Yes, I’ve had the Star Wars: The Complete Saga Blu-ray box set in my Amazon shopping cart since they revealed the specs for it a couple days ago on May 4th (May the 4th be with you. Get it?) aka Star Wars Day – but I haven’t clicked on the “Order” button just yet. I have to psyche myself up for it, pretend I’m not going to buy it to send Lucas a “message” and then click the button, just so I feel I’ve done my due diligence in at least keeping up the charade that I have a choice in these matters. Damn you, George Lucas!
Poor George Lucas <3
Love Love Love this strip BTW
hey, looks like this is your first Firsting, BrittyKitty! congrats! wear these, the Shades of Firsting, which just happen to ward off Jedi Mind Tricks, especially of the Shopping Cart variety:
and, thanks – glad you love this strip!
Dear God I needs them Shades if it saves me spending more monies on stuff I already have! lol
First Firsting and first comment too actually!
woo! you’ll find the people here are friendly and supercool, BK, so welcome to the comments! 😀
Wooooooo! *does the Happy Pixie Drop it like it’s Warm Booty Shakin Dance”
Welcome to the comments section! Have some Cookies and Milk…Oh and hugs, we like hugs!
I take it you are in England? (I’m just that sharp is all!) Well our own dear “Naughty Bunny” Angela De La Muerte is as well.
And you got the shades of firsting on your first time out of the gates? you go !
side note..(although I am the same way with all things starwars! They change the box set cover and its like… must… have…)
i completely understand, BrittyKitty – i can’t even tell you how many versions of the Original Trilogy i have, mostly because i’ve lost count.
and speaking of covers: have you seen the cover of “The Complete Saga” Blu-ray set close up? i literally thought it was fanart the first time i saw it. it didn’t even occur to me that it was something they’d actually use until i saw it on Amazon. ugh.
I Know Right!!! yay I’m not the only one who was confused by it!
I’m the same way with all things Lord of the Rings…I have the theatrical releases and the special editions, and am wavering about the idea of getting the Blu-Ray versions thereof. My LotR novel collection is bigger, but not by a lot…
i’m so torn on the Blu-rays for LOTR, Tiana! i’d love to watch the movies again in high def but i prefer the special editions so much more over the theatricals that i’m just gonna wait for those on Blu-ray. unless i just break down and get the theatrical editions since they’re available now… must. be. strong…
but that’s the difference between Peter Jackson and George Lucas – PJ acknowledges that the theatrical editions exist, and gives the fans a choice between one or the other (or both.) GL would rather you just forget the original theatrical editions of the Original Trilogy ever existed.
And that’s because PJ has a team of people to look at him and tell him when he’s being an idiot. GL fired those people years and years ago. I have the Original SW Trilogy on VHS, and I’ll never get rid of those. Those are the original vision that I fell in love with as a child, not the steaming pile of crap GL has been selling lately.
i’ve been thinking about picking up the OOT on LaserDisc on eBay, since the LDs i have are the first round Special Editions, and i don’t know how much longer my VHS tapes are gonna last. 😛
Is that the OOT changed to put whats-his-face into the final scene of Jedi, and made it so Greedo fired first?
yep, that’s the one. and it’s the first Special Edition from 1997, which had the crappier-looking cgi Jabba than the 2004 edition. i’d rather just have the original original trilogy and have Jabba cut out altogether, but it fortunately doesn’t have Hayden Christensen inserted into Jedi, so there’s that. 🙂
just an FYI, they released a copy of the Laserdiscs on DVD. It’s the double-disk special edition. It was released a number of years ago, but I bet you can still find it.
And just to rub it in, not sure when the price went up, but when they initially announced the Blu-ray, you could pre-purchase it for $90…
yeah, i remember when those DVDs came out with the “original editions” and heard they were horrible, theBean. they aren’t even in widescreen, and the transfer from the LaserDisc is apparently subpar. as i mentioned above, i think i’m just going to have to track down those LDs until Lucas decides to give us a worthy transfer of the original versions in high-def!
and Amazon’s still offering that set for $90, but i’m struggling with whether to get the whole thing or just the Episodes IV – VI (for $45). i really have no desire to see the prequels. 😛
yeah, I wouldn’t call them the best…but since no original source except the LD’s exist…it’s the best they’re going to be on DVD.
