You may have noticed there haven’t been any new strips posted this week. First, I’m sorry. And second, here’s why: I’ve spent the past five days executing a move to a new apartment and it has taken up all my time. Seriously. I normally pride myself on being able to estimate – with extreme accuracy – things like how long a task will take, it’s kind of one of my mutant powers, but I was way off this time. It ended up taking about three times as long as I estimated, and as such, I had to put the strip on hold and take most of the week off from work, just so I could get out of my old apartment before my former landlord started hauling the remainder of my stuff away to the nearest landfill. Needless to say, in the six times I’ve moved since leaving my parents’ home to go to college, this particular move has been the hardest.
As much as I hate to miss posting a strip, this move has not only taken away most of my time, it has taken away the tools I use for making new comic strips, too. The image for this post is a picture of my current living room. All of those boxes are filled with needy, mewling items from my Nerd Horde that I’ve picked up over the years like a geek Katamari ball. Unfortunately, all that loot comes with a price: Space. And my new apartment has none of that. The previous apartment I shared with the Cornfather had two bedrooms, four closets, and several cabinets in which to store my loot. My new place has one bedroom, one closet, and the only cabinets to be found are small ones tucked away in the kitchen. And even though I’ve filled two garbage bins with random stuff (nothing good, no worries), three car-loads of donations to the local secondhand shop, and a trunk-load of videogaming items to a used game shop, my new dwelling can still barely contain my collection of DVDs and Blu-rays, much less my comic collection, toys or gaming stuffs.
This is all a preface to saying that my computer and Cintiq have been stored in a box (I’m writing this post using my work computer from my day job) somewhere (see arrow above), and will have to wait to be released from their holdings until this weekend when space will be cleared, and my sister (Xinda) and I get a new desk on which I can start making JEFbot strips again. We’ve already scoped out the desk I’ll be buying, (if not for an unfortunate mislabeling I’d already have it) and it’s much bigger than the previous one I gave away and will be even better for writing, drawing and creating merch on. So hopefully there will be more of all three of those things happening very soon.
With the new desk (which will be much better for my eyes and drawing arm) and the new BOTcave (which, although smaller, doesn’t have a leaky roof or mold growing in the ceiling like my last place did, which seems a fair trade) I suspect that JEFbot will be even better in 2011 than in 2010. And – barring any delays due to acting auditions, bookings or comic conventions – I hopefully won’t be using “moving” again as an excuse for late strips for the next five to ten years.
Sorry again for the “Lost Week” and thanks for all the support while I was going through this. I seriously cannot wait to get back to the drawing board and finally tell you: “The new strip’s up!”
Like that,
Oh, also: the tweets and emails being sent my way re: Art imitating Life imitating Art in this strip from the JEFbot Archive are both funny and tragic. But let’s hope it doesn’t come down to this: JEFBOT.216
Oh, you use a Cintiq?! *drool*
i loves it, Stan! worth every penny.
Can I ask WHY in the world you had to leave Michael? Don’t tell me he had to kick your nerdy/geeky butt outta the appartment?!!! Meh. Just curious.
Hmmm… didn’t know you had a Cintiq. I have two Intuos though. An 9×12 Intuos 2 with a tracing pad (which I love) and a 9×12 Intuos 4. I don’t enjoy the 4th as much as the 2nd since the former is way too sensitive for my taste (my hands shake because of health conditions I got that who care about anyway).
I still think you got yourself kicked out of the last appartment.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Moving to a new place is fun. Packing and unpacking is the killer >_<
*evil sigh of doom*
yeah, loving the new place but it’s gonna take some time before i unpack and organize. 😛
shed no tears for Michael, Sonitan – he’s living in luxury in a two bedroom condo at the moment! i actually could’ve stayed at the old place, but it’s been kind of falling apart since getting new management a couple years back – a leaky roof, moldy ceilings, trashy garage, bad closet-tracks and other problems popped up recently, and i just didn’t feel good about staying there. especially with the mold. and it would’ve been very expensive for me to pay for a two bedroom apartment on my own. still good friends with MC, though, but now i gotta decide whether the recent living arrangements are reflected in the comic!
i used to have a Wacom tablet but never got used to drawing with it, although i have friends who swear by it. would be much more convenient for trips than the Cintiq, though.
I sorta wondered… Thanks for the update on the Room of Doom, ‘bot!
I’ve never had a tablet, so I don’t know much about them. I prefer pencils, pens and paper, myself. (Well, then again I don’t draw a comic, so. 😉 )
By the way: is having a *diabolical laugh of doom* a prerequisite for the blog now? 😀
The diabolical laughs of dooms are mine. I patented them all and as such they all belong to me… along with everything doomed.
*evil laugh of doom*
*evil hugs of doom*
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Yes all the Harem girls have thier little patentend “quirks”.
Sonitan has her Laugh of Doom.
Anglea della Muerta has her devilishy adroable and naughty sayings.
Maryz and I….well, We’re just NUTS in general! Did I miss anyone? If I have please forgive and state your speciallity dahlinks.
Oh Bendito Jeff! I HATE moving! This last one took us a WEEK longer than we expected. It was miserable. How about gettin to Ikea and getting some storage options? Although I usually just run to Wal Mart and get whatever is affordable. But I guess if you want something fashionable and nice, you should go there.
Anyway, Take your time, get some rest and we will be here waiting patiently.
Thank you beloved Pixie for pointing out the respective owner of the DOOMed stuff.
*glomps Pixie* (Is an evil glomp of doom, dear, so don’tcha worry, ok?)
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Now, if you all excuse me… I have to go harass Kim Fugal for trying to get away with stealing my Temple of Doom (aka MY kingdom!!!)
i enjoy all of the patented quirks seen here in the comments! it’s part of why i enjoy visiting here so much!
and Pixie, i’ve definitely made a couple stops to IKEA… and Target, and Costco, and some local shops. bought a bunch of shelves and storage options with the help of my sister Linda (Xinda), who has quite the eye for interior design. now i just need to create enough space amid the boxes to assemble these things. 😛
For the record, Maryz is a guy, but he’s still welcome to be part of the harem. I guess that gives him something obvious and unique compared to the other harem members! 😉
I don’t think I have a trademarked quirk to my posts. Damn. I’ll have to work on that. (Or if I do and I just don’t know it, be sure to tell me!!!)
you’ve had some pretty quirky/cool avatars, Shanna!
