I had this – almost exact – conversation with my dad a week or so ago. My mom assures me (much to my relief) that neither she nor he have any plans of being “bedridden” anytime soon and that’s just the way his mind thinks. I did end up taking the TV but I’m not going to mount it to the wall or anything, just in case.
A rather morbid strip but I had to share and I’m sure many of you readers can relate, right?
Sorry, dude. 🙁
Ill get you next time Spanky!
Anyway, I can relate because I’ve had this conversation with my dad. (I had it with my mom before she passed, and don’t worry I got a good laugh out of this strip because I have a darker sense of humor. That and I think the same way as JB, instantly wondering/worrying if something is wrong when told such things.) Poor JB and that shiner! Get some raw meats and ice on that stat! *hugs and a tissue for JB* 😉
condolences on your loss, Spanky – and glad you can still have a sense of humor with this kind of subject matter. my brain always goes to the worst possible scenario whenever things like this with my parents come up, too.
and yeah, i’m hoping bot’s eye heals quickly, ‘cuz i’m getting tired of drawing it! 😉
heheh. congrats, Spanky! 😎
First! YAY! Finaly!
I hope I will be able to write this before someone else posts.
Now, thats a black eye.
Doesnt Jefbot know what TV his parents have? And whats happening in six to twelve months?
Love the tears.
PS: What is the status of Yesman Cel-look-alike girl? Have you seen it yet?
Thats what facebook does to you Maryz 😀
Dont I know it…
Ok, we need to stop this, starts to look like a chatroom in here.
I think it adds to the charm of this comic, the loyal internet following and that it has a “chatroom” blog 😀
i dig that too, Eddie. 🙂
almost, Maryz! Spanky’s quick on the draw.
and yeah, bot has seen the TV before but his dad’s just hyping it to him. and hopefully, nothing’s happening in 6 to 12 months! Popbot’s just being overly grim.
glad you like the tears! and YES, i watched the Yes Man clip and saw the lady you were talking about – she TOTALLY has a “cel” vibe! heheh. in my mind, i have a friend that’s totally cel, though (who would be great in a live-action JEFbot series.) next time i hang with her i’ll have to give her a hoodie and some dark eye shadow and take a picture to post. 🙂
I think that everyone here would like to see what would cel look like in real life. If you really can get that photo, i would like to see it 😀
I have to submit to my ugly personality and point out that if Spanky posted her whole post as one I would be first because clearly i started typing before her. But she didnt and shes first, thats how it works…
Glad you liked the *Cel* i found in that movie. Did you like it? Im not asking you just as watcher but as profesional actor as well. I Hope to hear something interesting and enlinghtning about movie industry. Oh, speaking of which, did you know that new *Gorillaz* song *Stylo* has *The Bruce Willis* starring in official video? I highly recomend searching the Youtube for it right now.
As for real life Cel, I agree with Eddie. Pictures! We want pictures! This is not the first time you mentioned that real life counterpart as one of bases for comic Cel, but you start to sound like Martin, one other member of our local geek group. He claims, for months now, that he has a classmate in University who is a beautiful girl that likes StarWars and is a gamer. Naturaly we asked to meet her or to see her pic. So far nothing, what can mean only one thing: he is making it up. So Jefbot, satisfy our *translation: mine* selfish desire that has no way of affecting you and provide pictures!
Ok, that last part sounded waaay too much like I dont have anything better to do than looking for gamer girls on the net but thats ocupational hazard in this case.
i’d suggest just doing the brief “First!” post and treat it like a buzzer, Maryz. then write a longer comment underneath that, like Spanky did. since it would be impossible to regulate how much people should write, that’s the fairest way, methinks.
i haven’t seen the whole Yes Man movie, but i did enjoy that clip. i’ll have to stream it from Netflix sometime and get back to you.
i can do better than pictures for real-life cel, i’ll give you video! now, cel was hatched in my mind before i considered the following actress, but i think she’s so beautiful and talented, she could totally pull cel off if i do a live action webseries or something. check her out, miss Heather the Vampire herself, Megahn Perry:
and wearing a JEFbot shirt!:
Oh, I didnt know you meant her! I totaly love her!
