So, yeah, when I was a kid my dad made a game out of a sheet of electrified metal with a maze cut into it. While that thing didn’t have the juice to knock me out, it did make my arm go numb for a few minutes when my concentration waned a bit while playing. Although it took me a while to even get near the thing after that first shock, I eventually understood the fun that could be had once I stopped warning people about what would happen should they choose to accept my father’s invitation to play the game.
I wonder if he still has that thing. Once the JEFbot book comes out and I start doing conventions, it might be fun to have that at my table for readers to try out. Hmmm…
Just make sure you have some sort of disclaimer so someone with a pacemaker or something doesn’t die from it.
i’ll try and remember to keep the voltage turned down, Shazbot. 😉
Forget the disclaimer. A liability waiver, signed in triplicate, would be better.
but those legal forms will ruin the surprise, Greg! 😉
And of course, having read today, will remember.
And still try.
I make no promises about remembering to move any drinks away from flailing range. 😛
i dig it that you’ll still try, Holaved. maybe i’ll have to have a prize for those who make it through the maze unscathed.
Yes! Nice avatar! I absolutely love! ( <3 ) Othar Trygvassen (Gentleman Adventurer!).
Sorry. First GG avatar I've seen and I had to geek out over it.
heh. go popbot. poor cornfather never gets a break! what with getting electrocuted and spray in the face….
…uh, a jefbot book is coming out? cool!
very true, faehiir – the Cornfather (and jefbot, for that matter) has taken his fair share of licks within these pages. but, like a timex watch, he keeps on tickin’.
nothing to announce just yet as far as the book goes since it’s only in the planning stages at the moment, but yes, if all goes according to plan, it should be out in 2010!
I love it.
I have seen something like this a few years back, the difference was, that it was giving this realy annoying realy loud sound instead of electroshocks. And it wasnt a maze but a solid wire twisted into curves and you had some kind of a ring on a stick that you was supposed to guide entire way without wire touching sides of the ring.
Whats the green light for?
they have that game at the Magic Mountain near me, Maryz. i’m pretty good at it, too (learning coordination via an electrically charged maze will do that to a person). heheh.
you might just see what the green light does in the next strip…
Second panel= instant laughs. Wow you really captured CF getting zapped! This is awesome! It kinda reminds me of Operation, but a bit more extreme. 😛
I look forward to your book coming out, as you know I will be buying a copy! Do you have a time frame for when you’re going to release it? And conventions?!? :O I don’t believe we have conventions here for webcomics, and the closest one is either NYC or New England. Would be nice if they had one in Rochester, NY or even Buffalo or Syracuse. Anyway, I’m rambling here.
I just got my digicam back after letting my parents borrow it, and I started taking pics of BOTtons, my wooden hippo and will be taking pics of the X-Mas ornaments I made soon. So be expecting an email from me sometime before the week is out! 😀
an “extreme” (and dangerous) Operation is exactly what it was like, Spanky. i even threw in a reference to that game with Popbot’s, “It takes a very steady hand” taken directly from this commercial that used to play incessantly when i was a kid.
No time frame just yet, although I’d really like the book to be out in the first quarter of 2010. i’ll start planning conventions to hit once it gets closer to being printed and will definitely let you know if i’m in your area.
looking forward to that email! 🙂
Awesome! I love the second panel. Great special effects.
thanks, man! i love drawing that stuff. 🙂
I’ve done something like that before, though the voltage was not as high. If I ever meet you at a convention and you have it, I will try it.
heheh. i’m mostly kidding about having that at conventions, Hunterbot. mostly.
That’s awesome! I LOVE that second frame!!! It’s like Operation for adults! Rock on Jefbot!
something tells me it didn’t zap the Cornfather’s funny bone though, Funnyshaffer. 🙂
I know that game. And I’ve also played it with an electrified horse fence when I was little with my older cousin… I couldn’t feel my arms for an hour or so…
Oops I forgot to sign in >< dammit
an “electrified horse fence,” DJ!!? ouch. well, now i don’t feel so bad for the Cornfather. heheh.
I’ve been shocked accidentally a few hundred times just going to feed them. It comes with the territory.
It’s like the time my hubby bought a shocking game…you have to be the first to press the trigger when the light goes off, or you get shocked…I will not play the game…hubby will hand a trigger to some unknowing person, usually one of our kid’s friends, and wait…BZZZZT…laughter all around…
Same thing with the “shocking ball” and the “shocking pen”…please, please… no one give him a hand buzzer…I can’t take it!! LMAO
due to my experience, i would probably rock at those “shocking” games, ESQ! funny you should mention the pen and the buzzer – one of my buddies at work gave me a “shocking” stick of gum, recently, and i haven’t tried it on anybody but myself. well, now i know what to bring for the family Christmas get-together in a few weeks. 😉
Oh and DaughterJudy…my hubby found out when he was a kid, to never pee on an electric fence, I know Mythbusters “busted” that…but seriously, he peed on it at the “right” time and…well…let’s say he was an innie for awhile HAHAHAHAHA!! Yes, my husband is odd…his grandfather used to check lightsockets with his finger, to make sure it was the bulb that was burnt out, not the socket…runs in the family…Oh man….
i can’t even read that first sentence without cringing and feeling pain, ESQ. 😯
Your dad created a home-made Operation-like maze? I might love that man, and I’ve never met him.
heheh. you’ll hafta meet him sometime, eleventeen. i’ll have him dig out his games for you. 😀
I have seen games like that which you can buy. Many years ago I used to work at a game distribution center and they had something like that. There are whole lines of shocking games. They can be great fun with unassuming people. Makes me wish I could remember the name brand.
sounds like EvilStepQueen’s husband is intimately familiar with those games, Jamwes, though i’ve never seem ’em. i wonder if they’ve been pulled or if they still exist? hmm, i might hafta do some Googling.