And I shouldn’t forget my super powers! I have the Power of Tower and am recovering the Power of Scrawn (but that power is still kind of weak at the moment). The harem should definitely have super powers. But no capes. Capes are always the downfall. 😉
Oops. That was me.
the tower/scrawn combo make for some formidable powers, Shanna! i’m about 5-10 pounds away from optimal Scrawn Powers myself, but running on adrenaline and forgetting to eat while i was moving definitely pushed me in the right direction (although in a non-healthy and non-recommended way).
and yeah, although capes can look cool, they aren’t very practical. that’s why Chubman & Scrawn’s capes are only velcro’d on. 😉
Crap i knew that too! Well, then he has a choice. He can either be the first male Harem member or he can just relish in the status of Mancub (those protected by the Harem).
Completely his choice.
i didn’t realize that the “Mancub” designation equaled protection from the Harem. good to know! 😀
“Anglea della Muerta has her devilishy adorable and naughty sayings.”
I guess my super power is the power to Tease, huh? *chuckles* Awesome.
i gotta get used to drawing on pen and paper again, Insectoid, since doing sketches in books and sketchcards at future comic conventions will require it! i don’t think people would be too happy with me doing a sketch using a Cintiq and then printing it out… 😉
The Jefbot sketch you sent Taran with his shirt was quite cool. I’d be happy to be the recipient of a practice pen(cil) and paper sketch or two. 😉
if i have any practice sketches that are worthwhile, i was thinking of giving them away to readers, perhaps in a contest or something. but i’ll put you at the top of the list, Shanna! 🙂
Jeff, few know your pain as much as me. I still have things in boxes from when I first moved to California, which was more years ago than I care to comtemplate; and probably why I’ve so assiduously managed to avoid it ever since! Accumulation is a hard habit to break, even when we euphemistically call it a collection. Still, I love the name you’ve given your sanctum: “BOTcave” is outrageously clever! I usually just call mine the Den of Iniquity or the Temple of Doom, depending on my mood…
The Temple of Doom is my kingdom. Don’t make me feed you to… myself!!!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Mea culpa, o formidable Sonitan… I thought I stole it from Indiana Jones!
it gives me comfort that you share my pain, Kim. when i was packing, i came across several boxes that hadn’t been opened since my previous move many years ago, boxes which i’ve vowed to now go through and sort what can stay and what needs to be tossed or donated. we’ll see if i fulfill that vow.
glad you like “BOTcave”! although “Den of Iniquity” and “Temple of Doom” sound much more exciting; my place doesn’t evoke mine cart rides or heart-extracting ceremonies!
Temple of Doom is Sonitans place.
makes sense. 🙂
Oh yeah, I’d forgotten that you had mentioned that earlier. Hope the rest of the move goes well.
thanks, Fijiman! move is complete. now i just need to get myself organized so i have a place to write and draw. and, y’know, eat and sleep in, too. 🙂
Ah, yes. Reorganization of your things after a move, the second hardest but usually the longest part of the process of moving.(Hey, it can take quite a while to organize your things in a way that feels comfortable after you’ve moved.)
yep, the “reorganization” of my stuff is going to take quite a while, Fijiman. i probably won’t start feeling comfortable for at least another month or so. my priority is to get my computer and drawing tablet up and running so i can start working on JEFbot again, but that might take me another few days.
I always like the excitement of a new place, but the actual MOVING part usually cools that pretty quickly.
Good luck finding places to stow your stuff, and don’t let yourself get too stressed out.
true dat, Sharra! was despairing a bit when the move was happening and when i saw all the boxes dominating the rooms here, but now that the apartment’s coming together a bit, my excitement is starting to resurface. 🙂
Yay for nu stuff, and if the stuff is as big as a flat, that double yay
going to try and ease back on the “nu stuff,” Eddie and get rid of some of the “old stuff” first! but: the new pad’s cool and so are the neighbors i’ve met so far, so double yay for that! 😀
lolz. i knew this problem would eventually happen. in the near/ far future, if there is no new JB strip due to moving please post pics. lots of pics. take it as a behind the scenes of JB.
also i wondered why there is no guest strip to fill in?
have a anice day packing or unpacking. which ever comes first.
i’m gonna *try* to meet tuesday’s deadline, jf#300, but if not, i’ll take your suggestion and post more pics; the apartment is actually much better now that i’ve had the weekend to work on it, so it’ll be a nice contrast to the picture i ran with this post. much thanks to my sister Linda and my brother-in-law Ted for helping me out with the organizing of so much stuff!
i actually have a couple guest strips some kind artists have sent in, but i’d rather not break up the current storyline in the archive with them. if it looks like the hiatus will continue beyond this week, however, i’ll run ’em.
Sorry to hear (read) that it’s all been so stressful and tiring for you *hugs*
I know you have all the unpacking etc to deal with, but try not to push yourself too much. Get plenty of rest now that you don’t have a looming deadline.
thanks for the *hugs* AdM, they always help! i also feel much better now that the most stressful part of the move – the actual moving – is over with. now i just have to buckle down and get to sorting through the rest of these boxes. will definitely try and get rested up so i can get back to the strip while continuing to organize this place.
*big ole Latina hug for the JeffBot*
May I ask…What is it you do during the day? I for instance, when I am not dressing as a bar maid or a nun or whatever else I may be dressing as LOL, work for a projector (home not movie) repair department in the QC room. Not exactly exciting or thrilling but it gets the bills paid.
Soeaking of which, for those of you would would like to see us dressed as nuns here is the link.
I’m the one with the glasses and the red lipstick.
That was a pirate in hand cuffs.
Did you flip through the pages my little dahhhlink?
yay for “big ole Latina hugs”! all these hugs are totally helping me out over here. 🙂
my official title is: “multimedia designer/developer” which is a fancy way of saying that i design training programs in Flash for an international security company. fun job, i like the people i work with, it pays the bills and the health/dental/vision benefits are nice. plus, it’s funding the impending JEFbot book and tour! (hopefully coming your way in 2011!)
i could only see the pirate in handcuffs, too – they weren’t part of a photo album as far as i could tell, unless one needs to be Kiki’s friend to see it. must see! send another link!
There should be buttons on the top left of the pic that say previous and next.
If not, Let me know and I will post a different link dahlinks!
Bo buttons of any sort on top of the picture, Pixie.
OK will see what I can do when I get home from the grind….I need tobe rich GD it.
We’ll live, and to answer your Fable III questions -no spoilers included- The flourishes are slower and less epic, swords and hammers are the only melee weapons, when renting out houses you have to repair them, so no leaving the game for three weeks and getting a million gold. Adoption and single parenthood is now possible with, NANNIES! lol. and one more thing, there are now super take downs, ex: knocking a hobbe to the ground, then shoving your sword through the back of it head through it’s -gaping in shock face-. This concludes the Anime fan *not* spoiler.
