So Popbot’s Real Life counterpart occasionally gets something in his head where he just has to have something. It could be anything, really, and whether this desire is triggered by a commercial, something he saw at a neighbor’s or just something spontaneously generated in his head, he’ll obsess until he has this thing, whether he needs it or not. (Hmmm… maybe that’s where I get it from.) It’s happened with his HDTV, his DVD player, his laptop computer, and of course, his latest cell phone. Events transpired pretty much as you see in today’s strip: He went through a couple of phones, including a Windows 7 phone, before settling on the Galaxy S he now owns. I had a chance to play with each phone as he went through them – none of which were bad – but then, he never tried the one I recommended, mostly because (I later found out) he was shopping for phones exclusively at Costco, which doesn’t carry iPhones.
Heh, I remember the old times my mom would call CD a discette, she still cant wrap her head around those MP3 format and players and stuff. The older guys still live in a simpler time 😀
heh. i haven’t even tried getting my dad an mp3 player, Eddie. not that he’d need one – he’s pretty content with his collection of Mutiny on the Bounty, Polka, and WWII CDs. 🙂
Well, if this strip is accurate, you no longer need to.
heh. indeed, Churba.
congrats on firsting, Eddie! wear these Shades of Firsting when trying to discern between electronic devices:
About time my torture upon you got some results.
*pats Eddie*
Good minion of doom.
*crawls back to bed*
Breathing is becoming a pain and this silly lazy heart (my mom’s description actually) is racing again.
Meh of doom.
Just keep taking it easy. After all, physical labor is what minions are for, and we don’t need another scare.
I am not for physical labor. I am the sole royal minion of doom to the supreme Empress of Doom, Sonitan. I pride myself in that title.
And slaves and slave zombie hordes are for manual labor.
And wouldn’t that make them your minions? Case and point is that minions are for making sure that the dirty work gets done one way or another so that the boss doesn’t have to do it his or herself, especially when the boss is still recovering.
“lazy heart” sounds like a great country song, Sonitan! hope your heart and lungs feel better today. keep resting and healing up. 🙂
Hahahahhaa…. yeah, the iPod touch does look a hell of a lot like an iPhone, especially if you’ve never used an iPhone…. I’ve seen a few people make that mistake.
yeah, the new ones are pretty cool, Shay. i’m holding out for an iPhone 5, but if i were to go Android, i’d probably end up getting a Touch, just for fun.
The iPhone 5 will just be an iPad with a 5 taped to it!
Of course I kid. Apple makes good hardware, it’s the way they handle their software and music that I don’t like.
Agreed. I love Apple products, particularly a an artist, but their policies – particularly when having to deal with a problem – frustrate the heck out of me.
i’ve had the complete opposite experience, Jed. i use PCs for design work at my day job, and they’re so much more frustrating than what i deal with at home on my mac.
No, I’m agreeing there. Actually doing design work (or anything else like it) is so much better on a Mac and I absolutely prefer it. That isn’t my problem. What frustrates me about Apple is the fact that if there’s the tiniest problem my only solution is to cart the whole damned thing into the nearest Apple store – which for me is a 3.5 hr drive (or stupid stupid shipping costs and then I’m without my machine for however long it takes. But even if the nearest Apple store were here in town the policy would bug me. A PC? I can replace whatever part I need. Do I need more memory? A new processor? I can do that myself. On a Mac? Welp, time to bu a new one.
For pure functionality I prefer my Mac and will continue to do work on it by choice. The software is just better. The business end of the company f**king infuriates me.
totally agree, Jed – apple doesn’t make it easy to upgrade their hardware – i believe the mac pro is the only machine they make that’s easy to swap parts in and out of. it can be done, tho – i’ve upgraded my macbook pro on several occasions with off-the-shelf ram and a new hard drive, without issue. a 3.5 hour drive would completely suck, but having an apple store to solve issues does have its benefits: i had a problem with my graphics card (a known issue) so made an appointment at the apple store, took in my computer at the designated time, and they had that thing fixed and ready within a reasonable time. compare that with my HP laptop that had a graphics card issue, that couldn’t be fixed because they don’t make the part anymore, which people are selling on eBay for almost the cost of a new machine. i ended up having to get a whole new laptop. (i went Dell, this time.) and don’t get me even started on the “Geek Squad” scam at Best Buy.
