Sometimes it’s not just about the competition, it’s about the prize. Especially when cheap, plastic, candy dispensers are at stake. I’m sure anybody chasing XBOX Achievements or PS3 Trophies can relate.
It’s all about the facial expressions in this strip, and I love them! For some reason, I really like what did you with drawing Cel in that first panel. Again what you’ve done with the colors in this beach/outdoor strip is amazing! I used to have the whole Garfield gang as Pez dispensers, so I can totally see why JB would want to win it as a prize. Never played beer pong myself, but have always wanted to. Again, another one to leave me hanging until Friday. *shakes fist* 😛
i know i’ve had a couple different Garfield dispensers, Spanky, and i’m sure i had an Odie one, too. of course, for jefbot it really could’ve been any type of dispenser, since he just wanted the loot! and yeah, beer pong’s pretty fun, but pretty gross, too, since the dirty ping pong balls go in the beer before you drink it. my hope is that the alcohol in the beer kills some of the germs and if it doesn’t – i don’t want to know. 😛
ha! we should have some sort of token we mail each other back and forth for whoever has the high score in Geometry Wars, eleventeen. right now, i’d own it. 😉
Go, bot! When the word “prizes” pops up everything else is put on HOLD. I really love the way this strip LOOKS. The background in these beach scenes are gorgeous. And I love the little nod towards “Garfield.” 😀
thanks, dude! didn’t you and Liam just have an issue with prizes in Jersey, where you guys almost killed someone over a stuffed monkey on the boardwalk?
Nearly got kicked out of the library for laughing at this strip. That faraway look on Bot’s face in panel two, how well i know it.
As far as the Scrumpy is concerned, i’ll make some enquiries, but it kinda looks like certain excise considerations prevent it being exported. I’m sure that if all else fails i could arrange to get a few jugs to you as a gift rather than as a sale item. That is assuming the FDA or US customs don’t have anything nasty to say about it. Let me know your thoughts on the subject.
awesome, man! glad you got a kick out of this strip (while not getting kicked out). let me get back to you on the scrumpy; i’m on a mission now to get some!!! i’ll ask one of my bartender buddies to see if they’ve ever heard of it, and if they know how i can procure it, and get back to you. i don’t want this becoming a national security matter but i’ve got to make this happen.
Ohhh, anything I said about last panel was just blown out the window. It was a great idea to do that to get here! Kudos!
Also Spanky is right, drawing rocks.
As much as I would love to find out how did Cel know Musashi tis strips chemistry between those two is waaaay better. Not only Jefbot got Cel to be willing to tell him, he totaly switched to different direction and she takes it with humour. Sooo nice couples moment.
Cant wait to see actual compettition. At least I hope you wont just show results of it…
it’s a weird balancing act trying to keep the strips funny and self-contained and yet leave bread crumbs for future strips and keep the story moving, Maryz, so i completely understand you getting a different take on the previous strip after putting it in context with the current one. does that even make sense? i’m running on very little sleep here. heheh. but i think you get what i’m saying. also, i’m glad you dug jef and cel’s moment together while the focus of the story switches to the beer pong tournament. you’ll definitely be getting some highlights from the matches before i cut to the end. 🙂
wow, thanks for reading through the archives on your first visit (or at least your first day) here, GamerTS! i totally appreciate that. hope you stick around and continue leaving comments in future strips. would love to hear what you think.
the compliment to my jib is quite appreciated, Foxmouse. and if i ever have a beer pong tourney and you’re around, i’m going to have you start off the festivities. bring your trumpet.
I completely disagree! I am not easily lured by silly prizes! Now, if you don’t mind me, my gamer score needs some padding.
I still don’t care about the PS3 trophies though. Maybe it’s because not every game has them, maybe because it doesn’t accumulate to a nifty score total, or maybe because in order to see your trophies you have to go through several menus to get to them.
i hear ya, Montezule! when the 360 first came out, i was kind of obsessed with gamerscore, but now i’ve completely mellowed on it. i’ll grab some easy achievements but won’t go out of my way to pad my score. and with the PS3 – like you, i totally did not care AT ALL about trophies – until the last update to the firmware that is. heheh. now, switching to the XMB from a game and checking out your trophies is pretty easy, and i really want one of them platinum ones. maybe when Uncharted 2 comes out. 😉 thanks for the comment!
Cel reminds me of a song. To the tune of “Home on the Range”:
Oh, give me a clone of my own flesh and bone,
with the Y chromosome turned to X.
And when we’re alone, since her mind is my own,
we’ll be thinking of nothing but sex.
ha! love the song, TD! let’s record it and put it on YouTube. 😉 and while the lyrics about those two are fairly accurate now, their differences will soon become more apparent.
What a look I know so well. Maybe not for prizes though. I’m a sucker for character customization in games, and I can’t count how many times I’ve heard of a game with good character customization and gone empty-headed for a bit thinking of what I could -do- with the creator. I jumped on City of Heroes for the CC, I’m a Lifetime Sub for Champions Online for the CC (also action superhero games whoo!) and I’ve never breached level 16 in Oblivion yet my save count is somewhere above 360 because I keep making new characters.
