When I was a kid, I had a friend in the neighborhood whose parents had a room in which all the couches and furniture were covered with plastic. It was a room us kids were told never to go in when there were no adults around, and of course, it was the room we always played loud music and ate food and wrestled in whenever my friend’s parents were away. During that time, I never understood why they would cover everything in plastic since it made everything look so ugly, but now that I can afford cool things I guess I can relate a little. I mean, a couch is no iPad, but it is harder to clean.
Thus, with this strip, the “iPad” storyline ends, at least for the time being, though there might be a couple more iPad-themed strips down the road as I get my dad’s reaction to the device and as I discover more apps and uses for it. Expect a couple standalone strips and then we’re going back to a storyline many of you have been asking about…
unbelievable, Angela della Muerta! you nailed this one between 1-2 minutes of it being posted! somebody correct me if i’m wrong but i believe this is the first “firsting” three strips in a row. for the 3peat you get TRES spectacles of firstness!!!
😎 😎 😎
wear them with pride.
Yay! *happy dance* Thank you! ^_^
Dang it LOL, I stayed up trying to beat you, Angela…
Now I go to bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i don’t know how Angela della Muerta does it, ESQ! she’s got MAD NINJA SKILLZ!
sleep well. 🙂
She does have mad ninja skillz…but seeing as thought I am an EvilStepQueen, I’ll just order an axe man to bring me her heart in a box, and all will be well…right? Perhaps I didn’t get enough sleep and I’m a bit….stabby…this morning? heh!
(Disclaimer : in no way was this meant as an actual threat, no Angela della Muertas were harmed during this comment. In the event of an actual threat, the flying monkeys would be released, and you’d all be monkey mush. Thank you and have a nice day.)
*checks pules* Yup *waves* I’m fine! It’d take more than an axe man to bring me down. Me and Death? We’re like that *crosses fingers* “Non Timetus Messor” (bonus points to anyone who gets the reference)
Still, makes a nice change from me plotting the downfall of others.
But, threat or none, I can’t be killed.
I’m invincible!!! “You’re a loony” The Black Knight always triumphs!
*ahem* Sorry, I seem to have been possessed by Monty Python – yes, the whole team. I’ve never had so many men inside me…. oops :/ Sorry about the unintentional filthiness there too. See, this is why I should stick to tea and never EVER be allowed coffee.
Geez, you guys should head over to SubCulture, and you could be first a lot more! LOL.
Although, Tanya beat all of you today already. Tuesday’s still up for grabs!
YES! Third time in a row!
*ahem* Anyway.
Loving this strip! Very “When OCD Strikes” – but how the heck does one wrap a ferret in cling film without getting mauled?! Jefbot must have uber ninja skills!
so you’re gonna try for a 4peat, right, AdM!?
and while jefbot does indeed have uber ninja skills (heheh), let’s just say he caught Abraxas napping this time. 😉
I’m saying nothing! :p We shall see what tomorrow brings 🙂
*blinks* Should I be worried about that little chuckle? :/
Probably a good thing Abraxas was sleeping (although, I suspect he’d disagree with me on that one) – absolute worst way to wake up from a trance is being mauled by a small furry creature.
The plastic wrap curtains are a nice touch. They might look nice in my room with the trash bag wallpaper and decorative soda can bowl.
i’ll loan you the plastic wrap curtains if i can borrow the decorative soda can bowl for my next dinner party, Dudewise. 🙂
the overdose of saftey oh nooo! hes been traumatized its time to break out the buble wrap and safety cones
heheh. if jefbot continues down this path, he might need a really safe room, Drakeye, like one with padded walls and such. 😉
this reminds me of my grandma’s house.they had that living room you couldn’t go in and everything had plastic on it.
i know rooms of those types well, t_d. i wonder if i’m gonna be one of those people in a few years? 🙁
… Run Cornfather. RUN LIKE HELL!!!
i almost had jefbot wrapping the Cornfather up as the punchline, Anime fan, but went with Abraxas instead. i hope the Cornfather appreciates that decision. 🙂
He’d better be.
I just had this mental image of the Cornfather shuffling across the carpet and the static charge pulling all the wrap in the room right to him. . . 🙂
ha! like a “static” black hole, Sarah W!? that’d be AWEsome! 😀
awesomeness +10 for the plastic wrap…everybody ..quickly buy those stocks
thanks for the +10, JF#300! hmmm… now would it be insider trading if i bought a little stock in Reynolds Wrap?
Oh look…Jeffbot took a page out of my OCD no touchy germs stuff.
CF cover your nose when you cough and sneeze GAH!!!!!! *twitch twitch!*
I thought of the other weird OCD thing I have…Ok this sounds weird but I can’t eat meat if it still looks like an animal. Like rotissere chicken…I love rotissere chicken but hubby bubby will ghave to chop that sucker up before I can even look at it. I’m weird I know.
*points at CF* UNCLEAN!
Oh No t_d brought up the “good plastic” living room. That plastic is only for the guests. And don’t spill anything on it. You’ll ruin the “good plastic!”
Oh…Oh dear…it appears my brain is set to scatter…damn.