P.S- Have a girlfriend over XBOX LIVE? If you both have Fable III you may marry one another and have wittle ones. No, I shit you not.
thanks for the non-spoilery rundown on Fable III, Anime fan! sounds like i can wait on this one ’til i get through some of the other games on my stack, although nannies, super takedowns and virtual babies sound pretty rad! 😀
The big achievment in the game is where you *spoiler* then it *spoiler* and it all *spoiler*
what!? i can’t believe you *spoiler* then it *spoiler*!!! i thought for sure it was the other way around before it all *spoiler.* holy *spoiler*!
Thats seriously what the achievment says before you, well. Achieve it.
Ya know, while i was working Howl O Scream this year, one of the guys brought this game in for his Xbox and I swear to Badness put EVERYONE to sleep! Everyone left with him in the break room was sleeping while he was playing. It was so incredibly boring!
Although they were telling me the characters had…um….well….done the naughty dance before I got there to clock my people in. I was not impressed by the game in the least. Maybe it’s me.
Epic Mickey is AWESOME BTW.
yeah, i’ve been reading mixed reviews on Fable III. basically, i’ve heard that it’s a refinement of Fable II, but not by much, and since i haven’t finished Fable II yet, i figure i should complete that game before i start III. but i think next on my plate is Assassin’s Creed II, since the sequel to that game just came out. too many games. 😛
been hearing mixed on Epic Mickey, too – but the story of the game sounds so intriguing (with Oswald the Rabbit!?), i might just pick it up when the price drops. glad to hear you’re digging it!
Now I understand the lack of new comics, but there is a fast (well not too fast) and easy way you can make up for it: just double up on comics this week! (wink wink)
heheh. if i didn’t have a full-time job and could crank comic strips out as fast as some of my peers do, that wouldn’t be a problem, John, but i barely even have enough time to do two a week! i need to take a speed-drawing course, maybe. 😉
If I could help out, I would.
if i could hand out some of the drawing chores, i would! thanks for the offer, dude. 🙂
Dear John here is asking to have the eyes ripped outta the sockets!! The evil Harem will take care of the situation!!!
*searches for evil eye plucker of doom in doomsday devices’ vault of doom*
Dear John,
Some members of the Harem have PMS, Some are Latin and yet others are Both. Use this information at your disgrestion.
The one trying to save your life.
LOL!!!! I will keep that in mind. 🙂
Thank you for sharing that bit of info, much appreciated.
No worries Jeff, your harem allready let us know the reason for the delays.
Congrats on the new place!
Also does that mean Cornfather is moving too or is he staying in the old place?
I cant belive I forgot: Harem is awesome!
*evil hugs of doom*
8D <— insane smiley of doom
Yes. Yes we are.
*Harem five*
*adjusts her shades and pops her collar*
We are gonna rule the school. Cause the Harem is the ever lovin poo.
yes, thank the gods for the kindness of the Harem, Maryz!
and thanks for the congrats! once i get this place up and running, it’s actually going to be a pretty cool space for living and creative stuffs. can’t wait!
yep, the Cornfather already moved into a two bedroom condo where he’s living rent free! and since he doesn’t have a “geek horde” it took him all of 2-3 days to move. didn’t even need movers. 😛
Why in the world you didn’t move with Michael to that 2 bed-room apartment, jefbot?!!! You keep insisting he didn’t kick you out… but I’m still suspicious.
well, firstly, he’s living with a family member in that condo, and secondly, i have too much stuff! there wouldn’t be anyplace for me (or them) to sleep!
I don’t see a problem in waiting another week. It’s a great strip and we cam wail with the anticipation dripping from our mandibles.
I like you.
*pokes mercilessly*
As far as you go, I’ve got my eye on you… *blank stare of determination* Don’t even think about trying anything. O_O
*throws a doggy treat towards you* Behave. 😛
A doggy treat?!!!!!
I’m the supreme evil and diabolical CAT lover!!!! BOW TO THE CUTENESS OF FELINE CREATURES!!!!! My revenge against you will be bloody horrible!!
*pokes mercilessly*
Cats Rule. Dogs Drool.
Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
Cats are far superior to dogs.
Here endeth the lesson.
I sensed you were a cat person because my cat sits and pokes at me all the time until I wake up. That’s why I threw you a dog treat. >:D
thanks, Red! i like you already, too! i’ll try and get the new strip out while your mandibles are still dripping. 🙂
Awwwwwww! Aren’t you adorable!
Welcome to Our little Slice of the Interwebs.
I just realized how badly I wrote that first comment…. Shows what sleep deprivation can do, lol. And as for the replies, thank you. ^_^
i know all about sleep deprivation, Red! so don’t worry about a couple typos. 😉
We still love you bot no worries.
thanks, dj. the love is mutual. 🙂
Okay, let’s avoid any misshaps.
No slamming doors or shouting “HELL TO PAY” at the top of your voice
heheh. yes, your advice has been well noted, Pako! at the very least i’ll keep my cell phone on my person so i won’t have to have any crazed pets retrieve them should i need to call for help. 😉
While on the subject of crazed pets:
Now that you and the real life Cornfather have split residence and you can’t use him as an excuse anymore, is there a real life version of Abraxas on the way?
I’m looking at you Xinda… 😛
ha! don’t give my sister any ideas, Pako! and i think my new residence doesn’t allow pets, so that’s my new excuse. 😉
hurry up and finish moving, so i can get some good comics!
i’ll do my best, plo koon! i’m as anxious to see a new strip posted as you are!
Somebody is ‘asking’ to have the eyes removed from the sockets by evil tools of doom if they don’t stop the “please hurry to post more comics” subject.
The diabolical ruler of the Harem has spoken!!!!
A reminder my darlings.
We would rather have good comics than rushed comics. Rushed comics tend to be crappy and not worth wasting the Exhaulted Ones efforts. (Gee, We are gonna make JB’s Head aspolded!)
La Goddess of trying to save your lives now SHUSH!
heh. thanks, Sonitan & Pixie! i’m going to try and use this time off to not only get settled into my new place, but to get some rest, too. we’ll see how that works out.
Whisper softly. One loud noise and the avalanche could end up much like last time.
yes! and i definitely wouldn’t want that to happen, rinthia. again. heheh. especially since i don’t have a roommate that could potentially dig me out anymore.
Good luck on the move, Jeff! Let me just say, and I think I speak for at least most of us, but the fact that you update SO regularly on a schedule makes us all a lot more willing and able to tell you, “Dude, logistical errors are bogus, take all the time you need.” This isn’t even your job-job, and I’m always impressed by how on the ball you are. 😀
So on that note, dude, logistical errors are bogus. Take all the time you need. 🙂
PS. I fracking hate moving, too. I will be doing it in a few weeks, and looking at the picture fills me with dread and makes my gut turn.
…I like that comment. That is a good comment. You get cuddles.
*cuddles Myth* <- See?
Awr, cuddles. :3 Tea why, tee why.
You has Harem potential. We will be watching
There’s a harem?
