A little mystery in a person can be intriguing, but with jefbot’s tenuous grip on reality and propensity for paranoia, cel’s secret might just drive him over the edge. You can bet he’ll be joining her at the beer pong match in the next strip to find out more.
I was supposed to get my sleeping scedule straight for school which is starting in a few days. Instead I stayed up for 2 HOURS!!!!*twitch* reading all of your comics. Thanks a lot mingebag.
All joking aside, I love the series and can’t wait to see more.
I once stayed up past 5Am reading all the GWSS strips…
thanks for sacrificing some ZZZs to read through the JEFbot archive, Kenshi! if you need a note for school explaining why you’re so tired, just let me know. 😉
I was joking about the insulting comments, not the staying up all night. it’s almost 7 in the morning here.
ha! i totally took it as a joke, Kenshi – hard putting yourself out here on the ‘net without developing a thick skin and a sense of humor, so please: joke away!
Aww! Mu got a kiss.. just wondering if and when Mr. JB will too?!? 😛 Mu just went right along with Cel being so happy to see him, as if she hadn’t done so in a long time. Strange, and intriguing. I think CF has had more than enough alcohol, and really should sit out for beer pong. Things should get interesting during all the beer pong playing, and I feel for JB and his “Grrr…” of frustration, as I do so myself more often than I should. I’m seriously already looking forward to Tuesdays strip.. that’s a long ways away, no fair. 😛
yeah, i “grrr” a lot myself, Spanky, so glad you could relate. heheh. and i hear ya about the time between strips. if it wouldn’t literally cause me to break down, both physically and mentally, i’d write and draw at least 3 strips a week, but due to my day job and acting career, i only have room for two sleepless nights/week at the moment. as the readership grows, i get faster at drawing, and the strip becomes more profitable, maybe that 3rd strip isn’t too far off. 🙂
next thing you know, Cel willll start mumbling, “4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42” and mention a hatch…
dammit! you’re on to me, eleventeen! smoke monster just got taken out of the next strip.
oh yay…cliff hanger…*head desk*
you might want to put some foam padding on your desk there, Hans – expect a lot more cliff-hangers to come, including a doozy at the end of this storyline!
Hmmmmmmm… How did she know? I can’t wait until next Tuesday!!! PLEASE tell me we’ll know soon… I can’t take cliff hangers! Beautiful color in this strip by the way… I love the beach scenes!
thanks, FS! unfortunately, this storyline’s going to end with a lot of unanswered questions. hopefully they’ll be intriguing enough to keep you coming back. 🙂
Perplexing to say the least ‘Bot. Maybe she’s Clairvoyant and didn’t tell you…. DUN DUN DUN
that explanation may be less outlandish than the real answer, DJ! 😀
A friend once told me that is is an amazing ability of the female to simply shrug off and avoid questions, this is however not true as males are also capable of this. The amazing ability of the female is in fact getting away with it. Any male attempting this strategy in the face of the female inquisition risks the cold shoulder, the red hand print to the side of the face, or worst of all a sudden and debilatating pain between the legs.
Hopefully this comment now bears a pic of what i drank last night, in answer to your question. That’s a 2 litre hook jug (~67 fl.oz), and scrumpy is a type of apple cider that has lots of sediment and no fizz but plenty of kapow!
As for partying, if you ever find yourself in Scotland i can personally guarantee you’ll end up with very blurry recollections and material for a good few strips.
“getting away with it” is an extremely important distinction, Deaconvorbis, and you explained that distinction – and its consequences – quite well. 🙂
and as for Scrumpy – wow. sounds fantastic! there’s got to be a way for me to import some to the states. since i can’t burp, the “no fizz” sounds especially appealing. (not to mention the “kapow!”)
“I stoled him” Lovin’ drunk Cornfather!
more drunk Cornfather to come, JK!
Kenshi…I love your use of the word “mingebag” ROTFLMAO
Jefbot…as always, love the comic…Musashi is the coolest hamster EVER!!!
i loved the “mingebag” too, ESQ! not necessarily being the target of it, but i filed it away in my mental list of insults to use at a later date. 🙂 glad you’re lovin’ Musashi. judging by what i have in store for him, he only gets cooler.
