There are so many bizarre premises for games, this particular strip could’ve gone for a lot longer than two panels. And, of course, I’m going to side with jefbot on this one, and say games were more bizarre back in the ’80s, mainly because, due to the limited gaming technology at the time, programmers couldn’t create realistic worlds on home consoles or in the arcades, so they went with more abstract ideas. I mean, does someone want to explain what Pac-Man is about? Or Burgertime? Tempest? And yes, things get plenty weird in the modern day with games like Viewtiful Joe, Metal Gear Solid and Rez, but for the most part, games are striving much more for realism these days, which doesn’t leave much room for something like Q*Bert.
What other games (modern or classic) do you feel have bizarre premises? And who will be the first to identify the games jefbot and the young lady are talking about?
I have no idea what the girl is talking about but Jefbot is talking about “Joust” which I loved as a kid.
you got it, Jason – jefbot’s talkin’ about the hellish premise of Joust! man, i’d love to get a cocktail table of that game.
She’s talking about Bayonetta. Think God of War, except with Christianity (Sort of) and Kratos is a hot chick.
Really hot chick, as in, magma kind of hot
no…its sun hot type and a pinch of tsundere…..what i wouldnt give to be wrapped in her hair and scolded “you’ve been a naughty boy, time to ride the pony”
Exactly, my mistake, she really is a stellar hottie 😀 no star burns as hot as she is 😀 its really a pity that there are no girls like her in this world 🙁
i think there’s one who almost looked like her. my wife agrees but then again, no powers are lame
looks like you’re the first to get that right, gamerjoe135 – Bayonetta it is! and i’m happy you and JF#300 could come to a consensus on exactly how hot she is. heheh. 🙂
I think she’s talking about Bayonetta.
Crazyest old school game had a Gorilla in a diaper doing math.
that’s right, CheddarMan – Bayonetta! such a crazy, crazy game. i’m gonna have to pop that one in my XBOX 360 again soon. 🙂
now what’s this Gorilla-in-a-diaper-doing-math game?
It was an old NES game where you raced against another player to write equations out of numbers hanging from vines and math symbols chilling on islands.
Donky kong 3 was pretty crazy too. Donky Kong would piss off some bees and you had to shoot him in his junk enough times before the bees stole your weed.
I play a lot to “Joust” and the guy who climbs the facade of a building through open windows, and “Green Beret”, and… I’m not crying, is the rain.
ah, i feel your pain, ContableEnorme; looks like the rain’s coming down over here, too. 😉
I have no idea what Jefbot and the girl are talking about. But what I do know is that I love this strip. It pops so brilliantly, bot. I tell you, your lack of sleep is well worth the price for these masterpieces we see twice a week! Way to go!! 😀
Yes, but if he doesn’t sleep from time to time it will be bad for all of us.
heh. thanks, Fijiman! if i could just go without sleeping at all, i’d push the schedule to three strips a week. 🙂
nor would i expect you to know what that conversation’s about, MC. that’s what makes you the Cornfather! 🙂
i think is funny is today’s most popular x-box game HALO is nothing more that “space invaders.” you just kill a whole bunch of aliens and really don’t get anywhere.
Awful damn pretty tho- Tend to get waxed by Brutes with Fuel Rod Cannons while I’m busy admiring the scenery.
But I am SO a graphics geek…
can’t argue with that, SamuraiArtGuy – Halo is most definitely pretty. so many games are, these days. sometimes i just find myself looking around at what these game designers have come up with. i guess that makes me a “graphics geek,” too.
shootin’ aliens. taking cover behind bunkers. aliens advancing on your position. yep, not much has changed, t_d!
I know that it’s already been pointed out that ‘bot is describing Joust, that was easy. there was a machine in our local Pizza Hut and I spent a fair amount of time on it. I always liked the wierd cocktail table presentation – as opposed to the cabinets all the other games were in. it drew me, felt special because it was different i suppose. Though I do remember being frustrated with it a lot.
