Although cel hasn’t exactly been warm to jefbot since he and the Cornfather showed up to the arcade, she hasn’t been completely cold to him either. Is this a sign that she still cares or just a sign of her competitive instincts kicking in?
There needs to be more arcades in the world. There’s none anywhere around my college, except for one of those little mall arcades which really doesn’t count.
i totally lucked out in that my college had a little arcade within the campus bar, DerelictJet! they also had a couple of coin ops in the student union. probably all gone now, tho. 🙁
You could always try “Ia Ia The Last Arcade fhtagn!” (Hey, if it’ll resurrect Eldritch gods, who’s to say that it won’t bring a video game arcade to the neighborhood?)
good! not gonna say exactly what’s gonna happen next but you can be sure cel’s not gonna stand by and do nothing if this situation’s really bugging her, dJ! 🙂
Cel somehow looks like a girl in this strip. I’m not being a crit here Its just hard to see her as a girl through all the nerdyness. Clearly emotions are the key difference between men and momen (excluding anatomy).
As a nerdy girl, I am very baffled by the notion that nerdiness overrides gender. 🙂 Also, that emotions = female. I like to think that all human beings possess the full range of emotions (whether or not they choose to express them).
That said, I do think Cel looks a lot more vulnerable in this page than I would have thought she could!
I agree completely; nerdiness does not override gender. Obsolete stereotypes, on the other hand, can override anything – usually starting with rational thought. I rather prefer rational thought, myself.
i prefer rational thought too, Stonefoot, although i’ve been up for almost two days straight, and at this point, i don’t think i can distinguish between what’s rational and what’s not. i should probably get some sleep then try again. 🙂
Yeah I didnt intend it to sound sexist or anything and yeah all I meant was that she looks more vulnerable here. I’m sory to everyone I ofended because I didnt mean it like that at all.
glad to hear cel’s vulnerability surprised you, mcemily! we haven’t seen much of cel’s “softer” side in this storyline, but the situation between jefbot and the new girl has definitely riled some emotions.
and as far as nerdiness overriding gender, i’d have to say i agree with you. as geeky as cel is, i think she’s all woman, and there’s no doubt jefbot finds her very, very sexy, even if she’s not stereotypically “hawt.”
i’ve purposely kept cel from wearing revealing outfits or acting stereotypically “girly,” Ixblack (even in the “Beach” storyline, she’s wearing a hoodie for most of it), as her character expresses herself more with her geekiness and attitude than through her curves. i find those things more sexy than if she were just a bombshell, anyway, so glad to hear you think her femininity’s coming through in this strip. 🙂
‘bot doesn’t look like he’s smitten with his new friend…you can tell by his face…he just has a common interest and wants to help her!! I mean, come on, look at Cel!
So, this means Cel needs to stop being so illusive and start with the flirting herself, I do believe…
Oh and I love that the chickie in the background has pig tails…heh, cute!!
once again, you’re very perceptive, ESQ – you’re like the guy on that show Lie to Me that can read people’s expressions and body language, except for cartoons!
and as as your advice to cel – i think she may just be thinking that same thing herself…
Well…Cel wants to win, so clearly something’s going to happen. I’m just worried about what happens when she does win, will she trade him in for credits towards the next game or feel the game has plenty of value and replayability and keep it forever’s
hah, that was dumb
It’s hard to picture cel as insecure. She seems about as secure as they come. And totally in control of the “relationship” – whatever that might be!
I see her as being more the type to walk over to Jefbot and say something along the lines of “Look idiot, I don’t want you hanging out with other girls till I decide if I want you for myself or not.” And Jefbot doing another “Yes ma’am” with salute. 😀
So Jeff, are you as sweet and puppy dog-ish in real life with your crushes?
yep, cel’s the type that will confront any insecurities right away, Shanna, so i wouldn’t be surprised to see her give jefbot your speech. as for how jefbot would react to something like that, well, maybe we’ll find out in the strip. 😉
and i’m definitely pretty sweet and puppy dog-ish to crushes in real life. depends on how intense the crush is, though. 🙂
Oh snap! Bot is giving Cel a taste of her own medicine! Way to go, bot! Wait a minute…it’s just a web comic, right? I’ve gotten too invested. Ha! Anyway, I love the backgrounds for these arcade strips, bot. I actually feel like I’m at an arcade. Perfect location, perfect colors, perfect characters….just perfect, bot! Now go get some sleep. 😉
thanks, MC! glad you’re digging the atmosphere of the arcade. and though bot might be giving cel a taste of her own medicine, it still remains to be seen whether that’s intentional or not.
