It seems like only yesterday when jefbot was experiencing his Best Day Ever, playing video games, hanging with cel, and getting comfortable with her in a Star Wars cabinet. Oh, how quickly things change.
So cel told jefbot about Wil’s appearance. I’d say bot took it pretty well, all things considered.
Yes, you. Congrats. ^_^
*pew pew* I’m quick on the draw!! LOL It’s funny, I just sent hubby off to work and thought I’d check my comics…who knew it would grant me “firstness”???
seems your hubby’s departure was well timed! perhaps he should get a pair of spectacles to wear, too? 😉
*ahem*…I’d have to…*gasp* SHARE?
I suppppoooose I could let him try on the Shades of Firstness…
Oooooooh bot is MAD!! Cel is going to see this side of him and either be really turned off…or maaaaaaaaybe she feels the same about Wil Wheaton, for some reason (gosh, who doesn’t love him???) and they will be blissfully happy in Wheaton hate together!! Leave it to CF to be leading the children with a battlecry…HAHAHA….
And…as always…loooove the layers to your panels…very cool, man…very cool!!
yep! it’s all you, ESQ! the Shades of Firstness are yours.
Oh dear…
heheh. yeah, bot did have a little “freak out” for a second there, AdM.
Words cannot express the crazy in that first panel. ‘bot looks like he’s been infected with a rage virus & is about to go on a homicidal rampage…
Panel 3 is very nicely done *applauds* Well done, sir. Jolly well done.
Last panel kind of reminds me of an ex – any time anyone put forward evidence to contradict his point, he’d narrow his eyes & say that he denied their logic… he was in uni, studying to be a scientist… you see why he’s an ex?
Give it up, ‘bot. You’re just jealous because, but for a cruel twist of fate, you could have been the one everyone’s squealing about.
But then, you wouldn’t have cel, would you?…
touche on the alternate reality logic ^_^
Thanks, Prophet. ^_^
Not just a pretty face, me *winks*
OK, I’m not even that… *sighs*
you know you’ve got the pretty face, AdM. 🙂
thanks! glad you liked those panels, AdM. yeah, not sure if jefbot’s ever been as rage-y as he is in that first panel. he better chill before Wil gets there, though. 🙂
sounds like a good thing your ex is an ex. heheh. you’d think someone studying to be a scientist would be open to new evidence.
and yes, so true about cruel fate and cel – glad you’re looking at the bright side of life for bot, there! of course, maybe he could’ve had all the squeals and cel. WHEATON!!!
Who will you believe, me or your own eyes? (Groucho Marx)
sometimes that’s a hard decision to make, ContableEnorme. 🙂
I still want to know what’s going on with her knowing his hamster, and wtf is with the UFOs.
…But will wheaton, oh god this is gonna be hilarious.
in due time, John, all will be revealed. still got a ways to go, though! 😀
In the first panel Jebot sees through red haze. Cool.
And *RUN TO HIM!*? What is Cornfather teachng theese kids?!
yep! you know bot’s raging when his pupils turn red, Maryz.
and maybe the Cornfather’s trying to get those kids to do a little physical fitness by running? 😉
Do kids that young even know who Wil Wheaton is??
Good point. My son (who is a gamer geek and Jefbot geek too for that matter) had to be reminded who he is – “You remember, the guy who played Fawkes in The Guild… and Wesley Crusher on Star Trek TNG.” Yea. He knows who Fawkes is but barely spared a brain cell to register the kid in ST TNG. Granted, he’s only seen a few episodes so far. His geek education is far from complete, but we are working on him.
may the force be strong with him then!
*…we are working on him.* LOL You just made my day.
ha! i love that you’re training your son in The Ways of the Geek, Shanna! awesome.
i would think that geeky kids would know who he is, t_d. if not through ST:TNG then maybe through his work on The Big Bang Theory or The Guild. also his association with PAX. if they don’t know now, they will learn.
Run children! RUN TO HIM!
Not only did I clear out my sinuses with diet Pepsi, but I woke my kids.
Well played, Mr. Schuetze.
big thanks, Sarah W! the way that the Cornfather says that in my head makes me laugh, too, so i’m glad to hear you got the same reaction. 😀 sorry ’bout the sinuses and the waking of the kids, tho. heheh.