anyway, i hear ya that apple has some frustrating policies, but pcs have just as many issues, if not more.
except for the difficulty in getting it to fit in my pocket, i wouldn’t mind if the iPhone 5 was an iPad with a 5 slapped on it, Z! them’s great gadgets! 🙂
and i’m no apple fanboy (i used to be too much of a pc gamer to not love pc hardware) but believe me when i say that there’s a reason i switched over to apple hardware and software after i started doing JEFbot a few years ago. there’s no comparison.
Yeah, there’s a kid in Winter’s Tale who has an iPod Touch, and I couldn’t tell the difference until I actually had a good look at it for myself. Damn new technology and its tendency to all look alike!!!
Nice and early posting today; does this mean you’ll actually get some decent sleep? 😉
seriously, T! just goes to show the influence of good design – look at all the cell phones that have swiped the iPhone’s look and UI, and now every tablet has to look and act like an iPad. if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery then i don’t know how much more flattered Apple can get.
and yes, decent sleep’s the plan tonight! we’ll see how that goes. 😉
Flattery, or trying to tap into Apple’s wild success? Six of one, half-dozen of the other…
Good; I plan to get as much sleep as I possibly can tomorrow morning, since I’ll be busy out of my mind all weekend. Ah, Hell Week prep….
true that, Tiana. much less about flattery and more about $$$. heheh.
hope you got some sleep! i was able to sleep in on saturday, but got up early today, so sleep was kind of a wash this weekend. 🙂
4th….not bad
yep! pretty good, jf#300! i don’t think anyone was expecting me to get the strip up this early, actually. (including myself. heheh.)
Sleep well, Jefbot!
Also, my father has said he’s never getting an iPhone because, after playing with my iPhone4, he thinks he’ll never be able to read anything on the screen. Which, for a man in his late 60s, is a pretty good reason.
On the other hand, he wants an iPad2.
(My mother just got last year a phone that does that slide-up-to-show-full-keyboard thing, and she has learned to love text messaging in a way that would make you think she’d love email or IMing… but no. Very strange.)
In the name of the Legion Of Guys Named Geo/Je/ff!
yeah, screen size is important to consider when picking out a new phone, Geoff. those huge screens on phones like the HTC Evo make the phone a bit too big for my liking, but it would of been perfect for my dad! unfortunately, he just picked out the first thing he saw, i think. 🙂
if you teach your dad to skype or facetime, he could use his iPad 2 for a phone!
go, go geo/jef/ffs!
My phone . . . makes phone calls. And I think there’s a calculator function, too.
But my four-year old has a sparkly pink phone with a bejeweled number pad and butterfly wings that part at the touch of a button to reveal the screen in a glissando of electronic fairie harp. And each image it takes makes you look like Barbie.
Beat that.
y’know, i think the iPhone’s my favorite cell phone i’ve ever had Sarah W, but right behind it is the little nokia i had when i first got a cell account (and i’ve had several phones since then). it was only good for calling and texting, but i could text (with just the number pad) at lightning speed without even looking at the buttons, and the call quality was pretty good! of course, it didn’t have butterfly wings, or a function that made one look like Barbie, so it doesn’t quite compare to your four-year-old’s phone! too bad there’s no app for that! or is there? 😉
6th! That’s fairly respectable! Anyway, I’m pretty good with tech (at least in my mind I am) but I swear, non-smart phones that have internet, gps, and all the things they make a smart phone awesome, are a PAIN to use >_>
I’ve got an LG Rumor Touch and it’s a great phone, but aside from twitter and facebook, the internet on it is terribly frustrating and frequently confusing. the time I posted I became 7th… D:
top 10, Z!
i know what you mean, Z – i had a Treo for a while, and though i loved it, it didn’t do anything particularly well which made for a frustrating experience. sure, you could add music, video and apps to it (not easily) but other than the fact that you could, there wasn’t any compelling reason why you would, necessarily. heheh.