and as far as getting too invested in this webcomic, i think jf#300’s response is right on. 🙂
i thought we already were everyone is addicted to cool phones and the latest technology all we need t odo now is trade upgrades for land and power and we will also own the world as well
lol, I’m the guy to call for stratigic as well as haggleing when you decide to overthrow. AF industries, supporting pyschopaths proudly for 800 years. Except Hitler, crazy _____ -insert colorful word-
Oh MAN… I recall those internal conflicts… I really want to be with this GIRL. – I really want to play this GAME. Girl. Game. Girl! Game! GIRL! GAME! GIRLLLL!! GAMMEEEEE!!! Aiieeeeee!!!!!
But I got the FRAK over that by my late teens. It’s like this. If you mess it up with the game, you can PLAY IT AGAIN LATER. But mess it up with a babe, and brother she’s GONE, and written your nerd ass OFF.
Her competitive instincts by all means!!!
*evil laugh of doom*
She should just club jef to next year. At least Cel’s eyes are smokey enough this time!!! yay for smokey eyes!!
i just love cel’s smoky eyes. so hot. wish i could go into JB’s world for one day and go on a date with cel and by the end of that date i do something improper to her followed by a major trashing by cel and end it with me saying “yes mistress” or psycho mantis’ most famous quote “hurt me more”
I wonder if Cornfather knows he’s doing Jefbot such a big favour? In my experince if a girl learns that the guy she likes REALLY likes her but is possibly going to lose interest she tends to go in for the kill…er seduction.
the Cornfather’s definitely trying to help jefbot out, Kat, but in his happy-go-lucky way; he probably doesn’t realize just how big a favor he’s doing his friend. 🙂
Oh no he didn’t! Hilarious! But we LOVE Cel! “…what do I know about what goes on in that soda-fueled, video game-saturated nerd brain of his?” LOVE IT!
Cel is definitely getting a tad jealous, and with good reason, I’d say. Great strip! Especially the part about the soda-fueled, video game-saturated brain.
thanks, Eptha! glad you liked the dialogue and approve of cel’s emotions. i think a little jealousy’s good for a person every now and then. at least we know she’s human. 😉
i think you might be the first person to bring this up, jf#300! it’s true – the “slouch” is a stylistic choice i’ve made for the characters of the strip. kind of like how everybody in The Simpsons has buggy eyes and an overbite.
either that or the “gamer slouch” that Will B mentioned. heheh. 😉
I must say Jeff, Something about Cel in this strip definately makes her look…softer? Is that the term I’m looking for? No so bada$$ery and all (It’s I word I swear on AdM!). Perhaps that is what makes her appear so much more…Feminine?
Guh What do I know I’m sleep addled and have been ill for the past weekend. What fun when working an outdoor Halloween event! In case you haven’t checked it out yet…
Googling it brings up the same link, and that link is broken too. You can go to the cached page from about a week ago, which is empty. It looks like there is something wrong at the site. 🙁
Jeff Dahhhhhlink, Busch Gardens has been here for like ever! The amusment park has been around for years. The Event is in it’s 11th year and they no longer have the beer garden or the berewery tour.
i tried to soften her up a little, Pixie, especially in that 2nd panel. i wanted to be sure she didn’t look cold or pissed when jefbot asked her for that break. we haven’t seen her very vulnerable before (okay, maybe when bot and her shared a kiss on the pier, but other than that…) so i think that vulnerability tends to tone down her bada$$ery a little. heheh.
everybody’s sick! just ask daughterJudy and EvilStepQueen. i have so much to do between now and Christmas, i’m really trying to keep my immune system powered up!
that Halloween thing looks cool! we used to have a Busch Gardens out here but it moved away. do you get to wear a costume!?
yes, rest up and take lots o’ vitamins! (i like Emergen-C myself, but Airborne’s cool, too.)
I used to be a Scare Actor but now, I’m a Stage Manager. And I love every minute of it. I miss getting those scares but I also love passing on my experience and knowledge to others.
