I thought I’d let jefbot enjoy his new friendship by ending this strip on a quiet, happy note instead of with a gag (they can’t all end with a character screaming in outrage, surprise or pain!). This strip also ends the current storyline, so I hope you enjoyed cel and her arcade. She and her smoky eyes will definitely be back in future strips. And for those that thought this storyline was going to end with cel and jefbot making out? You all are a bunch of pervs! Love ain’t that easy. At least not yet. 🙂
If you’re just joining us and want to start from the dramatic beginning (jefbot is accused of murder! kinda.) of the “cel Saga,” click below:
• Seeing Red
Hehe this was a cute one. Abraxas has such a dejected look on his little face in the first panel. Is this gamertag of hers, a reference to a certain Ray Bradbury book?!? Let’s hope that “Cel” realizes that it’s 1 f and not 2 in Jefbot’s GT. And that cheesy grin that Jefbot has in that last panel, it’s contagious.. I was doing the same thing after reading/seeing it. 😛 Way to wrap up this storyline!
well thanks, Spanky! glad you liked this little wrap up to the storyline. and yes, cel’s gamertag is a reference to a “certain Ray Bradbury book.” here i thought i was being all subtle, and you cracked the code in the first comment! i’ll never underestimate you, or any other readers, again.
Yes it is a Ray Bradbury reference. If you do the math, 451 degrees Fahrenheit rounds up to 233 degrees Celsius 😀
I don’t think Abraxas likes Cel very much. Look at the way it’s looking at her in the comic. I hope something bad doesn’t happen O_o
you got it, Lunik – you and Spanky have some hard working brains to even solve that puzzle when i didn’t even offer it up as a puzzle! nice to know there are other Bradbury fans out there, though. he’s one of my all-time favs.
I’m sure that made his day. Nothing like a code to play video games instead of a phone number.
i agree, Nate! you get to talk and play at the same time. it’s better!
Game on! Go Jefbot!!!
woo-hoo! 😀
it would be too good if there was a comic shop in the background.
It does look like JEfBot is falling in love though…could this be the beginning of a beautiful love story?
i think jefbot’s head would’ve exploded had there actually been a comic shop there, j. and as for the love story, time will tell. 🙂
Is it just me, or does she sort of look like the missing member of the Gorillaz? I think she could be 2D’s sister, or something…
if she were 2D’s sis, i think jefbot would love her even more, bbullock. i’m a big fan of the Gorillaz and Jamie Hewlett’s art!
she does look like a gorillaz! which explains why jefbot likes her so much!!!!
true dat, skinny!
abraxas looks so cute hanging on your shoulder. see you sunday little bro, or else…. and I’ll let dexter hang on you 🙂
can’t wait to meet him, xin! 😀
Jefbot and Cel sitting in a tree… …playing online video games!!! So funny… I love it! Love the color, love the dialogue, love the LOVE story!
thanks for all that love, funnyshaffer. 🙂
I love the comic store gag. Nicely done!
thanks, dude.
The cel saga… Haha, classic.
thanks, Klowd! i knew there had to be some DBZ fans in da house!
Cel’s cool. I can’t wait to see her in future strips.
glad you like her! yeah, she’ll definitely be back for more.
This is absolutely the right way to close this arc for now. I’m staying tuned!
thanks, Wicked Good Grrrl – i didn’t want anything too dramatic, crazy or cheesy to end this arc, so glad to hear you dug it. 🙂
phew. I’m glad Jefbot finally gets to go home and wash up.
That paint was driving me nuts!
OCD I guess….
well, don’t let your OCD guard down yet, Vee – next tuesday’s strip will see jefbot with the paint splotches on him one more time. 🙂
Best. Story arc. Yet.
Keep it up, ‘bot!
aww, thanks buddy! glad you liked it.
dun dun duuunnnnnnnn! sweet. i agree with Wicked Good Grrrl.
Oh whoops, the above quote is me. sorry about the anonymous post!
gracias, Jedidiah! that Wicked Good Grrrl knows her stuff. and no sweat about the Anonymous comment. i welcome a little mystery in my life. 🙂
I think Abraxas is actually checking out Cel’s ass as she walks away.
i knew that ferret was the real perv!
Very entertaining arc, not to mention a fun skip down memory lane. I wonder when Jefbot will realize that not only are his clothing still completely covered in paint, but instead of Cel paying for the dry cleaning bill HE gave HER money.
…What a sucker. xD
well, the good thing about jefbot’s wardrobe is that he probably has 20 more shirts and jeans just like the ones that got ruined, Foxmouse!
Aaaawwww, Jefbot’s in love…with video games! Or maybe with Cel…? I guess we’ll have to wait and see where this “relationship” goes. I really do love it, though. But truthfully, I don’t know if JEFbot has a thing for the woman or the electronics. Hahahahaha. But I love the facial expressions, especially the one on the rat’s face. Great work, bot! You may not be getting enough sleep but your strips are awesome. Even trade, wouldn’t you say? 😉
not sure about the even trade there, Michael. maybe if i made money doing the strips, then yeah. heheheh. and as for whether jefbot’s more in love with cel or the electronics will need to be answered in another storyline. 🙂
Excellent trip. I’m thinking that maybe I should start playing games online again. XD
if you ever get on XBOX Live look up my gamertag, DJ. i think you can guess what it is. 🙂
last panel has the slyishwolfish grin ive ever seen…..
reminds me of me when my evil plan goes as planned….
slyishwolfish grins are always good to have in your back pocket, JF3. you never know when you’re gonna need ’em (especially when there are evil plans to be had).
Haha, look at that little grin 😀 Poor weasel’s feeling unloved, too 🙁 Great job!!
true, TadBot – abraxas might be feeling a little neglected at the moment, what with the lady and all the games around.
I think I’m the only one here who assumed they’ll might just be friends. O_o *is the odd one*
and your assumption is correct, Takla! yeah, seems many readers want jefbot to fall in love – which i’m not ruling out in the future, just not gonna happen at the moment.
Wew! My comp finally works. 😀 Hey Jeff!!! Took me forever to read the comics I missed! D’:
hey, nat! was wondering where you’ve been. 😀 new computer, huh? cool.
Great strip Bot! Abraxas hanging out of the bag in the first panel was money. And that Cel turned out to be a gamer is great for Jefbot. The storyline makes me want to say (and this is in WoW terms) “Somebody ass getting Raid tonight”
heheheh. thanks Eptha, but don’t get me started on WoW – took me months to wean myself from it!!!! and yeah, cel being a gamer is pretty cool for jefbot – we’ll see the fruits of that friendship in future strips.
so, did you love dex? did you like him hanging on you… and the ear thingy?
yes! loved dex and his freaky eye. him trying to chew out my spine from the back of my neck was less loveable, but he’s still awesome. 😀
xinda: /:O Having no idea what you’re talking about, I just got the (what I’m assuming is) most off-base impression ever.
I’d get a PS3 before I got an Xbox. XD I am not a fan.
i’ve always wondered what “holy shit” actually is
my strongest mental image is about the pope taking a crap
a radiant turd with a halo
like, xbox?
Sorry bash.org is grand.
When does Cel start the book burning????