It appears the Cornfather has been forgiven for that little prank he and jefbot pulled on Musashi and Abraxas several strips back. As for whether that forgiveness extends to jefbot remains to be seen.
O_O I’m first. I should get up early more often. Awesome strip ‘Bot. Good to see that he is easily distracted. I’ve been one to say that when something goes awry. ^^
appreciate you wanting celcius back but all i’ll say at this point is your patience will be rewarded, Apokalips_! she’ll be back, just not quite yet. and that “sixth finger” is just the pad and wrist bone of jefbot’s hand, not actually his finger. 🙂
Ok, I perfectly understand Jefbots mood, but admit it, Musashi looks wicked with his pet Cornfather.
However, I dont get how could he had the heart to leave Momo alone…
Kudos to how you underline the mood with background collor. You became a master of this in wery short time and its ubercool as one of my friends would say.
yes, musashi does look a bit wicked in that last panel. he’s definitely gone over to the “corn” side, Maryz. heheh. and thanks for the kudos on the bg colors. i love experimenting with that to see how it affects the mood of the strip. glad you dig it. 🙂
I am in love with the first panel all around. The colors are amazing, and they just ooze Jefbots mood. I love his eyes in the second panel too, they’re so cute! I had a feeling CF or as JB just called him “Corndog” (Which I love too by the way) that Musashi was gonna be chilling up on CF’s shoulder. I just didn’t expect to see little sunglasses on the bugger! SoOoooOoO cute! Another one I love!
well, thanks, Spanky! glad you liked that second panel – if you’d like to see how much the artwork has evolved from when i first started the strip, compare that panel to this one. crazy, huh? and glad you dug Mu’s little glasses as much as i did!
Truly, a man’s pet(s) should never be messed with by any other, at least not without permission. And said pet(s) should know who da boss. It would serve CF right if Musashi left a leetle present on his shoulder. Bugger! got a mean streak a mile wide today, maybe four days without sleep was a bit too muchhhhhhhhhh zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *SNURK* hmm, wha? no mustn’t fall asleep in public library, that tears it i’m goin’ home.
ha! Musashi should definitely leave a leetle present for the Cornfather, Deaconvorbis. if it’s good enough for bot’s face (see the link i left for Spanky), it’s good enough for Corn’s shoulder. heheh. thanks for the comment – now go get some sleep!
great job! I’m not into the animals….but the animal in the last panel on the Corndog’s (btw, that was my nickname in elementary school—bringing up some bad memories, cutzie schuetze!) shoulder is so adorable. They should all go with the CornFATHER to the beach.
I gotta compliment the awesome artwork in the first panel there- Great use of color, texture, and lettering in the background, contrasting with the smoothly-lined cartoon in the foreground. Amazing!
Oh man. Poor Jef. He doens’t get a break, huh? The Cornfather and Musashi bonding!! *LOL* And now they share things and all that jazz XD Man, Jef is gonna snap! First the message to Cel and now stealing his pet… Michael is in for a good amount of blood and pain
*evil laugh of doom*
you said it, Sonitan! the Cornfather better get jefbot to that beach to chill-out before he snaps and the blood starts flying! …something tells me you would approve of that situation happening, though. 😉
Haha nice.
By the way, I can’t really do the contact you part for halo, I don’t own an Xbox360, or a PS3, only a wii, which unfortunatley, i’m haveing trouble connecting it to the net so I’m pretty much in the void of training, any way, nice comic, hahahaha. By the way, that one hamsters name is peach!(Momo)
well if you end up getting a 360 or PS3, you know what my gamertag is, Zach (or i’m pretty sure you can guess, heheh). and as for “Peach” – yep, that’s right!
