Could cel really have history with Musashi or might she be a bit crazy?
And I’m sure many of you can relate to jefbot’s “only sane person” statement, but the trick is to not say that kind of stuff out loud. Not that I speak from personal experience or anything.
First. Muahahaha. First time I’ve been able to first too.
sweet, Aquila. see? sometimes JEFbot readers benefit when i’m a bit late with a strip. 🙂
Totally concur on the only sane one statement. ^^ Nice strip ‘Bot even if it is a little late today ._.
yeah, sorry ’bout the late strip, DJ, but glad you concur. maybe i’m not the only sane one… 😀
And Musashi has his own set of little drunken bubblesh. (Shame on you, Cornfather for letting him get drunk. 🙁 )
seriously, Murrday – the Cornfather’s shown himself to be an unfit pet owner. 🙂
Thats what happens when you decide to sleep…not that I would disagree…I don’t get to be first and I don’t get to comment about the drunk bubbles on Musashi first…all I can think is that Musashi got himself an X-box Live ™ subscription…probably by borrowing Cornfathers credit card…
heheh. awesome hypothesis, Hans. the real story is even stranger than that, though. hope you guys stick with me as things in jefbot’s world start getting weird.
Musashi sure seems to get around, doesn’t he? I wonder who else he counts in his circle of friends…
BTW: Jeff, my BOTton hasn’t arrived yet. Status?
Musashi gets around more than anyone could suspect, reynard61. it’ll be a long time before his story is fully told.
re: BOTton. crap. i’ll email you about it and get that sorted out.
……. Maybe she recognizes the hamster from the youtube video?
Just a thought. Great strip by the way.
thanks, gamerjoel135. great guess! …but no. cel hasn’t seen the youtube video. at least not yet.
I want to see more drunk Cornfather (although not in real life, I’ve seen enough of that 😉 )
i think we’ve all seen enough of that in real life, JK. 😉
I agree with GamerJoel135 about Youtube being the place where she might recognise Musashi from. Or maybe, Jefbot is cooking something special for us. Again.
Kudos on *Who jrank my vodkah?* from Cornfather. So Musashi did get his fill, and he didnt notice! I thought he will notice having a hamster in his drink but we are all just humans… Making such subtle hints that connect seemingly unrelated things in your strips is geniality in itself, not to mention funny.
I thought that it will be Musashi that will overreact when seeing Cel, and you made it other way arround… I dig your work.
Great drawing as usual, facial expresions are priceless! And the story? First the cornfather doesnt deserve attention because they are gaming what is funny as hell, *No offence CF!* than Jefbot has to catch Cels electronics because of Musashi and then you leave us wandering what is going on… Do I have to write here all superlatives that are flattering or do you get the idea how much I like it allready?
definitely cooking something special up, Maryz! i hope you’re in this for the long haul, ‘cuz it’s going to be a while before all this gets explained. and trust me, there’s no way to guess cel’s connection to Musashi, unless you’ve broken into my apartment and stolen my notes. 🙂
as far as who “jrank” the Cornfather’s vodka, Musashi definitely had a (tiny) hand in that earlier, but it mostly disappeared due to the Cornfather spilling it on his shirt and shorts when he was pointing at Musashi in that 2nd panel.
i’m SO happy you’re taking the time to break down what’s going on in the writing and art of the strip, Maryz – i’m definitely setting up clues for major happenings down the road, so i your analysis will pay off in the future. also makes me happy when readers are looking for something deeper in the storyline than just slapstick and gags. although, obviously, i enjoy doing that stuff as well. 🙂
Im back from a two strip hiatus!
2 strips ago – love the (somewhat) conjoined panels. That kind of art really shows how good you are at this.
1 strip ago – Cooking Mama had me interested…for about 2 secs and then I played my Sonic and Fire Emblem ^-^
Now Im caught up! Great job as always jeff! Lovin the Vodkafather and his lishp. “Who jrank my vodkah?” PRICELESS. Can`t wait to see the Musashi/Cel caper…thing…yeah…I can see the correlation of Musashi and Cel. Anyone remember, “Do not throw poo in the face of your god!”? cels splashes paint & water, Musashi throws crap. bahahaha!
And shame on cel for dropping a perfectly good DS Lite! Way to stick to your priorities jbot!
welcome back, SonikkuWii! i used to LOVE fire emblem on my GBA, but got kind of OCD about it, since i couldn’t let ANY characters die, so i’d play the same battles over and over until i completed them perfectly. might have to pick it up for Wii or DS, though. i take it the Wii one’s good?
glad you mentioned the Hamster God strip – in the comments for that one i said i had big things planned for the hamsters, and i do! it’s just taking a while to get there. 🙂 and yes, jefbot’s got the reflexes of a ninja, due to all that gaming he does, so saving that DS lite was a cinch. but you’re right – cel should know better than to drop it, which makes her reaction to Musashi even more curious…
wohoa JB……nice twist here…what history could Musa and Cel have with each other? arrrgggghhhhhhhh…………….now my entrails are in a knot and its all your fault…..have to wait until friday to untie my entrails….or for further entrailknottingevents…..
ha! i’ll be revealing their relationship, JF3, but it’ll be several fridays before you know their story. several, several fridays. but i’ll have other “entrailknottingevents” for you until then. 🙂
OMG…totally forgot the coldwater and JB with CF getting bashed episode…..thats the thing….and now Cel will probably brand you as an animal abuser JB…….
cel’s love for Musashi goes much deeper than the youtube video. you’ll see. 🙂
ooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay… since WHEN does Cel knows Musashi?!!! the one she met was Abraxas, and I’m pretty sure Musashi wasn’t present in that time!
