So I think we can chalk “Fasting for long periods of time without knowing it” up as another Power of Scrawn, folks! But then I guess we have to give “Consuming and storing mass quantities of food without knowing it” to the Power of Chub side, too.
I forget to eat a lot. And that’s only been magnified since I started living on my own again. Thank gods Mombot (Mom) is always giving me food to take home, and my sister Lor (Laura) fixes me leftovers whenever she makes food for special events. It’s also a good thing that I don’t have any fast food joints within walking distance of my apartment (although sometimes I’d kill for a Quarter Pounder with cheese and fries) as I’d probably lose the Power of Scrawn within weeks.
I’m with the Cornfather on this one!
Wait . . . where is everybody?
YES WAY, Sarah W! the Shades of Firsting are yours! and these grant you a bucket of greasy chicken whenever you so desire. wear them proudly:
My guess is that we were all either asleep or at school/work.
Not watching the Royal Wedding, then? 😛
what wedding?
I don’t really know because I’m not British and I don’t pay much attention to the news.
i’ve been so busy the past couple weeks that i mostly missed out on all of the wedding hype. lucky me.
Damn allmost had it.
Congrats Sarah.
Title rocks Jeff, as usual.
Im kinda not taking sides in this argument. Most of the time I think like Crornfather and then two weeks go by with Jefbot-like thinking. My mum used to went nuts because of it, never knew if I acidentaly wont die of starvation cause i just couldnt be bothered to cook or just forgot to eat. What? I had stuff to do!
thanks, Maryz! glad you liked the title. and while i’m happy you can usually relate to the Cornfather’s side of things, i’m even happier that jefbot’s perspective can infect your brainwaves at times, too. 🙂
and i agree: i can’t be bothered to cook. it just takes so long even though i do like it when others cook. i’d rather just eat an apple or some chips and be on my way.
I frequently live on two or less “meals” a day. But I snack a lot; grab a cookie here, an orange there. I’m told this is healthier, though I never do it on purpose…between school, work and sleep, eating is kinda low on my priority list sometimes.
i’m the same way, Tiana: two meals, with occasional snackage, mostly. i do like breakfast, but rarely have time for it. i think going out with friends for breakfast on weekends is the only way it happens, really. and yeah: eating gets low priority, most times. sometimes i wish i could just take a pill and have a meal expand in my stomach.
Breakfast is one of the meals I usually eat, even if it’s just a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (I like my meat-and-cheese-and-egg sandwich better with milk), but that’s because I eat breakfast before going to bed for the day.
Agreed, though…it would be nice to just have a pill-food for those times when you don’t care what you eat, as long as it fills you up.
I’d rather have a gel/paste that actually tasted like certain foods than a pill.
i dunno, Fijiman, i’m not even much of a fan of pâté, so i’m not sure i want other foods paste-ified.
It wouldn’t have to be made from the food, it would just have to taste like the food and be nutritious.
breakfast is one of my favorite meals, T (and one of the most important, i hear.) bacon and eggs and toast – mMMmmm…
I feel like this is revenge for all of my harassing tweets. But this strip is hysterical. Oh and I love how fat The Cornfather keeps getting, bot. 😉 Great strip, bot!!!
no, this strip was already in the works, MC. my revenge will come later.
I forget to eat like all the time, mostly when good times occur 😀 but than when I realize I haven’t eaten it’s already too late so I go to sleep hungry 😀
i’m totally with ya on the good times = no eats, Eddie. i swear, the best way to diet (or fast/starve, really) is to get really wrapped up in a good videogame or book. 🙂
Yeah I think some people have already overused theit power of scrawn for Wow an Collapsed. So its a Power with drawbacks after all.
Would it be weird if like cornfather I also forget that I already ate?
nope. not weird, jiro – the Cornfather would understand!
