Today’s strip is a fairly accurate representation of a recent conversation I had with my sister Laura and her husband Mike about the program, Hoarders. I still have yet to see this show, probably because I’m a moderate pack rat myself, and do not wish to see a twisted mirror of what I may become in some dark future.
Some of you may also remember when jefbot’s sister Lor had a problem filling her DVR with another type of program in this strip from last year: JEFBOT.127_Lost Episodes.
I knew as soon as I read the dialogue, that it was the show Hoarders. I’ve seen the show, and it’s amazing how much stuff people can fit into even just one room of their place. I am a bit of a pack rat myself, but not nearly as bad as some of these people I’ve seen on there. I think everyone in their own way is pack rat of some kind, at some point in their life.
The best facial expression goes to Jefbot in the last panel. *huggles Jefbot* I guess I’m a big ol’ softy for a “side smirk”, as the boyfriend does it a lot.
Speaking of shows, you should totally watch Kenny vs Spenny. It’s not a Hoarders, but the things these 2 guys do for such crazy competition, AND the fact that Kenny is just rotten and evil to Spenny makes you wonder why they haven’t killed each other yet. Definitely worth a good laugh, and surely worth a checking out. Google has them, so I highly recommend watching them if given a chance!
This was another good strip, and now to ask the questions of :When are we going to know of what happened with Mu, and when are we all going to get to see Cel and have all of our questions answered? I’ve been good with not asking for quite some time. Do I get a cookie? 😛
just seeing the commercials has scared me away from Hoarders, Spanky! too close to home, methinks, although maybe i’ll watch it and be like, “well at least i’m not that bad.” heheh. and then go out and collect more stuff. 🙂
glad you liked the side smirk! i’m a fan of using that expression in daily life, myself. and never watched Kenny vs Spenny but i’ll check ’em out the next time i have some free time in front of the computer.
as for the questions – i can’t wait to get back to the cel/Mu storyline so i’m happy you’re still curious about what’s going on with that! while i can’t say all your questions will be answered right away, i will say cel will be back in the strip soon. as for Mu’s fate, well, that’ll take a bit longer to be resolved.
sorry, looked so good i had to take a bite:
’tis ok. I’m all for sharing, so it’s cool with me. Thanks for the cookie 😀 You will have to post this side smirk pic sometime (via twitter?) so I can see it for myself! I’m looking forward to having some questions answered in the coming months, and can’t wait!
PS: Just read the mailing list email, and I LOVE THE WALLPAPER!
Im glad that we have a family oriented strip again. I love how you draw characters and Coolhand and Lor are allways great when they appear. Spanky was absolutely right about Jefbots smirk, but Coolhand in last strip is close second to Jefbot when CF sended mesage to Cel instead of him. Of course, Coolhand isnt that intense, but that is understandable. I am little hoarder myself, but I have strict rule aout this: I hoard books.
As I have said before Im not too hot on alien story arc, but I am kinda curious as to what do you have prepared for us. So add me to people asking Spankys question.
PS: Spanky, Wallpaper was your cookie.
Indeed on the wallpaper/cookie remark Maryz 🙂
always love dropping the Bot Family into the strip, Maryz, so glad you enjoy seeing ’em! and i envy your exclusivity measures on hoarding. i literally have hundreds of old paperback and hardcover books, which wouldn’t be so bad if i didn’t have the comics, video games, toys, dvds, etc. to stack along with ’em.
glad you’re curious along with Spanky! just for that, you get a cookie, too.
I would hoard those things too, but its just not worth it to try collect comics here in Slovakia. We have like… Three specialized stores in whle state and what you see in normal bookstores, are poorly choosen and you cant get whole series no matter what you do. Guess thats why I surf the net so much, look hard enough and as Gorilaz say *Its there!*. As for games im happy if I find time to play three realy good games a year, and I mean all challenges and extras on 100%. Im sucker for 100%.
i envy you, Maryz – i can’t remember the last time i got 100% on a game; i just don’t have time anymore. i take the shotgun approach now, where i just hit as many games as possible in as little time as possible, just to experience them. although… i’m having so much fun with mass effect 2, i just may have to track down all the achievements. we’ll see.
Nooooooooo, not TV! If you must own a set, keep it exclusively for DVDs, consoles, maybe an old Atari ST (yeah i’ve atill got mine and i use it), and if you’ve more money that i currently do, Blu-Ray. There is a reason they call it the idiot box, do not take the pixelated candy from the digital stranger in the corner of your room.
But seriously, i’m a hoarder myself hence the Atari ST. I’m sure if i looked hard enough i could probably manage to find my old ZX Spectrum. As for old PCs, Macs and SPARC Stations, i’m considering a rather ambitious digital couch to free up some storage space. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Oh yeah, i see the eye twitch has made a return, always welcome. Artwork is awesome as ever man.
dude! you get some geek cred points for having and still using an Atari ST, Deaconvorbis. very cool. i think the oldest system i have is my original Intellivision, but i always have an eye out for a working Vectrex, so if see one for sale, let me know. if you set up that digital couch take pictures and send ’em over; i’d love to see it.
eye twitch, ftw! 😀
gracias, JP!
every nerd/geek is a packrat. It’s our nature. XD
i’ve noticed that too, DJ! at least i can take comfort in that.
