Although the rumor that you can contract herpes from playing beer pong has been exposed as a hoax, i still wonder what kind of microbes are being transferred to the cups by those ping pong balls that are being handled by dirty hands and falling onto even dirtier floors. The alcohol in the beer can’t be killing everything. I’m starting to rethink my beer pong career…
And, in case you missed it, jefbot’s inability to burp was well documented in the mini-storyline that started here: JEFBOT.99_Burpless
Next: The tournament begins!
Was that Cornfather calling them *Nerdsh*? I dare say it was.
Wait…! Im first? YAY!
I totaly dig the poké-ball even though I find pokemon fenomena rather annoying regardless of its few funny elements. And I would definitely go on same team as Jefbot, for purification tablets if for nothing else. Great idea. Thought Im not sure they will be of much help.
Oh, and as much as I appreciate any kind of warning beforehand in this case it might not be a good idea Jefbot… Cel was starting to be freaked out by your preparations allready…
I love facial expresions, especialy Jefbot in first and Cel in second.
Cant wait for more.
“yes” to both questions, Maryz – you’re first and you correctly deduced that it was the Cornfather who called cel and jefbot out! heheh. and glad you dug the pokéball, even if you’re over pokémania in general. i can’t help it, though. just drawing the poké-pong ball made me want to pop Diamond back in my DS. i even spent an hour reading about what’s in store for the release of HeartGold and SoulSilver… *sigh*
and yes, i think the custom ping pong balls were a little too nerdy, even for cel. 🙂
I LOVE beer pong… But I LOVE this strip even more! I’m really diggin’ the beach vibe, it’s so summer and hip!!! …P. S. I for one am grateful for fresh, clean, pure beer…
me, too, FS. dirty beer is way overhyped. 😉
Haha! I love the Cornfather screaming to them off screen in the last panel. I true LOL moment.
Well done, Jeff.
thanks, Jeff! offscreen screams always get me. 🙂
this strip made me laugh more than most, because i know how true to form this is for you…AND ME! except that i burp ALL THE TIME.
glad you got a laugh (and chances are: a burp?) out of this one, skinny.
So Jeff has a set of balls on him? Who knew?
yep, custom ordered too, reynard61! 😉
Great strip, bot. Really charming and cute. But I don’t remember having to flip any coins when we play. Of course, do to the nature of the game, I don’t really remember anything about beer pong….for some intoxicate reason. 😉
you don’t remember the coin flip ‘cuz you’re usually drunk by that time, MC.
Nothin finer then dirty, linty, sandy, ball covered beer to chug.
Thats how I prefer it anyway
mMMMmm! well when you sell it to me that way, i suddenly have a craving for it, Vee! 😛
YES! Glad to see the Burpless storyline rear it’s ugly head once again! Nice work with the details of the beer ‘fridge. So what brand beer is on those taps, might I guess? Keystone Light?
it’s actually home-brewed beer, Stan! as reference, i used the beach pad of a friend who brews his own beer by the beach. 🙂
Doesn’t the fact that beer has alcohol make it fairly germ-free?
i may be wrong but i don’t believe the alcohol content in beer is high enough to kill many germs, J. at least that’s what i’m going with. 🙂
Lovin the new outline style! It seemed cramped before with alll the huge lines, but now that the inside is thin, it looks even better!
On a different note, yes the Wii Fire Emblem game is awesome, but I highly recommend you get the original GameCube version first. 1) Because its the first so you arent totally lost when you play the wii version. 2)Because it is one of my top 3 favorite videogames of all time!
And back to jbot.. Yay for the no burping storyline coming back!
thanks, SonikkuWii! i’m always tweaking things a bit to see what looks best so, yes, have been experimenting recently with a thinner line width on the outline and have been digging it so far. glad you’re liking it, too.
wow! top three of all time! now i’m definitely going to have to pick it up the next time i see it. 🙂
<Mom Bot and I are enjoying the strip in Switzerland. Wish you could be here with us . See you soon, tell uncle mike to hang in there.
glad to hear from you, Auntie Kay! hope you and mombot are enjoying yourselves in Switzerland. are the hills really alive with the sound of music? i’ll expect answers upon your return.