Yes, there is definitely a Harem. It takes dedication to be part of the Jefbot Harem, though. Do you think you are up to it?
I’m the kind’a girl who usually flies solo. >_>
thanks, Myth! i do take updating regularly quite seriously, so i appreciate you noticing. that’s also the reason that this hiatus is driving me a bit crazy, but yeah, the logistics of this move have just put everything on hold at the moment. very frustrating. thanks for understanding.
good luck on your move! i hope it goes smoother than mine. 🙂
Thumbs up, ‘bot! You and me both. I have to start packing. Except mine is going to go pack, move to house across town, go up to my parents’ for Christmas, fly to Ireland to live for the next six months.
All in the space of… *counts* Six days. YESSSSS. At least I don’t have to unpack until I get back.
yeesh! that’s gonna be one heckuva move, Myth! and in six days!? if i have any “Mover’s Luck” left, i’ll send it your way. sounds like you’re gonna need it. 😉
i’m going to have to visit Ireland one day – a good friend of mine lived in Cork for a couple years and absolutely loved it.
I hear Cork is the best place to visit for people who want to avoid the tourist traps. It still has some of the touristy stuff but it is by far the most residential, or so I’ve been told. I’m going to Galway, myself, which is less tourist-aimed than Dublin but still a little silly. Most people seem to be concerned that I will not come back at all; this is a perfect valid fear for them to have. I’m going to start keeping a blog, so that when I -don’t- come back, my friends and family will at least understand why. It’s not because I don’t like them. It’s just that I like this place MORE.
I bought water-proof shoes and look forward to not suffering the sort of winter the Midwest is locked in now. Haven’t started packing yet. Still have to sublet my place. I am going to need that Mover’s Luck. Is that like St. Whoever, who you bury upside in your hard to sell your house? Is there something like that for apartments?
well i wish you godspeed when your journey begins, Myth! make sure you post your blog’s url here so we can see how you’re doing when you get to Galway.
and yes, the “Mover’s Luck” is much like “St. Whoever” but for geeks you must bury a Star Wars action figure (a jedi master is most effective. avoid sith.) upside down in the back yard. should work with apartments, too. unfortunately, all my figures were already boxed up which is probably why my move ended up being so difficult.
No worries. We’ve all gone through moving at some point and it’s always a possibility something will go wrong. Best of luck with the new place. How’d that part in the movie go?
thanks, Kiltorea! yeah, moving just plain sucks and it’s just hard to plan for every contingency.
movie went great! i have the green light to blog about it now, so that’ll be a priority once i have my computer all setup again.
Odd huh? How, especially loads of action-figures can procreate so succesfully that no amount of selling, donating, throwing away, or whatever can alleviate the boxes full of “former must-haves”
They’s Tribbles I tells’ ya, TRIBBLES!
ha! yes, they’re exactly like Tribbles, JurgenS! not sure how they procreated so fast – i swear i don’t know how i accumulated this much stuff in just the past few years!
Dear JurgenS… you have explained it beautifully! For a while ago I even thought they were really gremlins in disguise!!! Some drops of water and suddenly there are dozens of them?!!!
“I don’t even remembering packing so many of these BEFORE!!!”
Really… evil toys of doom >_<
evl? evill..?? EVIL??? You wanna know REAL evil?? Start collecting 12″ dolls. Action figures, luckily, are pretty happy in an oblong box with hundreds of them, just thrown in. 12″ on the other hand are nowadays looking sooo realistic, they’ll keep looking at You accusingly while You try to get them in said box in an orderly manner
Check out Hottoys Sheva f.i. My BFF -serious non-gamer- exclaimed “Why on freakin’ earth did you get my head on that *colourful expletive*.. I’d NEVER wear something that with my t..s out …” *slap* *shove* *kick* And no matter of explaining could prevent my doom… Sigh..being a geek in a world of “normals” can be painful every now&then.. I better keep that uncensored Ghost in the Shell -yacht-scene..nuff said- away from her me thinks..
I have to add, with a couple of years of art-school below my belt ,i made quite a few sculpts of her..that’s so great about a BFF with the patience to “sit” and pose for me ,hours on end… So, her thinking my perverted mind had a hand in Sheva’s face wasn’t totally unexplainable 😆 😆
i have a couple boxes full of 12″ dolls and action figures, JurgenS, and you’re right – their accusing eyes are extremely disconcerting. unfortunately, i think they’re the first ones to go when i start putting some of my horde on eBay. just tired of storing boxed-up toys i can’t appreciate, especially now that i don’t have a lot of room to spare.
just looked at Sheva – WOW! okay now i can see why the *slap* *shove* *kick* was probably justified, but your BFF should be at least a *little* flattered, too. 😉
so you moved eh? I was wondering what happened, thought maybe you’d either been kidnapped by aliens, your computer got destroyed by gremlins. well no pressure from this side of the world! hope the move goes well, jeff.
yeah, i moved, and it’s thrown everything in my life upside-down. quite literally, in fact. 😉
thanks for the no pressure! the comic should be up and running again soon.
I’m glad you are all moved in and your Nerd Horde is starting to find places to live in the BOTcave. With any luck, the box-emptying elves (no relation to the shoe-making elves) will come during the night. I’ve never been that lucky myself, but one can always hope, right? 😉
one can definitely hope, Shanna! but i fear the box-multiplying elves have scared all the box-emptying shelves away! 🙁
I’m pretty sure those pesky box-multiplying elves were sent by Jareth, King of the Goblins, himself. If it was me… I wouldn’t mind, if it means a visit from the Goblin King himself.
*sighs happily*
*manically insane smile of doom*
You need a FLAMETHROWER to deal with the pests!!!!
*cuddles with Jareth figure and watches the carnage of pesky box-multiplying elves*
Ah, Jareth… *daydreams*
That silly bint could have had everything she wanted! All she needed to do was say “OK, but first send Toby back to my parents”. Done.
I don’t care that I was minus 2 when that film came out, I’d still nom Jareth.
You remind me of the babe…
What babe? Babe with the power!
So glad someone agrees with me!!! Sarah was so… EVIL!!! Jareth offered himself to her! His slave and everything! Stupish girl only had to do exactly what you said: ask for the baby brother to be sent back to the parents and she staying with Jareth. I would have done it in the blink of an eye.
It depresses me ;_;
*cuddles with Jareth figure*
If I ever crossed paths with Miss Sarah… heh, my revenge would make Hades blush!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
i certainly hope the Goblin King wasn’t the one responsible for sending those box-multiplying elves to my new pad, Sonitan, but if it was him, i’ll make sure to mention you and AdM, and send him your way. 🙂
And now to sound like a complete noob, where do I sign up for an account? lol
for the mailing list, Red? or for an avatar? if you want to join the JEFbot mailing list, just send me an email (jefbot *at* monsteryou *dot* com) with the subject line “assimilate me.” for the avatars, sign up for an account at if i’ve completely missed the mark and you’re talking about something else, let me know.