Admit it, you just want to have a liv action project so you could do the pier kiss scene with megahn!
Anyway, I think that girl from Yesman had more *Celwibe* as you called it at the moment, but I agree that once she would be on the project Megahn would totaly dominate the role.
So when can we expect this live action to roll our way?
Oh yes I love Heather the Vampire series and being a HUGE fan of vampires (hate the twilight saga) I enjoy that much more the whole vampire blog, telling the world vampires really exist 😀
Must admit she would be a pretty great Cel, but as we all know that hot gamer girl is as easy ti find as unicorns and rainbows in mordor 😀
double damn it, I was waiting here, and Im 3rd ?
Competition is fierce, Eddie.
I was thinking of requesting a rule for the site to only post full posts and not just exclamation of winning joy… But that would be a Joykill. Its fun like this, waiting to steal it and either succeed and have a bliss or loose and try again next time with even more determination.
Am I right or am I right?
like Maryz said, the competition’s fierce, Eddie! and i gotta agree with him – imposing restrictions on what people can or can’t do for that “First!” post would be a Joykill.
On a practical note, typically what happens with a person in failing health is, they cannot negotiate the stairs, and some downstairs floor level room gets converted into a bedroom. So unless their house has an indoor elevator – a possibility, since
Popbot builds things – ground floor is the way to go for an aging parent. Makes it easier to get in and out for doctor’s appointments, and reduces risks of falling.
And since bones also become more brittle with age, reducing risk of falling is a good thing to do.
Yea, so you should be able to keep the TV, regardless! 😉
yes, but at what cost, Shanna. what cost!? 😉
i thought the same thing, Murrday – seems like downstairs would be more practical if someone’s in failing health. and a Popbot-built elevator made of aluminum, wood scraps and pvc pipe would probably be more dangerous than stairs! heheh. best to not give him ideas… 😉
Actually if one of the elderbots. got sick I would just lock them upstairs in their master bedroom and bring them food & water at regular intervals. Downstairs is no good as there aren’t any bathing facilites…
So why do parents do this kind of crap to us? It must be in the parent code. Maybe when your kids reach a certain age, someone wearing a dark suit-of-anonymity in a dark, nondescript car approaches you and spells out the requirements for torturing your kids. It’s not something you learn when they are first born (or else the dark suits just missed us somehow). Conspiracy, anyone? 😉 Popbot really is the best tho. You’ve gotta love him!
Poor Jefbot. His face just keeps getting worse. If he stops anything else with his face, he’s gonna be unrecognizable! I hope he gets a few strips to recover.
let me know when those dark-suited people visit you, Shanna, and then tell me what you learn. (and i’ll do the same for you if they visit me first!)
and a healing break’s definitely needed – jefbot needs a break from all the head trauma. i need a break from drawing all the bruises! 🙂
Awesome strip ‘Bot. You look like you need a hug in that last panel. That bruise looks even worse after Xinda got her hands on you.
thanks, DJ! yeah, that bruise is lookin’ pretty gnarly. a hug would definitely help. 🙂
Ah, yes. The good ol’ “we may be bedridden/house bound/dead in six to twelve months” conversation. My mother likes to tease me that every time I leave her alone, she’s in more danger of injuring herself– she’s quite the klutz. It has come to a point where I feel like I should just move back in, and be a full time supervisor! Hopefully, Jefbot will at least get a lot of good use out of that TV before anything happens ;P
i hope my parental units won’t be needing a “full-time supervisor” anytime soon, Kate! and the funny thing is, i don’t think my dad was trying to guilt me out or tease me or anything; he was being very practical with his “worse possible scenario” talk. heheh. 🙂
Ah family…you gotta love ’em. Almost as much as I love the JEFBOT strip!!
awww… thanks, JP!
Well, there’s a nice bit of foreshadowing. Given popbot’s sense of humor (electric game, anyone?) it wouldn’t surprise me if it was just a really dark joke, but on the flipside, I can see this winding up sorta like Something Positive. Randy (the artist) also creates all his characters based on his real life friends and family. He killed off his mom and gave his dad altzheimers (sp?), when both are still alive and well for real.
