Here’s another awesome guest strip from Charles Arrington of Redux Deluxe! He sent this one in a while ago as fan art, but for some reason, I didn’t run it. I think I was holding onto it for a rainy day when I needed guest strips, and seeing how I’m in Seattle for the Emerald City Comicon, where it’s been raining and hailing since I got here, now seemed the perfect time to post it. I’d write more about how great the art is – especially with cel, the 8-bit hearts and jefbot holding a Zapper – but you already know how awesome Charles is from his last contribution! Check out his online graphic novel, here:
Redux Deluxe

Emerald City Comicon update: I’ve been getting my booth set up (here’s a twitpic of my banners) and have met a bunch of cool artists and writers. Been an absolute blast so far! Will expound more later in a proper post – I still have work to do on my booth before the convention opens – in approximately 6.5 hours! And from the emails and tweets I’ve been getting, it looks like I’ll be seeing some of you there! Can’t wait!!!

I’ll try and update my “social media” sites during the convention, which you can follow here, if you’d like:

CAKE ALERT: Sending big wishes, hugs and love to Mombot, who’s celebrating her birthday today!!! Cake and presents when I get back from Seattle!