HoS starts in 5 weeks!!!!!!
heheh, you and jefbot should get together and share “no touchy” tips, although he’s more concerned with fingerprints or scratches than germs.
re: Michael “covering” his coughs/sneezes – you tell him, Pixie! he’s gonna get me sick!!!
your other OCD gives me a laugh. does the thanksgiving turkey have to be carved in another room? what about animal crackers? 😉
“good plastic.” – ha! is that real? tell me it’s not real.
“HoS”? House of Secrets?
Find yourself a Latin over the age of 35 and ask them about the “good plastic” I promise…it’s real.
Howl-o-Scream…Central Florida’s premiere Halloween event. It’s the AWESOME! Think Halloween Horror nights…with actors that actually CARE about the SCARE!
My grandparents were some of these people you talk about.
i hope they didn’t use plastic wrap. 😉
It’s official, Jefbot’s finally lost it. I mean, he was kinda losing it to begin with, but now the loss is absolute. The rest of the strip will now be adventures into Jefbot’s cracked mind as he wastes away in a white padded room with the nice men in white coats who give him fuzzy animals and special “drinks” to help him sleep at night. Any time the word “plastic” or “protect(ion)” are said around him, he goes into a frothing rage and must be sedated before he stops attempting to tear down the walls in his search for saran wrap to cover the world.
Then the next seven storylines will be about a monkey with a pair of cymbals, until Jefbot breaks out of his mental institution and becomes Chubman’s arch nemesis. The new Jefbot series will be a dramatic, sex filled tragedy detailing Chubman’s life as he attempts to save the world. His wife and kids have left him, he’s battling alcoholism, half the city wants him dead, and all he has to live for is the ideal of saving a world he barely even cares about.
Coming soon to a comic strip near you!
Then Jefbot wakes up, has a bowl of cereal (which he devours in record timing), hacks off Cornfather’s arm, and plays with his iPad.
I would pay to see that storyline developing!
You should write a book man. Or write a script and Jefbot and Corfather will get a chance to land another movie.
Heh, thanks guys. Although my only moments of inspiration are really driven by pure boredom, I’d never be able to write anything worthwhile more than a couple paragraphs long.
i love what a dark turn the storyline takes in your version, Alexander. (and it figures that Sonitan would dig it!) heheh. i think you should totally get an artist and make a strip featuring this alternate timeline for the JEFbot universe! 😀
I was laughing for three minutes straight and stoped only when my sister asked if im normal.
Poor Musashi.
thanks, Maryz! but now i wanna know what answer you gave your sister… 🙂
I have to admit that I’m asking myself the same as Angela… how in the world did jefbot managed to wrap Abraxas without losing a limb is beyond me!
(Perhaps the poor ferret was drugged. It’s the only logical explanation!)
Awwwwwwwwwwww. Abraxas confused expression is adorable!!!! Hopefully when he snaps out of it he’ll go in a killing spree!
You see, jef? I told you that Apple would ruin your mental health!
Wouldn’t it be cute if the next strip was just Abraxas rolling around, trying to wriggle and claw his way out of the wrapping? Then he gets his revenge!!
And, from then on, he freaks out whenever he sees plastic wrap!
Poor Abraxas! He puts up with so much! Little guy’s gonna have such issues!
heheh. yeah, poor Abraxas. since he was a gift from Xinda, i’m sure he has issues already. 😉
in my head i can see jefbot sneaking up behind Abraxas with a handkerchief doused with chloroform, which he uses to knock the little guy out. or, he probably just wrapped the ferret up while it was napping. but that’s not as fun.
no killing spree for Abraxas! don’t teach him bad things, Sonitan!!!
you may be right about Apple ruining my mental health (as well as my pocketbook) – i now want one of those 12-core Mac Pros for video editing. i needs it! 😀
Yep, you are definitely starting to lose it, covering everything in plastic wrap. I can’t even imagine how crappy a screen protector plastic wrap would be, but to also put it on the couch, TV, Abraxas, etc! Too funny. However, I could see doing the occasional plastic wrap clothing to spice up a marriage… 😉
I hope you are planning to tell us what is going on with our old friend Musashi! **Happy Dance**
since they didn’t make screen protectors when the original Game Boy first came out, i had to use plastic wrap to protect its screen, and it worked out pretty well, Shanna. but with a touchscreen like the iPad has, you’re right: it would probably make a crappy SP. but it’ll do in a pinch ’til bot gets to a Best Buck!
as far as using the plastic wrap to spice up a marriage, hmmm, you’ll have to let me know how that works out. heheheheh.
the whereabouts of Mu won’t be told until after the next big storyline with cel. i seriously can’t wait to start writing and drawing his return! 😀
Oh no! Jefbot, you may have gone off the deep end… Do you need me to come over and peel everything off? …the couch I mean! Love it!
oooh naughty undertones, I like it, I like it….
spicy and sassy 😉
now see what you did, Funnyshaffer!? you got ESQ liking your “spicy and sassy” undertones!
actually, naughty undertones are always welcome… keep ’em coming! 😀
Wow. XD I thought I was anal about my stuff
well, i’m not as anal as jefbot here about my stuff, DJ, but it’s pretty close. 😉
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know Bot, I think you took my comment Tuesday a little too far! AWESOME strip though buddy, this one gave me a good laugh.
thanks, dude! i’m glad this strip could provide you with a laugh. and yes, jefbot believes in protection!!! 😉
Is it can be Cel time now?