I thought that it was a one thing package, but I guessed wrong, so I’ll just have to sign up for both. You hit both right on the head, so no worries. I guess it’s not true what my parents said about actors being nothing but good looks. XD
Sorry Bot, you’re the test dummy to see if I did this right, so I might end up leaving a couple comments more than I should. ^_^
Never mind, got it right and I didn’t even know it. XD
you’ve been assimilated, Red! welcome to the mailing list. 🙂
and cool avatar: is that a flame whip i see?
Awesome! I’m now part of the Bot borg!
And if I’m getting the image right its flame coming off the scythe that he’s wielding.
I’ve liked that image a while, so that’s the first one that came to mind to use.
ah! i couldn’t quite see the detail on the small avatar, but that big image is pretty awesome, Red. great choice.
TY ^_^
Well, you’ve been quite the busy beaverbot, lately LOL and while you’ve been busy, I’ve been having such horrid computer problems, that I thought we’d have to get a professional involved!! Damn LoTRO, while being an enjoyable game…I couldn’t get into my other MMORPG, and then it would totally lock up my portion of the network…*sigh*…config this, reload that, uninstall this, tweek that. GRRRRR
Anyway, I totally know what you mean about lack of storage!! We moved from a really nice sized house with tons of storage to a itty bitty little shack with 0 storage!! My parents live really close, so they’re letting us store stuff in their basement, thank goodness!! OOH the fun stuff we had to leave or get rid of *sigh*
Good luck to you, and hope to see a new Jefbot soon…try to keep your sanity with all of the boxes, don’t get overwhelmed!
yes, i gotta keep busy so i can get this new place into some semblance of order so i can start working on the strip again! i’ve gotten into such a pattern of writing and drawing the strip for the past couple years, i’m really starting to have withdrawals now. hoping to get a new strip up by Friday. Monday at the very latest!!!
that’s nice of your parents to let you store stuff at their house. my parents have graciously let me store stuff in a shed in their backyard and in the attic, which has helped. thank the gods i don’t have to deal with that stuff at the moment!
definitely trying to hold onto sanity, which is tenuous at best even on a good week! 😉
Haha we’ve got one of those….or two….or three :(.
what do you have one, two or three of, Em? i’ve been so out of it the past few days, my brain’s glitching.
rooms dedicated to nothing but boxes of stuff
ah. you think i could rent some space in one of them?
My MY aren’t we a chatty bunch this week!
Oh it’s like sitting around with the gang and just giggling my silly lil head off. I love it!
And the noobs are just jumping right in and becoming a part of it all.
<~~ Is all proud and junk!
And so should you be Mr. Jeff sir. You got us here.
Hey now, don’t underestimate me, I’m not a complete noob. 😛
Just new to actually reading comments on comics. Most the ones I read don’t have any form of comments, so its a nice change.
*pokes mercilessly*
The diabolical ruler of the Harem has poked… and will continue!!
*evil laugh of doom*
Don’t make me sic Cerberus and Longcat after you in order to make you quit poking me. O_O *pokes back with the sharp end of a big stick*
*bites sharp end of a big stick and eats it*
Also, for the record… Cerberus guards my Temple of Doom!!! He’s the only canine allowed as a matter of fact!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
*pokes mercilessly*
You have the wrong Cerberus. I have my own, though he’s not a dog, he’s closer to a dragon. Though it is nice that you have at least one dog. 😛
i was thinking the same thing about all the comments this week, Pixie – i think we’re about to break the record for most comments on a post! definitely assuages some of the frustration over not being able to post strips this week and last.
and yeah, nice to see all the new commenters! i guess some good came out of this delay, after all. 🙂
I got something that will cheer ya up! The new release of the daft punk “derezzed” music vid I’m sure you’ll crack a smile at one or more references that you covered on your comic.
i saw that vid, Prophet! yeah, it definitely pushed all my geek buttons. downloaded the entire album at Amazon the other day for cheap and it rocks. at least we know the movie has a kickass soundtrack even if the movie ends up disappointing. thanks for the link. 🙂
Ok let’s try these for Pixc of the PIX!
Myself and my two besties as Nuns.
One of my boys from the Pirate Dinner theatre here in FL. It’s in Orlando and AMAZING!!!!
Loving the Pixie pics! ^_^
these pics are AWEsome, Pixie! love the lipstick. heheh. looks like you all were having a blast. 😀
maybe next I will post the pic ESQ says her hubby is never allowed to see LOL.
HI ESQ!!!!!
We’re FB friends now and it;s AWESOME. Cause yeah, we rock.
cool! your in the Orlando part of FL I’m in Miami, here’s a pic of me at south beach riding a Giant pink snail I found
congrats on the new place. Hope the treasure trove don’t hide your bed as it does mine. Liked the pic on facebook Just one question Why the iron giant?? Why not someone cool like Megatron as your first release???Mean come on!!!! Lol. Get rest. Comics when feeling up to. Sontian take your catnip mouse and go climb your catcondo. Eyes out is sooooo last decade. Try breaking bones with a ballpin hammer. Works much better and much more to break. (Two eyes and over hundred bones. Do the math.)
Clawing eyes out make a bit less of mess. Cleaning bloody messes is not my forte. Unless… you take care of that bit of the business, then I – with all pleasure – will start breaking bones.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
My cats took away my catnip mice!!!
8D <— insane smile of doom
i agree: cleaning bloody messes is a drag.
the trove hides the bed while i’m unpacking and cleaning, Will B! so in the day it’s covered with bags and boxes, but at night i clear it off so i can sleep without fear of knocking anything valuable off the side. 🙂
oh, and Iron Giant RULES, that’s why!!! heheh. but seriously, he rules.
Iron giant rules for a second rater. Sorry even poke’mon above the giant. Lol.
“second rater”!? blasphemous!!!
This reminds me of when you got buried alive in your various misclleinious things.
trying very hard to not have that occur in my new place while i’m unpacking, Anime fan. but if you don’t see me here for say, 2-3 days straight, then you might want to send someone to my apartment to check on me. just sayin’.
Just whip out your Pokemon game again and try to send out for help. And if that doesn’t work you always have the power of scrawn.
i’ll have to remember to keep my DS with me while i’m working on my apartment, Red. 😉
Update the comic…. PLEASE!!!!!!
Sonitan sic em!!!! <<<hands Sonitan ball-pin hammer and a mop
quiet or I’ll use my alien powers on you.
ha! nice of you to supply the hammer and the mop, Will B. 😉
Be patient itty bit. You may be a little dick nosed alien, but that doesn’t mean you feed on comics to live.
hey pal, just because you’d like to suck on my nose like the pervert you are, does not mean it’s a dick.