Awww, don’t worry, cel! Girly may be crushin’ on the ‘bot but he’s YPUR smitten kitten!
(Yes, when my friends need reassuring/cheering, I really do use “cute/daft speak”)
Males are generally oblivious and Geek guys are the worst for it. There are times when a girl wonders if they’re worth the hassle but, eventually, we have to admit; yes, yes they are. Some of them.
I like Geeks and Gamers, but if it ever get to the point where I have to write “Ctrl”/”Shift” on my breasts and “Enter”… at the obvious point… to get someone into bed then it’s time to move on.
As for serious WoW players – STAY AWAY!
As far as I can see, they’re already in an abusive relationship: they spend too much money on it, they spend too much time on it, they let their work/studies/friendships suffer because of it, it randomly changes on you, it actually brings you very little satisfaction for all the trouble you go to for it. You may even leave it several times and it keeps pulling you back in!
I understand where you coming from Angela. I enjoy the company of geek chick but in my case they’re very insecure or grossly shy. So courting them is like trying to convince people your dating a leprechaun.
*chuckles* I think a certain amount of insecurity is just part of being a geek. As far as I’m aware, every geek I know has a tendency to over-analyse. Sometimes that’s a really bad thing.
I’ve been pretty much house-bound for a few years (crippling anxiety etc FTW *rolls eyes* It’ll be so much better when I move out of Plymouth – my mum calls me “Jack the Ripper” because I function/work better when people don’t know who I am… not because of the Victorian attire and the penchant for cutting up prostitute… although I do rather like Victorian style) so I don’t “date” as such, but I’ve been able to have a few relationships. I guess I’m also guilty of being a “leprechaun”.
Still, it all adds to the mysterious qualities of the Geek Girls. You boys will just have to keep questing. In the meantime, +100 EXP for trying. Oh look, you levelled! Yay!
i used to be SUPER shy! now i think i’m more antisocial than anything. either way, i’ll have to get over any shyness and/or antisocial hangups i may have, once i start touring with the eventual JEFbot book and going to comic conventions. still, if you see me hiding under a table at a comic con, coax me out with cookies or hugs. 😉
sounds like your friends are lucky to have you, AdM! can i give you a call the next time i’m feeling down and need some “smitten kitten” cheering up?
and yes, us guys are totally oblivious. girls definitely need to point things out to us ‘cuz we don’t pay attention to what’s right in front of our noses most of the time. it hasn’t even occurred to jefbot that cel might be a bit jealous of him taking a break with some young thing. unless that’s just part of his plan… [insert Sonitan’s evil laugh here.]
ha! maybe undergarments with Ctrl/Shift/Enter on them would be more practical than writing that on your skin. i kid! i kid! heheheh.
and luckily, i was able to remove myself from WoW and finally suspend my account. (it was awful – i actually kept my account going for months, just in case i wanted to hop on, even though i wasn’t actively playing the game.)
Aww, of course you can call me anytime! Although, with international charges the way they are… probably best to leave it to the realm of the internet. :/
*laughs* Yeah, right! Jefbot has no plans for this girl beyond gaming! He is completely without guile or cunning in this case!
While your idea might be more practical than magic markers, now I can’t get the following scenario out of my head:
Geeky couple “fooling around” in bed, clothes strewn on the floor, guy stops and looks around in a panic. Girl asks, “what are you doing?”. Guy replies, “I’m looking for the cheat sheet!”
Woah! Sounds like you had it bad! That’s like you were hanging around for the possibility of a booty call! I get you were drunk dialing too! Logging on at 2am, worse for drink, full of apologies (“I’m sorry, take me back! I’ll never leave you again!”), then you’d fumble about awkwardly before passing out at your keyboard, waking up in the morning to a hangover and the bitter taste of regret.
I know your type! :p
They’re out there! Don’t give up!
Some of us snap after weeks/months/years of second guessing whether someone likes us or not, then (very bluntly) tell them that we’re interested and if they’re not then that’s OK but if they are they should do something about it before we explode in a shower of neuroses or move on.