CLOSE, FelixOmni! cel will return in the next major storyline!
I really honestly can say I didn’t see the plastic wrap furniture strip coming…. that’s just really creepy…. though the last panel jeffbot looks like a tweaker xD!
i’m happy to have surprised you with that last panel, Steve. even if it’s a bit creepy. heheh. and as far as tweaking goes, jefbot is a gadget-protecting junkie at this point, so you’re not far off. 😉
Wow, bot, I know in this day and age one must use protection but this is a little ridiculous. However it’s super funny! Hahahahaha!!! I love this strip so much. I love the shading, the colors, and the facial expressions. It made me laugh out loud…and go and hide the plastic wrap. 😉
i was wondering where the plastic wrap went, MC. i will find it, and then don’t be surprised if you wake up wrapped to your bed. 😉
:O ….pooor abraxas!! you will kill him if you continue to cover him with plastic wrap! I really don’t know why people wrap their couches…specially where i live; every time you move yo make a horrible squeeky sound and when its 38*C (like ever time in the afternoon during summer) it becomes impossible to get up for your but is like glued to the plastic wrap for all the sweat >.<….ughhhhh…bad memories.
love your strips as always JB 🙂
yikes! i definitely remember the squeaking the plastic-covered couches would make at my neighbor’s house, nicobot, but fortunately, we didn’t sit on ’em long enough during the summertime to stick to them. just another reason not to have plastic-covered furniture! 🙂
LOL paranoia. xD
“Paranoid? Maybe. But just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean there won’t be a drippy sandwich splashing mustard all over the couch.” (quote edited from Dresden Files)
good point!
is that really a quote from the Dresden Files, Jaeh? been hearing so much about those books lately (i’ve only ever watched the tv series), i feel i should give ’em a try.
I ‘edited’ it for the post. the original quote from the book is “Paranoid? Probably. But just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that there isn’t an invisible demon about to eat your face.”
You HAVE to read it, Jeff. it’s really, really, really really good. a million times better than the tv series (which was okay, imho). It’s awesome. really, really awesome. xD
Zombie protection Jefbot is go, prepare to restrain Cornfather.
it’d be interesting to see how hard it would be to break out of several layers of tightly-wound plastic wrap, Zachlight. i wonder if the Cornfather would volunteer for an experiment? hmmm…
Yep! I did that as a kid too. Even went as far as trying to peel the plastic from the bottom so I could put it back when I was done. The fabric underneath was coarse though, so I just thought the plastic was there to protect people’s legs and rumps from getting scratched up…
I still think that, because those chairs and that sofa were UGLY! XD
I forgot my fangirliness for a minute there.
My brother found a ferret in an Idaho Pet shop. I wants it. NOW.
the couches at my neighbor’s house were pretty nice, rinthia, and i think they were white, which would make sense. good thing they were covered, too, cuz we would jump and play all over those couches!
yay, Abraxas!
ooh, nice that ferrets are legal to buy in Idaho. we’re not so lucky here in California. 🙁
Jeff, I DARE you to buy some cocoa krispies, a quart of milk, and some strawberry syrup, try my experiment, and post the results. Or you could go to Dunkin’ Donuts for one of those milk cartons you get at elementary school lunches. Mmm… Donuts.
what do i get if i take that dare, NeoDarklight?! besides, perhaps, a stomache ache? 😉
You get to be called a Mad Scientist of Pure Awesomeness!
What was worse…in the 50’s people had that plastic covering on car upholstery!
Can you imagine getting into a car, in the summer, wearing shorts?
that sounds like all sorts of wrong, merbrat! as it is, i have to put up those fold-out windshield shade thingies in my car sometimes, so i can actually touch my steering wheel when it gets into the high 90s out here. if i sat on something that hot, you’d hear my screams in China.
Here is what my neighbor has on the lawn. http://twitpic.com/2h8u1n They are moving. I am sooo tempted to sneak over and get a proper pic of it. But, I never knew them. This is an endangered species. Thank gawd!
wow! kinda defeats the purpose of having that plastic on the chair when the chair’s sitting on the lawn. heheh. guess it helps when the sprinklers come on. did they take the chair along with them once they moved?
Nooooo! abraxas is gonna suffocate >_< you're so mean
good job once again
don’t worry, Leithal, jefbot’ll leave Abraxas’s mouth and nose unwrapped. let’s just hope the ferret won’t have to use the restroom anytime soon, though… 😉
ew… i did NOT want that image….
I had childhood friends like that, all the furniture in the living room had plastic coverings, and they weren’t allowed in there, plus the only T.V. in the house was in there. So to watch T.V., they had to lie on the floor in the hallway. I always felt so sorry for them (plus I thought their mom was a bit crazy). They moved away soon after, so I never got to see how screwed up they were when they grew up, always wondered about that.
Okay. Now, you’ve gone too far.