What the F?!?!?!?! Hahahahahahaha!!!! Super funny, bot. This strip is so “shockingly” funny. 😉 (sorry, I couldn’t resist) I really like the effect you did on the second panel. Popbot’s face in the 3rd panel is way too adorable. Great work again, bot. But who’s going to clean up the mess that the Cornfather just made in his pants? :-p
i think the Cornfather’s going to have to figure that one out on his own, MC. unless Popbot has a contraption for that. heheh. he did make his own “pooper scooper” that we used for our dogs’ messes on the lawn.
I can imagine this game being on the news as a “dangerous toy” for Christmas.
because of the small parts?
Small, electrified parts… and based on your sister’s post below, being beat up by your sister for playing with her game.
heheh. so true. *sob*
Ha ha ha, pretty funny! Market it to HASBRO and watch the cash flow in.
good idea, trevor! let Hasbro deal with the lawsuits.
This explains a lot….
maybe too much, Doc? 😉
Popbot has a mischievous streak? I like that! 🙂 (Of course, I’ll have to be careful *not* to try that game if we should ever meet…)
i think that it can pretty much be said that all the Schuetzes have a “mischievous” streak, Foxmouse. heh. and are you sure you won’t play the game… even if there are prizes involved?
You little thief! Dad made that game for me and I’m a master at it! Of course, alot of kids were afraid to play at our house…
Dt tell me that surprises you Xinda. As much as I love to be scared of you I never want to meet you in person without a bodyguard.
But I guess you guys had the best halloween horror house in town at least once when you were kids.
even with a bodyguard, i wouldn’t feel entirely safe, Maryz.
Maryz, we actually did have the best Halloween House on the block. Mike and Jeff would put a coffin on the front lawn and put my daughter, Airica in it and Mike would throw a dummy over the balcony when you approached & I had big spiders rigged by the door. Mombob & Lj would always cook goulashe for all of us to eat every Halloween. We eventually stopped after the incident with Jefbot and the neighbor’s cat…
you know legally we’re not supposed to talk about that “incident,” Xin.
makes sense dad would make the game for you, sis – nothing like a little “shock therapy” to cure what ails ya. 😉
apparently it didn’t work, see you soon little bro…
How come Dad let you play the game…?
apparently i was getting some shock therapy of my own. and yeah, didn’t work. heheh.
Ha!! Those things are evil!! I hate those shocking things, i went to Universal and grabbed a pen that shocked me and I dropped my coffee in the store! 🙁
Ha! I guess it serves them right!
i’m with Stan – not your fault for making a mess if they’re going to shock you unexpectedly, Nat. 🙂
it said “Press” It didn’t say it was gonna shock me, if I knew that I would’ve put my coffee down or held onto it tighter.
I hope CF wasn’t harm too much in the making of this comic. ^^
heheh. no comment.
Had to share this vid with you, as it reminded me of your recent strips dealing with otherworldy encounters. I will be sending out that email for you sometime tomorrow. 😀
thanks for the link, Spanky! i wanna know who thought those lights might be a “black hole.” c’mon.
Russia is claiming responsibility for it all.
I’m not buying it though, because I believe the lights trail leads to a mad scientists laboratory! *insert Dr. Horrible’s laugh here* 😛
That is awesome and I would try that out probably several times without the need of a waiver. I mean, if you’re silly enough to do it over and over again…who’s the one at fault, then? >:D
heheh. very true, IA. i don’t think you can sue if you try it more than once. 😉
It’s like Operation…from HELL! I would never survive that game…that’s why I have to ink with Illustrator…it corrects my shaky hand 😉
you should give it a try: the threat of electrocution will straighten that shaky hand right up, JK! 😉
HA!!! Popbot is the BEST!! Torturing unsuspected victims it’s always a blast!
*evil laugh of doom*
Poor Michael. I’m surprised he still is jef’s roommate! He most have concluded long time ago that the Bot’s are a bunch of nutties after what happen with Xinda and the spary-in-the-face and being “forced” to ring the blasted bell last Christmas!
*runs away laughing maniacally*
somehow I knew you’d like this one, Sonitan. heheh. and yes, although the “Bots” have proven to be very dangerous to be around, something tells me that trouble would find the Cornfather regardless of who he happens to hang with.
I’m pretty sure this was a marketed game at one point… I vividly remember trying it out at a Toys ‘R’ Us when I was 5 or so.
At least I think it was a Toys ‘R’ Us. Might’ve been a Wal*Mart.