Check out this amazing FANart that was sent to me recently by the talented Ashley “Wolfy” Martin! I seriously just wanted to hold onto this one until I had need of a guest strip, but since the cel storyline just started, the timing was just too perfect and I had to show you this now.

Click on this link or the preview to the left to see the entire image in all its glory.

The way Ashley rendered cel is just sublime. Check out her hair, eyes, legs and, um, just check out the entire, beautiful picture and see for yourself. So beautiful, in fact, that Ashley is graciously letting me post that top image as a wallpaper. (check for sizes below.) I love the way she captured jefbot, too – not only his look, but his naughtiness/sneakiness, too.

And if her style looks familiar, it might be because she also did another piece of awesome BOT FANart recently, which can be seen in the FANart Gallery here.

Here’s the wallpaper. Download and enjoy!

Thanks, Wolfy!