It takes a lot to trust a sibling with pretty much anything, much less the keys to one’s apartment. But I did it. It’s done. Linda/Xinda has the keys to the BOTcave to use when she’s painting or decorating when I’m not there. I still lie awake at night thinking about what I’ve done, but you may be surprised to know that she has honored our deal and never once broken it. Unfortunately, my dad made no such bargain before his vacation address was made known to her, and she surprised him at his trailer just a week or so ago. I hear they had a good time once he got over the initial shock.
Ha, exactly, Xinda is evil.
yes, it’s like bot just gave a vampire permission to enter his abode, Eddie. a Warrior Sister Vampire. heheh.
and congrats! the Shades of Firsting are yours! with these, you can see the true nature of people. or maybe just the true nature of your siblings, which you probably already know. anyway, wear them well!
Vampire? Seems like medusa to me.
yep, she’s totally medusa in jefbot’s vision, Maryz, but giving her permission to enter has parallels to vampire myths.
Damn, damn damn, how come its not showing my name, Im not anonimous Im Eddie
no prob, Eddie – i changed it for you since you achieved Firsting status. 🙂
THX a lot
Again, maybe your computer just hates you.
it most certainly does, no doubt about
Oh, no. No no no no. Not good!
Xinda might not be flattered by that middle panel… 😛
yeah, i should probably tread carefully for the next few days, Insectoid. of course, she does have keys to my apartment… *gulp* 🙁
I just love how there’s always a sign of pent up madness in Xinda’s smile; I could easily imagine Jefbot getting woken up by screams of “Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!” while she opens breaches between here and a a more chaotic place. I dunno. Xinda seems Lovecraftian to me.
i’m glad you think so, Drahant! i love me some lovecraft. heheh. i just hope the madness in Xinda’s eyes stays within the realm of this comic; if i wake up to screams of cthulu i’m gonna have a minor freak out.
Each time Xinda visit JB he lose 1 year of life… XINDA IS A VAMPIRE!
aagh! i hope not, CE! was hoping this comic would last a few more years. 😉
Noooooo!!!!! Bot what have you done?
Do you let an alcoholic into a wine factory?
Do you let a known terrorist into Iron Man’s Armory?
Do you let Xinda into your place whenever she wants?
All the answers of course are no and Hell no!
Um… on second thought… what harm could her visits do right? There I retracted the statement now put down that knife please… no no nooooooo-
-Transmission ends-
it was a moment of weakness, jiro! (in the strip and in Real Life!) if you don’t see a new strip on friday, you’ll know wh…
-Transmission ends-
Very funny the “Transmission ends”, I love that in books and movies. Really I don´t thik evil and criminal Xina attacks everyone that.. wait, someone is opening my door…
-Transmission ends-
Soooo, is Xinda attacking all the fans, or just the ones that mention her na……wait a sec…..
-Transmission Ends-
that victory smirk Xinda is wearing int he last panel is….. mildly unsettling.
i’ve had to deal with that unsettling smirk my entire life, Maesonic!
I love ‘bot’s mismatched pupils in the last panel. That’s dry-mouthed fear, that is.
It’s not like Xinda wouldn’t be able to get into that apartment without keys if she really wanted to — she’s already been invited.
(I don’t think my sister knows where I live — and I’m fine with that)
yep: dry-mouthed fear mixed with a synapse or two misfiring, Sarah W! 😯
and you’re absolutely right about Xinda being able to get into the apartment with or without keys; she might not be able to turn into mist and slip under the door, but she can sure take a brick to one of my windows.
Oh good god
my sentiments exactly, dj.
Maduxinda is pretty wicked looking.
I have a solution to this problem! Just change your locks after she has finished painting and you will not have to worry ever again… I think. Oh well, awesome comic as usual. 😉
i like your solution, Fijiman! but wait – won’t changing the locks just make Linda/Xinda more angry!? as Sarah W mentioned – my sister’s gonna get in whether she has keys or not. the question of whether i/bot will remain in one piece once she gets in is not as clear.
Meh, worth a shot.
If she had clothes of her own she could ruin with paint why, why, WHY did she had to tarnish Wolverine signed special?
i’m sure that’s a question that will haunt bot’s mind every time he looks at that stained/painted/stretched Wolvie tee, Maryz. (although the real answer was that Xinda was hot, and bot’s signed tee was much cooler than her long-sleeved shirt.)
hahahhahahahhahaha!!!! the middle panel is exactly what I thought! with the voice of ren in the background saying “idiot”…….. hahahhahaha
i hear Ren’s voice in the background of my life all the time, xin! does that mean i’m finally losing it?
that implies you had it to begin with, ‘bot.
true, Psy. *tear*
Little Bro, FIX my Eyebrow, you’re makin’ me look like groucho marx!
hahahahhahahahahahahhaha! Great Strip!
glad you dug it! 🙂
My sissy has the keys to my house…because I tend to lock myself out.
I’m Pretty!
But they never invade the personal space.