Unfortunately, the link to the burpless storyline is linking to the Colbert Report beer pong and herpes story.
oop! link fixed. thanks for the heads up, Greg. this is what happens when i post these things at 4 in the morning. :-/
Haha I just love the little poke ball. Cx
ha! i figured you’d dig that, Nat. 😀
can’t… breath… laughing… so… hard…
I would change teams as well *LOL* Purification tablets. Oh god. I’m gonna get sick if I keep on laughing this hard XD But it’s been proven that you CAN get Hepatitis C, so I think jef’s purification tablets are a must-have in any kind of activity that includes greast amount of people. You can never be too prepared.
woo-hoo! glad you got such a kick out of this one, Sonitan! heheheh. yes, purification tablets are a must with dirty ping pong balls. actually, i think i’m kinda done with beer pong at this point, unless they figure out a more sanitary way to play it. 🙂
Sweet! After too many hours at work, and a few minutes at home, I have finally caught up. Awesome comic, man. And gratz on the movie! Very cool.
thanks for the movie congrats and for reading through the archives, ZipZip509! man, you just made me realize i’ve done 176 strips now. whew! i remember when 50 seemed insurmountable. heheh.
………….Okay, as soon as you have a ping pong ball as a pokeball, than you know your a fan……..*laughs*…..the tablets we’re a bit much.
ha! i love how having the poké-pong ball was just fine with you, ZachLight, but the tablets were where you drew the line. spoken like a true pokéfan. 🙂
so there is a poke-ping-pong-ball, and a dragonball ping pong ball, but what is the third one, the red one?
hard to see ‘cuz it’s so tiny, Smedz, but it’s a d20 (one of a set of dragon dice ping pong balls). though i like ZipZip509’s thought, below.
@Smedz – I’ll venture a guess: Samus Aran perhaps?
i love your guess, ZipZip509. so much, in fact, that i drew a morph ball in cel’s hand in the next strip. unfortunately, it got covered by the cups in that last panel. :-/
I forgot to ask in my last post, but are you still looking for guest strips? Because id love to make one for ya!
If not, thats cool too. More strips from the set! haha
yeah, it doesn’t look like the strips from the set are gonna work out, SonikkuWii (crazy schedule and possibly no wifi), so yes, i’d love for you to send over a guest strip! check out this blog post for requirements.
Great strip! Can’t wait for the next ones in this bit!
thanks, Kenshi! two more left, then a hiatus for three weeks, then i’ll finish the arc up when i get back. there’s really only a handful of strips left in this “beach” storyline, so sorry ’bout the break!
love the way cel’s eye seem to be surprised on the 2nd panel….the 3rd panel is also an exceptional work…nice job JB
thanks, man. sounds weird, but it’s taken me a while to get used to her eyes (they’re kind of at a peculiar angle to draw pupils in) but i think i’m getting more expression out of them now. glad you dug ’em.
It just seems to easy.
The possible testicle jokes at BOT’s expense I mean.
I’ll just go with a “Great job!” and leave those jokes to someone more shameless then me. xD
heheheh. thanks, Foxmouse – you know how difficult it is to restrain myself from making tasteless, dirty puns out of the titles for these “ball” strips!? 🙂
Ditto what @Smedz, what other wonders lurk within your ball sack? Yes Foxmouse that shameless one is me [insert generic maniacal laughter].
ha! yep, “ball sack” was one of the lost titles, Deaconvorbis. see, you can say “ball sack”, but i have to refrain. 😉
Not sure myself, but I think that third one might be a Samus ball? Screen’s at 1920×1280, so things are a tad small for me…
Ah, well. Still looks good. *thumbs up* Though I’d like to know what that mystery ball is too.
you had the same idea as ZipZip509, above, AvA! look to JEFBOT.178 for the morph ball to appear… 🙂
Hmm interesting that JB brought up to Cel the fact that he can’t burp. This one had me giggling. Again, never have done the beer pong thing, but yeah it does sound like it could get pretty gross. I like the fact that Jb came prepared with his own set of balls. (Clever clever!) Love the expressions in this one, and “nerdsh”? Hehe cute. Another strip to tickle me funny bone!
yeah, beer pong’s just gross, Spanky, and you would probably do well to avoid it. maybe if the balls themselves had an antibacterial shell or something. even then, all the dirt and who-knows-what else would still be unaffected. yeah. gross. avoid.
The purification tablets are such a great idea.
That’s why the ball goes into everclear instead of water.
..Not that I would know. >.> <.<
Necro post, I know, but I needed to save you from dirty beerpong. You put water in the cups and beer in separate cups. If you trust the people you’re playing with you can just do a “shot” after a hit, but who really trusts thier opponents in bp?