…ahem. Of course, I’ve never done anything like that. *shifty eyes*
glad you liked cel’s expression there, Prophet! she could be plotting, or maybe she didn’t want jefbot to see the burning love she has for him deep in her soul. actually, yeah – she’s probably plotting. 😉
Something’s not right about Cel’s shirt . . .
Oh well!
I can’t wait to see how this all plays out!
Maybe it’ll relate to the ET a couple strips back . . .
oops! thanks for the catch, Prof. i’ll try and fix that tonight before i start work on tomorrow’s strip.
and yes, cel definitely has some weird connection to those ETs – and we might just find out more about what that connection is before the end of this storyline! 😀
wow fast congrats
man, like Drakeye mentioned, you claimed this one fast, t_d!
here are your Shades of Firsting, or Spectacles of Firstness. wear them well:
rawk!! m/
she should be jealous of video games
heh. i think you’re right, Drakeye. 🙂
Cel has a upright of DK? I so want to hang at “the last Arcade!”
me too! i’m hoping that all this drawing and writing about The Last Arcade will somehow conjure one into my neighborhood, t_d. seriously.
edacra tsal eht
edacra tsal eht
edacra tsal eht
did it work?
i’ll check the neighborhood when i wake up tomorrow and let you know.
There needs to be more arcades in the world. There’s none anywhere around my college, except for one of those little mall arcades which really doesn’t count.
i totally lucked out in that my college had a little arcade within the campus bar, DerelictJet! they also had a couple of coin ops in the student union. probably all gone now, tho. 🙁
You could always try “Ia Ia The Last Arcade fhtagn!” (Hey, if it’ll resurrect Eldritch gods, who’s to say that it won’t bring a video game arcade to the neighborhood?)
whereas the games available will make us go insane? i’ll probably be the first in line.
i’ll try anything, r61!
and i’ll be right there in line behind ya, jf#300. 🙂
I’m thinking there’s something else going on with Cel . . . why did she just disappear that night?
Aliens or issues? Hmmm . . .
maybe mu and her are aliens….whoaaaaa…..
with the weird circumstances involving cel and Mu during the “Beach” storyline, your theory can’t be ruled out, jf#300! heheh.
your suspicions are correct, Sarah W – there’s still much more to reveal about cel.
careful JB, she maybe a JailBait……
“tread lightly and carry a big gun”
yeah, maybe jefbot should check her ID or at least ask her age before completing that pie factory level, jf#300. 😉
Waiting for Cel and Jefbot to finally get together (or not) is excruciating in the best possible way.
big thanks, Chris! i love to hear that!
now I kinda want to see Cel interrupt them XD
good! not gonna say exactly what’s gonna happen next but you can be sure cel’s not gonna stand by and do nothing if this situation’s really bugging her, dJ! 🙂
Cel somehow looks like a girl in this strip. I’m not being a crit here Its just hard to see her as a girl through all the nerdyness. Clearly emotions are the key difference between men and momen (excluding anatomy).
As a nerdy girl, I am very baffled by the notion that nerdiness overrides gender. 🙂 Also, that emotions = female. I like to think that all human beings possess the full range of emotions (whether or not they choose to express them).
That said, I do think Cel looks a lot more vulnerable in this page than I would have thought she could!
I agree completely; nerdiness does not override gender. Obsolete stereotypes, on the other hand, can override anything – usually starting with rational thought. I rather prefer rational thought, myself.
i prefer rational thought too, Stonefoot, although i’ve been up for almost two days straight, and at this point, i don’t think i can distinguish between what’s rational and what’s not. i should probably get some sleep then try again. 🙂
Yeah I didnt intend it to sound sexist or anything and yeah all I meant was that she looks more vulnerable here. I’m sory to everyone I ofended because I didnt mean it like that at all.
no sweat, man – looks like it was just a misunderstanding. i think cel’s vulnerability in this one is just tripping people out! 😉
glad to hear cel’s vulnerability surprised you, mcemily! we haven’t seen much of cel’s “softer” side in this storyline, but the situation between jefbot and the new girl has definitely riled some emotions.
and as far as nerdiness overriding gender, i’d have to say i agree with you. as geeky as cel is, i think she’s all woman, and there’s no doubt jefbot finds her very, very sexy, even if she’s not stereotypically “hawt.”
i’ve purposely kept cel from wearing revealing outfits or acting stereotypically “girly,” Ixblack (even in the “Beach” storyline, she’s wearing a hoodie for most of it), as her character expresses herself more with her geekiness and attitude than through her curves. i find those things more sexy than if she were just a bombshell, anyway, so glad to hear you think her femininity’s coming through in this strip. 🙂
‘bot doesn’t look like he’s smitten with his new friend…you can tell by his face…he just has a common interest and wants to help her!! I mean, come on, look at Cel!