But hey, if you have a LD player than why not get the originals on LD. I was pretty annoyed at the transfer because LD’s are theoretically suppose to have higher quality than DVD due to them being an analog signal…but then again, since everything is now digital, meh. I personally prefer Ep. IV “Revisited” – the fan edit. But last I checked, he still hasn’t finished EP V so there’s only ANH in that version.
I could not agree more! Its one thing to “upgrade” and make things in higher quality, more HD and such, But there’s something to me said for Nostalgia! The originals are called that for a reason! It would be like trying to play the original Zelda in HD on a Wii, would not feel right…
yep, i wouldn’t mind the Special Editions so much as long as Lucas kept the original theatrical cuts available and remastered, too, BK. in fact, i wouldn’t mind an upgraded HD Zelda game (it’s pretty much a done deal that i’m getting Ocarina for the 3DS), but if Nintendo were to suddenly try to make the original or A Link to the Past (one of my faves!) unavailable, i’d be upset.
and i totally agree: one shouldn’t mess with nostalgia!
I disagree with the Zelda in HiDef. I completed creating a HTPC and played the original Super Mario using a NES emulator and 8-bit Mario in 1080 IS ABSOLUTELY THE MOST AMAZING THING I’VE EVER SEEN.
i must see this 8-bit mario in 1080p, Demonpiggies! i’ve seen video of Super Mario Galaxy in HD, and it was pretty awesome.
Kiana: you are aware of the three-week showing of the theatre showings of the LotR movies, yes? – link to list of theatres showing it on that page.
O WTH… no RI theaters and only 2 in CT… my day now sucks… I’m a gonna cry over here in the corner…
on a side note I’m weirded out by my panda avatar… forgot that my old recovered Gravatar Avatar (haven’t signed in in over a year) is the panda from FMA…
Sigh…unfortunately, the only theatre near me doing this is a 365 mile drive from my hometown.
And it’s Tiana. With a ‘T’.
i might have to catch one of these screenings, Mephron. if not during this event, then definitely when we get closer to the release of The Hobbit.
Call of Cthulhu RPG and Legend of Five Rings RPG. I have all the books in Spanish, many English … and several in both. 😛
And some other stuff, but I can leave whenever I want … seriously…
heheh. sure you can leave whenever you want, ContableEnorme. you tell yourself that enough times and maybe it’ll come true. 😉
Damn these epic classic sagas that span more than one movie and keep changing formats… so i guess Bot will be buying the 3d compatible version next? Kudos on another entertaining strip. It really hit the spot after a long and dragging day. Especially the last panel… a real snorter
let’s not even talk about the 3D versions Lucas is working on, Jiro!!! okay, maybe a little: i know he’s holding out on a bunch of documentaries and other special features just so he can release them with that set. and of course, they’ll be released in theaters first, which i’ll have no choice but to go and see. Damn you, George Lucas!
I refuse to 3D.
I’m not a purist or anything, but my eyes don’t focus that way, so the “experience” is wasted on me. I’m glad they still provide 2D versions for the theater.
If he wants 3D he better refilm the whole damn thing, other wise doing that computer manipulation to 3d thing is a waste of his and our bloody time.
sadly, the same company that did the post-conversion 3D process on the new Clash of the Titans movie (probably the worst 3D i’ve ever seen) is doing the 3D for the Star Wars re-releases, Hornet. not saying that means it’s automatically going to be horrible (i’ve heard they were rushed on Titans) but seeing as how i wasn’t thrilled by the idea to begin with, this is just another reason to be unexcited by the whole thing.
G. Lucas has been a source of gnerd rage for me for the past 6 or 7 years. the more i watch the prequels and see how he has butchered Darth Vader (one of my childhood heroes – for his determination, i swear!), the more i want to meet him, so i can shake his hand and say “thank you for Star Wars.” then swiftly uppercut him in the gut and say “and THATS for what you did to it!!!”
“So, George, when did you start taking filmmaking lessons from Uwe Boll, anyway?”
…or is that too mean?
Just because it’s mean doens’t mean it isn’t true. 🙂
i agree, Maesonic: the more i watch the prequels, the worse they get!
Yet, we can all agree, only one director is more evil then George Lucas…..
M….Knight…..Shamamalama. (Purposely misspelled. Watch this abridged series to see why!
heheh. the video does make some strong points, ZL. especially when magical ninja trains are involved.