I’m woefully behind on modern gaming. is she discussing Heavenly Sword? Bayonetta?
as for wierd classic games: what the heck was Dig Dug (other than awesome)? or Bubble Bobble? and since cel brought up Mario, what about the original Mario Bros games? at least when he got to the Mushroom Kingdom (doesn’t THAT explain everything right there?) there was a plot, some sort of motivation for your actions. and Donkey Kong? yeah, there’s a loose attachment to King Kong there… and Q*bert! played a LOT of that, still break out the version I have for the PSX from time to time.
those cocktail table Joust machines are collector’s items now, Jed! i think due to the unique nature of having the two players play on the same side of the table. i’d LOOOOOVE to have one of those. where’s this Pizza Hut you’re talking about? 😉
and yep: Bayonetta is the correct answer.
and yeah, all those games you mentioned are extremely bizarre, no doubt. especially Dig Dug and Q*Bert. haven’t played the latter in a long time. gotta check if it’s in the XBOX arcade now.
that Pizza Hut is in the small town of Abilene, right smack in the center of the great state of Texas. The Pizza Hut is still there and gets frequent business from us since it’s conveniently located right next to our nearest laundromat. Sadly, the Joust cocktail table is long gone. More’s the pity.
Cel’s right, but at least the movie helped explain things, sort of—oh, lord, I’m lying. But I still kind of liked it.
I don’t have an explanation for Pac Man, but when i was eleven or so, I heard a rabbi explain that if Pac Man were Jewish, he would give back one dot for every ten he ate, and he would rest and recharge every seventh time unit. I still remember that . . .
the movie with Bob Hoskins as Mario and Dennis Hopper as King Koopa!? ha! now that was bizarre, Sarah W! and yeah, i kinda liked it, too.
love how the Rabbi related Pac-Man to Judaism. if my pastor did that more often with his sermons when i was a kid, i probably would’ve liked church a lot more. 🙂
Mario; one giant acid trip.
And this is why I love emulators; I can play old NES games, PSX, N64 (finally got around to finishing Ocarina of Time last weekend), SNES, GBA, and… did everyone have a fetish or acronyms before the year 2000?
total acid trip, likeacupcake! when i first saw a picture of Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario/Zelda, i was surprised he looked and acted so mild mannered.
and i haven’t gotten into emulators (except via XBOX Live and Virtual Console) much, but having all those consoles emulated is very tempting. and i think we still have a fetish for acronyms, what with the 3DS and PSP2 on the way next year. 🙂
I think some game developers must be ON mushrooms sometimes.
Speaking of Joust:
yeah, i’ve always found it curious that Nintendo would choose to have you eat mushrooms to gain crazy powers (like turning into a giant and throwing fireballs,) Stan. 🙂
I LOVED Joust and Rampage. I loved being the Lizard and eating things and smashing buildings!!!!
Violent? ME?! What would make you say that?
*blink* oh looks shoes!
RAMPAGE!! Oh yeah!! And Contra…constant stream of gun fire!!! RATTATATATATATATATAATATATA…yep, I’m violent too hehehehe
woo! Contra! awesome game, ESQ. and one where you could put in the Konami code for extra lives! 😀
*ahem* Godmode for Contra…extra lives my bum…unlimited lives more like it!! woot woot…and I recall a gun with bigger ammo for some reason, but it’s been awhile…lol
i loved Rampage back in the day, Pix! so much fun pulling people out of the window and eating’ em for health. heheh.
guess i have the same violent tendencies as you and ESQ. 🙂
Craziest old school game I’ve played….Dig Dug. You’re a dude with a shovel digging tunnels through the ground fighting various monsters including a fire-breathing dinosaur which can ghost through the earth, and your only weapon is a bicycle pump which you use to inflate the monsters and pop them. Then there was Primal Rage. Not THAT crazy, but cmon, it was a fighting game with giant dinosaur gods set on postapocalyptic earth.
yeah, what was the story behind Dig Dug, DerelictJet!? why were you doing all that digging? why were you killing those monsters? why did you have to kill them so violently!? and what were those orange things with the goggles supposed to be? hmmm…
and Primal Rage was just awesome! but i guess anything that can be described as “giant dinosaur gods set on postapocalyptic earth” qualifies as that. 😀
Yeah…the first one I immediately recognized as Joust, and Bayonetta took me a little longer. At first I thought Heavenly Sword, but I realized she didn’t have guns.
Heavenly Sword wasn’t great, but it was beautiful and i did have a good time with it. glad that you and others mentioned it, Maverick!
well theres always twisted metal
true. games that have evil clowns driving weaponized ice cream trucks can most definitely be classified as “weird,” Drakeye.