Yeah, I really do want a smart phone, but me and my parents are still on a family plan to save money, and getting a 4g plan with Sprint tacks the $10 onto all 3 lines and I don’t wanna pay another $30 a month just so I can have an Evo.
8th! Now what do I win? 😛
Poor Popbot, iPhones and iPods look wayyyyy too alike now, but I have a feeling people will get bored to the design of them and then they will move onto the next biggest thing and leave Apple behind until they unveil the next generation of something.
I’m kinda suprised Nintendo hasn’t unveiled a mobile phone yet and their stuff usually sells extrememly well. I know this is a little off topic but in some way’s it’s still on topic 😛
Fortunatly/unfortunatly, Nintendo doesn’t really care about the mobile phone market. Seeing as they’d have to get involved with phone carriers and all that jazz, I can kinda understand it.
heh. i think 8th qualifies you for the invisible shades, StephenKaze, but that’s about it. 😉
i wonder what apple will come up with next after their crazy success with the iPod/iPhone/iPad lines? i guess if i knew, i’d be a lot wealthier than i am now. heheh.
yeah, like Z mentioned – Nintendo doesn’t seem to want to jump into the phone market. i bet they’d make an absolute killing if they licensed their properties to be made into apps and such. they always like to control the hardware, though, so unless there’s some sea change in philosophy at Nintendo HQ, i doubt we’ll be seeing a licensed Donkey Kong or Super Mario Bros. app anytime soon.
A smart phone would last about 5 seconds around my dad before he threw it across the room or ran over it with his car. He doesn’t even use the computer. His cell phone is as basic phone-like as they come!
I must admit I feel a little bit the same as Popbot about the i—- products. I am not sure which ones are capable of what. I have a second gen iPod and that’s as far as I’ve made it in the i— world. I’ve got an Android and love it.
Great strip! I love Popbot. 😀
heheh. my dad hasn’t gotten completely frustrated with his Galaxy S phone quite yet, shanna, but i fear it’s heading that way. i think he would’ve found the iPhone much more intuitive, but he’s pretty much done with taking phones back to the store for now. 🙂
glad you like Popbot! there’ll be more of him (and Mombot!) in next tuesday’s strip.
Hubby has an iTouch…and a phone that looks just like it hahaha….He’s in love with his iTouch…doesn’t go anywhere without it. I do believe he likes it a bit more than me…I call it his Electronic Mistress…Em for short. I threatened to off her, last night. He knew I wouldn’t do it, I love Angry Birds too much. *sigh*
i’ve been thinking about getting a new iPod, ESQ, but can’t decide between a Touch and a Classic. the Touch’s big touchscreen and cameras are awesome, but the Classic can hold more music! what to do, what to do. since i’m planning on getting an iPhone 5 when it comes out, i should really hold off on buying anything right now. 😛
ah, Angry Birds. how i love thee.
Costco? Man.
What freaks me out is the possibility that we’ll become that generation someday. I mean, we think we won’t because as a group we think of ourselves as being pretty tech savvy, but really I think it has a lot more to do with being a little wierded out by what’s new and unfamiliar. My mom? She couldn’t use a computer to save her life. Checking her email was such an ordeal that I don’t know if she did it once in the last 5 years. She was SMART enough to use a computer and to remember how to do what we were showing her but she’d gotten it into her head that she couldn’t get it and so she never did. My dad is certainly amazed when we show him what our phones can do but he can still keep up with it. I give your parents points for buying smartphones and iPads. 🙂
But my point is that I really think it can still happen to us (as a group, not talking about individual exceptions). We’re still going to get old, technology is still going to advance and someday our kids will be showing us what THEIR phones can do and we’ll think “Man. How did this get so far past me?”