Ha! …sadly I can relate all too well! My sister is a pack rat and a giant pain in the butt! Well done Jefbot! P. S. That show Hoarders is fascinating… I’m always amazed at how some people can have so much stuff!
at least i’m not collecting old newspapers and beer bottles, Funnyshaffer. well at least not yet, anyway. 🙂
Love the cute little smile. 🙂
I bought a book about decluttering recently. It was a while before I realized the irony of buying more junk in an effort to get rid of junk. 😛 Oh well…
Oh yes, and THANK YOU JefBot for the awesome mailing list wallpaper. See? Those of you not on the mailing list yet would already have your Chubman and Scrawn wallpaper if you had given in to your urges and joined the mailing list. Moral: Always listen to your urges. (Wait a minute – that can’t be right!)
glad you dug the new wallpaper and thanks for the mailing list plug, Shanna! perfect lead-in to this JEFBOT PSA:
if any of you reading this would like to enlist in the BOT ARMY by joining the mailing list just click the following link to get notified via email whenever a new strip gets posted and for occasional, exclusive, member-y stuff (like an early link to The Chubman and Scrawn wallpaper!):
yay! another fan of the side smirk. 😉
and i know what you mean about “buying more junk in an effort to get rid of junk,” Shanna. been thinking of doing a strip related to this very thing recently, but it hasn’t congealed in my mind yet.
I think I need to get my wife to read this strip… Nudge, nudge. Love it!
ha! you can always copy and email this strip to her anonymously, Mark. 😉
Ha! I thought it was going to be “The Big Bang Theory.”
perfect! was hoping to lead at least a few of you down that path with the dialogue in the first panel, Stan. 🙂
Hoarders is a scary, scary show. I suspect you are nowhere NEAR those people.
And hey, JEFBOT-ers–come over and have a look at SubCulture!
sadly, i suspect it wouldn’t be hard for me to lose all self control and become one of those people, Kev! 🙁
Coolio. It’s scary to think that is almost exactly how things went. Alas, Jefbot’s visit did not alleviate any of the DVR woes, as I think we are now up to 20+ recorded shows and 3+pages of “Hoarders” on the DVR menu. Hmmm. The last time Coolhand and Lor appeared in the strip with DVR troubles, “Lost” was involved…”Lost” returns tonight…uh oh. And I think I saw a commercial for Mansquito 4: Womansquito or something like that…NOOOOOOO!!!!
scary indeed, Sean Luke. maybe i can watch a few “Hoarders” before the Super Bowl party this weekend? 🙂
hahahaha, poor Mike. I love the twitch in his eye! I bet Mike has a future for a nervous breakdown, when he does please do a strip about it! 🙂
ps. more Mike & Lor strips!
heheh. if it happens, i’ll be sure to document his breakdown within the pages of JEFbot, maleficent.
will definitely have more Lor & Coolhand strips in the future, but look for some more Xinda stuff, too. 🙂
I love “Hoarders!” I hafta get up and throw something away every time I watch an episode. I’ve been watching episodes while cleaning-up for SuperBowl. It’s awesome. I can’t wait for a strip where Sean Luke looks unreasonable and crazy(er).
well if it can get me to throw away, donate or sell some of my stuff, maybe i’ll give it a shot, sis. but don’t count on it. 😉
XD I’ve seen this show. Its kinda funny, in a sad sort of way.
i have enough neuroses of my own without watching other peoples’, Ahero. heheh. now that i’ve referenced it in the strip however, i should probably check it out at least once.
XD True that. I’m a little bit OCD. My room is one of the most spotless teenager’s rooms ever. EVER. D< My car, too…Oh, and I meant to comment on the last page that its good to see the Cornfather and Jefbot getting along so well. Their powers of awesome unite them. XD
ha! funny you should mention them getting along so well, Ahero. some others have mentioned that lately, too. it’s for humor’s sake that they bicker and fight and yell at each other so often, but showing just why they’re best friends and roommates can be awesome, too. good for me to remember, thanks. 🙂
I think I’ve seen an episode of this show… Either I’m mixing this one up with the people who have really messy houses, or the people who have stacks upon stacks of newspapers (that could very well be from the same show as well.) Although judging from pictures of google, they might as well be the same show >.>
sounds like it, Steve, but who knows? i kinda remember seeing something on 20/20 or 60 minutes about hoarding. can’t believe they made a series out of it!
Hey Jeff, is this a particular addon that gives you the ability to reply to individual comments?
there are a couple of plugins you can get to add that feature, Kev (Brian’s Threaded Comments and IntenseDebate among them) but i just use the built-in version (WP version 2.7 and up, i believe) which you can activate from within WordPress. just go to Settings, then Discussion in the dashboard and change the “Other comments settings” to “Enable threaded comments [?] levels deep.” i have mine set to 6.
Thanks, man! So changed!
hey uh, bot!
You are so not a moderate pack rat. You my friend are pack rat maximus!
what!? lies i tell you! ALL LIES! 😉
good to hear from you, buddy.
hehe, I’m a little afraid of watching that show myself.