Sorry, I don’t have anything to contribute to the gaming convo. I do like this strip though. Yep, games are weird, but fun. I love the 3-D you have going on in this arc with the people silhouetted in the background and JB and the girl out of focus in the second panel. You don’t often see 3-D done this way in comics – at least not the ones I read. 😀 <- Random smiley so I don't have withdrawl like on Friday.
glad you liked the strip, Shanna! and i’m happy you dig that “3D” look, too. Photoshop makes that kind of thing pretty easy when you keep all your artwork on separate layers.
keep those smileys comin’! 😀
Brutal Legend. Wierd enough for me. Though I find the game quite funny.
Hounting Grounds. Just creepy.
I am kinda dissapoited that we didnt saw Cel go jealous on Jefbot.
still haven’t even opened my copy of Brutal Legend yet, Maryz! i’ll get to it someday. was it cool? did you finish it?
cel’s maybe a tiny bit jealous in that last panel, but i wanted to keep it subtle for now. you may just get your wish in a future strip, though… 🙂
Its cool allright. What it lacks because of stupid controller – Im a PC gamer. – It makes up in music, voice actors and Jack Blacks remarks.
Vhole game is funny but my favurite was Ozzy Osbourne. Each time you come to see him ha has something to say like:
Every time you come back there is ANOTHER scratch on that BEAUTIFUL car!
But my favourite is when you come and wait for it… And wait… For about a minute and you are just staring at each other. Then Ozzy goes… WHAT?!
Not that I don’t like or play these games all the time, but just think.
A blue hedgehog who runs really fast collecting rings and saving woodland creatures.
Three toads kicking the crap out of robots and pig things, while saving your buddy’s girlfriend who he was traveling with in their flying Cadillac from an evil queen. And that’s just the first level!
A blue robot who defeats other robots by shooting them with his gun-cannon, than, after defeating the robots, takes their powers and all to defeat the evil co-worker of his maker’s.
Just to name a few
sounds like:
1) Sonic
2) Battetoads
3) Mega Man
all great games! i especially love Mega Man, chuck!
craziest game? look no further…DMC is one of them. why crazy? before all the yelling comes my way let me say that the world where dante lives in is a fucked up world…..looking forward to the rebooted DMC though…he looks emo….
DMC’s totally crazy, JF#300! although, if i’m not mistaken, the same team that made DMC made Bayonetta and they were like, let’s see if we can take this insanity further! 😉
haven’t seen what the DMC reboot looks like, yet. does it look as crazy as the originals?
maybe its my eyes but graphicwise looks like that running game (mirrors edge.)
Brutal Legend is AMAAAZINNNG!!!111!!! lol just had to im sorry
u sir must be given a medal. brutal legend was awesomely metal……nuff said…also i have crush on ophelia
the enthusiasm you, Maryz and JF#300 have for that game are making me want to push Brutal Legend to the top of my game queue, Burninator!
have u played it yet JB?
XD. Some video games have the strangest premises.
Like going being able to leave home at age 10 to save the world using monsters and battling them… oh wait 😉
ha! i always do find that a little odd, DJ, that your mom is all fine with you leaving home with some strange man who lures you away with cool stuff. maybe because you send her money while on your travels? 😉
but you only send her money when you’re in Johto… my favorite region right now is Sinnoh but with Isshu it looks badass
Lets see..
Miner VGA where you had to mine ores, risk death and injury to marry the local ahem “professional”. Now this was way back (for me anyway) and is still one of my favourite games. That was definitely weird and wacky at the time.
The Island of Dr Brain where to get the secret power core/info (I forget) you had to solve fiendishly/easy (depending on difficulty of wussiness of player) to make your way through the island…seriously? What happened to a key and lock system?
Anything at all to do with Monkey Island and Sam & Max. Those guys were doing some serious drugs!
ICO. Just WTF?
never played Miner VGA, Tommy G, but i loved all those others, especially Ico – one of the few games my mom liked watching me play! 😀
I have to agree with cel on this issue. For one thing, I think there are more games than in the 80s, so even though you have realistic ones, you have a ton of companies making weird little niche games. World of Goo? Plants vs. Zombies? Even something like Bejeweled, I mean… why are you matching little gem things? There are still tons of games that are created using a minimum of technology and so come out with silly or strange premises.
*hides her Zombietar from PvsZ* What?