I’m not your mom.
Ok, NO idea why no one else picked on this one: so I will.
Careful with the vocabulary, young thing. Jefbot is nice enough to allow comments in his pages, but just the same he can take away that privilege. Is not a right that we own, is a privilege that he allows. Please refrain from vulgar language. It shows NO taste and it will not be tolerated.
The diabolical ruler of the Harem has spoken (and poked).
*pokes Alf mercilessly*
the word pervert is not bad vocabulary. “dick nosed alien” is. (and the only word of that I repeated was “dick” which could mean private detective for all you know, you double perv :p )
the rest were safe for work words, lined up in an NSFW suggestive way.
No one else “picked up on this” because you didn’t even bother reading what I was replying to! LOL.
*pokes back* NYAHH!! :p
Also, I am grateful for being able to post here, let nothing I say indicate otherwise.
I’m sure Sonitan wasn’t singling you out. It’s far more likely that, in order to avoid repeating herself, her response was directed to the thread of comments rather than your comment specifically.
Thus killing two birds with one stone. If anyone knows about how to kill efficiently, it’s Sonitan.
Please try to behave in the future.
I’m known here for being rather naughty & have used some questionable language in the past but I censored it. I walk the fine line between “naughty” and “inappropriate”. Try to keep on the right side of me & you should be fine.
I DO read ALL the comments, young thing. And I already “talked” to the one above you. It wasn’t exactly for the words “pervert” (most of us are), but for the “dick” – which NOT everyone here is as OLD as to immediately assume is the name of a PI – and mostly for the “I’M NOT YOUR MOM”. That last line was completely OUT of line (bleh to the redundancy! duh!).
Like I said before – and NOT at you exactly but to everybody in this ship – let’s be careful with the vocabulary we use here. I know for a fact that there are SEVERAL participants in the “minor” department playing in this site.
Now go and play somewhere and try to be nice.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
I apologize for starting, I’ll try and keep my questionable comments to myself, but I was raised to say what I think. =/
There is “speaking your mind” and there is “being rude”.
Please employ tact.
No-one wants you to shut up and be a good little automaton. Feel free to show off your quirks. We like quirks. But please be respectful.
We have a lovely community of commenters & very little conflict here.
There’s been many a person I’ve wanted to verbally b****-slap but I’ve restrained myself (wouldn’t be the first time *winks*) and settled for a warning with a playful/naughty edge.
Red, you’re a sweet heart. And the Harem likes sweethearts, but right from the start our young Alf was showing sings of “recklessness”. Not your fault. We just need to be a bit careful with how we respond to some people around here. The last thing we need is a war and I would certainly don’t want Jeff to shut down the comments option.
Iwas mostly offended with the “I’m not your mom” comment. It was very tasteless in my opinion.
Go play around and enjoy your favorite treat. I give you permission.
The diabolically evlil ruler of the awesome Harem has spoken… and poked!
*pokes mercilessly*
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Like I said Angela, I will try, but it’s always been put to me like this. “As long as you’re being honest, you’re less rude than when you lie.” And after twenty-some-odd years of that it’s like the Hulk bashed it in my head and Superman melted it to my skull.
And while I’m making old hero references,
“Change! Change, O form of man!
Release the might from fleshy mire!
Boil the blood in heart of fire!
Gone! Gone! — the form of man —
Rise, the Demon Etrigan!!”
i’m glad this was brought up in the discussion as i don’t know if i’ve ever formally spelled it out (nor do i really want to come up with something as off-putting as “rules”) but since we do have all ages coming to speak their minds in these comments, i’d like to keep them “PG.” well, “PG-13” is okay with me too, in moderation. just keep things cool and use your heads and it’ll be fine.
I will do my best to behave, but I don’t believe in making promises i might not be able to keep. I don’t like dishonoring my word, so I only give my word when I know I will be able to keep it.
If I do do something wrong, don’t be afraid to sic Sonitan on me. I don’t fight or scream, especially if I like whats going on. 😛
*diabolical glare of doom*
What? I was talking about playing Vice City or Soul Caliber 3 while we discuss it. I need to stay entertained while we talk ya know. What did you think I meant?
*diabolical hiss of doom*
Just in case there’s someone here that didn’t grow up with Alf and doesn’t get my reference:
just thought about that.
thanks for the cat buddy!
wow. kind of amazing that we’re already at the point where the tv show Alf is a reference most of the younger generation just wouldn’t get, Red. and that poster’s hilarious (and tragic), Alf!
An alien that likes to eat pussy.
My childhood is now ruined upon realizing that.
Dear Alf;
Jeff has been ever so busy recently. He left us a post to explain what’s been going on, despite not really having the time/energy.
The poor lamb works ever so hard.
Have patience.
He does love us.
When the madness is over, he’ll be back to his regular schedule.
The Harem are somewhat protective over him – he has been granted Mancub status.
We’re kick-arse fiesty Geek Girls and not to be triffled with.
Sonitan, however, is a Diabolical Victorian Goth who could find some very inventive ways to hurt anyone who messes with the Mancub… while I watch, wearing some Burlesque-style prettiness, eating a lollipop & giggling.
Love & kisses,
~Angela della Muerta~
you’re nice, I won’t eat YOUR cat.
Thank you, dear.
My kitten appreciates it.
I get enough people telling me they want to eat my pussy. My poor kitty’s in a constant state of anxiety, terrified whenever I answer the door…
You tell me to watch my mouth and then you make multiple posts that make it hard to hold my tongue….. You’re evil…..
*rolls eyes of doom*
Ok, evil wasn’t the best word, but it was another sleep deprived comment so its the best i could come up with at the time v.v
I’m a tease, my dear Red.
Just ask any regular. *winks*
(I’ve left that one wide open! :p Oh, and again! See what I did there?)
Yes, I see what you did there, but I don’t like twisting words with my friends. It usually leads to me getting in trouble. 😛
*chuckles* I’m a fan of trouble – depending on the trouble, of course. :p
This is one of very very few times I’m not sure how to respond now… mainly because I don’t want to get in trouble. XD
This is why I don’t usually hang out in less than a NC-17 environment….
*diabolical feline glare of doom*
i’m seriously hoping the madness will be over soon, AdM! another week of this apartment stuff and i’m going to lose it.
also, thanks for all the reassurances you’ve been leaving for readers in the comments in my absence. i appreciate you and so many others having my back while i get my living arrangements in order.
*gives Jefbot an evil glomp of doom*
We wub you!!!!!
