I remember when Michael Cornacchia (the Cornfather’s counterpart in “real life”) called me on his first day of shooting HBO’s Six Feet Under to let me know it was like stepping into my apartment when he walked onto that set. Unlike jefbot in today’s strip, I wasn’t sure whether or not to take that as a compliment when I found out the nature of his character’s demise. Note this was years ago, when Michael was still rocking the hair curl and the Power of Chub.
The first clip from Michael’s acting reel below shows the scene. Know that there’s some adult language if you’re under 17 or at work so view responsibly.
I both find this what I think *my* reaction would be too, annnnnd a good time to go and clean out my closet. :p
you and me both, Holaved. unfortunately, my closet is wedged shut from all the stuff packed inside of it. 😉
Eesh! What a way to go, I guess! And what a title for this one! Sounds like something CF’s super hero counterpart would say, while he was taking down a bad guy. (Kinda like “HULK SMASH!”) 😛
Love the 3rd panel, and JB’s expression. Thanks for sharing that video! Have to ask: Did you purposely make the strip in about every shade of yellow to represent CF, considering corn is in fact yellow? 😛 I like it, because it reminds me of spring, which I wish would get here already!
Another awesome strip! 😀
who knows, Spanky – i’m hoping to fit in some CORN SMASH! when The Chubman and Scrawn return!
in a way your theory about the colors is right, since i chose them based on what would be complementary to both Corn’s yellow and bot’s green, but nothing really beyond that. well, besides heightening the mood with a little red in that second panel.
Ha! Totally awesome. 😀 I love the comic and the commentary. I’m sending this one to my brother who is a total comic book geek (and I mean that in a good way, of course). Pretty much every physical comic I have is because he started me on it. I tend to go for the cute and/or funny stuff with a good story. He got me hooked on Bone when it first came out, and now my whole family has read them. Have you read Bone?
Mike’s reel is cool. What is that last one from – the recycle one? I might need to find that and work it into recycle training at work. 🙂
thanks for passing this strip along to your brother, shanna!
i loves me some Bone! i got away from comics for a couple of years and Bone was one of the titles that rekindled my interest in them! for months i was on a quest to track down every issue to get caught up, including holiday specials and “1/2” issues. even bought the comics over again for the new covers when Image reprinted them. and of course i bought that huge, collected book when it was released and read the whole thing over again. i’m not as passionate about it as i once was but that Jeff Smith’s a genius.
the recycling clip is from the Terry Tate: Office Linebacker series of shorts done for Reebok.
Cool. Did you see the Fone Bone I made for my brother for Christmas a year ago? http://www.flickr.com/photos/25428243@N06/3090086220/in/set-72157604416163912/ He’s got his backpack with Moby Dick in it (the book is polymer clay), Ted the Bug, and a paper bag hat (made of felt) and scarf. I think the hat and scarf were from the Christmas issue.
that fone bone is crazy awesome, shanna! i love it almost as much as the Mu you made me. almost. 😉
Have either of you read Jeff’s ‘Shazam’ miniseries, or his current ongoing, ‘RASL’? Shazam was pure Jeff and pure Captain Marvel at the same time (he even drew it!), and RASL looks very “Jeff Smith does Mad Max HIS way.”
Good times. ^^
I’ll have to check those out. I haven’t seen either of them. Thanks Holaved!
Holy smokes, I’ve seen Cornfather on TV so many times in the past and never realized it. That is an awesome collection of clips. I think the Terry Tate commercial was played on monitors at my old office more than it was on TV.
Best of all? I met you at NEWW, you know Michael, Michael appeared with Gary Sinise on CSI:NY. So I am 3 degrees from Gary Sinise!
yeah, those Terry Tate commercials were HUGE at the time, Tovias! and you might be pleased or horrified to know you’re three degrees from britney spears, too, since Michael worked with her on a pepsi promo. heheh.
And that’s why shelves need to be anchored to the wall.. I have to agree with Tovias I’ve been watching Mr. Cornacchia for many years now and loving all of his characters. His hair curl is adorable and sometimes my husband can pull it off. I’ve always called it the Superman curl, but now we’ll have to call it the Cornacchia curl for its true originator. If your comic books are as neatly organized as the fellow Michael was playing I don’t think you’re in too much danger as long as you don’t climb the shelves, but be careful anyway!
MC used to sport that curl all the time, Melody, but since losing 75 pounds has all but abandoned it, sadly.
and my comic books are in long boxes, stacked on top of each other along a wall in my room. probably safer than on a heavy bookshelf but far from danger-free. 🙂
Perfect way to reply, and wow, hmm, I didn’t even realize how many times I have see Michael Cornacchia on tv, awesome.