This comic was awesome!
that’s great you trust your sis with your keys, Pixie! i take it she’s never stabbed you with a fork or put ice cubes in your bed while you were sleeping?
thanks for the “awesome”! 😀
No, no ice in the bed or forks to the eye or anything…We were two girl;s silly. We did things like pulling each others hair to see who would let go first. We had knockdown drag out ring the bell she’s done type of fights. I’m talking punches flying. Then, when she had the kids and was out of the house…I missed her. We realized at that point that she and I will be all we have in the future. She and I against the world.
aww, thanks, pinkee! 😀
in my case, giving a key to my sibling just basically means that after he’s done using it, he loses it…which I guess is better than the Xinda situation, but still annoying.
yes, that would be a better situation… unless your brother loses your key, and then Xinda finds it, theBean! 😯
Huh, I thought I was the only one who could invade peoples’ thought bubbles.
yes, but can you invade thought bubbles in the beast form of your choosing, Anime fan?
I’m a 7th generation berserker with Czech gypsy blood that colors my skin and hair. My people created the myth of werewolves with our ferocity. So, yes I probably can.
Your destiny is now sealed! Lol! So funny.
I love the 2nd panel!
let’s hope Xinda in that second panel doesn’t come to invade your thoughts, FunnyShaffer.
What’s that I smell? Is it…. DOOM???!?!
I smell doom with a hint of…. soiled undies?
thanks for the sympathy, G-Man0091.
it could very well be DOOM, TCG, or maybe soiled undies, as Fijiman surmised. whatever it is, it ain’t good. 😛
Oh, I’m sure bot’s just imagining things. I mean, Xinda’s not the kind of person who would break into his apartment just to mess with him, right? Right?
Hmm…Cornfather’s right. What have you done? Also, love the second panel.
what has bot done indeed, Striker! thank the gods i made that deal with Linda/Xinda to not surprise me in my apartment in Real Life, otherwise i have no doubt that i would’ve been “messed with” many times over! 🙁
He he. I am in NC right now, and I got to go in my brother’s house while he wasn’t home. >:) But don’t worry, I didn’t wreak any havoc. I can see why YOU would be a bit nervous though! I am picturing you finding Xinda’s victims in your freezer. 😉
Or coming home one night to find that half the apartment is booby-trapped.
i fear this too, Fijiman.
you totally should’ve wreaked havoc, Shanna! isn’t that what sisters are supposed to do to their brothers? or maybe i’ve just been conditioned to think that way…
and now you have me afraid to look in my freezer.
hehehe Xinda is evil…I really like her mwhahahahahha
sorry I haven’t come in and posted much, lately. Got a new job…yay customer service…and we’re moving in with my parents due to my mom’s failing health (she won’ t slow down and ends up in the hospital ugh) etc etc…So, I hope everyone is doing well…and HI EVERYBODY!! **sending loves**
Miss you Lady! And Mr. McLocopants!
yay! congrats on the new job! sorry to hear about your mom, though. hope her health turns around. *crosses fingers*
and yes, Xinda is evil. but she’s just so loveably evil. heheh.
*sends luv back*
Congrats on the new income source! Too bad they always seem to come with actual WORK. 😛 And sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she improves under your care! Hugs to you guys!
that 2nd panel picture is very fitting… Quite natural… At first I thought it actually was her until I noticed the thought cloud.
Scary that.
now i’m doubly glad i drew in that bubble, G-Man0091!
when i originally conceived this strip, i didn’t have the thought bubble or jefbot at the bottom of the panel, steve, but i thought it would be too vague and people might think she had actually turned into a medusa instead of the whole vision just happening in bot’s mind. glad that became clear once you saw the bubble! 🙂
I would usually trust my youngest brother with my keys, since he has no particular reason to snoop through my stuff and take things. My *sister*, however…
No. No way in hell. I love her dearly, but I don’t trust her near my things.
Great comic! Xinda’s expression seriously freaked me out for a moment or two.
how come sisters are so evil, Tiana!? well, i guess you’re a sister, too. heheh. now would your brother trust you with his keys? 😉
glad you dug the comic and got a little freaked over Xinda’s expression. mission accomplished! heheh.
Well, one brother still lives at my parents’ house and I have a key there. My other brother might. His girlfriend might snatch it right back out of my hand, but my brothers and I are pretty tight. Maybe we’re just the exception to the rule!
Oh, what’s to worry about? Xinda IS you’re sister, right? You can trust her. She’s not the kind of person that would persecute you for no reason.
-Transmission Ends-
ha! was kinda waiting for that, G-Man0091. glad you could supply it. 🙂
i told you to stay away from her, Maddgodd81!!! now she has your keys, too. is nowhere safe!!!?
Xinda makes this series for me!
she’s been a fan-favorite character since the beginning of the strip, Jacek, so i’m glad to hear she still does it for ya! 🙂
Foolish mortal.
indeed, 11TN. you’d think bot (and i) would know what Xinda’s capable of by now.
MU-HE-HE-HE. nothing else I can say
your laugh scares me, supersonic cucumber. don’t tell me Xinda’s gotten to you, too!?
‘bot definitely didn’t think this through. I could tell. xD
must be because bot hasn’t had coffee in a while and couldn’t think straight, Jaeh. 🙂
Simple solution. Change your locks after she’s done.
That’s what I had said! Stop trying to steal my ideas. B(
Just a simple case of great minds thinking alike. Plus… I’m a telepath so it may have just been unconscious.
Or you didn’t read the comments above yours until later?
but i’ll tell you what i told Fijiman, Psy: changing locks will only provoke Xinda! she’ll get in bot’s apartment one way or another, whether it’s by busting the door down or breaking through a window. i think the only other option is to move to another apartment.
She’s Evil Incarnate!