Oh and what about Kingdom Hearts? I still can’t get through that game. I have friends who are all like “OMG you have the first two! How far have you gotten?” And I’m all “uhhhh….I can’t past the GD opening screens! They are like an hour and a half LONG!” Oh, and Disney Characters kicking bootay…awesome.
I’ve been sans flaptop for nearly a week so I tried playing Kingdom Hearts 1 (my little sister used to make me play “the hard bits” for her which meant that I’d seen loads of the game and that kinda ruins the experience of gaming for me – but it’s been years so I thought I’d give it a try)… I spent a A LOT of time swearing at Sora. Really, a lot.
I’ve come up with a theory; if you’re passionate enough about something, you will shout (usually, obscenities) at it. A true gamer will call (for example) Lara Croft a “silly b***h” when she twists in mid-air and totally spoons an, otherwise easy, jump then falls screaming to her death. Oh yes, and Lara? Worst. Archaeologist. EVER!
Of course, it’s just a theory. I’d be more than happy to hear peoples’ thoughts on the matter.
Another theory that Kingdom Hearts made me revisit – Sephiroth has some serious inadaquacy issues. Why else would someone have a theme tune that is A FULL FREAKIN’ CHOIR SINGING THEIR NAME OVER AND OVER AGAIN?!
Anyway, yes, I’m back! *waves*
Oh yes…I completely agree with that theory. Which, in correlation, means I am not only passionate about my gaming, I am also passionate about sewing, writing, and crafts. Further more, I am so passionate about these things that I scream obscenities at them in two languages.
Yeeeah, when the angry sounding Spanish pops up, Hubby usually leaves the room.
having friends and neighbors who speak spanish, Pixie, i must say, it’s amazing how fast spanish speaking people can talk when they start cursing in their native language!
i think your theory’s sound, AdM – although i don’t curse or shout very much, i do pound my controller into the couch or talk back to the game like, “really!? that’s how we’re gonna do this?” which is very similar. sometimes i’ll have conversations that go on for quite some time.
and i’d actually love to have a theme song like Sephiroth’s for myself when i go on auditions to get myself pumped up. 😉
Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite series, Pixie! finished the first two and just got Birth by Sleep for the PSP last week and am jonesing to start that one up. so good, but yeah: Disney + Square is a strange combo. surprised that ever happened. 🙂
“weird little niche games” do seem to be making a comeback, Sharra (woo!), due in part to the PC gaming space and things like downloadable games on XBOX 360, PS3 and iTunes. i’ve had so much fun with Plants vs. Zombies and World of Goo, i can’t even tell you. and Bejeweled Blitz, of course. totally addicted to that. 🙂
…call me old fashion- But I really miss the video games of yesterday…
I mean is there anything better than a joystick and a white ball? I LOVE the detailing in this weeks strip! The colors are excellent! And the change of focus! So cool!
thanks, Funnyshaffer! and nope, no matter how many buttons and triggers the modern controllers have, they just don’t hold a candle to those old joysticks and trackballs. 🙂
This is a solid, debatable issue. Let us not forget Pitfall and Tank. Painfully simple.. and not all that different from Uncharted and Mech Warrior in their premise.
The glut of 2600 games before the original Video Game market crash would be a treasure trove of odd concepts. Unfortunately, nintendo hasn’t made a wildly new concept in what, 15 years or more?
very, very true, 11TN! even Gears of War is quite comparable to something like Ikari Warriors, methinks.
trying to think of the last “wildly new” concept Nintendo has made (excluding casual, Wii-type games, of course) in the past 15 years. maybe Pikmin was the last?
The out-of-focus background really does make the foreground pop, especially in the first panel, and having Jeff and the girl both in the same pose and expression is a nice touch.
i try not to use that focus effect too much since i don’t want it to become stale, so i appreciate you noticing it, Skeptible!
Jefbot, I personally vote for the girl. I mean, her hair does some relly wierd crap. And I haven’t even played the game.
You forgot that yoshi uses his tongue like… wait hes a dinosaur? I thought he was a gecko, him and the Gieco gecko are cousins after all. lol
yep! not sure how i even know that, Af, but i seem to remember Yoshi being called “Mario’s pet dinosaur.” although, with that tongue, being a gecko would make more sense. 🙂
no doubt Bayonetta is a weird, weird game, Anime fan. and i’d like to know who thought of making her hair double as her clothes!?
