The conversation between jefbot and his sister Xinda in today’s strip is almost a word for word transcription of a conversation I had with my sister Linda a couple years back. I’m sure many of you have volatile relationships with your siblings also, but I’m not sure it’s a common thing to plan that volatility weeks or even months in advance. She and I never did meet for such a dinner but a part of me (a very small part) wonders what it would’ve been like, and where we would’ve met. Maybe at the local Sizzler with its open salad bar full of easily throwable food objects, or perhaps a Soup Plantation or Yogurt Stop where things could really get messy. Maybe on a day when I’m feeling more self-destructive I’ll see if she’s still up for it.
It occurs to me that it’s been so long since Xinda has appeared in the strip, that many of you newer readers might not be familiar with her character. She’s kind of a fan-favorite around these parts, so if you’d like a quick rundown of her greatest hits, the following comic strips would be a good place to start: JEFBOT.02, JEFBOT.69, JEFBOT.80, JEFBOT.134, JEFBOT.229.
such villainous nails!! and i could swear in panel 3 her eye was twitching….
hey, congrats on firsting, Maesonic! (is this your first one?) for this, you get the Shades of Firsting, of course. and these just happen to be infused with the power to ward off evil siblings, should you have any. wear them well:
and yes, Xinda’s eye was indeed twitching in that 3rd panel. heheh.
this is my first! while my older brothers aren’t as evil anymore, it never hurts to be on the “futures so bright” safe side!
Timbuk 3. Yes.
yes, you can never have too much protection from evil siblings, Maesonic. even if they appear “good” at the moment, you never know when they’ll turn and strike!
and, woo! – you got your gravatar working. (gotta love that temperature sensitive, disappearing Tardis coffee mug you’re sporting.)
yea, works like a charm! the mug is my daily transport to Sanity via the Coffee express. Truly, my room mate knows me well when she got this for my birthday.
also, one of these days ill learn how to upload a userpic on this site ><
sign up for a free account at, Maesonic, and you can upload an image for an avatar that will work on this site.
Thanks, I’ll probably be doing that too.
My sister and I don’t exactly pre-plan destruction…but we do point ourselves in the right direction for boy-baiting and alcohol when we’re in the appropriate mood. Kodiak Jack’s is a popular one for us; the local cowboy, bull-riding bar. Eventually, I’ll get on that thing. Of course, that’ll require going sometime when I’m not wearing a skirt…
sounds like you and your sis have a great relationship, with your tandem “boy-baiting and alcohol” sessions, Tiana.
and don’t even bait me with your “not wearing a skirt…” comment. i don’t need another brain short-out! 😉
But it’s so much fun to bait you! What with the flying sparks and whirring noises that come from your brain! And actually, I was referencing the fact that I might get an STD from the bull. Dangerous, that. 😉
Must…. Resist…. Lewd joke/entendre…. About …. Getting messy….. At Yogurt Stop…..
Must! Resist!
Xinda is back!! Yay!!! Fantastic strip, bot. I love the facial expressions and the awesome colors. Last time I had a meal w/ Xinda, we ended up at a Chuck E. Cheese and she had a bottle of lube. :-O
I love Chuck E. Cheese, though mostly for the ski-ball.
Why did she have a bottle of lube at Chuck E. Cheese????? o.O;
thanks, MC! and i thought you were under court order not to speak about that visit to Chuck E. Cheese’s…
I envy you (and ‘bot). My sister and I don’t get along half as well . . .
many of my friends don’t even talk to their siblings – or parents, for that matter – so i consider myself lucky that my relationship with all of ’em is pretty good at the moment, Sarah W. 🙂
XINDA’S BACK!!!!! All Hail Her Most Royal Evilness!
I am a huge Xinda fan as we all know. Which I think is a little odd as I am the baby sister.
Woooo my sister and I used to have knoch down drag out fights when we were kids. I’m talking hair pulling on the floor to see who will let go first type of stuff. Now we have a blast together. Though we still get into it every once in a while. My best comeback? I’m the baby and that’s one thing you can never have.
Panel 3 is an epic slice of win made entirely out of awesome!
I thought Sonitan was “Her Most Royal Evilness!”
yay! Xinda’s back!!!
is it possible sisters fight more, Pixie? while my relationship with my sisters has been pretty stable throughout the years for the most part, my two sisters definitely have a much rockier relationship. (and they haven’t yet crossed into having “a blast together,” yet. heheh.)
hey, i might just have to use your comeback since i’m the youngest!
and glad you liked Panel 3 so much. 😀
Xinda is back! Back again and in style!