So, this means Cel needs to stop being so illusive and start with the flirting herself, I do believe…
Oh and I love that the chickie in the background has pig tails…heh, cute!!
If she were about a foot shorter, she could be Chiyo-chan from Azumanga Daioh. 😉
OMG. u are right. a medal of eternal anime for u sir. wasnt chiyochan going to the usa in the final episode of the anime. this maybe her. 😀
i like this explanation, jf#300! i’ve never watched the anime but started the manga a while back. i need to get back and finish it. 🙂
ha! totally unintentional, Stonefoot!
once again, you’re very perceptive, ESQ – you’re like the guy on that show Lie to Me that can read people’s expressions and body language, except for cartoons!
and as as your advice to cel – i think she may just be thinking that same thing herself…
and yes – pigtails! 😀
Well, if you didn’t draw it so convincingly, I wouldn’t be able to “read” them! LOL You do a great job of making their expressions lifelike!!
awwWW! thanks for the compliment, ESQ! *blush*
Well…Cel wants to win, so clearly something’s going to happen. I’m just worried about what happens when she does win, will she trade him in for credits towards the next game or feel the game has plenty of value and replayability and keep it forever’s
hah, that was dumb
heheh. i like your metaphor, Bean – let’s hope cel thinks bot has lots of replayability. but with someone like her, you just never know.
Awe, so cute. And yet, so confusing. Bot, I though you had a thing for Cel??!?
he does, TCG! don’t worry, all will be clear soon. 🙂
Video games are insidious! ‘Bot will override his libido for video games? Sadly, I know other folks like this too.
jefbot’s libido has been overridden for now, Stan – but something tells me cel still has jefbot wrapped around her finger. 🙂
It’s hard to picture cel as insecure. She seems about as secure as they come. And totally in control of the “relationship” – whatever that might be!
I see her as being more the type to walk over to Jefbot and say something along the lines of “Look idiot, I don’t want you hanging out with other girls till I decide if I want you for myself or not.” And Jefbot doing another “Yes ma’am” with salute. 😀
So Jeff, are you as sweet and puppy dog-ish in real life with your crushes?
yep, cel’s the type that will confront any insecurities right away, Shanna, so i wouldn’t be surprised to see her give jefbot your speech. as for how jefbot would react to something like that, well, maybe we’ll find out in the strip. 😉
and i’m definitely pretty sweet and puppy dog-ish to crushes in real life. depends on how intense the crush is, though. 🙂
How come im always posting after Shanna?
Cornfather isnt one to speak realy. He has his own quirks.
funny how there does seem to be an order to these strips much of the time, Maryz.
and you’re right about the Cornfather – we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of his quirks, yet. 😀
Oh snap! Bot is giving Cel a taste of her own medicine! Way to go, bot! Wait a minute…it’s just a web comic, right? I’ve gotten too invested. Ha! Anyway, I love the backgrounds for these arcade strips, bot. I actually feel like I’m at an arcade. Perfect location, perfect colors, perfect characters….just perfect, bot! Now go get some sleep. 😉
nothing wrong in getting invested with a Webcomic CF. it helps us getting over all the bad news in the world.
thanks, MC! glad you’re digging the atmosphere of the arcade. and though bot might be giving cel a taste of her own medicine, it still remains to be seen whether that’s intentional or not.
and as far as getting too invested in this webcomic, i think jf#300’s response is right on. 🙂
Well well well, we may have a love triangle here. 😉
heheh. maaaaybe. maaaaybe not, Anime fan!
You show her JB…play hard to get. And CF will never understand us nerds. We will rule the Universe one day…THE UNIVERSE!!!!
i thought we already were everyone is addicted to cool phones and the latest technology all we need t odo now is trade upgrades for land and power and we will also own the world as well
lol, I’m the guy to call for stratigic as well as haggleing when you decide to overthrow. AF industries, supporting pyschopaths proudly for 800 years. Except Hitler, crazy _____ -insert colorful word-
I like Eddie Izzards description of Hitler – “mass-murdering f***head”
Is it not written, “The Geek shall inherit the Earth”?
