You guys didn’t think I’d forgotten about the Free Ice Cream as outlined in the Grand Opening Festivities, did you?
Me, I’d probably ask for Mint Chip or Cherry Vanilla, but Wil’s choice of Chunky Monkey does get extra points for sticking with the Donkey Kong theme of recent events.
Mmm, ice cream
and the taste of ice cream is even sweeter with the Shades of Firsting on, Jairen! wear them while spooning your favorite flavor: 😎
I’m a vanilla kind of guy, myself.
Vanilla is the best flavor b/c it blends perfectly with every one 😀
Vanilla’s Mombots favorite flavor. You two are nuts. 😉
SUPERMAN ice cream!!!!!!!!!!
I haven’t had that in so long. Do they even make still?
Yep. We get it a lot.
Superman ice cream!? had to google that cuz we don’t get that here in SoCal, ESQ (or at least i’m not shopping in the right places.) looks delicious!
Vanilla rules. Strawberry can kiss my @$$.(if they didn’t put those retarded fruit chucks in it it’d be fine, but they’re retarded so that will never happen)
we’re agreed on vanilla, DK, nicobot and Fijiman: it’s a great staple, especially with almonds and fudge. mMMmm.
I didn’t think of this until later on (I WAS tired and hungry then), but the only ice cream better than vanilla is coffee ice cream. That stuff is awesome.
I like moose tracks, personally. Or rocky road, both very Alaska-themed ice creams. Smart choice, Wheaton! Just give up and enjoy sweet cold goodness while the children flock.
ooh, i love Moose Tracks too, Tiana. and Rocky Road used to be my favorite when i was a kid but i haven’t had it in a long time. and yeah, Wil’s just making the best of the situation at this point. 🙂
Well, it’s about time to fix that, I’d say! Rocky Road was always what Mom got for us kids when she wanted to enjoy the treat with us. I think she liked to think it was vaguely healthy, thus fulfilling the “mom” role of giving us good-for-us food we’d actually eat.
huh…I always thought Moose Tracks was a Minnesota thing. Tis Yummy, but Ben and Jerry’s has me hooked, I generally float between the frozen yogurt Cherry Garcia and Half-baked, then for variety I grab Milk and Cookies, hehe
not sure how long moose tracks has been around in Minnesota, but it got kind of popular here in L.A. just a few years ago, theBean. and yeah, Ben and Jerry’s is pretty reliable. i don’t believe i’ve ever tried the “Half-baked,” though.
next time i go to the market, i’ll be getting some rocky road, Tiana. i’ve got a craving for it now that must be satisfied. 🙂
and your mom was right: it’s totally good for you.
Haha, Wil needs to go ecause he has an appointment with the Penny Arcade boys for a sweet game of DnD 😀
Bot, is Cornfather really in L.A. Noire or does the character just look like him? I just saw the gameplay and one dude looks just like him.
Ok its 100% him, no doubt about
yep, Michael did some voiceover and motion capture work for that game (which i can’t wait to play), Eddie. where’d you see the video? i’m sure Michael would love to check it out.
its little more than a glimpse but I know Michael when I see him 😀
great eye, Eddie – just a flash of him, but it’s scary how close to the real thing they got! i’ll tell him to check it out when he gets back into town (he’s on the east coast at the moment for a funeral, sadly.)
man, that game looks awesome.
your theory that Wil’s meeting the PA guys for some DnD could very well be, Eddie. of course, he’d need to fly to get to Seattle within a reasonable amount of time…
What the heck? Monkey Chunk? Chunk Monk? O_o
Just plain chocolate or whatever ice cream is fine (as long as we’re NOT talking about plain vanilla or strawberries *sickness of doom* Darn those. Yuck!!!).
Meh. No idea if it has anything to do with the diabetes, but I like my ice cream delicious and simple. Most of the sugar-free ones I’ve tasted have complicated names or are (for reasons unknow – I have my minion of doom checking the matter) overly sweet!! Simple sugar-free chocolate ice cream people. But nooooooooooooo. It has to be “Extra fudge chocolately chocolate double chocalate chips” sugar-free ice cream. I’m not kidding you. That’s the name the owners gave the so-called-sugar-free abomination in their parlor!! And overly sweet. Meh. Diabetes anyone?