*runs away taking jef’s carcass along*
Specially since you were so kind to share a link to very evil creativity site (villiansource anyone? *diabolical laugh of doom*). MY EVILNESS KNOWS NO LIMITS NOW!!!!!
awWWww… i wub you all too, Sonitan.
i love that between yesterday and today we’ve had references to both Labyrinth and Alf in these comments. good work, all! 😀
as for getting the comic up – i’ll post one as soon as possible, Alf! i’d like nothing more than to be working on the strip right now, but – although progress is being made – i’m still overwhelmed with getting my apartment together at the moment. whatever the state of my apartment though, i can promise you that a new strip will be up next tuesday.
*diabolical glare of doom*
Jef, I’m “almost” sure that your devoted Harem has given all the explanations needed for the lack of “comics” this week… and whatever long it takes. We know you love us and love what you share with us, but in all honestly, I preffer that you’re fine and dandy – apartment and health department included – before anything else in your agenda.
*glares at the bunch of impatient fans*
The HAREM will take care of the rest.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Ah, moving the greatist annoyance. If only humanity had already created the gravity gun (Half-Life reference) moving out would be so much faster.
a Half-Life reference!? joy! heheh. oh, what i wouldn’t give for a gravity gun, Zolen. at least half my comic collection, that’s for sure. 😉
Hm, deal I will make one!
(is it required that it works? Or is the ability to fire lightning count?)
that the gravity gun works is definitely a requirement, Z, although firing lightning would be awesome. sadly, lightning probably wouldn’t help with my current moving/unpacking/organizing predicament.
Funny thing: No strip and yet this is probably the most discused article on site.
We’re a funny bunch that way 😛
*evil laugh of doom*
it is truly a funny thing, Maryz. JEFbot readers never cease to surprise me!
My problem with this picture is that you clearly pointed out where the computer is which means you know where it is. OPEN THE BOX AND GET TO WORK! WE ARE STARVING HERE!
Yes, but it has a big question mark after it. It could contain a toaster or a games console or a minature hippopotamus or a huge pumpkin … who knows? 😛
Exactly! You make a very good point, Maia. ^_^
hey!…Guess how you say hippopotamus in Spanish?
hippopotamus *said with a Spanish accent*
Ah, memories of French lessons… if you don’t know the word, say it in English with a French accent. 8 times out of 10 you’ll be right!
yep! that’s exactly why i put that question mark in there, Maia! and it turned out that box held a bunch of LaserDiscs and not the computer and/or drawing tablet i predicted. (but one of those LDs was Disney’s Tarzan which i believe did have hippos in it!)
and Slave1 – work on the next strip will begin soon: i was able to clear a space in my apartment this weekend, and my sister (Xinda) and i picked up and assembled a desk to fill that space today! getting all set up tonight and should be drawing by tomorrow. 🙂
I was worried I may have subjected you to the curse of my first commenting. Nearly 5 years ago I was first comment on Wally and Osborne for the first time ever… and the comic hasn’t updated since. Although that time I had forgotten to put the ‘a’ in my name, which I didn’t this time, and luckily you seem to be back on track.
Also, I’m not sure Tarzan did have hippos in 🙁
It has hippos and rhinos in it, and elephants, and apes(orly?!).
And some Combat. 😀
If you leave more comments like this, you’ll get combat alright… The Harem’ll kick your arse & feel you to Sonitan! :p
I’m sorry, but I do not support the TSA! There will be no feeling going on around here!
Godsdamnit! -_- I meant “feed you to Sonitan” *sighs* Sleep dep is clearly getting to me…
Quick show of hands, how many people here have suffered from sleep deprivation more than twice a week?
I’ve been getting, on average, 4 hours sleep a night for the last few weeks. A combination of anxiety, responsibility & my IRL people not allowing me to become entirely nocturnal.
I need to move time zones… -_-
Anyone in the US want a pet British deviant Geek Girl? *chuckles*
ooooooooooh, gods. I can relate!
Thanks heavens that I use the opera browser. If not, all my posts would be so hard to understand!!! >_<
Need a decent night of sleep soooooooooooooo bad!!
Sorry Angela… you’re almost asking for me to comment on that one…..
Sorry Angela dear, was in the market for one but found my British deviant Geek Girl. Marrying her next year. Coulda made the offer earlier lol
Aww! Congrats, Will! ^_^ I’m sure your intended is a far better catch than I ever could be. You’ve likely had a lucky escape so be glad I didn’t mention it sooner. :p
*chuckles & pokes Red*
Don’t you hate it when you have to be good? :p
If you’re on Twitter, come & say hi. I’m not so restrained… It’s hard to Tweet when you’re all tied up. ^_^
I have a Twitter, but I never go on it. Your best be is to email me if you wanna chat, or yahoo messenger. As for the rest of that message… I’m going to not say anything…..
You can come live with us AdM, as long as you don’t mind kids. 🙂 We have two of our own + the rest of the neighborhood hanging around most of the time.
What is this sleep you speak of? My new schedule has me up from 2-4 am every night! Such Fun!!!!
You truly have no idea how many times I’ve used that line myself. I think I’ve spent about 1/100th of my life asleep……
If you don’t behave there will be endless of it!!!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
firstly: TCG, i’m going to try my hardest to get a strip up this tuesday! and if all goes well, i’ll have my 360 with Combat installed mid-week (the weekend at the latest), so hold onto your controller.
secondly: i think we need to make a club for all the sleep-deprived peoples, here. i haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since i moved into the new place. (not that i got much sleep in the old place either, but still.) i feel for y’all!
Whew. Glad that was explained. I was missing my jefbot fix. 🙂
*pats Alana*
Yes, dear. Most of us are in the same boat. But once jeff manages to get some instance of order into his new place, then everything will return to “normal updates”.
Meh. Perhapd we should all make a massive trip to jeff’s new place and help him unpack.
*diabolically insane smile of doom*
(If the messed room hasn’t drive him crazy yet, the visit of massive fans will certainly do the trick!)
hoping to supply another JEFbot fix soon, Alana! getting closer and closer to carving out a little drawing space, so things should be back to normal soon. 🙂
and Sonitan: actually, a visit from you all might just keep my mind from being lost in the abyss. although the neverending towers of boxes have taken me to the brink of sanity, hanging with my sister Xinda for the past couple weekends have pushed me right over the edge. help me…
*hugs* Poor thing!
Hang on, just let me arrange my plane ticket…
Join the crazy side, you know you want to. It’s so much more fun, there are no limits. >:)
Angela… I think we really REALLY need to make this trip a reality, if only to save of beloved Mancub from the torment he’s living in right now.
I’ll pack the “Xinda Repelent”.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
But if you let Jef go crazy, then he will be able to draw better stuff for us to enjoy….. for craziness is goodness. The world is so much clearer. You can see pink elephants and stripped hippos everywhere, they aren’t hiding anymore.