I think I might have a problem.
Ah, well, time to go play Champions.
ha! that’s awesome AvA – never heard of an obsession like yours! do you have a Wii? and if so, how many Miis have you made? 😉
i actually just got Tiger Woods for the 360, and have been contemplating about what to do with my avatar, especially since i hear you can take a picture of your face with the cam and map it onto the head. we’ll see. you’d probably have a ball with it. 🙂
Got a good laugh out of the comment you left for Kevin there Jeff, and have to say : I WOULD LOVE TO SEE A DANCE OFF HAPPEN! (take it to Youtube!) Heck, I’d even join in.. only thing I would be able to do is probably “The Snoopy dance”, “The Sprinkler” and “The Macerena” *sigh* Anyway, I am so going to miss out on tomorrows strip as I’m headed off to a Balloon Festival out my way. I will be back to read and comment come Monday though, and I am so going through my JB withdrawal already as it is! *shakes fist* Oh well. 😛
prizes first then talk? so, by the time talking starts, both parties will be more than a little inebriated, which could potentially harm OR help the situation. either is as likely as the other.
Okay I got it! She is avoiding the question because she is the soul of Miyuki! THAT is why she is so perfect for Jefbot because from her hampster cage she has fallen in love with Jefbot and somehow learned human astral projection. THAT is how she new Musashi!
Theory number two: She is a stalker chick in which case RUN JEFBOT RUN!!
It’s all about the facial expressions in this strip, and I love them! For some reason, I really like what did you with drawing Cel in that first panel. Again what you’ve done with the colors in this beach/outdoor strip is amazing! I used to have the whole Garfield gang as Pez dispensers, so I can totally see why JB would want to win it as a prize. Never played beer pong myself, but have always wanted to. Again, another one to leave me hanging until Friday. *shakes fist* 😛
i know i’ve had a couple different Garfield dispensers, Spanky, and i’m sure i had an Odie one, too. of course, for jefbot it really could’ve been any type of dispenser, since he just wanted the loot! and yeah, beer pong’s pretty fun, but pretty gross, too, since the dirty ping pong balls go in the beer before you drink it. my hope is that the alcohol in the beer kills some of the germs and if it doesn’t – i don’t want to know. 😛
Oh yeah, and it looks like JB is looking to get some booty. Take that however you want. 😉 😛
ha! we can only hope. 😉
Gags like this never get old. I do them all the time.
We miss you over in our neck of the woods, Spanky!
don’t be tryin’ to steal Spanky away, Kev! we might have to settle this with a knife fight. well, maybe a dance off. 😉
Must. Win. Prizes.
Must. Beat. High. Score.
I’m calling this strip out as a direct reflection of its creator.
ha! we should have some sort of token we mail each other back and forth for whoever has the high score in Geometry Wars, eleventeen. right now, i’d own it. 😉
Loot-Whore..yeah…know that feeling well…”OOHHH…I’ve never seen that before….hey, it’s got a name, let’s kill it.”
glad you could empathize with the loot-whoring, Hans! 🙂
Oh wow. This won’t end well.
well, seeing as how the best outcome of this beer pong tourney is an Odie PEZ dispenser, i’d say you’re pretty right on there, DJ. 🙂
Go, bot! When the word “prizes” pops up everything else is put on HOLD. I really love the way this strip LOOKS. The background in these beach scenes are gorgeous. And I love the little nod towards “Garfield.” 😀
thanks, dude! didn’t you and Liam just have an issue with prizes in Jersey, where you guys almost killed someone over a stuffed monkey on the boardwalk?
Nearly got kicked out of the library for laughing at this strip. That faraway look on Bot’s face in panel two, how well i know it.
As far as the Scrumpy is concerned, i’ll make some enquiries, but it kinda looks like certain excise considerations prevent it being exported. I’m sure that if all else fails i could arrange to get a few jugs to you as a gift rather than as a sale item. That is assuming the FDA or US customs don’t have anything nasty to say about it. Let me know your thoughts on the subject.
awesome, man! glad you got a kick out of this strip (while not getting kicked out). let me get back to you on the scrumpy; i’m on a mission now to get some!!! i’ll ask one of my bartender buddies to see if they’ve ever heard of it, and if they know how i can procure it, and get back to you. i don’t want this becoming a national security matter but i’ve got to make this happen.
Ohhh, anything I said about last panel was just blown out the window. It was a great idea to do that to get here! Kudos!
Also Spanky is right, drawing rocks.
As much as I would love to find out how did Cel know Musashi tis strips chemistry between those two is waaaay better. Not only Jefbot got Cel to be willing to tell him, he totaly switched to different direction and she takes it with humour. Sooo nice couples moment.