I agree with you! I guess this means I should pay better attention to the credits from now on, huh?
^^’ I normally skip past them
thanks, Z, and yeah – Michael’s been on a lot of awesome TV over the years!
Wow, seeing that reel, I realized I have heard of him. Cool.
My words exactly!
yeah, Michael’s one of those guys that a lot of people are like, “he looks SO familiar, I know I’ve seen him before.”
You’re a pretty versatile man, Cornfather.
Also, Jeffbot, you were very natural in the WTFWT. Normally actors come across as wooden if they play a subdued skeptic. For you, it was seamless. I really feel that your character was the part of the skit that had me believing that the short was actually a documentary.
your words are much appreciated, Archwright. i tried playing that character, Zapatos, as believably as possible to contrast with the craziness of the other paranormal researchers, so i’m glad you dug it. had a blast filming it and hope we make more! 😀
LOL! Ha, I remember seeing that clip and needing to show it to my wife. Did Michael ACTUALLY have input on that character, or was that just for this strip?
i love that clip too, Stan! one of my favorites on MC’s reel. and yeah, while he didn’t come up with the character or write the words for him, he totally had input on how to play him.
After visiting your place, Jefbot, I would have to say that at least you are a very ‘organized’ pack rat 🙂
ha! thanks, man. i’d rather be called an organized pack rat than a messy hoarder.
That clip isn’t like me at all.. >.> <..> I have a huge collection of books like that
heheh. hope you don’t have any expensive books in high, out-of-reach places, DJ.
You know I’ve been meaning to watch Six Feet Under, I heard it’s a great series. Even has Dexter in it :). Oh, Jeff, did you get that email I sent you about the interview? As for Pack-rat-itis (it’s a common term I use…) I have a bit of it and I’m really trying not to die from all the DVDs that I have …. but, what a way to go eh?
yeah, Six Feet Under’s a pretty brilliant show, KS. the series finale is a great example of how to end a show, too.
haven’t been through my email yet, but i’ll be on the lookout for yours.
Jefbot has no shame 😛
Michael has no shame either. Must be for spending so much time with Jefbot. The strip was very funny, jef. And wow. so it WAS Michael in SIx Feet Under after all >___< I’m not very good with faces.
yep, that was him, Sonitan, and i think he does a brilliant job of playing a comic book nerd! if only he’d embrace his inner geek… 😉
I’m still laughing at this strip! Jefbot you’re hilarious! I love the last frame, the contrast of both your reactions is awesome! Great work as always!!
glad you liked the contrast, Funnyshaffer, which flips the reverse contrast from the first panel. or does it contrast the flip of the reverse of the third panel? ugh. whatever. thanks!
Oh! Oh! I remember the Circus episode from CSI: NY! 🙂
Also; I have the same pack-rat ways, but with plastic scale models. (Although if they fell on me, they’d be more likely to break than I would…)
ooh, what kind of models reynard61 – battleships? spaceships? mechs? runway? 🙂
Mostly aircraft (I’ve been an Aviation/Aerospace geek practically since I was born), some armor, a few ships (including this one. Click “Customer Reviews” to see the short review that I wrote for it.), and Sci-Fi. Sorry, runway models tend to be *WAAAAAAAAAAAY* out of my price range…
mad props for building a japanese battleship, reynard61. especially the Yamato.
Thanks to everyone for your sweet comments about my work. Yeah, that episode of “6 Feet Under” had JEFBOT written all over it. In fact, when I was helping the bot move in, I had to pile a ton of comic books on top of each other. For a brief second, I had a flashback to my scene and actually had to convince myself that I wasn’t going to die.
Great work, bot and thanks for the free publicity. 😉
well that explains your absurd phobia of stacked boxes.
First of all – Michael, I totally LOVE you. I’ve seen you in nearly all those roles! As soon as I mentioned the comic book death scene, my husband knew exactly who you were! Awesome work.
Secondly – I’d love to see a current pic of you!
Thirdly – When to we get to see Jef’s reel???
my reel’s not nearly as impressive as MC’s, Julienne, but i am cutting a new one together at the moment, mostly of stuff no one’s seen. heheh. maybe i’ll post it on the site when i’m done with it. 🙂
for a current pic of michael (75 pounds lighter and counting), check out his website at michaelcornacchia.com.