Technically, “blessed are the Geek, for they shall inherit the Earth”…
verily, AdM. 🙂
yep, it’s definitely the Age of the Geeks, Drakeye. being a geek and/or nerd definitely wasn’t as cool when i was a kid. time to revel in it! REVEL!!!
which universe, Slave1? i’ll just assume you mean ALL OF THEM!!! 😀
Oh MAN… I recall those internal conflicts… I really want to be with this GIRL. – I really want to play this GAME. Girl. Game. Girl! Game! GIRL! GAME! GIRLLLL!! GAMMEEEEE!!! Aiieeeeee!!!!!
But I got the FRAK over that by my late teens. It’s like this. If you mess it up with the game, you can PLAY IT AGAIN LATER. But mess it up with a babe, and brother she’s GONE, and written your nerd ass OFF.
well said, SamuraiArtGuy! no reset buttons on women, sadly. these days i think this website is my mistress. 😉
Her competitive instincts by all means!!!
*evil laugh of doom*
She should just club jef to next year. At least Cel’s eyes are smokey enough this time!!! yay for smokey eyes!!
i just love cel’s smoky eyes. so hot. wish i could go into JB’s world for one day and go on a date with cel and by the end of that date i do something improper to her followed by a major trashing by cel and end it with me saying “yes mistress” or psycho mantis’ most famous quote “hurt me more”
i really need to go and see a shrink.
*chuckles* Sounds like you’d fit in rather well with a particular circle of my friends.
wow! who are you hanging out with, AdM!? 😉
*chuckles* I’ll leave that up to your imagination. *winks*
not sure if that’s a good idea, AdM – my imagination can be a scary, scary place. 😉
who knows. maybe i am one of THEM?!!?…dun dun dunnnnnn
*le gasp!*
Alas, with the anonymity the internet provides, I may never know…
haha. that is true
as long as you get your “psycho mantis” thoughts out here instead of in the real world, jf#300, i think you’ll be fine. 😉
i’ve been wondering if i’ve been making cel’s eyes smoky enough for ya, Sonitan. glad i got your stamp of approval on this one!
Zomgosh I am so glad this storyline is back!
glad to hear that, Ecna!
🙁 I feel bad for cel. But then again, I’m a girl. 😀
don’t feel bad for cel, Spaarfor, she’s a tough chick! probably tougher than anyone in that arcade, actually… 😉
Is that… a hint? Eh? ;D
maaAAAybe. heheh. 😉
I wonder if Cornfather knows he’s doing Jefbot such a big favour? In my experince if a girl learns that the guy she likes REALLY likes her but is possibly going to lose interest she tends to go in for the kill…er seduction.
reprase your statement kat and it probably sounds like something from the national geographic channel. lolz.
“Next, on Animal Planet: When Gamer Girls ATTACK!” heheh. 😉
the Cornfather’s definitely trying to help jefbot out, Kat, but in his happy-go-lucky way; he probably doesn’t realize just how big a favor he’s doing his friend. 🙂
Oh no he didn’t! Hilarious! But we LOVE Cel! “…what do I know about what goes on in that soda-fueled, video game-saturated nerd brain of his?” LOVE IT!
yep, he did, Funnyshaffer! glad you’re loving it! 😀
See Cel. See Cel mad. Run Jefbot crush Run. See Cel slam girl crush into Donkey Kong cabinet. Die crush die.
let’s hope cel doesn’t have a violent side, Will B, or your scenario might just happen! remember when she kicked jefbot’s door down a few months ago?
Do I detect a bit of spying and misinterpretation for Cel in the near future? I think I do.
i think your detectors are working perfectly, Fijiman!
Cel is definitely getting a tad jealous, and with good reason, I’d say. Great strip! Especially the part about the soda-fueled, video game-saturated brain.
thanks, Eptha! glad you liked the dialogue and approve of cel’s emotions. i think a little jealousy’s good for a person every now and then. at least we know she’s human. 😉
i hate to bring this up but does everyone in the world of JB seems to suffer from
slouched back? the chiropractors must be making a killing.