I’ve been a Narnia fan since I was six. Posters, macrame lion wallhangings, LARPS (we called it ‘playing outside with sticks,’ because I’m old), the old movies on VHS, etc.
So when I bought a new boxed set (after reading my original set to pieces), I was livid in true fangirl fashion when I realized they’d re-numbered the books chronologically instead of by publication date.
I mean, how dare they? Don’t the publishers know that all the other books hang on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe? You don’t get the inside references or the nuances, or the frission of recognition . . .
Bah, I say. Bah.
agreed, Sarah W, and i “third” your Bah; Wardrobe is a much better introduction to Narnia than Nephew, just as Star Wars (or A New Hope, if i must) is a much better introduction than Phantom Menace. one of the biggest reveals in cinema history (you know the one, in Empire) is ruined because of the prequels! Bah, i say!!!
Han shot first, dagnabit! Some things can’t be retconned!
You know in all honesty I never knew that people ever cared. I grew up thinking that Han needed to protect himself because Greedo was pointing a gun at him… I feel like I missed a conference or something…
Han shot first because he is *just that badass*.
exactly, T! he’s a scoundrel! it sets his character up as one who can’t be trusted! his whole arc starts there and ends with his transformation at the final battle! Greedo shooting first just makes him shoot out of self-defense! and another thing… okay, must not lose it. keeping it together…
don’t even get me started on that whole “Greedo shooting first” thing, Ozmandious. it’s probably my biggest gripe with the Special Editions. grrr…
Not me, man. Not me. I held out on buying a DVD until there was a version containing the original versions, and I’ll be waiting for that to come to Blu Ray as well. Lucas can bite me until then. (Also not paying $140 for it.)
let’s just hope that when the original original versions come out on Blu, that Lucasfilm does some justice to them and gives us a beautiful, clean transfer with beautiful picture and sound, Jed! i’m afraid he’ll just do a crappy transfer and up-rez it to HD, just out of spite.
What IS it with you people and your obsession? *puts leather riding crop in her cart for her new pirate costume.* I mean really, can’t you just control yourselves? *puts dagger scissors in her cart.* Just man up and say NO! *clicks on her pay phrase*….What?
Yes…I was very upset at the end of ROTJ when they show the spirits and Hayden Christensen showed up?!?! REALLY?!?!?!?! GL is a Bastitch!
And…AND! they Turned Vader into a whiny B***H?!?!?!
I HATE you GL! *goes to check prices on the original trilogy*
Pirates use riding crops?
It goes with my rose flogger, my whip, my assorted paddles and everything else.
WOW. 😯
bring those to the convention, too.
ha! i hope you never outgrow your pirate-y tendencies, Pixie! i also hope that you show up to the JEFbot booth at a comic convention someday, dressed in one of your costumes. 😀
and yeah, Hayden showing up in Jedi didn’t even make sense! why were old Ben and old Yoda there, but Anakin shows up all young!!? and turning Vader into an unsympathetic, whiny B***H is just unforgivable.
Think it was the year, as they did the samething to Spider-Man.
Ah well. We can’t have old George starving on a street corner now, can we? 😉 I understand obsessions, and I love Star Wars (the original trilogy anyway), but I can’t say I’m obsessed with SW myself.
*shameless nicking of Obama’s catchphrase brought to you by nerdrage (TM)*
maybe if GL were starving a little, he’d finally stop tinkering with those beloved movies, shanna! and loving the original trilogy (and not the prequels), even if you aren’t obsessed with ’em, is cool by me; sometimes i wish i could lose my fanaticism over them and just walk away. (not gonna happen.)
I must say, I absolutely LOATHE episodes 1,2, and 3. I am a hardcore original gal. Yoda used to freak my a$$ out when all he’d do was stand there and wave his hands alittle. He looks absolutely ridiculous doing sweet ninja moves with his little light saber. I am not a fan of total CGI…like the new CGI blood spatters…oh man, I can throw grape jam at someone and it will be more believable as a gunshot wound! *evil panting* Great, now I am enraged….see what you did, Jeff?