I’m starting to think that is around 1:30am (Puerto Rico’s time) that Jeff’s update his website. And I couldn’t reach the page!!! My browsers kept daying “the page can not be displayed”. Meh. My revenge of doom will be bloody, I’m telling ya!
Some minion of doom better be around to make my wishes of doom known!!!!
*evil laugh of doom*
Minion of doom reporting for bloody duty.
1:30 est is like 10:30 in California. So while for me it seems late, it’s still early for The Exhaulted one.
someday i will have the strip done at such an early hour, Pixie. someday!
Oh Exhaulted One. Please do not mistake my comment for a complaint. I was merely making a point about time zones.
no complaint taken, Pixie! 😉
Diabetes? Hmm..My sister’s wife has diabetes too, but she just eats and drinks all sweet stuff ,chocolate cookies and all. She does, however shoot insulin quite quickly after that.
Is it a different kind of diabetes You have? I mean, is it a variation that prohibits ALL sugar?
(You do not have to answer if You do not want to)
Hmmm… Type 1 diabetes patients needs insulin to survive and they CAN NOT eat sugar AT ALL! The insulin shots help to mainting blood sugar levels down since a uncontrolled blood sugar can destroy the organs and cause many other complications (like kidney failure, heart failure, blindness and even amputation of the limbs if these get infected). I’m NOT suppose to eat anything with sugar in it.
I was told by my doctors that all diabetic people should steer away from the sugar, no matter what… but I’ve heard that Type 2 diabetes people sometimes eat sugar food. And others just don’t seem to care. Nowadays I do know that certain people with diebetes Type 1 are using Insulin Pumps and apparently they can eat almost anything since the Insulin Pump works like an artificial pancreas.
I begin to understand why Weird Al Yankovic loves his pancreas so much 😀
The insulin pump *is* an awesome device that lets me eat like a normal person. However, it isn’t quite like a normal pancreas since I have to do the thinking for it. It is not automatic. I have to tell it how much carbohydrate (sugars) I have eaten and it gives me what is hopefully the right amount of insulin to deal with that. However, if I guess wrong on the amount of carb in something (especially when eating out), then my blood sugar goes way off and I have to correct it.
yeah, sometimes simple is better, Sonitan. there’s an awesome frozen yogurt place near my apartment, where i used to pile on all the toppings i could get my hands on (snickers, oreos, caramel, marshmallows, gummi bears, etc.). now, i usually just put almonds and fudge. sometimes a little coconut and mochi, too.
and “Extra fudge chocolately chocolate double chocalate chips” sounds horrible in a way that i’ve gotta try. heheh. 🙂
not sure what was going on with the website when you were checking it out. i think i got the strip up a little after 2am.
What would said frozen yogurt place be called?
Gotta love bot’s expression in the third panel.
yeah, he’s all like, “wuh?” heheh. glad you liked it!
For some reason, “Run to him, children!” just tickles me to death. I’m still giggling over the first time!
And Wil’s expression (especially his eyes) in that panel is excellent.
I agree with Sarah W. Reading that line made me smile really big.
aww, thanks, you two! i got a giggle out of it myself and thought the Cornfather screaming it out made nice bookends for Wil’s visit. 🙂
The best part is that I hear it in Michael Cornacchia’s voice.
I think a vid- or sound-bite of him saying, “It’s Wil Wheaton! Run to him children! Run to him!” would be the best thing ever.
ha! well, if i ever animate these strips (and i think this storyline would be a fun one to animate) Michael will definitely be doing the voice of the Cornfather, Sarah W!
*gasps* OMG Jeff….Chunky Monkey is my FAVORITE!
So, does this mean Wil and JB are Frenemies?
And what of Cel?
*soap opera announcer tone* Tune in on Friday for more…..Jeffbot!