I love it how obvious it is how much she is ooking forward to hurt Bot. Until now she was always portrayed as this volatile liquid thats temporarily in peacefull state… Until she blew up.
Jefbots reaction to her… ethusiasm is great too.
Oh, how come Xindas logo is a rabbit?
woo! glad you dug Xinda’s return, Maryz!
yes, she’s looking forward to their dinner a little too much, if you ask me. heheh. and your description of her is apt: let’s just hope no one agitates her “peaceful state” anytime soon.
re: rabbit logo. in the strip as well as in Real Life, Xinda’s violence and negativity toward other humans is in marked contrast to animals, which she absolutely adores. especially dogs and rabbits. her self-anointed nickname is “The Bunny Bitch” and i thought the cute bunny logo was a funny dichotomy to her outward persona.
Yay! I miss Xinda!
yeah, it was fun getting her back into the strip, Kevin. 🙂
Xinda…so delightfully evilllll. Mwahahahahaha…yes, I do believe I’d get along with her well. Such diabolical plans we could come up with…yesssss….
heh. well, if you’re ever out here on the west coast, i’ll introduce the two of you, ESQ. but i’d probably have to notify the U.S. Gov’t to keep an eye on the two of you and to make sure your diabolicalness stays in check. 😉
I think you were wise to avoid that meal. It sounds a bit dangerous. Did her shirt change? I don’t remember it looking like that. Hmmm. I’ll have to go back and find a previous Xinda strip. I’m glad she’s back! 😀
these days, i try and avoid drama – especially when it comes to family – whenever possible, Shanna. so yes, i think avoiding that dinner was a wise decision. 🙂
and nope – her shirt’s the same, though her Bunny Mon may have evolved a bit over time.
note the last panel… is that a psychotic twitch of the eyelid?
knowing Xinda, i’d have to say “affirmative” to the psychotic twitch, jiro.
Wow…can’t imagine growing up not knowing in what way your sibling was going scare or attack you next. Got three sisters and three brothers. Yeah we fought at times and pulled pranks but I don’t think I ever had to worry about needing medical assistance. I don’t really know you so I don’t know how much of an exaggeration your strips are but some of it is hard to fathom. But don’t mind me, I tend to take things to literally sometimes.
Don’t worry: There’s not much of an exaggeration from what his sisters have posted in comments on the strips.
I only had to worry about my siblings lying and getting me beat, we never did anything to each other though.
heheh. very true, Kypress; glad you’ve been around long enough to remember when my family members commented here regularly!
while many, if not most, JEFbot strips of the (semi)autobiographical variety are indeed exaggerated for the sake of elevating the humor, Tony, i can assure you that this one hits closer to reality than you may think, so literally can’t be taken too literally.
A good healthy kick/scream + alcohol is always a good time.
i seem to remember the last time we hung out that you got very “punchy” under the influence too, 11TN. hmm… i think maybe you and Linda would get along quite well!
I have a crazy sister too! A aa a aa alco HOL!
heh. i hope i was supposed to read the “alcohol” part of your comment with the Jamie Foxx autotune applied to it, Funnyshaffer. 🙂
That reminds me. We should make some plans. I have a lot of things to get out on the table, and a Costco-sized bottle of Jack D with your name on it, buddy!! Heh heh. 😉
is Xinda/Linda invited too, Sean Luke?
Are all sisters like this? Mine’s not this bad, but we’ve had our moments.
i think so, Stan. at least to varying degrees.
Run Bot, run!!!
Gad zooks she looks rather evil!!
Geek Humor….HA! i love it!
Talk Nerdy to Me!
That was based off a t-shirt an old co-worker of mine had only involving DOS. Replace Bot with DOS and I think take the .bat off and it’s basically the same.
I just figured it was a more clever way to tell Bot to GET OUT NOW!! 😀
Oh, and SATA DVD-RW drives = sexy. I watched a movie on it today and the sound beat the tar out of my old IDE DVD Drives. Not to mention having a hi-def audio chip on the motherboard helps a lot. Grr baby.
thanks for the program, TCG! i’ll load it into the strip to help bot out if things escalate from here. 😉
I’ll see if I can’t whip that up for ya. 😀
i like her style, but the bunny on the t-shirt is a farce to how she is in real life, not much like a bunny at all 😮
yep! but that’s what makes her having that symbol awesome, MrSnow! plus, she loves bunnies and other warm, fluffy animals… right until she snaps their little necks.
i kid! i kid! 😉
This actually sounds like a conversation I’ve had with various family members at different times. At least we’re honest with each other. The more you bleed the more you love each other!
glad (and a bit sorry) that you can relate, Psynapse!
and “The more you bleed the more you love each other!” is totally Xinda’s philosophy, too. 🙂
Your sister reminds me of a former classmate. She through a guy against a wall when he tried to take her hat. She then commenced to beat him visciously.