Oh man NINJA Yoda was the BEST part of of those unmentionable episodes. But I agree…original Trilogy geek girl all the way.
i remember the moment Yoda went all “Dragon Ball” in Clones was a huge crowd-pleasing moment in the theater, Pixie, but watching it again on DVD, it just didn’t fit his character. so, he’s just pretending he has a limp? and just uses the cane to fake people out? even in Empire?
sorry for inflaming your nerd rage, ESQ! like you, i loathe the prequels, and every time i watch them, they just get worse – not better. i remember when i saw Phantom in the theater, i was totally excited. then i saw it again, and was like, what happened? then i watched it on DVD and thought it was utter crap. another viewing, and i thought it was worse than crap. this has been a pattern with every subsequent movie release.
and yeah – Yoda in Empire looks like a real being, and you just buy him as this awesome jedi master! in the prequels all that magic is gone. aarrrrgh!!! RAGE!
Careful, JeffBot.
aaiiiiieeeeee!!! thanks for the warning, DorkAckbar! 🙂
All I can say is: I feel bot’s pain in that last panel! Internet here has been spotty, so I’m sorry if my comments are few and far between.
no prob, Spanky! i’m always happy to see your comments, even if they don’t come as often. hope all is well! 😀
I’m with Bot on the last panel. It’s bad enough to have those awful prequels, but then to have changed the original ending of Episode 6 after the prequels came out and the special edition of the original trilogy being edited. UP YOURS LUCAS!!
I like how CF calls Bot out right from the start. xD
yeah, making the changes to the original trilogy is just a slap in the face, TCG! the reason we’re all fans is because of the movies we grew up with, not the crappy cgi-fest that litters the Special Editions! blegh.
and yeah, the Cornfather knows where this is headed before he even starts listing jefbot’s hypocrisies. heheh.
Yep. That’s me and the good Doctor. Why must you mock me so, Davies and Mofatt?? Also, Tiana… your firsting skills are slipping! Get on the ball, woman!
Psh, I don’t have to First all the time. I’m so badass I can let other people have the Firsting shades every once in a while.
This right here, made my monday better!
ha! indeed, Pixie! our adorable Tiana definitely has some teeth! (and what she says is true: rare have been the times where she hasn’t grabbed a Firsting when she’s wanted it.)
still trying to catch up with the Doctor, but enjoying what i’ve watched so far, Psynapse!
L-O-V-E Star Wars : )
Good strip 🙂
Really liked the part with the Damn you George Lucas!
Really got frustrated when he said he did not plan to continue the saga despite Spilberg having offered to help…. I still wonder what Luke Skywalker shall do in the near future? Rebuild the Jedi?
I wish I could just see what lies ahead….
*whispers* There’s books.
Almost a hundred of them at last count…talking alllllllll about Luke and Leia and Han and their continuing adventures. Some are better than others…but they do exist and count as canon.
Oh yes. Did you read the one with Luuke? God I read that one back in what….the 90’s? GAH! My Age is showing!
*covers up the liverspots and vericose veins!*
the last Star Wars books i read were the Heir to the Empire trilogy that came out in the ’90s, which were pretty good. kinda sucks that the books aren’t real canon, though.
thanks, nr2!
my only concern with continuing the series would be for it to be of the same quality as Eps I-III. now, i think Lucas is a pretty amazing guy, a true visionary and skilled with tech, but i’d only want to see more movies if he gave writing and directing duties to someone else. it’s obvious he has no love for the characters, universe or fans anymore, so it’s time to hand over the reins. (Spielberg’s take would be interesting. i’d love to see what a David Fincher or James Cameron would do with it, too.)
Love the strip 😀 I tried “This is not the mommy you’re looking for”… Monkey just laughed and tried to repeat me… *sigh* toddlers…..
glad you loved it, Amber! and that you’re teaching the ways of the Force to your youngling is to be commended. 🙂
I love Star Wars. Expanded Universe just as much as movies. nr2, its all there in th New Jedi Order era. Personaly Im focused on Old Republic era but im keeping an eye on NJO and SW Legacy eras too.
Anyway Heads up for all fans living in a cage for last month and something! Star Wars: The Old Republic – Revan book will be published in fall! Written by Drew Karpyshyn no less, the same genius who introduced him to us in KOTOR! *Fanboy squeee*
i’m not very familiar with the EU, Maryz, but your enthusiasm for it makes me want to take another look. and the only Old Republic stuff i know is from the videogames and a few comics and toys. a buddy of mine has made me swear to pick up the KOTOR MMO, but i think it’ll be PC only when it finally (if ever) comes out.