Gamer slouch my man gamer slouch. Toooo low on the couch lol
i think you might be the first person to bring this up, jf#300! it’s true – the “slouch” is a stylistic choice i’ve made for the characters of the strip. kind of like how everybody in The Simpsons has buggy eyes and an overbite.
either that or the “gamer slouch” that Will B mentioned. heheh. 😉
I must say Jeff, Something about Cel in this strip definately makes her look…softer? Is that the term I’m looking for? No so bada$$ery and all (It’s I word I swear on AdM!). Perhaps that is what makes her appear so much more…Feminine?
Guh What do I know I’m sleep addled and have been ill for the past weekend. What fun when working an outdoor Halloween event! In case you haven’t checked it out yet…
Ok so I have no idea how to do a hyper link. I’m pretty!
Hurray AIRBORNE! *sleep*
Yay! I got a mention! *happy dances*
I agree. It’s definitely a word. *nods sagely (not like the herb)*
Googling it brings up the same link, and that link is broken too. You can go to the cached page from about a week ago, which is empty. It looks like there is something wrong at the site. 🙁
Try this one Stonefoot!
in Tampa!? i heard our Busch Gardens moved to Florida, so you must have gotten our amusement park, Pixie!!! 🙁
actually, yours looks way better. when it was over here it was basically just a tour of the brewery with a parrot aviary bolted onto it.
Jeff Dahhhhhlink, Busch Gardens has been here for like ever! The amusment park has been around for years. The Event is in it’s 11th year and they no longer have the beer garden or the berewery tour.
yep! you guys stole it from us when i was a kid! still mad. 🙁
i tried to soften her up a little, Pixie, especially in that 2nd panel. i wanted to be sure she didn’t look cold or pissed when jefbot asked her for that break. we haven’t seen her very vulnerable before (okay, maybe when bot and her shared a kiss on the pier, but other than that…) so i think that vulnerability tends to tone down her bada$$ery a little. heheh.
everybody’s sick! just ask daughterJudy and EvilStepQueen. i have so much to do between now and Christmas, i’m really trying to keep my immune system powered up!
that Halloween thing looks cool! we used to have a Busch Gardens out here but it moved away. do you get to wear a costume!?
yes, rest up and take lots o’ vitamins! (i like Emergen-C myself, but Airborne’s cool, too.)
I used to be a Scare Actor but now, I’m a Stage Manager. And I love every minute of it. I miss getting those scares but I also love passing on my experience and knowledge to others.
Like Yoda am I Hmmm?
neat! 😀
Why would Cel even be worried? Jefbots only talking/playing video games, which doesn’t leave him much room to be thinking anything else.
you’re right: video games do tend to occupy a good percentage of his thoughts, Hornet. cel probably has nothing to worry about. 🙂
Awww, don’t worry, cel! Girly may be crushin’ on the ‘bot but he’s YPUR smitten kitten!
(Yes, when my friends need reassuring/cheering, I really do use “cute/daft speak”)
Males are generally oblivious and Geek guys are the worst for it. There are times when a girl wonders if they’re worth the hassle but, eventually, we have to admit; yes, yes they are. Some of them.
I like Geeks and Gamers, but if it ever get to the point where I have to write “Ctrl”/”Shift” on my breasts and “Enter”… at the obvious point… to get someone into bed then it’s time to move on.
As for serious WoW players – STAY AWAY!
As far as I can see, they’re already in an abusive relationship: they spend too much money on it, they spend too much time on it, they let their work/studies/friendships suffer because of it, it randomly changes on you, it actually brings you very little satisfaction for all the trouble you go to for it. You may even leave it several times and it keeps pulling you back in!
I understand where you coming from Angela. I enjoy the company of geek chick but in my case they’re very insecure or grossly shy. So courting them is like trying to convince people your dating a leprechaun.
*chuckles* I think a certain amount of insecurity is just part of being a geek. As far as I’m aware, every geek I know has a tendency to over-analyse. Sometimes that’s a really bad thing.