Just gonna ask, is this in any way related to Dr Sheldon Cooper’s hate of Wil Wheaton? (the big bang theory?)
i’ve gotten a lot of people asking that, pythonX13, but jefbot’s hatred of Wil Wheaton goes back to JEFBOT.66, which came out before Wil’s first appearance in TBBT. and while bot’s and Sheldon’s hatred do share similarities, i like to think that bot’s burns hotter. 😉
*raises eyebrow @ first panel*
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Ahem… poor Jef. I’m still hoping for some close encounter of the bloody type between him and Mr. Wheaton 8D <– insane smiley face
Why would I wish for something like that? 'Cause I can!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
And whoever disagrees with me may receive evil hugs of doom. Ask Maryz about them. She may tell you they are to die from.
*evil laugh of doom*
“Run children! Run to him!”
I wonder what in the world was Michael smoking.
He was smoking Jefrey. Next time we see him hell be in close proximity to a furry wall.
If you dont know what Im talking about, shame on you and go watch *Get him to the Greek.*
still haven’t seen Greek yet, Maryz. as funny/funnier than Forgetting Sarah Marshall?
I haent seen *Sarah Marshal* yet, so i cant compare. But we lauged so hard on *Greek* that my Dad came to throw us out. Luckily ending credits were roling by then.
Eddie can confirm, he was there too.
Jefrey! *falls over laughing!!!!* Pet the furry WALL! *pimp!!!* Funiest scene int he whole movie
Im hurt. You strangle me and yet still miss my gender.
If it’s any consolation, I remember you’re a guy Maryz.
Thanks. It is. Every guy is a happy camper when a female notices the fact that he is a guy. Now if only that particular one of my female aquintances noticed it forseeable future…
Oooooooooooh. Juicy gossip, perhaps?!
*evil laugh of doom*
Sorry, I’m curious as my cats. But I planned ahead and killed Curiosity.
*maniacal laugh of doom*
*Slowly and sneakily retreats from Sonitan.*
*blinks in surprise*
In all honestly… I had NO idea you were a guy, Maryz. I guess I ignorantly jumped to conclusions because of your “name”. I’m sorry!!!!
Dont sweat it, Jefbot did the same thing about a year ago and by that time he did know Im a guy. He corrected it after Eddie started to joke about it.
Well, it seems the gender confusion seems to roam this place. Some time ago someone thought I was a DUDE!!!!
Come to think of it… it was YOU!!!!
“Maryz says: (March 19, 2010 at 2:34 am)
I belive Sonitan is the one who noticed the hack, isnt he?”
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Let’s face it, as a dude I wouldn’t look as good as I do in my victorian goth skirts.
Yep, that was my final clue.
with only avatars and/or callsigns it’s so hard to keep genders accurate, sometimes. gotta love the internet!
i just knew you’d dig jefbot’s crazed rage in that first panel, Sonitan! heheh.
and keep wishing for blood – i still make no promises, but it could happen! not likely, but mmmaybe. 🙂
also, now i’m not sure which i fear more – the *evil hugs* or *diabolical laughs* of doom. hmmm…
hahaha. let pain and suffering begin (mostly jb’s)
yep – sadly, i think “pain and suffering” is definitely in jefbot’s future, jf#300.
“Run children! Run to him!” LOL to the nth degree.
Here’s one: Did you ever see the episode of “Criminal Minds” where Wil Wheaton plays a serial killer? and of course for you “Family Guy” fans, we all know his name is actually pronounced, Wil wHeaton, with a heavy emphasis on the H 😉
He’s a serial killer? Not just the cereal, but a serial killer? I should hide my printer cables.
And with that, I’ve finally killed that joke. I’ll have to search for that episode. I wonder if anyone shoots him? (probably sheldon’s and jefbot’s dream.) However, I have to wonder, if Wheaton’s on a CBS show and “The Big Bang Theory” is supposedly behind the fictional fourth wall of our lives. Has any one of them ever seen “Criminal Minds?”
Of course, that’s only speculation for another facet of thought that doesn’t necessarily reside in this fictional universe. Interesting when “World’s Collide” as it were, n’est cs pas?
I’m fairly certain he gets splattered by a truck at the end. It wasn’t a particularly good episode. Wheaton plays a Norman Bates-like proprietor of a Motel, offing the men while the women are tied-up, watching. He then dumps their bodies in the road for trucks to hit, hence his exceptionally original comeuppance at the end 😉
wonder no longer, Bl4ckw0lf – jefbot has indeed seen that episode of Criminal Minds, and has watched Wil get his “comeuppance” over and over and over… 😉
not sure if he’s seen Wil’s The Big Bang Theory episodes, though. i’d say he knows about them but has avoided watching.
glad you liked that line, Jeff Menapace! wasn’t sure how people would react to it, but it looks like at least a few got some laughs from it.
i did see that Criminal Minds – my mom showed it to me, knowing my feelings about Wil. heheh.