I know that the latter wouldn’t really fit the style of the comic, but you never really know… *insert dramatic music*
i like Something Positive, Alexander, but please let this not be foreshadowing! i’m seeing my parents tonight for dinner, so i think i’m going to have to make sure there isn’t something i should know about going on.
Enjoy the TV, Jefbot!
thanks, sis! hahaha*sob*
This made me giggle! My parents have had this comversation with me for the past 5 years. The conversation is usually as follows.
Them: “Who will take care of us?”
Me : “What do you mean? What’s the matter? Is there something I should know?”
Them: “No…not that we know of but what if…”
Me: “Well are you guys feeling ok? Are you having weird symptoms what?”
Them: “No, you know we’re just getting old. You’ll see when you are our age.”
Me: “Are you sure nothing is wrong?”
Them: “Well he have Dr.’s appointments this week…”
Me: “Well call me and let me know what he says.”
Them: “If we remember. You know you could always call us. We’ve kept track of you for (omitted by Author) years. When is it time for someone to take care of us?”
Me: “THIS right here is what causes kids to kill thier parents!!!”
And scene.
I love those old geezers but they are driving me to drink and not even paying for it!!!!
*clap*clap*clap* loved the scene, Pixie! and hope this strip gave you more giggles than urges to drink.
actually, either way’s good! 😉
I know exactly what UR saying, been living it everyday for the past twenty years!!! (none of the 6 – 12 months)
oop. sorry, Beastie B! hope everything’s going well on that front. 🙁
I’m hoping the popbot didn’t have one of those “flashforwards” and now he knows something we don’t. 😮
he might’ve built a contraption in the back shed to do exactly that, Sean Luke! one never knows with Popbot. 😉
Someone has to say it. You look like a grape, dude.
maybe if jefbot gets hit on the other side of his face he could land a gig as one of the California Raisins, Metaldude.
My mom & dad are in their mid-50s and FINE health-wise. But in a recent conversation with my mom about my desire to inherit the house (which has nothing wrong with it besides a broken roof and some mold that hasn’t killed anyone yet), she revealed that she is CERTAIN the house is going to have to be sold before it inevitably collapses on itself so that they can afford the old folk’s home they’ll need when their bodies suddenly collapse at the age of 60. May I remind you that aside from some sight problems and arthritis, her mom is still going fine and lives on her own, taking care of herself.
After mentioning this to other friends, it’s just been agreed that most older people are weird like that. *eyeroll*
i love how the mold in the house hasn’t killed anyone “yet,” J! heheh. and, ugh, i hate talking about that kind of stuff with the parents. as far as i’m concerned, they’re both going to live forever. 😀
Oh no! …well, I guess enjoy the TV while you can!
P.S. When’s movie night?
if you’re bringing drinks and popcorn, any night this week is good, Funnyshaffer!
I honestly expected Popbot to still have one of the awesome giant TV’s with speakers built in still functioning from the 70’s: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3117/2781776802_1644ec74cd_o.jpg
Gratz on the new gaming rig addition. Coincides with Gears 3 announcement? I think not. Gametime, bot!
ha! y’know, we had an old Zenith TV for the longest time, 11TN, but once my dad saw the beauty of HD he bought that Bravia which i now have, then bought an even bigger one for my mom, and now has a huge LED set for himself! the man is unpredictable.
It does make sense… Build what you can with things leftover or broken, but also be willing to appreciate and purchase awesome new tech.
Is that old Zenith now a plant potter? Toolbox?
… thats just a little disturbing. nah, he’s probably just messing with you.
i’m already paranoid so he shouldn’t mess with me like that, Animie fan!
Mines always going on and on about how hes so old, if you read some of my comments from last page you’d know. guy almost qualifies for seniority and he could still punch a hole in a wall if he wanted to.
Oh man i know this story well, and the artwork is still blowing me away.
With regards to the TV, sweet dude, a friend of mine has probably the same model bravia, own it and love it man!
As for the shiner i can relate, had my fair share of black faces, (not just eyes,) the worst part has to be smiling.
Sorry i never got to send my best on your birthday, and i hope you had a good one.
