Haven’t done any scatological humor in a while, so thought the strip was due for some.
From your comments and stories I’ve read and heard, ferrets are pretty stinky creatures, apparently due to scent glands behind their ears and around their anus. Just another reason to remind my sister Linda not to get me one.
Oh gross!!! I can smell it through the internet!!! There is nothing worse than the smell of soapy, wet animal fur!!! I really enjoy the color in this weeks comic! The floating bubbles are an awesome touch!
thanks, funnyshaffer – glad you liked the colors and bubbles! and yeah, pets can get pretty stinky when wet, regardless of the type of animal.
Hahahahahahaha!!!! I love it and totally agree with funnyshaffer. I can imagine the smell in my MOUTH :-O ….eeeeewwww….I love how the dialogue and animation work together in depicting such a disgusting scene. Seems like you did your job, bot. 🙂 Congratulations.
too bad smells can’t be pumped into people’s homes via the internet on a mass market level, yet. there’s a bunch of JEFbot strips that could benefit from that tech, don’tcha think, MC? 😉
Dude, the smell is so bad you can SEE it floating in the air. Awesome touch with the textures, really gets the point across; makes it look like there’s some sort of demon force floating around ready to choke the life out of ya.
Also, interesting change in wardrobe for ‘bot, he must buy all his clothing all at the same place. Pardon if this has been asked before, but does that symbol on his shirt mean/stand for anything?
glad those stanky textures worked for ya, Foxmouse. and that symbol you see jefbot sporting is a “negative space” number 6. no significance has been attached to the number (yet!).
owh man…4th….
urkkk…..i think im gonna throw up…2nd panel looks greenish…lolz.
i suppose i shouldn’t want readers to feel nauseous, JF3, but in this case, i’ll take it as a compliment. 🙂
Love the green hue and sickened look on Jefbot in the 2nd panel! eewww!
Great stuff!
thanks, Mary!
: ) It’s Friday.
I love jefbot’s expression in the second panel.
friday! woo-hoo!!! and i’m happy you enjoyed jefbot’s look of disgust, emikae!!!
There were bubbles in this strip, awesome ones at that! (I love bubbles, if you couldn’t tell by my nickname.) Nothing like bathroom humor to get my day going! Oof, as soon as I read the title to this strip, I knew that it was not going to be pretty. I could actually smell the wet Abraxas, as well as hear Jefbot doing the “Hurk!” gag sound. I love how the 2nd panel is all green, including Jefbots face. And I don’t blame Cornfathers face being flushed after smelling THAT. Another one to get me giggling. Awesome! 😛
i’m happy to get your day going with a little icky humor and bubbles, Spanky! and thanks for mentioning those little details – it’s gratifying to know there are readers out there who notice and enjoy them! 🙂
Poor Abraxas. That reminds me about the bathing of the cats in our house. It doesn’t usually smell that bad but its scary. Good thing they’re declawed in the front. I feel sorry for cornfather.
i used to have a couple cats that hated being bathed too, DaughterJudy. they used to howl with a sound so loud and pitiful, my neighbors must’ve thought they were being tortured. 🙂
I love the expression of every frame…so good!!!
gracias, JP!
My Ex-had ferrets, they are realted to skunks, both Mustilids, along with weasels. They can smell, but unless you get right on top of them they’re really not that bad…..UNLESS…you’re allergic to them, which I am…oh and the main reason to have your sister not get them one, is that they are illeagle to have as pets in California….unless they changed the laws.
you’re right Hans – they’re still illegal in California, which hasn’t stopped my sister from making threats that she’s going to go out of the state (or out of the country for that matter) to procure one for me. and thanks for the info on the ferret stink-factor. i hear most of them are de-scented before they’re sold, which sounds like a good thing.
Dayum, skinny!
More ferret misinformation. They CAN smell that bad, but a properly cared for fixed and descented ferret does not stink.
I enjoy the strip otherwise. Keep up the good work!
not trying to single ferrets out for stinkiness, Jason; this strip could apply to getting any pet wet! although we don’t know whether Abraxas has been descented or not, so there is still that possibility. 🙂 thanks for the info – been hearing smelly ferret stories from a lot of readers so good to hear the other side.
Brilliant! You’ve so effectively rendered ‘bot’s expression in panel 2 along with the colors, I completely felt that wave of stink come through my computer screen. See, I KNEW there was a reason I didn’t like ferrets — they stink when they’re dry. Is it true they get that much smellier when they’re wet? No thank you.
thanks, Stan! glad you were impacted by that wave of stinkiness. heheh. and i can’t confirm if ferrets are stinkier when wet, but maybe some ferret-owning readers can?
I can smell it from MY apt!
ha! sorry ’bout that, FosterBananas! i’ll try and warn you next time jefbot gives Abraxas a bath. 😉
Looks like life ain’t the *only* thing that stinks…
as they say, you gotta take time to smell the roses, reynard61, otherwise the smell (of small animals, among other things) can get to ya. hope all is well.
I seem to be one of the few folks out there who likes the way ferrets smell. Yeah it’s musky but nothing like a skunks smell. Eh… go figure, I guess everyone’s nose works differently.
i totally hear ya, Pashakitty – in small doses, i kinda dig it when i smell a skunk. and the skunk scratch ‘n sniff sticker was one of my favs as a kid!
I love the textures on this one! It looks like you did an overlay?? Otherwise, Abraxis is giving the best eyes, “Please don’t put me in soapy water!” lol
thanks, Jennery! glad you liked Abraxas’s eyes and the textures. yep: i used overlay, changed the colors and lowered the transparency for that effect.
favourite part? The gradient in the water as the red paint comes out of Abraxas’ fur. Amazing work, sir.
i had the idea for that “bleed” after i had already finished the panel, eleventeen. was going to let it pass but i’m glad i took the time to add that effect, especially after reading your comment.
jeffy, i told you that i would have the scent glands removed! Meep
hey, let’s go see “drag me to hell” together…
i’m afraid seeing that movie will give you ideas, sis! so probably not a wise decision for me to be around when you see it. and i really don’t have time for a pet these days, stinky or otherwise.
My sister had like four or five ferrets…the smell was ungodly. We made her move her bedroom to the basement. I can still smell it…it’s trapped in my nose.
wow! those must’ve been some stinky weasels!!! i assume their scent glands hadn’t been removed?
Every furry animal stinks to high hell when they get wet, even rabbits.
true that, CheddarMan. even humans can get stinky when wet. 😀
yo jeff..ur buddy bday is 18.05?? same as me man….lolz
good to hear u are fine man….what with the earthquake and all.
HAPPY BIRFDAY! make big wishes and have fun celebrating, JF3! and yeah, i didn’t even feel the earthquake, so no biggie for me. eat lots of cake! 😀
I don’t see ‘anus’ in them tags…..lol
you’re right, speearr!!! heheheh. now that we’ve mentioned “anus” at least 3x, i fully expect “Preparation H” to become an advertiser soon. 😀
Jason is right. Wet ferrets, unless they’re active breeders and still have their scent glands, SMELL GOOD. The breeders stink, but they’re too vicious to keep as pets. Wet, clean pet ferrets snell like buttery cinnamon toast.