I’m utterly convinced that Musashi and Cel got history together. After all, cel said in the previous strip “I can’t believe you’re here!”. Meaning that those two have explanations to do. But since this is cel we’re talking about… she’ll drive Jef really insane BEFORE answering anything.
*evil laugh of doom*
Man, Michael is evil. Admiting that he stole Musashi… I was cracking with just that line.
“I stoled him.”
XD And traitor Musashi jumps back to Michael’s hand. The evil furry little thing. but then again, Michael gave him cool sun glasses. I would have jumped to him as well XD
Awww. Musashi got a kissy from cel. I bet jef is jealous!!!!!!! *LOL* Beer pong? I’m starting to feel afraid, very afraid.
*hides under computer desk*
you’re right, Sonitan – cel certainly has no compunction about messing with jef’s psyche or emotions! and she definitely has some splainin’ to do about Musashi. the Cornfather’s so buzzed at this point, i’m sure he doesn’t mind saying that he “stoled” him. heheh. and yes, i’d be jealous of that little furball, too. 😉
Beer Pong with Musashi as the ball????
maybe if he was in a pokéball, TD. 😉
Gah, the confusion is unbearable…..
hang in there, ZachLight! 😀
A woman with secrets, truly the downfall of many men– nay, nations!
Or not, I dunno.
I’ll be honest, my favorite part of this strip is that air plane flying in the background right over JEFBOT’s head. That is priceless. xD
no, you definitely go it right in your first sentence, Foxmouse. heheh. there’s just something about women with secrets that’s irresistible! and glad you liked that plane in the background. i thought it gave that last panel a little more of a feeling of isolation.
Hey, the bottom of your page has legs! I never noticed before!
AnyDoogieHowser, I too am quite fond of the colors in the strip. And you sir, draw gorgeous feet. I though it was a little weird how everyone was pointing it out and was wondering how you attracted so many foot fetishists, but dosh -garnitall, you’re good at them. I don’t draw good feet.
Thank God my medium is photography, because the only thing I do draw well is actually starships. And a webcomic about starships would suck the balls of many a monkey.
Beer pong spreds herpes
yes, Drakey! little, mechanical, AT-AT looking legs and feet. 🙂 glad you like the feet in my strip. i actually like drawing feet a lot. hands, too. i find them kind of fascinating.
and i’d read a webcomic about starships so go ahead and start drawing! heck, Starslip by Kris Straub is one of my favorite webcomics!
GORGEOUS!!! Everything in these beach scenes are so beautiful, bot. Especially the Cornfather. 😉 Oh and Cel’s a stalker?! That’s hot.
um, well, no. not necessarily a stalker. but yeah, that’s hot. 😉
As cute as this was, I was expecting explanations not another cliffhanger…
I stoled him. – good going there and it seems Jefbot finally accepted the cruel facts.
this storyline is introducing many new elements to the “JEFbot Universe” that, although not right away, will eventually pay off, Maryz. and (for good or ill) expect more cliff-hangers. i’m trying out a longer, more “story” driven strip with this whole “beach” arc, so while they can’t all end with big punchlines, i hope to keep you intrigued and the storyline moving with cliff-hangers. phew! was that a long enough excuse? 😉
oh wow……thanks JB….now i’m really clueless here….grrrrrrrr…….looks forward to the next strip to clear my head…….also the bananaphone song is stuck in my head…..ring-ring-ring-ring-ring-ring-bananaphone
you’re evil, JF3: i googled “bananaphone,” watched the YouTube video, and now have that song ring-ring-ring-ring-ringin’ in my brain! aaagh! actually, now i’m glad the next strip won’t clear your head (as cel doesn’t answer jef’s questions), as a tiny revenge for this atrocity.
Just wanted to say I enjoy your comic. Found a link to your site on justanothergamesite.com a couple days ago and I’m half way through the archive. Looking forward to more.
glad you’re enjoying the strip, uinku! and thanks for reading through the archive. the guys over at justanothergamesite.com are some cool dudes and good people. except for that bryan guy – he’s crafty; watch out for him.
OMG…its obvious….Cel stalks JB…dear lord…run JB run….i knew it was too good to be true…….
heheheh. no, cel’s hasn’t been stalking the bot. if anything, he should be stalking her, JF3. 😉
These summer beach scenes look so delicious. “I stoled him.” Great line. Cel’s kissy lips are so kissable.