What “original” versions? I don’t know what you’re talking about. All I remember is Lucas waving his hands, and I don’t remember any other versions I saw before 1997…and these aren’t the droids I was looking for.
yes, that’s the power of Lucas, Sean Luke, and i’m sure he’s on the Dark Side.
It is my firm policy never to buy things from madmen. That leaves out things from George Lucas and Steve Jobs and so far it’s worked pretty well for me (although I did buy KotOR, but I’m still telling myself that I was buying to from Bioware; it is my policy always to buy everything from Bioware).
Very good policy.
now that i think about it, i must have the opposite policy, Sharra, as i have a ton of Star Wars and Apple stuff! heheh. and i support your support of Bioware – i absolutely can’t wait for Mass Effect 3!!! (although i heard it just got delayed again. poop.)
Love The Cornfather being the cool head of reason (again)!!
unlike in Real Life, Rod Lane! 😉
Does anyone else have the original trilogy on Capacitance Disk? Funky things came out just before laser disk and are vinyl disks that actually are read with a needle!
That sounds impractical.
i don’t, nor do i know of anyone who does, Torri! but it sound totally insane and awesome.
oh man so crazy ive done this before on amazon xD and my friend was sitting there commentating, then called me a dum dum for buying so much things xP, but instead of george lucas i shouted out “dam you Hayao Miyazaki!”
i’m happy you can relate MrSnow. and i will in turn, relate to your Miyazaki obsession – i’ve bought all of Studio Ghibli’s films in a bunch of different formats, and have started doing it again, now that they’re trickling out on Blu. damn you, Miyazaki!
Aaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha. This strip is straight up hilarious. I’m with you brother. All they have to do is change cover art and I MUST HAZ!! The phrase for the month of May though … Damn you George Lucas!!!
glad you got a laugh out of this one, Slave1! based on your avatar, i wouldn’t have expected you to embrace the “Damn you, George Lucas!” phrase, but i’m happy you’re on board! 😀
I refuse, REFUSE, to buy these!!! I will accept them as a gift but THAT IS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE!
heheh. yes, getting them as gifts would assuage one of the “feeding the Lucasmachine guilt” that would come with buying them, John K!
Ha! It’s no wonder you’re also into comics.
yes, that’s another obsession i’m trying to shake, Stan!
No! Don’t shake it! EMBRACE it!
This isn’t the box set you’re looking for. 😉
if only, Insectoid! if only…
Yes, and then George Lucas says:”This IS the box set you’re looking for,” while waving his hand in front of your face.
Too funny! That’s exactly how I feel regarding ANYTHING Apple! I can’t stand that I want the iPad, the new iPhone and the new MacBook pro!!!
Great strip Jefbot!
what about the soon-to-be-released Mac Pro, FunnyShaffer? and the AppleTV!? 😉
-george looks up from the violent jolt-
George: Damn it! When i told that guy to put this chip in my neck to let me know abou7t my fans opinion I didn’t WANT the electric shock.
Me: Hee hee, I’m evil.
And no JB i’m not form southern california, and maybe 4 years ago? ah highschool, what fun.
ah, if only Mr. Lucas wanted the fans’ opinions, Anime fan! i’m under no illusions that he’d ever read criticism of his work, much less consider it!
i loved high school, as well. 🙂
Well since George Lucas made Sarwars; He is bound to have super powerful mind controlling abilities :D!! Poor JB, so easy to control.
yes, jefbot’s certainly under the influence of Lucas’s jedi mind tricks, nicobot.
I will never understand all the hate for the prequels. I grew up on the original trilogy and was physique for the new one. I even like the cartoon series when I can be bothered to watch TV long enough. While I may love all the Star Wars movies (except the most recent one, not had a chance to see that one and probably wont for a long while. DAMN YOU NETFILX!), but I will never shell out any more money to Lucas unless a new Star Wars Battlefront game is made. I am also content with the fact that I only have the original trilogy on VHS so that no pesky editors can %&#@ up any of the scenes.