I have a pack rat life style of books, video games, and movies. I think I have enough to put up a few walls with my pile XP
you’re my kind of pack rat, Z. 🙂
hahahaha. last panel is jb cutest smile ever. hahaha. oh yeah. love the power storyline. i can relate to it. cf does make a valid point. hope to see a spinoff of chubman and scrawn.
while i would LOVE to spin-off C&S into their own strip, there are only so many hours in the day and i can barely keep up with the bi-weekly nature of JEFbot Prime, jf3! they’ll be back here in due time, though, rest assured. 🙂
I’ve seen that show. Unless you throw nothing away you have nothing to worry about
does “almost nothing” count, IDTMRB? 😉
I love this strip… I did a jump back to “Axis of Evil” and it’s amazing to see how your art style has evolved over the course of this strip. Whereas it’s probably easy to get lax and lazy you have actually gotten more crisp and detailed. It brings a lot more levity to the strip. Also, where do I send fanart? No particular reason… just asking… totally rhetorically… I’m totally not working on a Chubman and Scrawn guest starring Psynapse concept cover at all… no… really… I’m not… QUIT LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!!!!!
thanks for pointing that out, Psy! while it didn’t feel like i was improving at the time, going back to those old strips really shows me how much i’ve learned in the past two years of drawing JEFbot. practice, practice, practice truly works.
as far as fanart goes (not that you’re working on anything. heheh.) send it to me at jefbot (at) monsteryou (dot) com. see the “CONTACT” link above the strip for a clickable link.
Dude, you should watch that show. It will be an intervention for you. Plus you’ll know what to expect when they show up at your house. Calls have been placed 🙂
intervention for what? i don’t have a problem. nope, no problems here.
Jeff doesn’t have issues… he has subscriptions. *rimshot*
To quote a recent Twitter update: “poképeeps: HeartGold & SoulSilver (pre-order) are 5 bucks off at amazon today, w/ figurine. i’m goin for SS/Lugia. HG/Ho-oh’s tempting, tho.”
I’m just sayin…. 🙂
not sure who wrote that tweet, but they have good taste in pokémon and seem like an all around awesome person with no hoarding issues whatsoever, JK.
I gotta admit that I’m afraid of Hoarders. Feels like they are portraiting an extreme version of ourselves so… following my grandma’s wise advices… “eyes don’t see, heart can’t feel”. Or in other words, I’ll keep myself in my blessed ignorance *LOL*
Ah yes, I remembered the whole deal with the Mansquito movie (the name keeps reminding me of the Moskiton short anime. No offence to the japaneses, but really, that show SUXED big time!!!!!!). When you made that strip, jef, I must confess that I was THIS close to call the guys in white on your sister >____<
Really, what was her obsession with a moquito man???
No! Don’t answer that! I don’t wanna know!!!
My virgin ears!!!!!!
sounds like your grandma’s a wise woman, Sonitan! and yeah, i’d rather not know what i’m capable of with hoarding, or worse yet, find out i’m already there. 🙂
never seen Moskiton but now you have me intrigued, even if it sucks. heheh. maybe i should show it to my sister Laura! speaking of whom, although there are many reasons you should call the “guys in white” on her, her love of SciFi (oop. “SyFy”) movies is probably least among them.
FINALLY!!!! He does a strip about it! I want the whole world wide web to know that I live with Jefbot and EVERYTHING ELSE that has EVER been invented. Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! Great strip, bot. I couldn’t have drawn it better myself. …Seriously… I couldn’t have. I guess I should let you in on a little secret: for the past two years, little by little, I’ve been selling your stuff on Ebay. I’ve made a fortune. How do you think I was able to afford a trainer. 😉
that ebay thing’s totally going in the strip, MC – it’s hilarious! unless you’re telling the truth of course, in which case i’ll poison your cilium husk.
Haha. Just caught up again. Moving to Alaska sucked. I’ve been here 3 weeks and still don’t have my stuff grr…. Great strip (and previous strips, I especially liked Chubman and Scrawn 🙂
EPTHA! hey, glad you’re back! wow, so how’s alaska (besides cold)? i’ve never been but i hear it’s beautiful there. i’d make a sarah palin joke but i’m sure you’ve had your fill already. 🙂
Alaska’s great! It really is beautiful…I need to get a camera so I can start taking pictures…I’ve seen three Moose since I got here, right on base even. And surprisingly few Palin jokes floating around up here… *ominous silence*
oops wrong e-mail
ha! glad to see your avatar’s back as well. 🙂
I haven’t seen the show, but my gal suggests I watch it. I got like 14-15k DVD-Rs and CD-Rs FULL of data. I must haz all information evarz!
dude. when the human race is extinct and the aliens excavate our civilizations, one can only hope they’ll come across your data stash and see what we were all about, Z. hope you have more than porn in there. 😉
Big Bang is a riot – I would totally date Sheldon. Smart guys rock.
3 things.
1. i’m really far behind on my Jefbots.
2. your sister is totally hot.
3. i grew up in an episode of Hoarder’s. Before there was a tv show.