What the heck!? So it appears jefbot is now controlling the Scarf! Or is the Scarf controlling him? Answers forthcoming as the Angry Scarf storyline – and this month’s Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule – continues!
as the title of the strip suggests, he’s Botto Botavius, dj! but “bot ock,” for short, would work. (though since he only got two new appendages, the “ock” is kind of a misnomer.)
“as the title of the strip suggests, heβs Botto Botavius, dj! but ‘bot ock,’ for short, would work.”
Are you *sure* about that? Because, to me, “bot ock” sounds like a part of the human anatomy that tends to be the “bot” of a lot of jokes…if you know what I mean…*winkwink-nudgenudge*
Hmmmm maybe Jeff can tame or subdue the scarf and have a new superpower… the power of Scarf! At least it wasn’t a fuzzy winter hand cover… *gigglesnort*
In English speaking countries a scarf is the satin thing that gets tied around your neck, while a muffler is both a scarf as we see it and the fluffy hand warmer we generally associate with the word muffler
only a minute or so off from those Shades of Firsting, Psy! dj was just too quick this time. but yes – we’ll see if bot can keep control over the Scarf. it would most certainly make a nice supplement to his Powers of Scrawn. π
nobody knows the motives of the Scarf, FunnyShaffer! as for Scarfbot — well, if people in the neighborhood start seeing a dude with a long scarf fighting crime, well, we’ll know what jefbot got up to.
glad you liked all the screaming in this one, T! and yes, there’s a very good chance the neighbors believe bot and corn are living with a 12 year old girl, at this point.
wow! those are some pretty interesting theories, Sarah W! i wonder how jefbot would react if it was revealed cel was the mastermind behind all this. hmmm.
Are you sure bout that, mate? There might have been some modification work done. Seeing as former textile matter has motor and sensory capacity, Im sure of it.
ah…ur right…but the fabric itself may not has the power. it could be a parasite living within the fabric and projecting its own psychic abilities onto the from from thought that jb channeled or nanotechs.
Dood, if JB gets super powers from this then its over! Knowing JB though, the power will go to his head and he will try to rule the world and end up hurting his entire family and destroying Jefbotland. Oh no this is gonna be bad….
Told ya! Scarf may be Angry but its not Evil. For once Id like to see a storyline with aliens who have genuine good intentions. …How long are they going to retain said good intentions near us, screwed up humans, is another matter.
:O!!! Now JB is one step closes to perfection!
Since I saw the last panel I can’t stop thinking about Doctor Octopus grandma π
This is going to be veeery interesting; I wonder how the CF is going to react…* Possible Spoiler*probably is going to slam his door to JB face the first time, THEN he’s going to realize the whole thing and start to scream :D*Possible Spoiler*
hmmmm…the ability to fly come to my mind.
Why wouldn’t JB show his uber amazing powers to CF!! I mean….what’s the fun to have super powers if you can’t brag them!
Another terrific sequence, Jeff! Love the expression on bot’s face in Panel 5, which I can totally imagine as you on one of your sleepless nights. Wondering what all those things are in the refrigerator door (interestingly, it didn’t have shelves in strip no. 346; the tags make it just too easy to check these things, hehe).
thanks, Kim! glad you liked it. and actually, the refrigerator’s consistent – the door in #346 is seen from profile, so what you’re seeing is the thickness from the side. i actually just used my real refrigerator for reference.
Omg no not doc oct. Made of 100% acrylic yarn! !!
everyone run for your lives!
we’ll see if jefbot can maintain control over his new yarn arms, dj (yarms?), otherwise – yes, time to run and hide!
and, hey! you achieved the Shades of Firsting! wear them well, especially if you think there might be any yarn monsters lurking around:
LOL @ Yarms!
Or maybe it should be Bot Oct?
as the title of the strip suggests, he’s Botto Botavius, dj! but “bot ock,” for short, would work. (though since he only got two new appendages, the “ock” is kind of a misnomer.)
“as the title of the strip suggests, heβs Botto Botavius, dj! but ‘bot ock,’ for short, would work.”
Are you *sure* about that? Because, to me, “bot ock” sounds like a part of the human anatomy that tends to be the “bot” of a lot of jokes…if you know what I mean…*winkwink-nudgenudge*
heheh. hmm… i might need to reconsider, reynard61. π
Shades of first… ing… drat…
Hmmmm maybe Jeff can tame or subdue the scarf and have a new superpower… the power of Scarf! At least it wasn’t a fuzzy winter hand cover… *gigglesnort*
In English speaking countries a scarf is the satin thing that gets tied around your neck, while a muffler is both a scarf as we see it and the fluffy hand warmer we generally associate with the word muffler
teehee you said “muff”…
only a minute or so off from those Shades of Firsting, Psy! dj was just too quick this time. but yes – we’ll see if bot can keep control over the Scarf. it would most certainly make a nice supplement to his Powers of Scrawn. π
Or this could end up like a really bad hentai…
Maybe the scarf was just thirsty too…
it actually might be, likeacupcake.
