, at those prices I just can’t say no. Proceeding to checkout.
Dark sector is actually not a bad game. It was just really overlooked. If recommend that you buy (and play) it.
It is one of the few game that I actually finished
happy to hear you liked it Bronzdragon, i’ll totally check it out. and at that price ($8.99!) what do i have to lose? 🙂
I’m giggling, because the 2 of them are STILL all covered in paint. I am the same way as Jefbot is. I have a bunch of games at home here that are collecting dust, and it seems that whenever I find a good game on sale– I just *have* to have it! Just for the record, those 2 would make an uber cute couple! I’m still waiting on Abraxas, and what he’s going to do. And how many games does Jefbot have in his arms? I count… maaayyyyybeee.. 7-8? ( Thanks for noticing and commenting on the new avatar btw, Jeff.) 😛
glad that paint’s still making you giggle, Spanky, cuz it’s a pain to have to draw it on them in every panel! i can’t wait for jefbot to take a shower and put on some clean clothes!!! 😉 and as for abraxas, he’s just snooping around, taking his own tour of the arcade and will be back in Friday’s strip.
Oooo he got suckered! Man she’s totally in control lol…
isn’t that usually the case with the ladies, speearr? 😉
I do the same thing…I have SO many 360 games that I have yet to play. Best Buy was having a $10 game sale last Sunday…I spent like $60. Have I played ANY of those games? NO.
man, i totally missed that sale, j! meant to go and pick up Too Human and Pure but forgot. probably for the best.
is she a vampire?
a vampire of love. 😉
I’m not sure which is harder to resist… a section devoted to vintage and new games that you might not have… 30 % off or the hot girl… So looks like Jefbot is falling in love… But with whom… or what?
with so many awesome distractions i don’t think even jefbot knows the answer, funnyshaffer. 😉
hot damn……second panel is hottest look ever….
see those steamy eyes……@@……..jeffbot better switch places with me now.
jeffbot…i got ur BOTton today…the mail just came……w00t…..will post a pic somewhere so that u can see it.
i’m happy her sultry eyes got to ya, JF3! and relieved to hear you got your BOTton – that little guy travelled a long way to get to you! heheh. i’d love to see a pic.
totally understand the problem with too many games to play but little time to play…made me wish the world run on 48 hours…still got a bunch of rpgs on PS2 and FPS on PC and a bunch of 360 games yet to be touched.
the rpgs are the worst, since they take the longest to play. Final Fantasy XII and Persona 3 & 4 are staring at me as i type this. 🙁
I’m digging this storyline, Jeff!
And our guest strip is done! Looky-look in your mailbox!
thanks, Kevin! and re: the guest strip – I love it! you and Stan did a great job. can’t wait to show it to everyone! 😀
but then again 2nd panel looks like she has too much smoky eyes….ah helll……she is hot ….thats all that matters….keep up the good work….now that the BOTton has arrived i may start to order the shirt….lolz
i’m still trying to find that magic balance of perfectly smoky eyes, JF3! and i’m going to be releasing new BOTtons in the botSHOP this month so you might want to add another one or two to your collection when they get released!!!
Awesome Jefbot. I suffer from that predicament as well. Not just with video games, but books and stuffed animals too. XD It kinda sucks being an impulse buyer but you get all sorts of great stuff.
yeah, i’ve tried to curb my impulse-buying habits, DaughterJudy, and now have it narrowed down to just a few (okay, several) things, but there was a time when i was addicted to ebay, and still have the boxes of (awesome!) stuff to show for it.
let’s play two player, head to head electronic football together.
and no, that wasn’t a euphemism for something else.
heheh. actually, i still have that old, Mattel Electronics football game (i used to keep it in the bathroom), g. my favorite was the handheld soccer, since it had a few more options.
Awkward moment after the purchase… ask for her phone # or Gamertag? Asking for her ‘friend code’ so you can enjoy the Wii together would be a little too much, right?
funny how prescient your comment is, eleventeen. gamertags come up in the next strip…
That Dark Sector deal insanely tempting but I’m trying to curb my compulsive spending on electronics… this is hard 🙁
tell me about it, Anonymous. i ended up not buying it since the postage was more than the game, which more than doubled the price! deal off.
Ah, fluttering lashes and discount electronics, the oldest trick in the book.
I suppose I’m one of the lucky nerds that doesn’t have the desire to buy tons of games when they’re on sale. I make up for it though by playing for so long my thumbs lock up. No rest for the wicked!
now if we could just merge our situations we’d have a ton of games with all the time we need to play them, Foxmouse!
There’s new games to be played all the time. She sold him good! Lol
seriously, Nate – there used to be some downtime where you could catch up on games after Christmas and during the summer months. now, games are coming out all the time and it’s impossible to catch up! especially with a day job.
This could be the beginning of a beautiful…and profitable (for her, at least)…friendship.
P.S. I’m like that with model airplanes — can’t leave the hobby store without getting *something!*
i totally dig the RC planes and cars, reynard61 – just can’t pick up another hobby at this point. and my hope is that the relationship between jefbot and the new girl will be beneficial to both. 🙂
You’re any Game/Comic/Nerd stuff/Computer Store’s dream. I’m surprised Jefbot doesn’t get a personal invitation to sales and grand openings.
that’d be nice. free review copies of games, movies and comics would be acceptable, too. 🙂
Jefbot, keeping the economy running…one copy of Asteroids at a time
i do it for the good of the country, JK. 😉
This would be funny if it WEREN’T true. Mr. bot loves to give his $ to the video game industry but that’s why we all love him cause that’s what makes him the JEFBOT!!! Really great strip. I love this storyline and that new girl. Great work, man. 😀
thanks, dude! kinda sad that part of my identity is so tied to buying video games, but it’s true. 🙂
I get my fix for cheap games at http://www.gogamer.com. They run these 48-hour Madness sales with games pretty cheap.
There is a game store near my house where that happens to me. I can’t go in with out buying something. The dude who owns it has a stash of rare or interesting games he saves for me based on what he knows about my tastes. when I’m poor I have to force myself to not go there.
that sounds awesome, CheddarMan. i’m both envious and relieved that i don’t have a store like that near me. 🙂
Oh! Her smokey eyes are so pretty!!!! Me likey!! XD
*Bwuahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha!!! I’ll keep saying it until the day is over :P*
*LOL* I think Jefbot’s credit card always screams whenever he goes near any video game XD (I know mine does *whistles innocently*) Man, this place isn’t open yet and already Jef is one of their favorite customer XD
glad you approve of the smokiness of her eyes this time, Sonitan!
as far as mother’s day – i’m still trying to figure out what to get for mombot come sunday. she wants a jacket, but that’s no fun.
and yes, my credit card is not safe around electronics stores, so jefbot’s won’t be safe either. especially with an arcade/video game store right near him! that’s downright dangerous.
“i totally dig the RC planes and cars, reynard61”
Actually, I’m on the other end of that continuum: Plastic scale modeling. (i.e. Those plastic kits that most people blew up with firecrackers when they were kids.) I prefer(ed) to build, paint, superdetail, display, and enter them in contests. (I’ve even won a few prizes, though nothing major.)
I didn’t even notice her eyes until’ I read the comments. Too distracted by the thought of 30% off games. I seem to have the opposite problem as you guys though. Too much time and not enough games.