As to the actual comic, I have to say the last panel is pure genius. The blur of the crowd is neat. But you can still pick out key elements in the background. Like the kid taking a picture with his IPhone. You can see the actual picture. That’s pretty darned impressive!
it’s been a while since i’ve had Chunky Monkey, Pix – i think all the frozen yogurt places that have popped up around me have curbed my ice cream habit – but i used to love it! maybe i’ll pick some up along with some rocky road next time i’m at the local Pavilions.
and yeah, Wil and bot are friends… for now. remains to be seen how long jefbot can keep his Nerd Rage of Vengeance under control.
and thanks for mentioning those details in the last panel. i love how you guys always find that stuff! 😀
Cool. I hadn’t noticed that about the iPhone.
heh.. it’s hard being a star I guess. I like the third panel very much… Wil’s look.. priceless 😀
thanks, supersonic cucumber! i tried to show each of them processing the Cornfather’s shout a bit differently.
“Run to him children!” Ha! I’m going to have to use that as my catchphrase next Comic-Con.
i hope i’m there to hear it, Stan! heheh.
I am more of a Pecan Pralines ‘n Cream person myself…
I wonder if it has anything to do with growing up in Texas with pecan pie, pecan pralines, pecan bread, etc…
all of that sounds good to me, Clayton Gee! i’m a big pecan fan. especially pecan pie. omnomnomnom.
I love Chunky Monkey, and Fossil Fuel and pretty much every other flavor of Ben and Jerry’s. XD Wil has good taste.
one day i’ll ask Wil what his real favorite flavor of ice cream is, dj!
Quick new page, awesome.
thanks for the awesome, Sk1nn4h!
“Run children. Run to him!” Very funny!
glad you liked it, Funnyshaffer. 🙂
Im willing to bet cornfather knew EXACTLY what he was doing.
Still nice to see Will taking it in the stride.
yeah, probably, Maryz – methinks the Cornfather’s more clever than he lets on. 😉
Abscond Wil, the chunky monkey can wait!
too late, Lord Firesnake! the kids (and the Cornfather) got the jump on him!
Maybe you can have Wil saying, “He’s got the film, after him!!”
ha! or maybe i should have jefbot saying that and have Wil running from the angry mob this time, Bl4ckw0lf!
Okay, that’s what’s needed for Wil to do now. Since he’s twittered the lines from “The Big Bang Theory,” and got paid for it, I’m assuming. Someone needs to shoot video of him in an arcade asking if anyone has any chunky monkey.
Wonder if he’d do it pro bono, eh jeftbot?
Heh, a Jefbot production, directed by Michael Cornacchio (sp), starring Wil Wheaton – himself, Jefbot – himself, Michael Cornacchio – Cornfather (himself), Cel – some lucky girl,
all that other stuff that they put in the credits.
No animals were harmed in the making of this short video to be put on youtube in order to promote my comic strip. Unless you count the pixelation of a video monkey.
Wil’s been supercool to this webcomic so far, Bl4ckw0lf, so it could be possible! too bad there’s not many arcades around, anymore. 🙁
and i’ve been thinking about doing a “Live Action” jefbot for some time now, but Michael’s gotten so skinny (he’s lost 80 pounds and counting!) that i’m not sure he could even play the Cornfather anymore since he no longer has the Power of Chub!
Wait…Did that say LIVE ACTION?!
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! *happy Pixie Dance*
still in early, conceptual stages right now, but i’ll let you know when things start moving toward something real. then i’ll be doing the *happy Pixie Dance* right along with you!
Couldn’t the cornfather either get a pillow, or have someone else play him while he directed the series through the transitive power of inner chub?
A live action Jefbot would be awesome!
HA!! I just looove Wil’s face in the third panel. I wonder if this free ice cream will end spicy 😛
thanks, nicobot! i didn’t want to go with anything too big, so i’m glad you guys are liking the expressions. 🙂
I have the wierdest feeling Cornfather is to blame for this.
he totally is, hidef sarge!
Cherry Vanilla! Love me some Cherry Vanilla…
high five, reynard61! it’s SOOO good! so good. haven’t seen it in a long time, tho. hmm.