I love Cornfather in the 3rd panel. That’s just an awesome line!
thanks, TCG! i can totally hear the Cornfather’s real-life counterpart, Michael Cornacchia, saying that line. if the strip ever gets animated, this’ll be an awesome scene. 🙂
I know I’m not the fist to mention it but “Run children! Run to him!” is one of the most hilarious lines ever. You’ve written funny things before, but that line is the rug that really ties this proverbial room together.
thanks a ton, Jed! not everybody likes the line, but i’m glad those of you that dig it, dig it a lot!
Love the depth of field effects!! Very nicely done.
thanks, Charles! Photoshop’s a wonderful thing. 🙂
What does bot have against Wil Wheaton? He was my very first crush when I was a kid watching Star Trek, and he seems like a pretty alright sort of guy.
Ah, okay, I had completely forgotten about those comics you linked to Tuesday. Still, though, jefbot should see this as an opportunity. An opportunity for revenge!
Lol. I wonder if he quotes it in Klingon, that proverb. HAH.
don’t even mention that, Bl4ckw0lf – since i’ve seen Wil’s appearances on TBBT i’m afraid i might accidentally steal a joke from that show! i should probably watch them again, just to be sure. 🙂
i think jefbot’s too rage-filled to plot any revenge right now, Sharra. but once he calms down, Wil better watch out. 😉
seriously did not expect such a nerd *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* out of cornfather
To be honest, I bet it’s him just messing with bot
heheh. nice theory, polerin.
it wasn’t so much a “nerd SQUEE” as genuine excitement, acolyte! remember, the Cornfather knows Wil and likes him.
First panel is easily one of my all time jefbot faves. great depth of field, excellent expression… even the lettering is top notch.
glad you liked it, dude! that first panel might be going on a future BOTton, methinks. and i was going for a Ralph Steadman vibe with the lettering, so i’m glad you dug it, since he’s one of my faves.
As calculated, Karma Strikes again. Execute socio-embarrassment dodge maneuver #457. Hide in the nearest corner and regain composure, find emotional support…good luck.
Cel’s got this. It totally voids the moment she “Jousted” for him earlier.Unless Wil takes a liking to Cel, then now having taken his life will he take his heart? only time will tell on the next episode of Dragon b….erm Jeftbot.
jefbot will need that luck if he’s going to, as you said – hide, regain composure and find emotional support, Prophet!
and i could totally hear that deep, dramatic Dragonball Z narrator voice in your last sentence; i need to get that voice actor to narrate JEFbot if it ever becomes a cartoon. 😀
and gods, let’s hope Wil doesn’t take jefbot’s heart from him, too…
In case no one has pointed this out, panel 1 needs to be a t-shirt.
I totally agree. You need to add this to your list of Jefbot goodies to grace us with the ability to buy, Jeff. C’mon, there are people here just WAITING to give you money! 😀
Oh yea, and Wil needs to be the first recipient of one of these shirts. You know he would totally wear it with pride.
Love the idea.
i would also use that same image, but change the text to “WTF?!’ for those like me that don’t necesarily care for Mr. Wheaton but LOVE jefbot’s expression.
*happy as a clam*
if i do make a shirt from this image, it probably won’t have any words on it, Sonitan. just JEFbot freaking out. would you still be interested?
Oh yes, I would
*happy as a clam*
Will wheaton should come to the arcade opening in Jefbot t-shirt. That would totaly take wind from Jefbots sails.
since the JEFbot comic strip doesn’t exist in the JEFbot Universe (at least not yet), that would totally blow bot’s mind, Maryz!!! i should totally do it. heheh.
i have like, a ton of merch in the planning stages that i just haven’t been able to get to, Shanna! i’m moving this month, which is going to be a huge time suck, but am going to try and get a couple new tees out in the next few weeks.
and yeah, Wil has been very cool with letting me use his name and (soon!) likeness for this strip, so he pretty much has a “Free JEFbot Merch” pass. 🙂
thanks, i’ll take it under advisement, BCB! thing is, that would be a really hard image to screen into a shirt, with the blur effect and all the colors. there’s a way to do that with digital printing, but i just haven’t been happy with the quality of that process. i know they wouldn’t be as awesome as a tee, but i’m thinking of making BOTtons of that image.
that said, i have been looking for a jefbot image for a tee. i guess this is a question for everyone: would a t-shirt of jefbot freaking out (maybe without the “Wil Wheaton!?” in it) still be of interest? or does him freaking out about Wil Wheaton make it desirable?
make one with that image but instead saying “WTF?!!”