I *wish* I could forget to eat occasionally. But I think it’s a rare power for women. We’ve gotta be well fed to pop out those kids, so we don’t get to forget to eat. 🙁
Great strip. I’ve marveled for a while at this power of yours.
indeed, Ed Casey. 🙂
ha! i’ve watched a couple of friends go through pregnancies, shanna, and yeah: it’s amazing the transformations you women go through physically. can’t even imagine what’s going on emotionally during that time!
Yeah…totally on the Side of the Chub on this one. I’ve NEVER forgotten to eat (Festivals don’t count…eating is not needed in a corset. When you take it off on the other hand…ravenous!) but I have forgotten that I’ve eaten…conveniently…when there was something I really liked.
I’m hungry!
at festivals i’m the opposite, Pixie: i forget to take a break from eating! (of course, i’ve never attended one in a corset.) 🙂
At the moment, I hold the power of chub, but I forget to eat ALL THE TIME. ;—-; A POX ON YOU, APPETITE-SUPPRESSING MEDICATIONS!
That’s the sign of a true cartoonist (by my definition) — forgetting to eat. Sometimes I get so into my work I don’t realize I forgot until things start shaking or I start seeing spots.
totally, Stan! i’m always amazed at how deep into a time/space hole i go into when writing/drawing. i’ll look up sometimes to find that several hours have passed, when it feels like only one or two.
That’s a college student power too. Get so busy with term papers and homework that you can’t remember the last time you ate. But, you don’t feel hungry either
indeed, DJ. i remember being at the point of almost passing out in college, cuz i’d go an entire day without eating or drinking.
Man, I dunno if it’s a girl thing or a getting-closer-to-30 thing, but forgetting to eat is a large part of what made me gain a bunch of weight. Less than 1000 calories per day = bad.
yup: it’s really bad on your system to go into starvation mode, Sharra, since your body then tries to keep any calories you take in once you start eating again. i try and remember to at least snack on little things here and there. easy to do that at work, but when i’m all locked down in the BOTcave, i sometimes lose all sense of time and the outside world.
ahhh… you can always count on your asian family to have leftovers. i didnt have to buy food for a whole week because of it. 🙂
yep! Mombot’s always sending home leftovers, anepicNguyen. and oranges and tangerines from their fruit trees and little goodies here and there. Asian Family Power! 😀
Heh. DO any of those with diabetes and I’ll tell you a TELL.
*snicker of doom*
oh, yes. that would indeed be bad, Sonitan. i’d have to completely change my eating habits/who i am, if i were to ever become diabetic. Popbot deals with it, but i hope it’s something i’ll never have to battle. *crosses fingers*
How DOES one forget to eat? I’ve never understood the concept. I’ve been too busy, not enough time…don’t want to stop what I’m doing…But I’ve never actually FORGOTTEN about it!! You skinny people and your weird rituals…
It’s sun spots that cause me to forget! (goes back to playing PS3)
those dang sun spots! *shakes fist*
You make a valid point… When I was thinner (about 50 pounds ago… and before the munchkin), I forgot to eat a LOT! I’d realize after my clothes were starting to hang that I hadn’t eaten in a day or too. I’m still this way with liquids, but I’m definitely on the ball with food–whether it’s meals or snackage, I eat 😀
i’m really bad with liquids, too, Ky. i know you’re supposed to drink a lot of water each day, but i’ll barely drink any. even when i’m drinking a coke, it’ll take me hours to finish it.
i dunno, ESQ! it’s just one of the Powers of Scrawn, i guess. i rarely get super-hungry; basically, i’ll start feeling a little dizzy before my stomach starts telling me it needs something in it. probably not a good thing. 😛
<~~~~~ Is so gonna fatten Jeff up!
nOooOoo!!! i’ll lose the Power of Scrawn, Pixie! yummy food is my kryptonite!!!
The sad truth is I could never forget to eat… I LOVE food too much.
Great strip as always Jefbot!
thanks, Funnyshaffer! the thing that will break me of “forgetting to eat” is if i smell something good cooking. then i’ll be completely ravenous.
How do you forget to eat?!?! That’s like the most important thing ever!!