Cant wait to see actual compettition. At least I hope you wont just show results of it…
it’s a weird balancing act trying to keep the strips funny and self-contained and yet leave bread crumbs for future strips and keep the story moving, Maryz, so i completely understand you getting a different take on the previous strip after putting it in context with the current one. does that even make sense? i’m running on very little sleep here. heheh. but i think you get what i’m saying. also, i’m glad you dug jef and cel’s moment together while the focus of the story switches to the beer pong tournament. you’ll definitely be getting some highlights from the matches before i cut to the end. 🙂
Haha gotta do it for the prizes.
always, Nat. 😉
Heart to hearts can wait when chachkies are on the line!
i’m glad we see eye to eye on this, JK. 🙂
Just found this webcomic today and read all the way through just wanted to say hi on the comments thouhg
P.S. great comic
wow, thanks for reading through the archives on your first visit (or at least your first day) here, GamerTS! i totally appreciate that. hope you stick around and continue leaving comments in future strips. would love to hear what you think.
Haha…love it.
thanks, JM!
Prizes first then talk? ….I like the cut of your jib, sir. Let the competition begin! *trumpet sound*
the compliment to my jib is quite appreciated, Foxmouse. and if i ever have a beer pong tourney and you’re around, i’m going to have you start off the festivities. bring your trumpet.
And the plot thickens….. Every one is a sucker for free stuff.
i wish i could say i’m beyond such things, ZL, but yeah – add me to the list of suckers. 🙂
That’s hilarious! I LOVE prizes too! …it really makes a difference in how you play the game! Great job! …and congrats on the movie!
thanks for the congrats, man! and you’re right: prizes make games much more competitive (and much more fun, imho). 🙂
by this point, jefbot and cel should really be having sex. 🙂
not everyone’s as easy as you, skinny. 😉
I completely disagree! I am not easily lured by silly prizes! Now, if you don’t mind me, my gamer score needs some padding.
I still don’t care about the PS3 trophies though. Maybe it’s because not every game has them, maybe because it doesn’t accumulate to a nifty score total, or maybe because in order to see your trophies you have to go through several menus to get to them.
i hear ya, Montezule! when the 360 first came out, i was kind of obsessed with gamerscore, but now i’ve completely mellowed on it. i’ll grab some easy achievements but won’t go out of my way to pad my score. and with the PS3 – like you, i totally did not care AT ALL about trophies – until the last update to the firmware that is. heheh. now, switching to the XMB from a game and checking out your trophies is pretty easy, and i really want one of them platinum ones. maybe when Uncharted 2 comes out. 😉 thanks for the comment!
Cel reminds me of a song. To the tune of “Home on the Range”:
Oh, give me a clone of my own flesh and bone,
with the Y chromosome turned to X.
And when we’re alone, since her mind is my own,
we’ll be thinking of nothing but sex.
ha! love the song, TD! let’s record it and put it on YouTube. 😉 and while the lyrics about those two are fairly accurate now, their differences will soon become more apparent.
What a look I know so well. Maybe not for prizes though. I’m a sucker for character customization in games, and I can’t count how many times I’ve heard of a game with good character customization and gone empty-headed for a bit thinking of what I could -do- with the creator. I jumped on City of Heroes for the CC, I’m a Lifetime Sub for Champions Online for the CC (also action superhero games whoo!) and I’ve never breached level 16 in Oblivion yet my save count is somewhere above 360 because I keep making new characters.
I think I might have a problem.
Ah, well, time to go play Champions.
ha! that’s awesome AvA – never heard of an obsession like yours! do you have a Wii? and if so, how many Miis have you made? 😉
i actually just got Tiger Woods for the 360, and have been contemplating about what to do with my avatar, especially since i hear you can take a picture of your face with the cam and map it onto the head. we’ll see. you’d probably have a ball with it. 🙂
Got a good laugh out of the comment you left for Kevin there Jeff, and have to say : I WOULD LOVE TO SEE A DANCE OFF HAPPEN! (take it to Youtube!) Heck, I’d even join in.. only thing I would be able to do is probably “The Snoopy dance”, “The Sprinkler” and “The Macerena” *sigh* Anyway, I am so going to miss out on tomorrows strip as I’m headed off to a Balloon Festival out my way. I will be back to read and comment come Monday though, and I am so going through my JB withdrawal already as it is! *shakes fist* Oh well. 😛
the snoopy dance is one of my favorite dances, Spanky! have a fun Labor Day at the balloon festival and we’ll see ya when you get back. 🙂
prizes first then talk? so, by the time talking starts, both parties will be more than a little inebriated, which could potentially harm OR help the situation. either is as likely as the other.
heheh. very astute, Jed. there will indeed be repercussions from the beer pong contest… 🙂
it seems JB is a prizewhore… go JB…get the Odie pez dispenser…
if only the prize were for a “Nermal” dispenser, Anonymous – then we’d really see jefbot get competitive. 😉
How did I miss this ONE strip until now?!? ahhhh, Pez.
ha! was wondering if you’d have anything to say about this one, K-Bed. thought you also might like the “kegerator” in the next strip. 🙂
lol….i was the anonymous guy
It’s cool to win prizes.
Okay I got it! She is avoiding the question because she is the soul of Miyuki! THAT is why she is so perfect for Jefbot because from her hampster cage she has fallen in love with Jefbot and somehow learned human astral projection. THAT is how she new Musashi!
Theory number two: She is a stalker chick in which case RUN JEFBOT RUN!!