… ok ok, me and the guys got a liittle drunk and convinced the Japanese dudes that it’d be cool… there was also a misunderstanding about money some guys daughter and a lot of saki was involved. lol
yeah our video games aren’t strange at all. I mean whats strange about giant toads fighting skeletons and pigs and some half naked chick wanting to kill them? or a faster than light hedgehog who collects rings and fights a guy who turns chickens into robots? Better yet, a chick who can contort her body into a ball!? why stop there!? lets toss in a giant robot with bunny ears that shoot missiles!
and we all know that Q bert just had OCD with lights being turned on and off. I’d hate to see his electric bill….
lets face it man our games are batsh*t crazy… awesome though.
video games definitely bring out the “weird” from their creators, Steve! if i designed a game, i’m sure i’d lean the premise more towards my 80s roots than anything modern, though. and you’re right: games ARE batsh*t crazy, but awesome! 😀
You forgot to mention the walking mushrooms, skeleton turtles, shark like huge bullets, and man eating plants coming from sewer pipes, Mario is indeed the greatest pride of the japanse madness, all hail crazy people!
ha! i wouldn’t have the time or space to list all the craziness from Mario’s worlds, Kisame, so thanks for listing a few more examples! i mean, i’m playing through Mario Galaxy 2 right now, and i’m not even going to start listing some of the japanese madness from that game!
okay, i lied: (Mario Head Spaceship, Cloud Suit, Gravity and Physics bending, etc.)
I haven’t heard of Joust OR Bayonetta, but Joust definitely sounds crazier to me.
When I was little, I definitely did not see anything wrong with Super Mario World. I did always hate the underwater levels, and thinking back on it… HOW does he hold his breath that long?!
he is a plumber. its a work hazard.
underwater levels are always the worst, Spaarfor! i hate ’em!
and yeah, jf#300’s probably right.
Oh PLEASE. Joust and Bayonetta. Did anyone NOT get this? But it’s still Cel for the win.
Mind you, HALO:REACH dropped last week and I haven’t had much in the way of coherent conversations with either of my sons since. And since I am not H4RD C0R3 and play every free moment, it’s just frakkin’ SICK how hard the game will kick your N00B ass if you back off for like a microsecond. Cranky ass Aliens all UP in your shit, yo.
Pretty game, tho–
i haven’t even cracked open Reach yet, SamuraiArtGuy! hoping to play it in a week or so since this weekend looks pretty busy, sadly. got a little burnt out on Halo after ODST but i wanna see how Bungie ends their run! sounds like you think they went out with a bang. 🙂
Sweet strip Bot! Love the description of Joust. Good times. That’s a long lost favorite game.
thanks, man! and glad to hear you love Joust, too – it’s one of my all time faves! 🙂
Cubivore. I mean I get that it’s nature but the game was you, a cube dog, eating other cube animals to survive because these colorless cube monsters were taking over the earth. Also, mating dances
good call, IDTMRB – Cubivore was a weird one, most def.
80’s all the way. That being said, I’ve never experienced more rampant “What The Hell?” in one game than while playing Borderlands.
i played a bunch of co-op Borderlands with a buddy, Crazy Pyro, but never went back to see how it ended. is it worth me putting the time in?
“katamari damacy” i win, that game is tripy and confusing as hell
the aesthetic of that game was beautiful, guyinyourcloset, but yeah, the premise behind it was pretty crazy stuff. heheh.
Yay! I can use my flatop again!
Yay! I can read my webcomics again!
*happy dances*
Brilliant strip. Wonderfully drawn and delightfully scripted.
(Less “sucking up” version:) I like this. It looks pretty and it’s funny ’cause it’s true. ^_^
I have chuckled my way through similar conversations with friends before. Usually they start off with people sharing their ideas for new games and we say whether we’d play them or pick them apart in a brutal but friendly way (like Robot Wars – “I WILL CRUSH YOU AND LEAVE PIECES OF YOUR ROBOT/IDEA ALL OVER THE ARENA! … It was a nice robot/idea though, keep trying”). Then someone would exasperatedly cry “what HASN’T been done?!” and we’d list all the crazy premises for games that we can think of. Then we put on Zero Punctuation and listen to Yahtzee pick apart games we like and/or despise.
BTW, did anyone else notice the italics when cel said “girl”?