(2 days later) hm, oh yea I’m hungry, I forgot about that. (looks at play station 3, looks in direction of kitchen)
This is hard
I dunno…
The average human can go without food for about two to five weeks depending on his or her weight.
He or she can go without water (in a temperate environment) for about five or six days.
He or she can go without sleep for about three days.
He or she can go without air for about two to four minutes.
Now tell me again which is more important?
I was about to go look up all those facts too! 😀 Thanks for posting them!
i’ve always found the most interesting part of these statistics to be that sleep is more important than food for water, reynard61. i’ve always wanted to make a strip about it but haven’t found the right angle yet. maybe the next time jefbot does some lucid dreaming… 🙂
Wow Lucid Dreams… That was SO long ago. I liked that story. You saying there might be more to it?
yep! i’m happy to hear you liked that storyline, Maryz, cuz i have more adventures planned for jefbot in the dream realm.
i just do, TCG! i get super-focused and stuff like health and sustenance go out the window. 🙂
When I was a single student, eating was indeed not a priority and I could very well go to sleep and realize I did not eat at all during the day.
Now, I am married and, even though I only eat once a day, it is always in the evening with my wife and kids. Those are generally rich meals and, yeah, I’ve put on a few pounds since.
it was so much easier to be skinny in school and college, Xantix! even beyond the forgetting-to-eat thing, just the little amount of walking around from class to class (i also did some biking since i lived off-campus) kept my metabolism up and i’d never gain a pound. now with a desk job and all my time at the computer working on JEFbot, my weight goes up and down a little all the time.
Forgetting to eat is a very bad thing, one might think one 1000 calorie meal during the day would be a great diet, but It lowers the metabolism so that you don’t actually burn those 1000 calories and get fat. Unfortunately, forgetting to eat is exactly what I do on the weekend ( and holiday and vacations)…What? Minecraft is addicting and I live in a dorm room I have to get dressed and go to down to the food court to get anything besides frozen burritos and popcorn.
you’re absolutely right, Benjamin Appleman: forgetting to eat totally messes up your metabolism and then it’s harder to lose the pounds. i really gotta start snacking more.
and i’ve managed to stay away from Minecraft, for now. one of my friends is totally trying to get me into it, but i’m afraid of opening up another time-suck hole, which is what i know will happen if i get into it. i already have too many holes sucking my time away!
Forgetting to eat is also a trait of being a gamer. It’s mainly because you’re so focused on the game that it doesn’t occur to you for a while that you’re hungry. That or you just ignore it.
Nasty storm is gone now. 😀
Or in the case of myself the 2 times I installed cable tv, and the one time I was installing satellite tv, you’re just too busy busting your butt off for a company that could care less about your well being. 😉
i’ve played so many games that have absolutely made me forget to eat (or sleep, or drink, or everything), Fijiman. hasn’t happened in a while, but then, i haven’t started Portal 2, yet. 😉
You should start playing Portal 2! It is an awesome game which is made even more awesome for me because I bought it on the day they lowered the price $20. 🙂
Go Cornfather, I’ve had that happen to me. I say, “I’m getting some food.” and they point out the empty take out box on the table.
ha! don’t you hate when that happens, Anime fan? ;D
Left to my own devices, I regularly forget to eat. Meals can be somewhat sporadic. My mum made me set up an alarm at one point so I would remember that I needed food. I guess in the grand scheme of things food just isn’t that important to me. I eat to live, not the other way around!
i absolutely love to eat when my family makes food, or i go to a good restaurant, or i’m with friends or whatever, Maia. but like you, if i’m left to my own devices, i’d rather just not eat. too much trouble. heheh.
sometimes I eat when I’m bored… bad habit >_>
i kinda do that too, Leithal. if i’m thinking, or working something out (like a strip, or punchline or whatever), i’ll make a bowl of cereal just to be doing something with my time while i’m thinking. probably shouldn’t do that. 😛
I really only eat when I am reminded by someone, so really if it was not for the fact that my room mate likes to yell “lunch is done” (which reminds me I forgot to eat something) every time he finishes microwaving something, I would probably have starved to death long ago.
heheh. yeah, roommates do control the flow of food most times, Zolen; when i was living with the Cornfather, i almost gained the Power of Chub at one point cuz he was always eating, or always wanted to go out and eat, so i was eating all the time, too. but when he decided to go on a diet (and lost 70 pounds), i stopped eating, too.