Me neither. The only place I’ve ever found it in Indianapolis is at Baskin-Robbins — and they only sell it from November to March, so I can’t get it when my birthday (in April) rolls around. 🙁
Hey! My birthday’s in April, too! This IS a small world!
I am a big fan as anyone else who comments and I know that this is random but who is wil and what did he do?
*blink* Please tell me you are joking?
Wil Wheaton? Child star of Star Trek The Next Generation? Makes guest appearences on The Big Bang Theory?
*may have to kill*
If you call yourself a geek or nerd, you should be ashamed!
I had never heard of him either before this story arc. Mainly because I’ve barely seen any of the Star Trek stuff and I refuse to watch any “reality” TV shows.(not that I watch TV much these days)
What does Wil Weaton have to do with “Reality TV?”
If it is even close to a reality TV series in my book I don’t watch it, and Big Bang Theory fits into that category.
LOL Big Bang Theory has NOTHING to do with Reality Tv silly Fijiman!
It’s a sitcom about nerds. It’s HYSTERICAL!
Wha….??? Ehh You must have been displaced in time.. Just a question: Are You wearing a looong bathrobe and a dubious headband, all the while wondering about “colourful language”
*snicker..another one to ponder*
yep, as Pixie mentioned, he was an actor in Star Trek: The Next Generation in addition to a bunch of other film and tv roles, including his recurring guest appearances on The Big Bang Theory, currently. he’s also a writer, has an awesome blog here, and has become a geek icon due to his love and championing of videogames, Dungeons and Dragons and other aspects of geek culture.
thanks for telling me what roles he did. I am in the same boat as Fijiman, I don’t watch Star Trek the most I have seen of it was the trailer for the newest movie and yes I am a nerd. What can I say Star trek never really hooked me and I know nothing about it so please forgive my ignorence and also Pixie I think if u r going to kill me, u might as kill my nerd friend as well he enjoys the sun shame on him. Talking about nerd icons have any of u guys hears of Dan Green?
one last question what is chunky monkey?
I can forgive the Chunky Monkey remark because not everywhere has it.
It’s a Ben and Jerry’s flavor of Ice Cream. It’s Banana ice cream with HUGE chunks of chocolate and nuts in it. It’s is…in a word…perfection.
Oh you new school nerds…what ever shall we do with you!
ICE CREAM!!! That’s how you draw children away from something or someone. RUN TO THE ICE CREAM, CHILDREN!
good tip, rinthia. maybe Wil can persuade the Cornfather to yell “ICE CREAM!” at the other end of the arcade. 🙂
as he tried to leave, the only thing left intact was his underwear.
and only that because this comic don’t do nudity.
Good, now I don’t have to beat you again. Which is good because I am tired, angry, and hungry and don’t feel like doing so.
and before anyone asks, no, his dignity wasn’t left intact. that left with the pants.
we’ll be seeing Wil’s exit in the very next strip, John. but yeah: no nudity. heheh.
underwear isn’t nudity, or else the incredible hulk is in big trouble :p
yay for no more wil!
it could have at least had a nice makeout session between brother and sister team, so they could kiss and make up. >:D
needs more girl on girl action too.
it could have at least had a nice makeout session between brother and sister team, so they could kiss and make up. >:D
needs more girl on girl action too
…. Sonitan, do want to take this one, or should I bring out the Spike Burner first?
your just jealous that he had the idea and you didn’t. and that your sister won’t do that with you
One: I don’t have a sister. Two: you’re both idiots. End of conversation.
Oh Look…trolls. *ignore*
not me, just that karkat guy.
watch for the dinosaur, if no dino, then it’s a fake.
cookies and cream for me please either that or strawberry supreme. IIRC Cornfather was the one who did the “Will Wheaton is here run to him children” line right? Does that mean anything that happens to Will after the strip can be blamed on him?
mMmm… cookies and cream’s a good choice, Jiro. i love Breyer’s All Natural version of that.
and yes, the Cornfather was the one who yelled that line the first time, too, so i believe you’re right: he can be blamed for everything that has followed. 😀
Poor Will.. The quagmire of rabid fans one lands in when famous. No wonder most celebs go bonkers eventually..