Or not. We’ll see!
heh. yeah, Costco.
my mom’s gotten the hang of checking email and word processing on her PC, but i don’t think my dad’s ever even opened his laptop on his own since we got it for him 2-3 years ago, Jed. i even got him a Casino game, hoping that would give him incentive to use the thing every now and then, but to no avail. i’m hoping as he uses his new phone more and more it’ll give him the confidence to use his Dell eventually, but i’m not holding my breath. i actually think the iPad would be good for him (Popbot may have an iPad, but his Real Life counterpart does not) since touch is way more intuitive than a mouse. maybe there’s hope i can still sell my gen1 iPad to him? 😉
and i think you’re right – one day, technology will get beyond us and will be confusing and scary. must stave off that day for as long as possible!!!
Yeah, if there’s one thing Apple has a grasp on its the concept of useable and effective UI. It just works and it just makes sense.
😀 Awesome strip…. Looked a lot like my last cell phone trip…
thanks, ky! sorry (but glad) you could relate. 😉
GOOD Morning Jefboteers!
Love this COMIC!
Oh Bot…the things we have in common. I told Daddy that I had a mp3 player and he continued to ask me why, what was the purpose, what did I need that for. EXTREMELY fristrating!
Between Mommy trying to get me to figure out stuff that I have never even seen before, and Daddy asking why we even need it, they make me want to drink! I love them *twitch*
Shamelss Plug time!!!
If you are new round these parts (when did I become Miss Kitty?!) or just a little shy, come play with us on FaceBook! We have a JefBot Fans group and page. Feel free to friend me, Put your Jefboteer name in the message so I know who you be.
Everyone have an AWESOME weekend!
Pixie, you are great and all – but facebook is evil.
I appreciate FB but don’t let it take over my life. Ok Maybe a little. But if you don’t want to come play with us…*sniff* it’s ok *sniff sniff* I….I….I’ll understand! *sobs*
Evil indeed. And not the kind of “good” evil (like mua). FB can *CENSURED* *BEEP* *CENSURED*!!!!
*meh of doom*
*crawls back into bed to cuddle with cats*
Agreed. And Myspace and Twitter can go join it in the deepest reaches of internet hell and rot for all eternity together.
i don’t get on Facebook much, but it’s funny how after seeing the movie The Social Network, which didn’t cast its founder Mark Zuckerberg in a very sympathetic light, i’ve ended up liking Facebook a lot more. maybe i like the idea of Geek Rule? Nerd Vengeance? i dunno.
g’mornin’, Pixie! (well, kinda – it’s a little after midnight here on the west coast right now.)
glad you loved and could sympathize with this one! and yes, you gotta love the parental units no matter what they throw at you. luckily, mine don’t make me very *twitchy* these days, but there’s always a chance some out-of-left-field question about email, the internet or printing will be asked whenever i’m at their house. not that i mind. 🙂
and yes, i love what you’re doing with the Facebook fan group, so plug away!!!
I take it back… popbot isn’t savvy. Although Jeff would it be weird if I say that universally all parents are like this. I’ll bet right now some kid in Alpha Centauri is losing his mind trying to explain the portal generator to his parental unit
just looking at the sympathetic comments here, i think you’re right about this comic representing a universal truth about parents, Jiro! maybe i can warp this comic to that kid in Alpha Centauri, somehow. 😉
I can thank the gods of doom (or the god of doom, I’m no picky) that work forced my mom to enter the technology world. If she wanted to keep her job, she had to learn how to use the “digital” forms that she used to fill up in paper. Got to give it to the place that the digital forms look EXACTLY like the paper ones! (Even the colors!!). So… after that I taught her how to use email and right now she’s the only one that has a Pantech cell phone in which she can text and surf the web! I’m so proud of her!
*sniff of doom*
Now, my dad was a whole story all together. Practically his wife had to FORCE him to learn that he could use Excel to make his grade books (dad is a retired teacher)… and for what I gathered, for years the one that was really doing the grade books was my stepmother! LOL When I asked dad what was that all about, he told me:
“Why in the heck doesn’t the machine has a button that does everything?!”
Eh, dad… you know… how in the world will the computer know if you want to fill out a grade book, or search the internet or print a document? (yes, I did ask this).
“Ah, then they aren’t as wonderful as everybody think.”