Now i normally don’t like to do this but by way of a conselation for my late birthday wishes i hope you can enjoy this music video by a friend of mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbG1Yz3nvMM
I intend henceforth never to post links to anything on your site man, enjoy.
glad you can relate and thanks for the kudos, man!
happy to hear your friend digs his TV. i’ve already hit a snag, ‘tho – after i got the bravia to my apartment, i noticed a few blue lines are now running down the right side of the LCD screen, so it’s gonna need repairs. i should probably just ignore those lines but i can’t stop staring at them!!! 😯
belated birfday wishes are still good in my book, thanks! and feel free to post links as long as you think JEFbot readers or i’ll get a kick out of ’em. btw, loved the video and song. i love tea myself, drinking mostly Barry’s and PG Tips.
got to love the fact parents never try to ruin a good thing…they just do it automatically.
heheh. Mombot reads the strip and these threads so no comment, t_d. 😉
Yeesh… that black eye is looking really nasty….
yeah, i think adding a mutant healing factor to jefbot’s Scrawn Powers might be prudent at this juncture, Steve.
What, the fact that he looks like a mutant when healing? ba dum tish.
No!!! I love Popbot!!! He’ll be around forever if only cause I don’t wanna give up this amazing TV. 😉 Great job, bot. I love your love for continuity with your eye and of course, the expressions! Next week, do a strip on the new Double Down sandwich from KFC.
OH NO! Popbot eats a Double Down and has a corinary?!
Michael, I LOVE KFC…We will be serving in it Hades when I take over…and even I’m afraid of that sandwich! It has your daily intake of sodium…in one sandwich!…Which of course means I must try one at some point…
Come on you apes. You want to live forever?!
“it in” even guh…come on FRIDAY!!!!!
Don’t want to live forever, just prefer to eat real food and not the plastic that gets served in fast food joints.
but what if it’s really tasty plastic, Deaconvorbis!? 😉
Deaconvorbis, that was a quote from Starship Troopers…That movie’s awesome!…right?
I’m not the only one that can quote that movie, right?!
Oops. It apears my Pixiesque Geekitude is showing again…Dagnabit!
Sorry Pixie, not really a Starship Troopers fan, although it was good to see Neil Patrick Harris looking über creepy as the psi guy. Kinda nice to know i can quote movies unintentionally though, thanx.
what the heck is up with that KFC Double Down sammich, MC!? the PR people for that product are doing a heck of a job, ‘cuz every radio station i turn to has someone trying it out. i think i’m gonna put my foot down and say this strip does NOT endorse the KFC Double Down! (well, unless it’s AWESOME. or they approach me with a lot of money. but ONLY THEN!) 😉
haahaha. that is so cruel.
unintentionally cruel, but cruel nonetheless, jf300. 😉
Oh FRAK, yes.
Having been down this road with both parents. I have to say that the Hospice experience is decidedly … character-building. ‘Nuff said.
wasn’t sure how people were going to react to this strip, Samuraiartguy, but it sounds like many of you readers are relating to it. sorry you’ve been down this road with your parents, man. i must say, i know it’s inevitable, but i really don’t want any more character-building. doing JEFbot gives me ENOUGH character! AAGH!
Aw… Jefbot’s face is already messed up. Does Popbot really need to mess up Jef’s hopes and dreams?
Then again, I’m talking about the guy who tricked CF into playing with an electrifying sheet metal puzzle of DOOM!
Humanoids are strange creatures…
true that, Rinthia – Popbot did almost snuff out the Cornfather! heheh. let’s just hope he doesn’t mess with any of his own electrical gadgets in the next 6-to-12 months. 🙁
Lol poor Jefbot. That must’ve been a fun conversation. Your dad’s new tv is craazy!
it’s amazing isn’t it? i gotta get me one of those!
Messing with your kids never ends. My folks always joke when they get something new that “You kids can fight over it when we’re gone!” Granted, Dad just replaced his 18″ Magnavox with a 46″ LED Samsung, but we’d rather keep them around for a long time yet! Having only one daughter myself, I can’t pass on the above comment.
i’m sure you can find a way to guilt-out your daughter some way, 2ManyCars! 😉
ooh, an LED is exactly what my dad got! those things are beautiful. i think the LCD he gave me will have to tide me over until the OLED sets come down in price.
ooohhh pooor JB he is suffering a bittersweet agony. It is SO horrible when ones parents start to talk that way!
