Okay, so maybe it was a dream… Could jefbot’s antisocial brain be playing with him just to get him out of going to the party!? Probably not, but it might be easier on his sanity than knowing he was attacked by his own scarf. See the previous strip if what I’m saying here sounds like crazy talk.
And, hey! This is the first of the new Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule this month to celebrate JEFbot’s 4th Anniversary! I wasn’t able to get all the details hammered out over the weekend for the contests and prizes, but that should be done sometime this week, so expect a blog post soon. Until then, see you in two days for the next installment in the “Angry Scarf” storyline!
A monday strip?!?!
I love the look on cornfather’s face in the third panel.
yep! a monday strip, Maddgodd81! not counting guest strips, i think it might just be the first one since i started JEFbot on a monday in 2007.
and check you out, you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! these allow the wearer to see behind themselves, in case any yarn-based organisms try and sneak up behind them. wear them well:
Alright! *does a little dance*
Wait, what’s this? a tea cozy, a shawl and an afghan seem to be trying to attack me from behind!
This looks like a job for… SUPERDORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*sounds of a very intense, yet very soft struggle*
Whoa! Monday! What goodness! 😀 And MWF now! Wooooot! 😀
Note to self: If it feels like I’ve been bitten by a poltergeist, it was probably just a scarf. With alien life in it.
wooooot! MWF! (at least for this month, ZAD-Man. this is mostly an experiment for the 4-year JEFbot anniversary, for now.) 🙂
re: your note to self. absolutely. the scarf/alien is definitely the more probable of the two scenarios.
I was reorganizing the kids’ closets this weekend, and a whole pile of winter hats and scarves fell off an upper shelf onto my head.
I completely blame you for my reaction.
HA! sorry ’bout that, Sarah W.! and, um, you better have someone check the back of your neck for any strange, discolored spots, just to be sure. 😉
Wait…”like a poltergeist, maybe. But softer?” Does Jefbot have a poltergeist-fighting backstory we’ve never seen before?
not that we know of, Joe! but bot’s probably just basing that observation off the movie Poltergeist, when that cameraman gets bitten by an invisible something in that one scene.
Jefbot changed his schedule. Oh no. Is end of the world.
Great strip bot!
Well, we know it was real due to the marks on the back of his neck. And it seems like the aliens have something hey want from Jeffbot; first the visitors stole Cel’s hamster while it was with Jeffbot, then they show up at his beach party (not his, but still), and now his alien and sister-evil possessed scarf is attacking him…
He’s not going to turn out to be the descendant of a galactic god or something, is he? (I mmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy be watching too much sci-fi…)
jefbot does seem to be a magnet for odd occurences, likeacupcake…
and too much sci-fi is never a bad thing! well, almost never.
i see a bitemark on JB’s neck.
OMG! Vampire Scarf! Will Bot now turn into a yarn monster? Or a vampire that stalks the night looking for crochet and knitted items? *hides projects*
LOL the last panel is too funny!
And YAY!!!!! 3 comics a week? AND a contest and stuff?! OMG I am totes excited!
we’ll be seeing just what effect the Scarf’s “bite” will have on jefbot soon, Pixie! (though i love the idea of bot turning into a yarn monster. heheh.)
woo hoo, I think this is the highest on the comment thread I’ve ever been!
I love the Poltergeist, but softer line, hah!
And we’re off! (on the new story arc) Yay! And yay for MWF in August!
So the scarf has returned to its lair. Under the bed? In the closet? Or is it just draped casually across a chair, acting like nothing happend? Wow, so it bit him? Is he going to turn into a… werescarf? werealien? weresheep (is the scarf made of wool?)? Hopefully a weresheep. I want some werewool to spin. 😉 Sorry. Just being silly here. I can’t wait to see where the storyline goes!!!!
werescarf! ha! that would be awesome, shanna. i’ll definitely give you some werewool to spin if that happens. 🙂
(and if you’ve seen the next strip, you’ll know you were correct in your assumption about the Scarf lurking under the bed.)
-Lowers shotgun to head- 8) Bot, in the name of the shades of firstness. I shall remove this poison from your body. Along with your head unfortunatly.
They NEVER believe us…
Until it’s too late.
Man, I think I subconsciously remembered to check back here today because I hit the link without even thinking about it and then was like, wait, this updates Tuesday and today is Monday and then there was a new strip anyway and I remembered why I was checking it a day early.
(That sentence would make my philosophy teacher cry–possibly with both joy and pain. You’re not a true philosopher really until you’re a master of the incoherent run-on sentence.)
i salute your subconscious, Sharra!
Yay for extra bot! That is all.
Time to update a few things, time to get a new gravatar with my working email address, time to update the image.
Bod be praised… IT IS TIME!
this is awesome how we got to witness your avatar leveling up, Deaconvorbis! hope to be seeing more of deaconflac soon! 😀
Of course The Cornfather would accuse you of destroying your room and hitting yourself over the head just to get out of going somewhere… Too funny!