And then, he retired… got an offer to become part-time teacher… was asked if he got his classes digital (at this point I guess he lied?!) and in less than a month he got himself a laptop and now spends his time in youtube looking at videos that help him to deliver better classes! And he’s hooked to youtube and PowerPoint! I kid you NOT!!
Meh. I feel tire already. Going to crawl back to bed now. Heart is acting funny. But no worries. Not planning on kicking the bucket yet. I promised my mom.
*meh of doom*
its funny how some people think that computer is a thinking machine that can understand us 😀 It took me a load of time to explain to my mother how internet works 😀
aWww… it makes me happy and hopeful you were able to teach your mom how to use new tech, Sonitan. i fear my dad’s just too behind the times these days and it’s gonna take a lot of work (and the desire!) for him to catch up. my mom’s pretty good at the computer but hasn’t taken to texting or surfing with her phone just yet. when she upgrades to a smarter phone, i think i’ll start the teaching.
i love your dad’s take on computers. i’ve thought they should have that “do everything” button for years! if someone could figure that out, they could make a company that’s bigger than apple or microsoft combined. glad to hear he’s completely converted into the digital age, now!
and make sure you keep that promise to your mom!!! get some rest.
That’s hilarious! It’s so true… I bet people do that all the time!!!
I love the art in this strip- so much going on!
thanks, Funnyshaffer!
To be fair… he is right. They do all pretty much look exactly the same.
it’s true, Sharra. thanks the gods it’s a purty look.
I’m reminded of my dad using a computer.
heh. awesome, Anime fan! if my dad reads these comments he’ll know he’s not alone in his tech unsaviness. 😉
its funny how our parents try to adapt to mom had the worst time too. the most difficult thing my siblings and i had to do was teaching her how to text (thinking about it makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time).at least that part is over after she got herself a phone with a qwerty keypad.i can sympathize with popbot tho’ (0_o)
yeah, i’m not looking forward to teaching my parents how to text, Aki. they probably have no need for it anyway, but since texting has become the main way for all of us other family members to communicate with each other, it would behoove them to join the party. i might need a few tips from you when i start teaching them, though. 😉
My mom keeps hitting the wrong button on her TV remote knocking the TV completely off, of course, it’s the lousy TV and not her fault. Always works fine when I’m there, never works when I’m NOT there. Cell phone… doesn’t ring, can’t hear anything, OMG, can’t hear, no dialtone – stop picking the phone up every thrity seconds to see if someone is calling you. Up-shot , she wants a new TV and a new cell phone.
heh. i feel your pain with the remote control, BeastieB – i don’t know how many times i’ve written down instructions on what to do to play Blu-rays, or the cable, or just the stereo, etc. for my dad. i’ve told him i’ll get him a universal remote, but he just doesn’t want one. he’d rather struggle with the 3-4 remotes that he has now.
I think I saw a Windows “phone” in there. 😛 Silly Bot. Should have taken PopBot to the Crapple store. 😀
yep! that’s a Windows phone, TCG! it was pretty cool, actually, and i liked the way the “tiles” displayed (i dug that it could integrate with XBOX Live, too!), but the screen was a little small and it was difficult for my dad to navigate its menus, so that was the first to go. and i offered to take him shopping, but he insisted on going to Costco and doing it by himself.
I simply direct my father towards phones which are deceptively simple, and then slowly introduce him to the more advanced features. At the moment, he’s swinging the Nokia X6 – I should add for clarity, I’m Australian, and once again living there, Nokia phones are much more popular, well, nearly anywhere but the USA – and the first time I introduced him to the GPS on it, his mind was BLOWN. Then came the idea that he could use the internet on it, and he could hook it up to his wifi. Now, he’s putting his own MP3s on there, checking his e-mail occasionally(sending is on the way), sending texts and MMS messages, using the GPS – *Wipes a tear* I’m so proud.
When this phone gets replaced on his contract, I’m actually considering pointing him towards a Droid of some sort, if I don’t point him towards the Nokia N8. I think he’s ready.