Kinda sad to see that you and the Cornfather parted ways. Even though the lil SOB is livin high hog for free n’ all. I hope it doesn’t get him out of the comic.
Pugs and Geeks go well together!
Sadly, jef has explained that his new place is a “no-pets-allowed” kind of place. Or perhaps he’s “lying” to us.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
So? Ferret are supposed to be illegal in California. At least I think Jefbot said that when he got Abraxas.
Can you believe that?! Man, if cats ever get to be illegal where I live I’ll give HELL everywhere I went.
*cuddles with beloved cats*
And my revenge would be utterly BLOODY!!!!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
…..I truly hope that you’re a she, because when I read your comment I had an awesome picture come to mind, and strangely enough it was hot….
(And if gender was revealed earlier I apologize, I didn’t catch it.)
*diabolical laugh of doom*
I’m a SHE. Born that way. Nothing fake or manmade.
*evil laugh of doom*
I’m a puertorican victorian goth. Cat lover to the death.
watch out those evil mind pictures of doom, dear.
*evil glomp of doom*
That’s good, now I don’t have to worry about having the thoughts “This person reminds me of a girl I like” that keep coming back to mind when I read your comments. XD
yep, no pets allowed, Sonitan. and sadly, ferrets are still illegal here in CA, Anime fan.
would not be surprised if its a real life cel-alike roomate. winkwink.(im looking at you JB) Hands off my Cel. I mean the whole collective Cel’s.
darn it.
ha! don’t i wish…
There’s all kinds of nice clothes for pugs. No need to hide em. They use the power of cute to deflect any and all notice by landlords.
yeah, not being roomies with the Cornfather has definitely been a huge change, John C., but it’s all good so far. not sure what’s going to happen with his character in the strip – although a whole bunch of ideas have come to mind during this move, JEFbot just wouldn’t be the same without him!
and i thought about getting a new roommate, but didn’t have anyone that i could trust who needed a new place during the time of my impending move. but i didn’t realize a pug was an option! why didn’t you tell me!!? 😉
In regards to the rather large arguement above this comment, Chill people, its a comic. Have a laugh, read the archive. And its inconsiderate to JB and everyone else to fill the comments with an arguement. With that I’m done and will say nothing more on the subject.
that’s why i dig everybody here, Anime fan: that discussion probably would’ve turned into a flame-war on 90% of the forums out there on the Internet. here, it was discussed civilly and the issue dropped. awesome.
Wow…guys! I believe with This comment, we are at 215 comments!
That’s awesome
We need entertainment. Or to get a life. Or both.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
I used to have one of these “life’s” you speak of, but I got hungry and traded it for a box of Pocky. I figure I’m good enough I don’t need a spare one, I never die in video games. How much different can life be?
*Picks up a controller and presses some buttons concentrating* There, I now have all weapons and $250,000…. Now I just have to find them…..
MmmMMmmm… Pocky.
I swear to any list of gods (personally doesn’t support any list, has his own beliefs), Pocky is the most addictive substance on the face of this planet. I’m surprised you haven’t had it in any of your strips thus far actually.
i’m seriously blown away by all the activity going on here, Pixie! i assume this means the next post will get two or three comments now.
If there’s only a couple comments on the next post, I’ll get nostalgic and post a few random hero quotes from the good ol’ days.
Agree with Red.
But in all honesty, not gonna happen. If only because you’re faithful Harem will make hundreds of posts filled with adoration and diabolical glares of doom.
here is another pointless comment because lof the lack of JB awesomeness..
Also, my eyes are glowing reddier by the minute.
Hmmmm… starting to think we need to get a life.
Meh. See if we care!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Sonitan my dear evil mastermind, If we get a life the minions would worry. Worried minions call home. Home calls law enforcement because they are worried said minions are part of a “cult”. Law enforcement checks into place and finds the fission bombs and the death rays. Fortress of doom impounded by I.R.S for failure to pay taxes. We evil geniuses are taken to the physc ward of the maximum security prison. Is it really worth losing world domination and total glory for a “life”?
i say, “nay!” Will B! well spoken.
You guys are still planning to take over the world? I’m already running from the background under the name Vold Harven.
What do you mean “planning”? *hides flags*
Geek Girls will rule the world. Especially Geek Girls wiffs boobies. Nothing like the “Naughty Librarian” look to bring Geek boys to thier knees.
There is a clear “No Boobies” clause in the contract you have to sign to take over the world. It strictly prohibits using them for any kind of weapon, distraction, or interrogation tool. They can be a lethal weapon, and should only be used for uncooperative individuals, and not on a global basis.
I don’t have boobies… I got diabolical tools of doom attached to my anatomy!
And, as the diabolical puertorican victorian goth that I am, the rules that apply to other DO NOT apply to me!!! BOW TO MY EVILNESS!!!!!!
Excellent. Our organistation has many members and factions all working together for the Geekier Good. Shall I add your name to the list? ^_^
Boobs aren’t a weapon (with the exception of Sonitan’s) – they’re useful for propaganda though. Slogans printed on bountiful bosoms… We’d be voted in for sure!
There are no words to describe a couple things for me right now… There’s no words awesome enough to describe how much fun I’m having just talking with you all. And there’s no words proper enough to describe some of the thoughts going through my mind… I’m gonna be having dreams of breasts bouncing all over the place blowing up and getting tattooed. XD
You’re getting more and more diabolical cookie points with, dear Will B. Like I said, see if we care to get lives, we’re happier this way!
*maniacally insane smile of doom while staring at doomsday devices stored in non-paying taxes vault of doom*
uh-oh. red, glowy eyes can’t be good, jf#300.
JB. if you do intend to throw any of your awesome things out how about doing a contest?
nothing super-awesome donated or thrown-out, jf#300. but maybe when i start eBay-ing action figures and toys i’ll do some sort of contest for some of ’em. good idea.
Ya know, Some super cool autographed Exhaulted Mancub stuff would be awesome for a contest or Auction…Just sayin…
*bounces to make hot cocoa.”
Oh yeah…And WTF is up with the weather in FL?! It went from 80 to 40 degrees in a DAY!
OH and today is the First day of Christmas.
*sings* On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me….
What would your true love give to you?
Ideally… a plane ticket so I can get my butt over to the US & bother all the wonderful people I love so much ^_^
Wait, I thought Dec 25 was the first day of Christmas and 12th Night (the night of the 12th day) was on Jan 6. I’m off to Wikipedia to check it out.
Yep, sorry Pixie, sweetie, but you’ve gotta wait till Dec 25 for the first day of Christmas:
No Way! I am not waiting any more. This is the Pixie 12 days.
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…True blood seasons 1, 2 and three! (I wish!)
So where has Spanky been lately? I haven’t seen her here in forever! Have you heard from her lately Jeff?