That reminds me of a cousin….except with more laughing…
how long ago did your classmate do this, Anime fan, and did you grow up in southern california?
I can’t place it, but something seems to be off about Jefbot in the first panel. Maybe because he’s not freaked out that his insanely evil sister decided to drop by? Oh well, who cares.
Me and my brothers fight every now and then. Most of the time they were the cause of that fight ( I swear to god it’s true and not just some “blame the younger siblings” thing), but the situation is usually resolved not long after. Although it’s a good thing our fights aren’t the “bash each others brains out” kind of fights or I’d be short at least one brother by now. Usually whenever me and my youngest brother fight, we either yell at each other and maybe exchange a few blows before he goes crying off to mom, or I end up keeping him in a bear hug until he stops trying to kill me. He hasn’t received karmic revenge yet for a lot of the $#*% he’s pulled and gotten away with (such as deleting files off of MY PS2 memory card JUST because he thought it was his and just because *in a REALLY whiny and sarcastic voice*”some of them might have been his files”) yet, but I know he’ll get it sooner or later. >B)
that sort of how it is with my brothers, I pretty much hold them down while they try to wave their fist at me, a few get through not and then, but he has hurt himself more while trying to hit me then anything I have ever done. 😛
Once you get them in a decent hold, all they can do is try and break free and scream. The struggling isn’t bad (if you have hold of their arms), but the screaming can be especially bad when the person being held has a very loud, ear-piercing scream.
Xin and bot are actually at their parents’ house, Fijiman – if she had surprised him at his apartment, he’d be way more freaked out. plus, he hasn’t seen her in a while, so he’s let his guard down, it seems. (at least temporarily. heheh.)
keeping your brother in a bear hug ’til he calms down sounds like a much better way of settling altercations than bashing each other’s brains out, so i commend you for that. although, i’m not sure how you’ve managed to keep yourself from doing terrible, terrible things to the one that deleted files off your memory card. that’s just unforgivable.
You know what they say, Karma’s a $#%*@.
so… what… a pantera concert….?
heh. i should ask my sis (in Real Life) the place she had in mind, if she really thought it out that far, steve. although i do hesitate to bring it up, in case she still wants to carry this out, and has just forgotten.
Wow, Jeff. I’m amazed you lived to maturity.
My sister was a bit on the evil side too when we were kids. I’ve been hit with crow bars, 2×4’s, canes, chains, and had large heavy objects chucked at my head. We “survivours” need to watch out for each other, bro.
Wow. Were you hit with all of those only when you were a kid, or are some of those more recent?
She hasn’t hit me with anything in many years, Fijiman. We’ve both matured nicely!
i think what saved me was that Linda/Xinda is twelve years my senior, and had already moved out by the time i was old enough to be annoying and combative, DK. had we grown up like i did with my other sister, Laura/Lor, who is only two years ahead of me, i might not have survived long enough to create JEFbot.
but i agree, we “survivors” do need to watch each other’s backs. especially since your description of large, heavy objects being chucked at your head makes it sound like Darth Vader was your sister. 🙂
Aside from her having to physically touch me to choke me, it’s a fair comparison.
Glad you made it, my friend!
I like all the new comics, but what’s happened to Cel? ._.
Off chasing Aliens again. 🙁
Yeah. She should probably reappear within the next month or so, as long as she didn’t get caught by the FBI, CIA, or MIB.
remains to be seen, Mearcyn! not even jefbot knows at this point. i can tell you that all will be revealed, but it’ll be a while yet.
I admit I don’t exactly get along with my brothers, but normally our fights aren’t planned (but there have been a few times where it felt like they had happened a little to easily).
funny thing is, i don’t think Linda/Xinda thinks of it as a “fight” per se, Zolen. she just thinks of it as a way to communicate. 🙂
Xinda you kinda scare me. Not gunna lie.
you should be afraid, dj. very, very afraid.
I will try that. With my brothers and sister. When they’re older. XD
How much older than them are you?
Five years. HEHEHEHEHE!!!
I love Xinda’s facial expressions. XD
I often find myself trying to be randomly ironical (yes, it’s a word now, I said it didn’t I?) and instead being creepy evil like your sister’s comic alter ego unintentionally…..well, sometimes it’s intentional. love the comic to death by the way. only discovered it yesterday and I’m already this far along catching up. keep up the exceptionally awesome work!!!