I should add, though – none of this stops him from saying that his phone “Makes and gets calls and texts, and that’s it.”
i don’t know what happened to nokia here in the USA, Churba – when this whole cell phone craze started, nokia was at the front lines and built up a lot of goodwill. then, they just kind of faded away as motorola, blackberry and now apple and google stepped in. appears they just mismanaged themselves out of this market.
anyway, i like your strategy of getting your dad tech-savvy with baby steps. i think once my mom gets a smart phone, text messaging will have to be the first step, then email. on my dad’s new android phone, i’m just happy he seems to be able to retrieve voicemails at this point. 🙂
My dad and his older brother got into technology waaay early in their teens when nobody actualy realy knew what that was, at least arround these parts. They actualy were one of the people who brought first technology to our fair state and its armed forces and its radar divisions, then Czechoslovakia – its two states now – back almost thirty years ago when he was in the air forces and later in private enterprise that worked with the armed forces. I still have some of his old stuff. Like Sinclair – how cool is that? … Well I hope you guys know what that is.
I grew up with 486 and dad used to get a lot of the good stuff realy fast – like original Prince of Persia and Civilisation, NHL 96, F117 and such. Speaking of which, how come those games were playable even by my mom but new stuff – even something like thumblebugs – confuses her?
So I am pretty technology inclined myself hanks to my dad. I bet he really regreted that sometimes as he is mainly an outdoor person and often had a hard time getting me out.
my dad was the same way, Maryz – he was learning BASIC and PASCAL programming languages when personal computers were in their infancy. not sure what happened, but he’s since fallen behind the times when it comes to computers. very cool that you still have his Sinclair!
i grew up on the Commodore 64, then a 386, then 486, and loved all those games you mentioned. not sure when my mom got into gaming – i think maybe with Tetris on my original Gameboy, but there’s no stopping her now with Bejeweled! heheh.
There’s nothing like a father and son bonding over confusing technology. Great strip, bot! I especially love the facial expressions!!
more father/son bonding to be had (or maybe the exact opposite of that) in the next strip, MC!
GAAAAAAHHH! Freaking lightning! I swear there is a large storm above me right now and I think the power is going to go out every time I hear thunder.(even though the power would already be out by the time I heard the thunder)
Anyway, awesome strip Jeff. I am honestly not really tech-savvy. I know how to get around the internet and a few other things, but that’s it. I wish that I could do some of the things others can do on the computer, but I’ve never really had the equipment, money, or courage(not risking screwing something up) to really explore it.
hope your gear doesn’t get shorted out by the electrical storm, Fijiman! might wanna unplug your hardware. 🙂
i think “not risking screwing something up” is one of the main reasons why many people don’t get on the computer as much as they could/should. i always tell my non-tech savvy friends to just experiment on the internet or with the apps on their machines, but many are afraid they’ll screw something up or get a virus or whatever. (which is definitely possible, but shouldn’t limit your cyber-experiences.)
No short out happened here…. this time. Considering that this is pretty much the only other computer that we have in the house that works,(I do NOT like using the laptops at all, so I don’t count those) I definitely don’t want to risk messing it up more that it is already. We do have a Mac, but that currently does not work, and my mom wont take it to Best Buy or some other place to have it looked at. Plus this computer is over ten years old and runs retardedly slow whenever my mom gets on Farmville. Given all that, I believe that gives me just reason to be cautious.
Is there such thing as calling “lasts”? I think I’ve been “lasts” on a few of these comment threads 😉
Unless you wait for like two months to comment on a comic, I imagine there will almost always be at least one person who comments after you. But yeah, I know how you feel about that.
Fiji, I guess you just made your point. Ha! But, now I’m once again last!
Sorry Stan for claiming even the last 😀
You know, just because your comment may be at the bottom of the page does not mean it is the last comment. You really have to pay attention to the date and time it was posted.
True. Thanks to the REPLY function. Hey, I have to feel good for myself about SOMETHING. Way to rain on my parade, Fiji.