JB..are you forgetting that CF said that he was keeping it…lol…..and as i pointed out on last comment Musashi and CF are kindred spirit…look at the last panel…need i say more…also i think CF is using Musashi as his own personal bodyguard…lolz
yep, they are so kindred spirits, JF3! they just lost their bond a bit after Corn and bot splashed ice water on Mu and Abraxas, but it looks like they’ve gotten their mojo back. and i think you’re onto something with Mu being Corn’s bodyguard – that little dude can tear it up!!!
is it me or do i feel that JB drawing seems to be moving…kinda like watching a cartoon show…and as spanky pointed out…musashi with the sunglasses is soooo super cute…please make a wallpaper or a t-shirt design out of it…or i will….
thanks, man – maybe someday you’ll see this strip as an animated series or feature? or maybe a film or tv show starring myself? any of those options sound good to me. 😀 and as far as a Musashi shirt – if there are enough fans of his, maybe that’ll happen. maybe a BOTton for now?
yeah, with just a couple, small tweaks, this could be an entirely different strip, eleventeen! heheh. and as far as the Cornfather’s “svelteness” – Michael has lost around 60 pounds in real life recently, so maybe that’s coloring my rendition of him in the strip. 🙂
O_O I’m first. I should get up early more often. Awesome strip ‘Bot. Good to see that he is easily distracted. I’ve been one to say that when something goes awry. ^^
thanks, DJ! yeah, i fight a losing battle with distractions every hour of every day. oh, and get as much zzz’s as you can: early’s overrated. 🙂
I wanna see celcius again common :p. Is it just me or jeff seems to have 6 fingers on his right hand on the last panel?
appreciate you wanting celcius back but all i’ll say at this point is your patience will be rewarded, Apokalips_! she’ll be back, just not quite yet. and that “sixth finger” is just the pad and wrist bone of jefbot’s hand, not actually his finger. 🙂
Ok, I perfectly understand Jefbots mood, but admit it, Musashi looks wicked with his pet Cornfather.
However, I dont get how could he had the heart to leave Momo alone…
Kudos to how you underline the mood with background collor. You became a master of this in wery short time and its ubercool as one of my friends would say.
yes, musashi does look a bit wicked in that last panel. he’s definitely gone over to the “corn” side, Maryz. heheh. and thanks for the kudos on the bg colors. i love experimenting with that to see how it affects the mood of the strip. glad you dig it. 🙂
I am in love with the first panel all around. The colors are amazing, and they just ooze Jefbots mood. I love his eyes in the second panel too, they’re so cute! I had a feeling CF or as JB just called him “Corndog” (Which I love too by the way) that Musashi was gonna be chilling up on CF’s shoulder. I just didn’t expect to see little sunglasses on the bugger! SoOoooOoO cute! Another one I love!
well, thanks, Spanky! glad you liked that second panel – if you’d like to see how much the artwork has evolved from when i first started the strip, compare that panel to this one. crazy, huh? and glad you dug Mu’s little glasses as much as i did!
I LOVE it! The Corndogs smug face! LOL! Excellent job Jefbot!
thanks, man!
Truly, a man’s pet(s) should never be messed with by any other, at least not without permission. And said pet(s) should know who da boss. It would serve CF right if Musashi left a leetle present on his shoulder. Bugger! got a mean streak a mile wide today, maybe four days without sleep was a bit too muchhhhhhhhhh zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *SNURK* hmm, wha? no mustn’t fall asleep in public library, that tears it i’m goin’ home.
ha! Musashi should definitely leave a leetle present for the Cornfather, Deaconvorbis. if it’s good enough for bot’s face (see the link i left for Spanky), it’s good enough for Corn’s shoulder. heheh. thanks for the comment – now go get some sleep!
Mu needs a thought bubble saying, “I’m way too cool for the Hampster Dance!”
see what you did there, Murrday – now i’m gonna have that “dadadeedadadadohdoh” song in my head the rest of the day! 😉
Wow! Looks like Cornfather has found the perfect fashion accessory!
let’s hope not, for jefbot’s sake, Stan! 😉
Haha–love it.
thanks, Jeff!
great job! I’m not into the animals….but the animal in the last panel on the Corndog’s (btw, that was my nickname in elementary school—bringing up some bad memories, cutzie schuetze!) shoulder is so adorable. They should all go with the CornFATHER to the beach.