*gives significant look and gestures in a way that is reminiscent of the Monty Python ‘Nudge Nudge’ sketch*
was wondering where you’d been off to, Angela della Muerta! glad to hear your “flatop” is workin’ and you’re happy dancing again! 😀
i had a couple friends that i would bounce video game ideas around with, too – we actually had a bunch of really cool ideas that i think would’ve made for some cool games. there was no Zero Punctuation around at the time though, so our ideas never went beyond our group, sadly.
i’m glad cel’s emphasis on the word “girl” was not lost on you, AdM! there was definitely a little ‘tude there. heheh.
heh Cel seems to be a “fight to the finish” kind of gal. Jefbot seems like the type of dude she’d do that for 😉 I could see her totally kicking butt, and then denying it ever happend…she’s cool like that…
OOOH and video games…ok…as I’ve spoken w/Jefbot before, I am SUPER into Guild Wars (I”m a moderator on , yay me!) I am forever having the WoW vs GW talk. Sometimes those discussions get pretty heated…WoW players are pretty die hard!
Jojo’s Bizarre adventure for the psone – Its a fighting game based on the series of the same name. The characters fought using a physical manifestation of their ID one character was a pedophile who’s ability was that if you stepped in his shadow which was his ID you’d turn into a child which he would then proceed to beat with an axe.
Gungrave ps2- your an undead super soldier out to wipe out a gag that makes mutants and your weapon is a custom made Coffin ala desperado
Sakura Wars ps2- your a guy that pilots a giant robot against spirit monsters and you level by building your relationship with your female comrades
Thousand Arms psone: Typical RPG except the main character is a black smith and the only way to make better weapons is to court and romance the local girls in any given town dating sim style.
Dokupon Kingdom ps2: this one is hard to describe its a board game like monopoly with a medieval theme with RPG elements thrown into the mix. You and 3 other players customize your characters from hair style,color,and class ( thief,magician, knight) with each having a special ability and then spin a spinner to move to spaces. The goal is to amass the most money by killing monsters that are occupying towns and in turn gaining those towns or doing the king’s quest. The thing is your competing with fellow players and they can steal towns,money,items,or equipment from you when they kill you.Relationships are tried as you and your friends plot your demise,steal and mock you on their way to the top.All this is done in a very cutesy chibi art style and with a simple yet effective paper rock scissors to handle combat or decisions. a game can last over 50hrs. Me and my friends play this game once every year .
great breakdown of all those games, Prophet! played a couple of ’em but never played Dokupon Kingdom. i’ve heard great things about it but i had no idea a game could last over 50 hours!!! that might keep me away, actually. heheh.
I’m surprised no one has mentioned the discontinuity in the Legend of Zelda…I mean, none of those games fit together at all…
i remember trying to fit the continuity together on LoZ, Charles, and eventually just gave up. i’m sure someone’s come up with a timeline though – this is the internet after all! heheh.
You wake up in a mysterious facility, your only companion is a creepy robotic voice that tells you what to do…also a metal cube, but you can’t keep it (so there!). You are given a crazy weapon that can punch holes in the fabric of reality, and you use it to solve puzzles in the hops that you will earn cake…it almost sounds totally normal by comparison!
Portal FTW!
only… the cake IS A LIE, Roda!!! heheh. love the way you summarized Portal. can’t wait for the sequel! 😀
I must admit, now that I think about it, Super Mario Bros. was a rather bizarre video game.
BACK! yay 😀
i still think you cant beat being a blue hedgehog who has a fox (i think) who can fly with his tails and a spiky knuckled echidna for friends, who help you collect rings and defeat a mad scientist….
man… that was sad…
ps: i never actually went anywhere i just found morrowind again ^_^ and i forgot about JB (ohnoes) yeah… shoot me now 😛
DooM. ‘Nuff said.
haze was awsome theres no blood here i just killed someone but the bodies gone hmm?
And i find myself wishing that i had enough money to play more video games. I’d probably buy every game in Disk Replay and The Shallow Grave if i could… (Stores around me that buy and sell video games. ALL video games. Old or new. Just not broken.)
Guess i’d better hurry up with those books.
I’m surprised, when it comes to the just plain trippy premises, no one mentioned Jazz Jackrabbit or its sequel. Post-apocalyptic, time-travelling, side-scrolling flying hares vs tortoises, with heavy armament. The things you’re up against include said Aesopian tortoise, hookah-smoking caterpillars who can get you tripped out, and entire levels in which you ARE the ball in a giant pinball machine.
Congrats, you just managed to sell me Bayonetta….