If ambushed on a comicon, Well, it’s part of their job, but getting swamped by geek-kiddies when just having fun??
I am lucky that my risk of becoming famous is nil.
@Shootzee: Do You ever think about the results for Your private life of suddenly becoming famous? You being an actor, an avid on-line comic writer with quite a bit of readers, and all?
Oooh Yeah! Chunky-monkey for me too, and Caramel Sutra as a good second *starts drooling*
and i would imagine geek fans are even more “rabid” than regular fans, JurgenS. what can i say, we’re just more passionate, right? 🙂
and i don’t think about becoming famous. i think it’s such a crazy, alien concept, that i can’t even wrap my brain around it, so i don’t even try.
ha! “Caramel Sutra.” gotta love B&J’s punny names for their products.
I miss ice cream. I’m lactose intolerant. I can do cheese no problem. But one BITE of ice cream and I’m sick for days. 🙁
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream, coated in chocolate and caramel syrup used to be my favorite….
Can’t take lactaid? It helps sometimes. Mumsy takes it sometimes.
And I LOVE the avatar! So cute
Thank you 🙂 It’s a hat that I made for a friend last Christmas. 🙂 Crocheting helps me to keep from punching people in the face sometimes (my mother-in-law lives with us and likes to say-without-saying that I’m a bad mother).
I do take the dairy pills as well, especially for “just in case” when I’m going to have a cheesy dinner… They don’t work for ice cream for me, very sadly. They prolong the time it takes for me to be sick, so I can enjoy a few bites before… yeah… :/ It sucks.
sorry you can’t partake of the ice cream, kypress. anything close to it that you can substitute? frozen yogurt or soy, maybe? i know it’s not the same, but maybe they can quiet the cravings, somewhat.
and i agree with Pixie: your avatar’s adorable. 🙂
Do NOT eat Rice Ice Cream…. That crap doesn’t melt! I sat there at the sink with hot water (STEAMING hot; steam burnt my hand) pouring over it for half an hour and it wasn’t melting. And it was gross. I can do sorbet, most the time.
Thank you 🙂 I made it for a friend (which you’ve probably already read that by now) and I’ve been meaning to make one for myself… I just have a lot of presents and other orders to do before I ever get to doing anything for myself. I have a shawl that I’ve been working on for about two years now for myself… I’m not even close to being done!
Meh. Too tiered, angry, and hungry to make a constructive response. Maybe tomorrow.(if I can get on that is, stupid family) For being a day late, I’m surprised there aren’t more posts.
*hugs!* Hope that helps!
A little, but what would really do the trick right now would be to bash certain people’s heads in. However, because I wont be able to do that without going to prison, BRING ON THE ICE CREAM! Preferably coffee flavored.
i think i mentioned it somewhere in the previous strip’s comments, Fijiman, but it’s impossible to predict how many comments a strip will have. trying to do so could drive one mad. O_o
hope Pixie’s magic hugs helped with your feelings of “meh”!
I know, but I was expecting it to be closer to a hundred than it was when I got on after being a day late.
Leave it to Cornfather.
indeed, Anime fan. that rascally Cornfather!
Hi, sorry to be so late to the commenting party. I was in Baltimore for work and didn’t have a chance to comment earlier. Poor Wil. I guess he’s not going to sneak out after all. But on the bright side, ICE CREAM!
Probably others have already said this (I haven’t read the other comments yet) but it sounds like Jefbot might be hoping for a future opportunity to go up against Wil again and maybe take the opportunity to STOMP HIM! 😉
Well of course Jefbot would look for such opportunities, they’re mortal frenimies. Oh, and welcome back.
Thanks! 🙂 It’s good to be home again (if not back at work).
Orange Sherbert. It may not technically be ice cream, but I love it.
Ha! Classic, bot. Well done. I especially love, “the Run Children! Run to Him!”
Ha! Did CF yell that? <3 I love him. xD