glad you like the Cornfather/Musashi pairing, MC! sorry ’bout bringing up bad “Corndog” memories. 🙂
I gotta compliment the awesome artwork in the first panel there- Great use of color, texture, and lettering in the background, contrasting with the smoothly-lined cartoon in the foreground. Amazing!
thanks for the compliments, D. Long! glad you dug it. 🙂
Oh man. Poor Jef. He doens’t get a break, huh? The Cornfather and Musashi bonding!! *LOL* And now they share things and all that jazz XD Man, Jef is gonna snap! First the message to Cel and now stealing his pet… Michael is in for a good amount of blood and pain
*evil laugh of doom*
you said it, Sonitan! the Cornfather better get jefbot to that beach to chill-out before he snaps and the blood starts flying! …something tells me you would approve of that situation happening, though. 😉
Haha nice.
By the way, I can’t really do the contact you part for halo, I don’t own an Xbox360, or a PS3, only a wii, which unfortunatley, i’m haveing trouble connecting it to the net so I’m pretty much in the void of training, any way, nice comic, hahahaha. By the way, that one hamsters name is peach!(Momo)
well if you end up getting a 360 or PS3, you know what my gamertag is, Zach (or i’m pretty sure you can guess, heheh). and as for “Peach” – yep, that’s right!
Go Corndog! You look so hip!!! Love the shift in focus…Jebfot you are totally amazing.
thanks, JP! the Cornfather and Musashi are totally ready to rock that beach with their hipness! 🙂
“Corndog” looks so smug in the last panel!
seriously, anonymouse! don’t you just want to give him a squirt in that mug with a water gun? 😉
JB..are you forgetting that CF said that he was keeping it…lol…..and as i pointed out on last comment Musashi and CF are kindred spirit…look at the last panel…need i say more…also i think CF is using Musashi as his own personal bodyguard…lolz
yep, they are so kindred spirits, JF3! they just lost their bond a bit after Corn and bot splashed ice water on Mu and Abraxas, but it looks like they’ve gotten their mojo back. and i think you’re onto something with Mu being Corn’s bodyguard – that little dude can tear it up!!!
“Oh, HELL no!”
Oh Hell YES!!! Cornd…uh…father an’ Musashi be representin’! (Representing what? I have no idea…)
yeah, the two of them in those glasses are definite playas, reynard61. heheh. 🙂
is it me or do i feel that JB drawing seems to be moving…kinda like watching a cartoon show…and as spanky pointed out…musashi with the sunglasses is soooo super cute…please make a wallpaper or a t-shirt design out of it…or i will….
thanks, man – maybe someday you’ll see this strip as an animated series or feature? or maybe a film or tv show starring myself? any of those options sound good to me. 😀 and as far as a Musashi shirt – if there are enough fans of his, maybe that’ll happen. maybe a BOTton for now?
where is celsius anyway? dying in anticipation here….
not yet! 😀
I like Jefbot’s expressions in this one. Well, in most of them, actually.
And nice choice of comic title. 😉
thanks, Maruul! you a Shakespeare fan, too?
i love it when you two fight.
good, cuz there are a lot more fights to be had in future strips, skinny! 🙂
Looks like Musashi rolls with Cornfather now. Love the coloring in this strip!
thanks, dude. yeah, Corn and Mu can’t be separated, it seems.
Two dudes living together, with an assortment of furry rodents… the jokes are almost too easy.
As always, Jefe, I love the atmospheric perspective. The CF almost looks svelte in the 3rd panel.
yeah, with just a couple, small tweaks, this could be an entirely different strip, eleventeen! heheh. and as far as the Cornfather’s “svelteness” – Michael has lost around 60 pounds in real life recently, so maybe that’s coloring my rendition of him in the strip. 🙂
love the comic jeff. best part of my day is seein’ a new jeffbot toon. : )
keep up the good work.
i appreciate that, cogwell, thanks! the best part about doing the strip is hearing from readers like you. 😀
I love to see Jefbot mad and frazzled.
The first panel’s color is awesome. Love the blur. It’s like a photo, but better.
LIKE A BOSS … sorry I had to said it
Did you just call him Corndog? Wierd nickname, jefBOT!
this would make a great animated series!!!!! great comic