I get that particular power of Scrawn, even though my base is for the power of Chub. I will forget to eat, then twelve hours later my stomach WILL make horrid noises. It sounds pretty much like an angry wookie trying to eat another, angrier wookie.
Also, I’m borrowing yet another communication center. Hopefully my new command center will be assembled soon.
my stomach’s always making weird, angry wookie noises, rinthia, whether i’m hungry or not, so it’s impossible to tell what it’s actually trying to say. was always embarrassing in school when classes got quiet, like during a test.
Some days I’m like Jefbot and forget to eat; other times I’m like the Cornfather and I forget I ate a meal. Though I don’t always eat a second time…
glad you could relate to them both then, Ember West!
I often forget to breathe and drink.
I don’t really forget about eating because it eventually hurts, but if I don’t feel like cooking (if I’m sick/it’s too hot or whatever), then I likely won’t eat for a while. Such as this past week. I’ve been rather sick, so I haven’t eaten much at all. Though, this wouldn’t be the case if I had more snack-like stuff like lunch meat or something. Or pasta salad. Mmmm. I think I’ll make some for when it gets hot again.
you forget to drink and breathe, Aelyrin!? well, i guess that’s possible if you have some sort of apnea, i suppose. 😉
well, i hope you’re over your sickness now so you can get back on a regular eating schedule.
Yes, I do have “some sort of apnea.” >: Well, I call it sleep apnea, but then my dad said it’s just apnea, but then I said that it also happens when I’m awake. Man, do you even have any idea how scary it is to wake up not breathing? It wasn’t always like this. The first time it happened, I cried. Sigh. Actually, no, I guess that’s not completely true because ever since I was little, I would stop breathing and after a while gasp for air. Just the sleep part is recent.
Anyways, this cold seems rather incessant and I just want to stay in bed all day.
Well, at least you don’t have a metabolism like mine! I can eat as much as Cornfather and still retain the Power of Scrawn!
…Assuming I walk for about 2 miles every day.
…Actually, that would make me lose weight.
many would kill for your metabolism, NeoDarklight! i used to have that, but mine’s slowed down since i don’t get as much physical activity. but yeah, if i walked for two miles a day, i’d be Super Scrawn! 😀
Yay! I’m home & have internets again.
Anyway, I forget to eat too… I don’t get hungry so I eat when I remember to… or most often, when my blood sugar drops and I start feeling dizzy or get a headache!
hooray for the internets, Shay, and good to have you back!
ooh, i get the headaches when i don’t eat, too. but yeah, it’s usually the dizziness that tips me off.
Thanks… it’s been a crazy month. Got dumped by my boyfriend, had surgery, got pneumonia as a complication from the surgery (stupid breathing tube) and then finally felt better and went to a convention! Yay! ^_^
And I’m glad to be back!
Wow, sounds like one hell of a month. If I haven’t eaten in a good while, I usually get a pretty bad headache and very irritable. This is especially true when I’m getting stressed from playing video games.
I guess I’m just somewhere in the middle, because I have done both of those things several times in my life. Video games can be very distracting.
I don’t forget to eat. Sometimes, I may be just too busy to eat. But, never forget to eat.
The KFC bucket reminded me of how much I hate KFC! Here in northern Europe, there are more McDonalds than KFCs, but when my sister and I went to a shopping center once we couldnt find a McDs, so we went to a KFC restaurant. However, we had never eaten at KFC, and we didnt exactly like it. We ordered some kind of chicken legs or something, and they were so greasy and so non-chicken tasting so we barely ate anything. Even today I barely even eat at McDs.
Jefbot you are the single most awesome person on this planet, and I dont think I could survive without the laughter you give me everyday! <3