Thanks you, Julienne. I totally love being loved. 😉 You’re too sweet. Like Jefbot said, I’ve got some new pics up on my website, michaelcornacchia.com and even newer ones’ll be going up there soon. 🙂
I watched Six Feet Under from beginning to end, and when I discoverd JefBot… I immediately had a “WTF?!” moment. The world isn’t as big as I thought it was, I suppose!
Great work as always! Your timing always has me rolling.
thanks, Kate! timing is a tricky thing, so i’m happy you’re digging the strip’s sense of it. and know that i’m always happy to supply “WTF!?” moments. 🙂
you’re 100% correct about the size of the world. amazing how close all of us humans really are.
I have actualy seen this on youtube before, and I thought it looked like your common Nerdguy. Jefbot fits the description, but somehow I didnt make connection. Maybe because CSI part made me laugh so hard… Seriously didnt expect that but that glove joke got to me.
As for my reaction for situation like this I would probably go like Jefbot *Awesome!* and then *WHAT?!*
Great strip, and good luck to both of yours acting cariers Jefbot and Cornfather.
BTW if you are looking for funny and addictive reading try Gunnerkrigg Court:
Its about girl, about magic and about secrets but give it a cance, its worth it.
yeah, that “glove” bit always cracks me up, Maryz, and MC executes it perfectly. heheh. thanks for the luck – i’m sure we can both use it!
also, thanks for the link – i’ll check it out this weekend. how can you go wrong with girls, magic and secrets!?
Let me know what you think.
I’ve only had a chance to read a little bit of Gunnerkrig Court, but it looks like a good one. Thanks for recommending it. It is always fun to find good webcomics! Have you read Digger, Maryz? http://www.diggercomic.com/ I absolutely love Ursula Vernon. She’s awesome. Check out her art too.
I LOVE her art Shana, didnt have time to go through all of her archive yet though. Glad you liked my redcomendation.
Personally, I would have taken this as a compliment too! But honestly, what in the world are closets for if not a place to put our crap?
skeletons, NathanC. skeletons.
Wow…little scared now…
I never collected comic books. Instead, I could be buried under all my old N64, sega, ps1-2 games….>.>…
me too, Steve. throw some old NES, SNES and Intellivision cartridges on top of me as well. 🙂
That’ll be me with my video games soon
sounds like paradise, IDTMRB. 🙂
hahahaha…love the tery tate commercial…the look on CF face is so precious. hahahahaha…hope u will land the next big thing CF. i’ll pray for it when i go to sleep. the six feet under is so hilarious. i wish to be burn with my collection too..
as the klingons might say JF#300, “that death would be… honorable.”
I… um… did a guest comic for a guy that knows somebody who was on TV on purpose a bunch of times.
Yay. My fame is complete.
ha! do guest comic strips count in that however-many-degrees-of-separation game, Drakey? if so, you’re like, four degrees away from Pauly Shore. fame! 😀
I’M GONNA DIE! WAAAHHHHAHAHAHAAHAAA!!!! However the fact that Cornfather was on one of my favourite shows was cool. Never knew that was him though! Also seeing Cornfather with the Power of Chub and the Power of Scrawn… it’s like two different people!
yup, that was him, Psynapse! and now that he’s had a taste of both Powers, i wonder which one he’ll stick with? 😉
I’m switching sides myself… although due to my great height I still retain my Magnetism powers. 6’4″ baby. I’m finding Phasing useful but I didn’t roll a high enough Dex score to really use Stealth effectively. Meh.
i have to ask, what does the glowing “o” in the jeffbot banner at the top of the site do? it’s clickable, but nothing happens.
it should take you back to the JEFbot home page, acolyte. at least on computers running windows. for some reason, macs hate flash (and i do everything on this site using a mac, go figure.)
ummm, i am on a windows laptop
hmm… just tried it on my PC at work and you’re right, acolyte! thanks for the catch. will look into fixing that glitch shortly. when fixed it should return you to the homepage. 😛
just updated the banner for valentine’s day, acolyte. when you click the green heart in the JEFbot “O” it should take you to a romantic moment in bot history. hit CTRL-F6 or empty your cache if you don’t see the heart.
Haha death by comic books?? Sounds exciting, I saw Hoarders today and started cracking up when I thought of your comic. (: Great Job Jeff.
you’ll have to tell me about that show, Nat; i’m still boycotting it.
Michael Cornacchia. you are a briiliant actor, you should be in hollywood comedies
Thanks kisame, I whole heartedly agree. 😉
I saw Michael in Pushing Daisies and adored him!
Michael, you’re hilarious.
I can’t wait to see more of you.