Today has been a VERY good day for me. Got a copy of the book that I drew some stuff for, bought Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, and also bought a copy of Half Life for the PS2.And much hilarity ensued between me and my brother.(not the one that deleted some of my files)
Hello Jeff. Seems I’ve caught you in the act of commentating again. 🙂
nice! i never did get all the way through Half-Life 2, but i think i may boot up the Orange Box again, soon; Portal 2 has re-stoked my love for the Half-Life universe.
oh, and “hi” back atcha! 😀
You have no idea how many times I’ve hit the refresh button over the last 20- 30 minutes. I never thought that I would find Half Life 1 unless I went on Steam, but there it was on the shelf and I just had to buy it. I would like to thank whoever bought the cheaper M&L from the other Gamestop I had gone to so that I could find HL1. BTW, it has really good graphics for when it was made. only problem is that there is no auto save, so you have to save much more often then you might be used to.
if i started on my reasoning for the prequel hate, i wouldn’t get tomorrow’s strip done, Fijiman! my biggest hate used to be reserved for Jar Jar, but after watching the movies many times over, that hate burns hotter now for Anakin.
oh, and i do love the Clone Wars cartoon series – both the traditional and CGI versions!
the 4th is strong with george lucas it seems…
I’m lookin at it right now actually. I still own the VHS tapes of the remade versions of the first three flicks. Then we bought the new dvds for the new star wars (annoying story, went to see the 2nd in theaters, and the film got burnt or destroyed or something RIGHT at the yoda fight scene where he jumps up with his little lightsaber. they found another reel and fast forwarded to right where it ends. had to wait half a year to see yoda fight!!!) so I may just pass on this, seeing as how rumors are flying around that they’ll be re-remaking the first (or last?) three movies with an entirely new cast.
” seeing as how rumors are flying around that they’ll be re-remaking the first (or last?) three movies with an entirely new cast.”
*gets a nerdrage, geek girl, classic movie fan eye twitch and tic*
i feel ya, Pix.
let’s hope those rumors are false, steve!!! i couldn’t imagine anything that would draw the ire of fans more than Lucas remaking the original films with a new cast. ugh.
and i hope you got your money back or some free Twizzlers for them messing up your movie-going experience!
Great strip, bot. Well said. I agree with you, “Star Wars” is a tricky beast. I feel like the whole series jumped the dolphin when they got rid of Captain Kirk and brought in Admiral Adama. Anyway, great strip bot!
The Trekkie in me loves the respect to Kirk, the Star wars geek in me is throwing a hissy fit, and the HHGTG geek is saying so long and thanks for all the fish…. Very well said, Cornfather.
Totally with you BEBE.
CF…you”re lucky I cherish you.
okay, too many references to process, MC! *geek brain shorting out*
When I was young, George Lucas was a god to me. But he has turned to the dark side lately. The original trilogy was the greatest thing ever, but it’s been a while since something good came from the Starwars universe, besides some books and some of the games. I’m a poor guy, if I don’t like I don’t buy.
You can’t control me Mr. Lucas! Obi Wan tought me very well. My mind is strong enough to resist you now.
Have better things to throw my cash at. Like food, or stuff where I can build other stuff from(like the commision builds of cosplay weapons I’m doing now), that I can sell for the money I need to buy the things I really want(like all the parts I need to build my Ghostbusters gear). All that said, I really need a good lightsaber replica sometime in future(guess I have to build it myself, too! Don’t like the things they sell).
just like jefbot in the strip, as much as i hate what Lucas is doing to the Star Wars universe, i can’t stop consuming it, Skyknight! building stuff – ooh, especially a Ghostbusters proton pack – would be a much better use of the money i throw at Lucas, but i fear i’m not strong enough. i can’t quit you, Star Wars. *sigh*
I don’t even have base DVD of anything but the new trilogy… I have the final release of the original trilogy on VHS, which will be burned to DVD when I get off my ass and do it. I -have- bought the DVD collection of Indiana Jones, but those VHS were so old the VCR ate them before we got a DVD burner, so they had to be replaced.
Have I aged myself enough here with my usage of those acronyms? Videeeoh… cahset? LOL.
I guess although I appreciate and enjoy Lucasarts films… I am immune to collectoritis? Yay me ^-^ Yet I still drop hundreds of dollars at conventions…
your approach to the material sounds way more sensible, Alechsa! and i’ve bought the Indiana Jones trilogy almost as many times as i’ve bought Star Wars, and will again when the Blu-rays come out. but just as the prequels have a weaker sway over me, so to does the Crystal Skull debacle: i haven’t bought that in any form, thank the geek gods.
and if you have an antidote to collectoritis, please send some my way. 🙂
Is this where I admit that I actually don’t own ANY of the star wars movies? Watched them all a number of times but have never owned any…
If you do, you’re in good company. (Namely me.)