I know what it is!
Death by scarfotica asphyxiation! I hear its fun until the end…
“I’m not making this up!”
Goes right along with:
“This is too good to not be true!”
Also, noticed the scarf print on Bots neck. Hehehehe.
Oh my, this may not turn out well. Or it might turn out awesome if that bit gives him superpowers. 🙂
My brain is still tired. Curse you evil terrorists! CURSE YOU!!! Also curse those who wouldn’t join my match (and those who did but died very quickly and then left) to help me take out the evil terrorists. B(
That’s a pretty cool looking bite mark on Bot’s neck. He better hope he doesn’t become Scarf-man. With all the powers of a scarf…
The Power of Scrawn + Bitten by a mutated scarf
I can’t even begin to imagine how this’ll end.
if those two powers were to combine, jefbot would be nigh unstoppable, rinthia! (okay, maybe not unstoppable, but at least his neck won’t be as cold.)
Hooray for the new Storyline! And all heil Darth Scarf! (I know it the Darth thing has NOTHING to do with this, but i couldn’t find anything better :3)
it left alien hickey marks!!!! eewwwww
This made me laugh. 😀
it did, indeed, jiro maeda! now exactly why it gave bot some hickeys remains to be seen…
Awesome! New Jefbot to get me through the drudgery of CENSUS NIGHT in Australia.
I’m still waiting to find out what happened with the Aliens/Cel/the missing hamster…
All shall be reveled in time. 🙂
true dat, Fijiman!
googling “Census Night” now, LadyArtemis.
remember that episode from star trek where the aliens put their hands on your face & sucked all the salt from your body? maybe that’s what happened to your neck! have your potassium and salt levels checked.
10-4, darthister.
Thanks for sharing the pix from Hawaii. It makes me long to be back there again! Good to see you’re eating like an Asian while there! Of course, how can you not at the Ala Moana! Hope you’re stocking up on mochi from the kiosk in the food court!
And, WTF with the MWF shit? First you have to eat our lunch on comment numbers, then on daily page views, NOW it’s just a matter of time until you surpass our number of installments! What’s this world coming to?
I’m guessing that you are vary jealous right now?
Kind of, but I’m too busy to go MWF on SubCulture. Too many irons in the fire, I guess.
only going MWF for the anniversary this month, Stan, so i won’t be catching up to SubCulture anytime soon! using this month as a kind of test run to see how difficult it’d be to do this accelerated schedule on a regular basis, and just going by this week, i’m not sure if it’s feasible. BUH. hopefully, it’ll get easier before the end of the month!
oh, and Mombot stocked up on a bunch of manapua from Ala Moana while we were there – so much so that we ended up throwing a bunch of it away before we left! 🙁
We believe you Jefbot! And congrats on moving to a M-W-F schedule. That is pretty awesome.
thanks for the belief, and the congrats, Angela!
Wow. Three jefbot fixes a week instead of two for us addicts. You are the man, Mr. dealer Jefbot. Kudos.
That mark on the back of hs neck… Is he infected?
thanks, Maryz! and we’ll be finding out the meaning of those marks soon!
And then, Bot became some one with the ancient cursed scarf seal. From then on, he had the power to control peoples fabrics.
Heheh, awesome~ -I did notice that white mark on his neck-
Hey Bot,
Looks like that posessed scarf of yours needs a good old exorcism. You know who ya gonna call!
Not really related to that and only for the case you’re interested, I sent you this link to pictures of me in my Ghostbusters gear. Most of them include other crazy guys in Ghostbusters costumes, too 😉
Nice pictures. 🙂
yeah, nice pics, Skyknight – i needs me a proton pack! (actually, jefbot could probably use one right about now, with that Scarf lurking about.)
I’m sure, there’s somebody in your area that can help u get or build a proton pack. Those guys are spread all over the world. You should check out http://www.gbfans.com
It’s the place where I found all the information to build mine.
I love the title of this strip; one of your best puns yet! I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this, but my favorite thing about JEFbot is that each strip has its own individual creative title, even when it’s part of a larger story arc.
Something suspicious is definitely going on in that bedroom… the posters on the wall are in different positions than last time, and bot is clearly lying where there were previously two comic boxes and a pile of books on the floor.
thanks, Kim – i was pretty happy with the title of this one, so i’m glad you dug it, too. 🙂
and put your suspicions to rest – the posters are in the same positions (i’ll, uh, blame it on the perspective), the books were kicked out of the way, and the comic boxes are just out of frame. that’s my story and i’m sticking to it!
Magic scarf is magic >_> <_<
Great work JB!
Cornfather’s expression in the third panel is classic…and is it odd that I noticed ‘Bot seems to have very-deep-pile carpet?
nope, not odd, Tiana! what’s odd is that in Real Life my room was the only room in that whole apartment that had any carpeting at all – everywhere else had awesome wood floors. (my new place is completely carpeted, sadly.)