“Cause it’s a bittersweet, symphony, this LI-IIIFE!” sorry, had to break into song for a bit, nicobot. heh. and yes, it is horrible for this talk to come up, but part of life, i guess. can’t wait to hear what the next thing’s gonna be! BUH.
XD!!!hahahaha. I was singing that song the moment i read the title of the strip. But as you (and the song) say, it is part of life.
Amazing as always JB!
We were all on the same page there. Weird. 😛
Ha! I thought they were just trying to con you into hauling it upstairs for them (“Um, Jef… we’re bedridden starting tomorrow!”)
man, that’d be easy, these new sets are so light! the hard part was getting rid of my 32″ CRT HDTV. that thing weighed like, 300 pounds and i live in a 2nd floor apartment!
man, i’d be sitting there “you’re too old to have another kid though!!!!”
oh god, Shade – if that were to happen, i’d be the one suffering a heart attack! 😀
Wow, deja vu. I remember hearing this exact story last Friday and now I am seeing it again! That scares me. I remember hearing a story about Jefbot giving his friend a million bux too!!!! Come on future!!!!
LOL Nice strip as always bro. The expression on JBs face in the 3rd panel is amazing! Oh, and now that you have that TV you can finish up ME2!! It’s worth it!
expect that to happen a lot now, Slave1. heheh.
and glad you liked the strip! now i just need to get these blue lines on the screen fixed and i’ll be back playin’ ME2! 😀
I will expect the $1,000,000 soon then 😛
You might just have to deal with the blue lines or you will never get caught up! ME3 will be out and you will be complaining that you didn’t have an import for that one as well 😉 …and no, you cant borrow my hard drive!
HAHA i had this exact same conversation with my dad…. he gave me his old tv (and i mean REALLY old) but hey, it worked so i didnt complain…. two days… only lasted two days before his new one broke… he got it back >_<
oh and one more thing … why are your bruises transparent?
skin’s actually somewhat transparent, Leithal! when skin’s opaque like in many videogames and cgi, characters just don’t look quite “right” and they end up looking like mannequins.
ha! that’s hilarious, Leithal. fortunately, my dad’s new TV is running great, although the one he gave me suddenly has a few blue lines running down the right side of it! D’OH!
I talked to Dad & he said that if anything happens to you… I get the SONY! So take care little Bro…
he also told me that if anything were to happen to me under “suspicious circumstances” that Lor would get the TV!
lol….hey xinda, if jb doesnot take care of the tv u can always add him to ur facebook list
lol, good one JF#300
don’t give her any ideas, JF#300!!!
While I’ve had these types of conversations with both my parents, mostly my father, I’ve also had a rather similar conversation with my Grandpa. In my Dad’s case, it is me asking him for his original Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies when he dies. Somehow that one always snowballs down into a discussion of how he would take them to the grave, and I would have to grave rob.
Now with my Grandpa it’s a bit different. He has recently decided that he wants to be cremated. Now he doesn’t want his ashes spread in a normal place. He’s decided he wants to be thrown off a ferry…while stuffed in a turkey… and fed to an orca whale. The best part of this conversation is we’ve had it about once a week now for about 2-3 months.
Now that I’m done my sharing, it’s a wonderful comic!
what format are his original Star Wars & Indy movies in, Desiree? are they on actual film, or are they VHS tapes or DVDs or something? sounds like you should make him revise his will so you don’t have to go graverobbin’! 😉
i like your grandpa already! that’s an AWEsome way to be “put to rest”!!! HA! i’d tell you how my sister Linda wants her ashes spread, but i’m saving that for a future strip. heheh.
thanks for sharing and glad you like the comic!
The Original VHS. I wouldn’t go graverobbin for just dvds. Well I mean if they were good DVDS then maybe but when it comes to my Star Wars and Indy obsession I needs the originals. I will keep trying on the will though. I mean really that is all I want, so you’d think he’d be willing to share. Though I may ask for the Playstation and Nintendo system too. I am his nerdy daughter and his first born so I claim dibs.
I’m now very excited to read that comic.
Keep up the excellent work!