Got the idea for this strip after reading about a real rogue communications satellite that will be crossing paths with another communications satellite on, yep – May 23, 2010 – the air date for the final episode of LOST. Experts have said there’s only a small chance television broadcasts will be disrupted, and really only for cable channels, but you never know. If your LOST party suddenly becomes a Suite Life of Zack and Cody party, at least you’ll be prepared.
Genius, bot! Really funny. I love the story line. It’s great that you were able to take a mundane piece of news and make it super funny. Oh and I love the “Curb Your Enthusiasm” reference. 😉 And one more thing: FIRST!!! 🙂
thanks, man! and i think you’re the only one who’ll get that “Curb” reference – actually, not even a reference, just a reference of a reference that made us laugh. wait, what? i’ve lost my frame of reference. 😉
I think we may need a “referee” for all you references, bot. Hahahahaha!!! I know. I know… I’m getting all Jeff Payton up in your sh*t.
Outstanding! Love the “Curb” shout out! …and amazing detail on that bald guy from Lost… Excellent yet again Jefbot!
okay, two of you got the reference to the reference. 😉
Y’know, some of my friends from high school are beginning to resemble the guys from the first panel. At least they’ll be having fun doing technically things.
Fascinating how the satellites will actually cross paths. I love the expression on jefbot’s face. It fits so well.
my high school buds are looking like those guys, too, emikae! in fact, i think the design of the guy on the right was subliminally influenced by a friend i recently got reacquainted with on facebook, now that i look at it.
hahaha…nerdy joke of an epic proportion…nice one JB…u rock my world.
heheh. glad you can appreciate the nerdy stuff, JF#300. 😀
I hope these gentlemen are correct in thier assessment of this events severity. I hope so….for THIER sake. *narrows shifty eyes evilly*
looks like that rogue satellite passed the other one without any disruption, Jed. at least in THIS timeline. in a sideways reality, all HELL broke loose.
I take I’m not the only one who feels great pain upon viewing original disney tv programming?? Ew. >.<
you’re DEFinitely not the only one, Tanya. maybe i’m a masochist, tho, ‘cuz i’ve found myself actually watching those shows on occasion.
My son loves both WOWP, and SLOZAC, and well I guess I do too since I (kinda) have to watch them. 😛 I have to admit that I have never watched an episode of Lost. I dunno why, it just never really caught my attention. This is great, and loved the reference to CYE!
I had read a little bit about a rogue satellite, but didn’t know it was going to be crossing paths with another one in the coming days. (Should be interesting to see, maybe?) Have to say, the nerdiness factor of this strip is at 100%, and I love it! 😀
i’ve watched 1-2 episodes of both WoWP (cuz i wanted to see what CYE was talking about) and Hannah Montana (cuz the Cornfather was in an episode). couldn’t watch anything beyond that since i was feeling a little pervy. 🙂
always happy to supply the nerdiness in JEFbot, so glad you dig it (especially with the NF so high in this one)!
if two dead pixels cause a massive amount of stress, i can only imagine how having your show “spliced” like t’day’s comic would irritate ya bot. makes me wonder what other weird and crazy splices could be made with shows. hmmmm. dexter and dr phil? LOL.
yes, especially when (if you look closely at the last panel) the dead pixels are still there, Cogwell! we’ll be seeing the aftermath of the “splicing” in the next strip.
hmmm… serial killer unleashed on dr. phil? not a bad suggestion. 😉
*giggle* I see someone likes Disney channel. 😉
I have to admit, that I secretly (well not so much a secret now I guess) love Wizards of Waverly Place….and Phineas and Ferb.
Oh, and SO funny, you know that will totally happen too. Just glad it didn’t do it on the season finale of Super Natural…at least I hope that was only the season finale and not the series finale. Good luck Lost fans, hope you don’t get any interuptions.
never watched Supernatural, though i’ve heard from friends that it’s actually pretty good. did watch the series finale of LOST last night – with no interruptions, thank the gods. 😀
Phineas and Pherb…How did I forget them?! They are my very most favorites. Did I mention I don’t have kids? I’m a huge Disney nerd. Well Just a nerd in general I guess. *adjusts her pocket protector with pride*
Ferb even…I wonder what Ferb is short for?
i think i could be classified as a “medium” Disney nerd, Pix – mostly as it pertains to their animated films and amusement parks. i’d list some of my favorite movies but there are SOOOO many (okay – Hunchback of ND, Beauty and the Beast, Fox and the Hound, Jungle Book, Lilo & Stitch, Little Mermaid, etc.)
And darn proud of it!!!!!!!
I hog the carrusel until I get kicked off it!