I would love to get one like that! *love*
Very nice Jefbot-go-HULK! moment in the first panel. And yes, bot’s ignoring of the facts in the face of what he wants to believe is just too funny…and so realistic for some people I know. CF is hilarious…
thanks, Tiana! i think if “jefbot-go-HULK!” any stronger he might just have an aneurysm. 😉
and glad you liked the Cornfather’s excitement and jefbot’s reaction to it!
Oooh… Anti-fanboy
Many a Geek war started over anti-fandom
I like your new avatar!
yeah, something tells me jefbot shouldn’t provoke Wheaton’s ire, rinthia. he probably has some “NNEEERRRRDDDDD RRRRAAAAGGGGEEEE!” of his own.
and i second Shanna’s comment. cool avatar!
My roommate makes a similar face when I do something embarrassing like that in public… Which happens often.
heh. why does this not surprise me, DJ?
It’s nice to see that Jefbot has a handle on his RAGE! Hilarious first frame!
The detail in this weeks strip is brilliant!
thanks, Funnyshaffer! yeah, bot may need some anger management courses after this story arc.
I hate will wheaton because he cheaped out and left star trek.
that little jerk had so much potential!
yeah, but then Wesley came back to the Enterprise and became a Traveler, John. a Traveler! i don’t think i could pass up that opportunity, either. 😉
Well, I’d say that went rather well really. And cel took the freak out amazingly in stride. No “What the f*#& is wrong with you?” or anything!
I love it: “Run children! Run to him!” Meanwhile, they are all in nerd bliss (as would I be in their place). You’ve got the awesome facial expressions and awesome depth of field things going on again here. 😀
heh. she did take it very well, most likely because she’s in shock that he’d be freaking out instead of geeking out, Shanna! (sorry.)
thanks for the kudos on the dialogue and artwork; this one took a little more time than i had planned. 🙂
I take it jeff doesn’t like wil wheaton?
I hate him with all my heart.
An Impostor on the site?
perhaps an evil Jeff born from the Mirror Universe, Maryz?
jefbot doesn’t like him but i do, Steve. yeah, i had some hang-ups about him a long time ago, mostly born of jealousy, and it was more a funny, irrational thing than anything else, but now he’s just a cool, intelligent guy i can relate to.
I’ve just learned about this comic existence and readed through the whole thing in two hours. There is only one thing I may say: Good work.
By the way, if cel is based on someone real know that I understand your pain. XD
I’m actually an alien from deep space, hence my unusual name.
Impostor strikes again?
Or maybe not, we are still waiting for Musashi storyline.
the Musashi storyline’s where things definitely go crazy in the JEFbot U, Maryz.
thanks for reading through the archive so quickly, Deviemn. and i’m glad you liked it! i hope you continue to read strip, and join us here in the comments.
cel’s definitely based on real people from my life and we’ll leave it at that. 😉
… kid, take the girl the lol copter, find a place with a badass view. set it to hover, makeout. then reduce the nearest town to rubble with the lol loaded mini-guns. You’ll feel better.
ooh, mini-guns!? does the lolcopter have lolrockets, too? maybe some lolhellfire missiles?
Haha I love CF he always makes me laugh. Great job Jeff, happy Halloween. (:
happy halloween, Nat! hope you got some awesome candy.
and yeah, the Cornfather always makes me laugh, too. 🙂
O_O YES! YES! Big Bang Theory reference in the first panel! Glad to see you’re a fan of the series, too, shootzee.
definitely a fan of the show (though i just don’t have time to watch. i have the DVDs of the first two seasons, though, so hopefully i’ll catch up someday) but that first panel wasn’t a reference to TBBT. it was actually a callback to the last panel of JEFBOT.66. which came out before Wil’s appearance on that show.
I guess it’s a coincidence, then, because that was Sheldon’s exact expression when Wil Wheaton used an underhanded method to beat him at Munchkin.
Ok so how much do I love that CF is at the front of the crowd like the pied piper? OOdles and oodles! That’s how much! Will catch up on comments later…have lots of stuff to catch up on!
Wow! Tons of comments but. I sat here for a while scrolling through them to get to my reply box. And I can see why there’s a ton of response. This strip int he arcade just keeps getting better. I love it! I especially love the second panel. We all look so cute running towards Wil.
How about a shirt of the first panel that just says “NERD RAGE!!!!” ?
Epic Awesome
AHAHAHAHA JB this one is a classic already. CF’s face is great in that 3rd panel. Though I do fear that JB is going to snap and Cel is NOT going to like what she sees.