You’re welcome. 🙂
i guess you could call “lasts” and post a date with it, knowing that you will only be “last” until the next person posts, Stan. but there’s no Shades of Lasting! 😉
You’re right, Jeff. There’s probably something more shameful, like Sock Garters of Lasting.
damn those lousy chinese iPhone copies and damn apple for making iTouch and iPhone so similar. I completely understand popbot’s anger
don’t know whats all the fuss ’bout not having buttons, buttons have served me well for many years, why get rid of them, they are nice, klicky, knobs are nice as well, why don’t they put those on the new technologies anymore? 😀
I agree. One of the main reasons I don’t want something like an iPhone is because of the touch screen. I don’t like how the touch screen work at all because it makes everything too small and it can activate when you don’t want it to sometimes. Not to mention the screens tend to break fairly easily.
i love knobs and buttons, Eddie! switches, too! now if someone made a steampunk phone, that’d be pretty cool. maybe not practical for storing in one’s pockets, but cool nonetheless.
Lets start a League for Knobs, Buttons and Switches on New Technologies, we can call yourselves the LKBSNT 🙂
Pretty cool? that would be bad@$$.
i’ve seen a lot of chinese ipod knockoffs lately, supersonic cucumber. they almost look exactly like ipod nanos and shuffles, until you look closely. horrible.
two words: geeks rule!!!!!
Now I have to ask. Are you a Geek Girl or a Geek Boy? Not that it’s matters…Just curious is al.
geeks do, in fact, rule, Aki!
Is this a preview of the advice you were planning to give me? LOL. You got me thinking about my own family: most of the males (incl. the older generation) have always been pretty tech-savvy. My brother had his first computer years ahead of the curve. My 82-year-old uncle has also had several computers, though he did ask for my assistance in navigating his new cellphone. One of my cousins (like his father before him) builds communications towers, so I guess that’s really being there before everybody. As for my dad, he was the kind of guy with subscriptions to both Popular Science and Popular Mechanics; he was fascinated with emerging technology, and if he was still alive today, I’m sure he would be totally into the latest gadgets, esp. those with artistic capabilities: among other things, he liked to make hand-drawn animated titles for his home movies, which I now own.
yes, this is probably the same advice i’d give you, Kim. heheh. iPhone if you’re on AT&T or Verizon, EVO or Thunderbolt is you want something bigger. we can talk more if you require a physical keyboard. there. advice given! 😉
sounds like you have a fairly geeky family there. my dad also subscribed to PopSci and PopMec (he still gets PopSci, in fact.) i think he’s just more of a mechanical, hands-on kind of guy than a bits-and-bytes type of guy.
Several earlier comments allude to how the inability to keep up affects ourselves as well as our parents; but this isn’t a new phenomenon. Way back in 1970, Alvin Toffler wrote a book called Future Shock, which he defined as the perception of “too much change in too short a period of time.” He also popularized the term “information overload” and argued “that change was going to accelerate and that the speed of change could induce disorientation in lots of people.” I think both of my parents read that book, amusingly enough, but my mom is happy being old-school: she even had a rotary-dial phone until almost the year 2000.
yep, keeping up with technology was an issue when man first started to use tools and will continue being an issue when we’re colonizing other planets, Kim. i started reading the book, Reality Is Broken, which posits that video games can make us better humans and make us more resilient to change, which gives me a great excuse to put more hours into the latest Pokémon! 😀
For me it would be the Gears of War series, Halo Reach, and Fallout New Vegas. Speaking of New Vegas, this is my new favorite gun in that game. (I was able to take out at least seven Deathclaws in under two clips with this thing in a little over a minute)
luckily I’ve never run into this issue mostly because i use a phone that still uses the neon green backlight. Not very big on phones. Or apple products for that matter, never owned so much as an iPod. My moms got one and neither of us can figure out how to work the darn thing lol.
so I go away for a bit, and now this lol.
also, this is exactly why I hate stupid apple products.
all their crap looks the same, and it’s the same basic stuff everyone else cells, only prettier and ten times more expensive.
I’d rather die than get an iAnything.
Comic is great btw, keep up the good work.
but I wonder why he didn’t get his souvineer when she went off to fight the aliens.
That looks kinda like a Nokia phone… Is it one?