Beauty and the Beast is the best movie ever!!!! LOVE!!!!! And all the others are fine. MY all time fav is Beauty and the Beast. Love the castle and the story. I just love the “old times” Disney movies. Miss them ;__; Darn you Disney/Pixar, darn you to heck and back!!!
*cries brokenly under computer desk*
funny, i *just* happened to see Phineas and Ferb for the first time last week, Lily – and liked it! heheh. it was the one where P or F invents a machine that converts animal speech to english. hijinks ensue.
I don’t really watch Lost, it seems too much like this show I used to watch (shh don’t tell anyone) Flight 99 Down or something like that that used to come on Saturday mornings with the curly hair guy from High School Musical….I know, I should be ashamed of myself.
But if this happened during the NBA Finals, there would be heck to pay…Heck!!
haven’t watched Flight 99 Down, but LOST has been a fun show to follow. wasn’t really happy with it this season, but it did entertain for most of the past 6 years so i’ll try not to complain too much. fortunately, there was no heck to pay when the show aired last night!
any jb fans wants to sell their used macbook pro? if so please contact me.
if any friends of mine are looking to sell, i’ll send ’em your email, jf#300.
ebay is a good place to look for used stuffs but problem is they dont ship to my country
Why is Cornfather happy about it? Im not a fan of LOST, but despite that would piss even me off.
Love the way you portrayed Masters of subliminal control of general population. Geeks rock.
Your trouble with that TV never seem to end. Are you sure that it wasnt practical joke on side of Popbot to give it to you? Anyway love Jefbots expression.
the Cornfather isn’t into LOST, Maryz, and would be more into watching WoWP. heheh.
geeks do rock! woo!
indeed. more troubles to come with that TV in the next strip. 🙂
So funny!! Love the computer guys…fantastic!!! Was that what happened to AT&T??
heh. that would explain a lot, JP.
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who hasn’t been following Lost. I’m a bit embarrassed to admit it in this crowd, but we don’t actually get TV anymore, so anything I watch has to be online or thru Netflix. This means that I often feel like I live in a cave since half the time I don’t have any idea what people are talking about for TV shows (e.g., curb your enthusiasm?). 😛 If it weren’t for Twitter I’d be totally in the dark!
except for watching some shows (like LOST and 24) at my parents’ or friends’ houses, i’ve been unplugged from TV for about three weeks now, Shanna. after that first week (and once i got over the videogame withdrawals) i haven’t missed it too much. actually been able to get a little more work done on some side projects, which has been cool. i probably shouldn’t unplug myself from the idiot box for too long though, or i’ll be out of touch with some of the pop culture that feeds this strip! tv’s still in the repair shop, though, with no estimations on when i’ll be seeing it again.
the only purpose our TV serves is something on which to play video games and watch DVDs. don’t even have an antenna. we went to a friends house and made group event of LOST every week, and now that it’s over, there is literally nothing on TV that we follow. though we may break down and hook the cable back up for The Walking Dead on AMC this Oct…and Fables on BBC America next spring…and A Game of Thrones on HOB next spring as well… those three shows alone have the potential to make cable worth it to us.
…or we may just watch them on Hulu the next day. 🙂 (also, by HOB i meant HBO…)
dude. i BETTER have the tv back by the time any of those shows come out or i’m gonna have to make a quick trip to Best Buy or Costco. CAN’T WAIT!!!
Oh man, can you imagine?! It might make more sense, tho
yup. with the way the past couple seasons have gone, why not just throw in a couple of tween wizards, right? 😉
Oh, my wife will be pissed!
can you imagine the outrage if this actually came to pass, Stan?!
so what’d your wife think of the finale?
HAHA You come up with some of the craziest thoughts. I kind of hope Lost is disrupted…serves all these crazy people right!
you’re lucky your email isn’t posted along with your username, Slave1 – you might have gotten some strongly-worded email from the LOSTies here.
Phineas and Ferb is the only good show on the Disney Channel anymore. But Great strip bot. I don’t like LOST and I will never watch it. But I understand all off the hype over it. 🙂
you, Lily and Pixie have something in common, DJ! as i mentioned above, i’ve only seen one ep of P&F, but i thought it was pretty good. i’m not a super LOST fan, but i did like it. just a bit dissatisfied with this past season.
funny! 🙂
thanks, Xin!
Oh!, That kitty you were with name is “Shadow”…… coincidence,
I think NOT!
there was a fat, grey cat there, too. any idea what his name was?
oh hey! you animated the dead pixels! Wait thats not a good thing!!
you bastard….
great strip though 😀
TV has been repaired. In Mordor.