I’ve been pretty much house-bound for a few years (crippling anxiety etc FTW *rolls eyes* It’ll be so much better when I move out of Plymouth – my mum calls me “Jack the Ripper” because I function/work better when people don’t know who I am… not because of the Victorian attire and the penchant for cutting up prostitute… although I do rather like Victorian style) so I don’t “date” as such, but I’ve been able to have a few relationships. I guess I’m also guilty of being a “leprechaun”.
Still, it all adds to the mysterious qualities of the Geek Girls. You boys will just have to keep questing. In the meantime, +100 EXP for trying. Oh look, you levelled! Yay!
OMG Lucky Charms where?!
I consider myself to be a geek girl and am actually horribly shy…Which I hide through being extremely outgoing and fabulous.
meaning I have very many aquaintences, but very few true friends…And I’m ok with that. I don’t want to get hurt.
*nods* ‘Tis a sensible way to be.
Of course you’re fabulous! How could you possibly be anything else?! ^_^
i used to be SUPER shy! now i think i’m more antisocial than anything. either way, i’ll have to get over any shyness and/or antisocial hangups i may have, once i start touring with the eventual JEFbot book and going to comic conventions. still, if you see me hiding under a table at a comic con, coax me out with cookies or hugs. 😉
Gods damn typo!
*YOUR – not “YPUR”
sounds like your friends are lucky to have you, AdM! can i give you a call the next time i’m feeling down and need some “smitten kitten” cheering up?
and yes, us guys are totally oblivious. girls definitely need to point things out to us ‘cuz we don’t pay attention to what’s right in front of our noses most of the time. it hasn’t even occurred to jefbot that cel might be a bit jealous of him taking a break with some young thing. unless that’s just part of his plan… [insert Sonitan’s evil laugh here.]
ha! maybe undergarments with Ctrl/Shift/Enter on them would be more practical than writing that on your skin. i kid! i kid! heheheh.
and luckily, i was able to remove myself from WoW and finally suspend my account. (it was awful – i actually kept my account going for months, just in case i wanted to hop on, even though i wasn’t actively playing the game.)
Aww, of course you can call me anytime! Although, with international charges the way they are… probably best to leave it to the realm of the internet. :/
*laughs* Yeah, right! Jefbot has no plans for this girl beyond gaming! He is completely without guile or cunning in this case!
While your idea might be more practical than magic markers, now I can’t get the following scenario out of my head:
Geeky couple “fooling around” in bed, clothes strewn on the floor, guy stops and looks around in a panic. Girl asks, “what are you doing?”. Guy replies, “I’m looking for the cheat sheet!”
Woah! Sounds like you had it bad! That’s like you were hanging around for the possibility of a booty call! I get you were drunk dialing too! Logging on at 2am, worse for drink, full of apologies (“I’m sorry, take me back! I’ll never leave you again!”), then you’d fumble about awkwardly before passing out at your keyboard, waking up in the morning to a hangover and the bitter taste of regret.
I know your type! :p
not saying if any of those scenarios have played out in my life or are in any way familiar to me, AdM. not saying!!!
If I were drinking coffee, I’d be wiping off my pampered and overworked Apple Cinema Display….
When I got to “Cntl/Shift… Enter” I just LOST it. I had friends in College and just after, who were that oblivious.
Glad I amused you ^_^
i like, love and crave for a geeky girl to come to me…alas, the world is not perfect……
They’re out there! Don’t give up!
Some of us snap after weeks/months/years of second guessing whether someone likes us or not, then (very bluntly) tell them that we’re interested and if they’re not then that’s OK but if they are they should do something about it before we explode in a shower of neuroses or move on.
…ahem. Of course, I’ve never done anything like that. *shifty eyes*
like AdM said, jf#300 – don’t give up! your geeky girl could be right around the corner! 😀
I love Cel’s expression in panel 2 could mean a world of things. My money’s on plotting.
glad you liked cel’s expression there, Prophet! she could be plotting, or maybe she didn’t want jefbot to see the burning love she has for him deep in her soul. actually, yeah – she’s probably plotting. 😉
Something’s not right about Cel’s shirt . . .
Oh well!
I can’t wait to see how this all plays out!
Maybe it’ll relate to the ET a couple strips back . . .
oops! thanks for the catch, Prof. i’ll try and fix that tonight before i start work on tomorrow’s strip.
and yes, cel definitely has some weird connection to those ETs – and we might just find out more about what that connection is before the end of this storyline! 😀