Don’t worry, we won’t hate you for not owning them as long as you’ve seen them. 🙂
I don’t own ANY of this sort. Not my interest, thank-you-very-much. I was “FORCED” to watch the “Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the sith” by a BF which ended with him becoming my ex. Serves him right!! Other than that, I stay way clear away from any Star anything.
LOL, big mistake with the movies selection. Big mistake with forcing part too. You can come to it yourself and happen to like it. Nothing else works.
Anyway knowing your partners interests is as important as knowing your own. Just because they dont always match doesnt mean it wont work, but it needs willing from both. Actualy it always needs willing from both to work, regardles of fanclub membership.
I agree with yout way of thinking and actually that’s how I try to do it most of the times. With this particular guy I KNEW he was a Star lover and he KNEW I have NO love for space dramas. What I did NOT know was that he was such a FREAK fan! (He dressed up as a jedi now and then which I really didn’t mind since I do dress so different.) But he was too much of a fan of Star Wars, Star Trek and The Matrix, so he got on my nerves until I kicked him outta my life. No more Star-Whatever fans for me!!
ha! yes, “serves him right” for trying to convert you into a Star Wars geek with the Prequels, Sonitan! he should’ve at least eased you into it with Star Wars, then (especially!) The Empire Strikes Back (the best of the series, imho). but yeah, if you’re not into “Star anything,” no amount of forcing is gonna make you embrace it. good riddance! 😀
totally cool, Shay. you want some slightly used prequels on DVD for free? 😉
I know how that goes. Stuff piles up in my shopping cart then I just crack and buy it. XD
i have sOOoOOo much stuff in my shopping cart holding area, it’s ridiculous, dj! half the items i don’t even want anymore, but it would take me days to sift through and delete that stuff out.
After perusing all the earlier comments, Jeff, I’m curious whether you or any of the other readers have heard about (or plan to see) the new documentary “The People vs. George Lucas” which opens here in L.A. on May 13 at the Nuart Theatre for one week. Given all the angst over the creative fate of the Star Wars saga, maybe it would be better just to think of Lucas as that talented guy who directed American Graffiti.
As far as video versions go, I much prefer to see films on the big screen, so I’m rarely tempted to purchase anything on DVD, unless it’s very esoteric.
saw that documentary last year at the Ford theater, Qempyrean. was pretty good but not great, although you might be interested to know that the Cornfather (having acted onstage in Star Wars in 30 Minutes) was interviewed for the doc!
Reminded me of one PA strip ( )
ha! awesome – i love PA, Eddie. also dig seeing different takes on similar subject matter. 🙂
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Blame Mr. Lucas for your weak self control.
*snicker of doom*
but it’s not my fault, Sonitan! it’s Lucas’s jedi mind tricks! for real!!! 😉
Hey, shootzee, remember how I have a high metabolism that lets me keep the Power of Scrawn despite my heavy eating? Turns out I might be a hypoglycemic. Which explains why I crave Kool-Aid every 20 minutes.
well, that would explain it, NeoDarklight. i might need to check myself out for that, too. would craving Dr. Pepper every 20 minutes count as a symptom?
Not sure. And in other news, my cat might be a late generation Savannah Cat. Here’s a link to a wikipedia article.
When I say late generation, I mean he was a stray mutt of a cat that was probably born from a descendant of a stray that mated with one that was kept as a house pet.
In any case, he’s very loyal and intelligent. And does have the breed’s trademark “greeting hiss”, though he doesn’t do it as often as he used to.
What? (and I did try to click the link, it wouldn’t work)
that was some sort of random, phishing link, Fijiman, so i deleted it.
I see. Need to be more careful about that.
The magic of Star Wars.
indeed, rinthia. *sighhhhhhh*
It just dawned on me that Jefbot’s laptop computer bears the same mysterious “6” symbol as his shirt… is this a clue to the arcane digit’s origins? I clicked the “laptop” tag and saw that the same computer (with the 6) did appear before, in strip #240. Don’t tell me it’s just some JBU corporate logo, and that bot likes to wear logo shirts (which I regard as paying for the privilege of wearing free advertising); he doesn’t seem like that much of a follower, hehe. 😉
nope. not a clue, Qempyrean – just a sign that the laptop belongs to jefbot. 🙂
You can’t make me watch the edited versions!
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