Mordor, or perhaps being repaired in a sandcrawler somewhere in the san fernando valley, 11TN. 😉
i knew someone would catch those dead pixels there, Steve! as far as jefbot knows, the “disruptions” in this comic are just more glitches with the TV, which will carry over into the following strip on tuesday… 🙂
HA! poor JB
heheh. yep.
that rogue satellite should…wait, I don’t watch Lost, so the joke is pointless
make it anyway, Mister_E. 🙂
Great strip bot. I was planning on watching the finale at a LOST party, but the party thrower moved to LA two weekends ago… DAMN YOU JOSH!
yes! i hung out with said party thrower at meltdown comics and at a mexican cantina this weekend. we had a blast! only thing missing was YOU, dude. 😉
just don’t mix my true blood with any rachel ray food cooking show and no will have to get hurt!
aagh! don’t even joke, t_d!
Wow really, cool! By the way, I’m sorry, I kinda forgot this place when my cpu had to be reformatted.
glad to see you back, Zachlight! hope your cpu’s in good shape now. 🙂
Other than the fact i have no video capturing software for some reason, it’s running fine.
Haha! This might actually happen to me if I were to ever actually watch the cable television I’m paying out my rear for
i feel ya, E. for the small amount of television programming i watch, it’s ridiculous how much i pay for it. 😛
I’m going to laugh so hard if Lost suddenly turns into a crossover with some sort of disney channel stuff.
XD Good thing us aliens don’t have to worry about that satellite stuff XD
next time there’s a problem, maybe you could just beam the signals to my tv directly from your saucer, Rinthia? or just do it now so i don’t have to pay for cable anymore. 🙂
Awesome, had to look up the WoWP reference though, (beginning to feel old).
This strip has has reminded me that we’re not only leaving a ‘fixer uppper’ of an environment for future generations and expecting them to pay for all our financial woes, we are also going to leave a skyfull of comms satellites in decaying orbits ready to fall on their heads.
Kinda makes you wonder what we’ll think of next to mess with our offspring, and how long it’ll be before they start lining us up against the wall.
If my mood seems a little down i’m gonna blame it on the fact that the weather here is scorching, leaving me unable to get more than half an hour of sleep at a time, and it’s another week ’til payday so i can’t even afford cold drinks or ice cream. I must be the only Scot praying for a return to the Siberian winter we just had, at least when it’s cold i can drink lots of tea and pull on some extra clothes.
Oh yeah, love the fact that you included the dead pixels. Some might call that anal, i reckon it shows an amazing attention to detail.
i know what you mean, Deaconvorbis – getting harder and harder to stay current with all these young’uns popping up these days. i barely knew what a Beiber was before he had a #1 album. heh.
yeah, it’s pretty crazy just how much junk is floating around above us. pretty soon, the future posed in Wall-E isn’t going to be science fiction.
sorry to hear about the weather over there – i know how much it sucks to not have sleep and how it can affect your mood. haven’t slept well in like a week, and i’m starting to get a little surly.
If that actually happens I would be such a happy goth person!!
*evil laugh of doom*
Since my brother is addicted to Lost and I hate it… heh heh heh, that would rock my world!
Oooookaaaaaaaaay… now, Michael knowing of a Disney show really creeps me out!
*hides under computer desk*
But still, YES!!! I hope it happens and my dear brother can’t get to enjoy Lost!!! Bwuahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!!!
well, it’s now the day after the LOST finale and i can say that the events of this strip didn’t happen. not in this universe anyway, but in a sideways universe, you know this totally happened, Sonitan, so *evil laugh of doom* away! 😀
im guessing CF likes that show O_o. lost is seriously losing track of all its mysteries though….
great job JB 🙂
well, it can be assumed that he likes WoWP more than LOST, Leithal! 🙂
and you’re right about LOST losing track of its mysteries. while i didn’t completely hate it, the finale didn’t answer a lot questions i had, and answered a lot of questions i didn’t have.
Wow…Awesome animation on the TV Jeff.
I love WoWP. I admit it.
Never got into Lost and according to the recap from the other night, I didn;t miss much.
I’m with t_d, no one is to call my house on June 13th between 9 and 10 pm! True Blood Season 3 premeire and I swear I will make you listen to “My Heart will go On” at an insane level on REPEAT!
gracias, Pixie!
like i mentioned earlier, i probably liked WoWP more than i should, but can’t start watching it regularly due to the “creepy” factor.
what’s your #, Pix? it’d be worth pausing TB for a few minutes, just to get your reaction should i happen to interrupt your viewing during the premiere. 😉
Okay, the day has come and gone. Has anyone actually had a random channel shift happen to their TV?
i heard they were able to avoid any interruptions, NeoDarklight. at least in this timeline. here’s the update.
insult to injury, that show BITES.
hard for me to completely defend it, Animie fan, especially after this past season. enjoyed it for most of the time it aired though, so that’s worth something.
Man.. if that happened to me while I was watching lost… i would have exploded in rage.
XD great comic. Did it really happen?