*looks back at that story*
*Coming back to current story*
Yep, Musashi wasn’t there!
Wow. And here I thought I woudln’t get to see a drunk Michael… eh, then again, he’s always “drunk” as Heather’s father >_< Man, a drunk vampire is something really serious.
Man, if jef is “sane”… I’m starting to feel sorry for this world.
Michael’s statement that Musashi is HIS trusty companion makes me feel sorry for Jef. Michael really stole the love of jef’s pet *LOL*
you’re absolutely right, Sonitan – cel met Abraxas, not Mu. which means she and the little guy have some history that hasn’t been revealed yet!
and that’s true about Michael as heather’s dad – he’s always drinking, and isn’t he always playing with heather’s little dog? there may be more parallels to those characters than previously thought… heheh.
and i really hope jefbot’s not crazy. the saner he is, the saner i feel. 😉
Drunk animals are funny… So is Jefbot!!! Your plot twists, roommate drama… And I’m still waiting for The First Kiss!!! Love it all!
drunks, twists and drama are guaranteed in this webcomic, Funnyshaffer! first kiss, not as sure a thing. stay tuned!
Really, a sane person who’s not worried about his drunk pet, sheesh, but I know how Jef….sorta feels, I always go through heck every day since I started school in Kinder garden, they we’re all so mean that I finally thought I was the only nice and sane guy in the world, eventually I found more people who we’re actually nice.
maybe jef’s used to Musashi getting intoxicated, ZachLight. could Mu have a drinking problem? 😉 and yes, sadly, sometimes it feels like nice people are as rare as sane people in the world. that’s why you gotta hold onto and cherish those people when you find ’em.
*tisk tisk* Bot, you should be ashamed of yourself, lying to everyone like that. You know perfectly well that you’re no where near as sane as you think you think you THINK you are. :I
By the way meant to mention a few strips back that I like the sun burnt/flush drunk touch you added to the characters’ skin, noticed that in the coloring. Good job! *secret good job handshake*
thanks for the *secret good job handshake* Foxmouse! glad you noticed some of the characters are getting more and more cooked as the day goes on. heheh.
and yes, jefbot is nowhere near as sane as he thinks he thinks he THINKS he is. i, on the other hand, really am as sane as jefbot thinks he thinks he THINKS he is. i think.
Uh oh cock-block!
yeah, but by whom? the Cornfather or Musashi, speearr? 😉
You seriously need to do your own show based right off of this webcomic. Everytime I read through, I always end up envisioning everyone moving, talking and interacting. Cel knows Mu, how?!? Hmm.. interesting. CF made a mess of himself, and I can’t believe Mu is drunk too. Silly hamster. Another great one, and the last line was one I could totally relate to.
heheh. glad you noticed those “vodkah” stains on the Cornfather, Spanky. and happy you think i should make a show out of my lil’ strip here, too. know any showrunners that could make it happen? 😉 and yes, cel knows Mu, but i can’t tell you how just yet. the answer could threaten life on the planet as we know it.
or not. 😀
I was wondering if I missed something until I saw your commentary, Jeff. You really know how to leave us on the edge of our seats!
yeah, didn’t want readers looking through the archives for an answer that wasn’t there, Stan. and unfortunately, i’ll have to leave you on the edge a bit longer, as that secret won’t be revealed for quite some time.
if your strip was actually like your real life, then the cornfather would be drunk a lot more! 😉
true that, skinny! heheheh.
Love the position of JB’s lower eyelids, debating with myself whether this spells trouble for Cel or CF. Seeing CF in such a state has put me in the mood for a hook jug of scrumpy, or as the Cornish would pronounce it zydurrr, yay alcoholism!
a “hook jug of scrumpy”? “zydurrr”? i gotta party with you, Deaconvorbis! and yes, bot’s lower eyelid is definitely saying he’s not going to let this go. at least for another strip. 🙂
<————- one of these bad boys, [insert maniacal drunken laughter here].
i remember seeing that picture, Dv. what happened!?
Dagnammit, i didn’t show. sorry for the clutter Jeff, next time i’ll leave off the fancy crap and not use up more than one comment space. For anyone interested that’s a can of Newcastle Brown Ale (Nookie Broon) in my mitt.
you’re drunk now, aren’t you. kidding. but answer the question.
I totally know how Jefbot feels.
you and xinda were kicked out of the sane club long ago. 😉
Ha! Great strip, bot. Jefbot cares about the computer, Cel cares about Musashi, and the Cornfather cares about his vodka. Yep, everythings in order. 😀
All I’m going to say is I know exactly how he feels…
You, sir, have just made my day.
i’m happy you got a kick out of it, Rebekah! 😀