What on earth could that scarf be after? Maybe it sees something in you, that you cannot yet grasp… Are you really Scarfbot?
nobody knows the motives of the Scarf, FunnyShaffer! as for Scarfbot — well, if people in the neighborhood start seeing a dude with a long scarf fighting crime, well, we’ll know what jefbot got up to.
“What the heck?” is right. O_o
no doubt things’re gettin’ crazy up in here, Insectoid.
I love that most of his dialogue in this strip is some variant of screaming (in my head, he’s shrieking like a little girl each time, lol…).
Fascinating…I look forward to seeing future developments!
I hear it too! π Oh goodness… It’s awesome. I can’t wait for Wednesday’s strip!
woo! workin’ on it tonight, Kypress! see you tomorrow. π
glad you liked all the screaming in this one, T! and yes, there’s a very good chance the neighbors believe bot and corn are living with a 12 year old girl, at this point.
I’m still going with the assimilate idea. It seems like the scarf might be making jefbot do some knitting in the future.
funny, my evil sister was trying to get me to knit for the longest time, dchorror, but it never took. maybe the scarf will have better luck…
Maybe it’s gearing up for a battle with the not-so-benevolent aliens, and Cel told it that ‘bot would be receptive?
Or maybe the inhabiting alien is Cel? It would explain the hickey . . .
wow! those are some pretty interesting theories, Sarah W! i wonder how jefbot would react if it was revealed cel was the mastermind behind all this. hmmm.
probably with much screaming and freaking out.
Why do I imagine you skulking about at night wearing the scarf and flailing it at stuff?
are you peeking in my windows, B13?
wow… i want one π
you just need to find an evil scarf and some ancient, sentient, space microbes, Leithal.
Morning Boteers!
Wow, the storyline is moving along nicely Bot. Can’t wait to see what happens on Wednesday.
morning, Pix! gracias, and see ya manana!
kinda great but extremely flamable
Are you sure bout that, mate? There might have been some modification work done. Seeing as former textile matter has motor and sensory capacity, Im sure of it.
ah…ur right…but the fabric itself may not has the power. it could be a parasite living within the fabric and projecting its own psychic abilities onto the from from thought that jb channeled or nanotechs.
hopefully bot won’t be finding out how combustible the Scarf is anytime soon, jf#300 and Maryz!
oooohhhh…….what is that game…..
the darkness!!
was that game any good, fred1997? looked interesting when they released it, but i never checked it out.
it was good. not astronomically good but quite good to pass the time. love it when my extension was ripping out heart and eating them
Poor bot can’t seem to catch a break. Oh well, at least the angry scarf seems more helpful than menacing in this one.
indeed, Striker. now let’s hope it stays that way.
Da na na na na na na na SCARFBOT!
Dood, if JB gets super powers from this then its over! Knowing JB though, the power will go to his head and he will try to rule the world and end up hurting his entire family and destroying Jefbotland. Oh no this is gonna be bad….
ye of little faith! you know jefbot understands “with great power comes great responsibility,” right? right!?
Jefbot controlling the (it came from outer space) scarf? oh.. the world shall tremble!
heheh. it’s possible, supersonic cucumber! remains to be seen if jefbot can be trusted with all that yarn power.
Told ya! Scarf may be Angry but its not Evil. For once Id like to see a storyline with aliens who have genuine good intentions. …How long are they going to retain said good intentions near us, screwed up humans, is another matter.
you were right, Maryz! and who knows, maybe down the line i’ll introduce some benevolent ETs to the mix.
One word: Symbiote.
very possible, Greg B!
Well, I’m glad to see his eyes aren’t all weird anymore. I can’t wait to see who is in charge – the scarf or Bot! Awesome double decker strip. π
heh. Mombot didn’t like jefbot’s eyes that way either, Shanna. glad you dug the big strip!
Oh how did I not see this coming?? Awesome Spider-Man reference. π
thanks, TCG! i loves me some Spidey.
Spider-Bot. Hmmmmmm…… π
woo! arigato, Angela.
:O!!! Now JB is one step closes to perfection!
Since I saw the last panel I can’t stop thinking about Doctor Octopus grandma π
This is going to be veeery interesting; I wonder how the CF is going to react…* Possible Spoiler*probably is going to slam his door to JB face the first time, THEN he’s going to realize the whole thing and start to scream :D*Possible Spoiler*
heh. in addition to the Power of Scrawn and the Power of the Scarf, what other Powers does bot need to acquire on the road to perfection, nicobot?
as for the Cornfather’s reaction – it all depends on whether bot decides to reveal his yarms (yarn+arms) to his buddy or not.
hmmmm…the ability to fly come to my mind.
Why wouldn’t JB show his uber amazing powers to CF!! I mean….what’s the fun to have super powers if you can’t brag them!
Aww Bot, its just lending you a hand…or two.
heh. yes, bot should really show more appreciation, Descolada.
Another terrific sequence, Jeff! Love the expression on bot’s face in Panel 5, which I can totally imagine as you on one of your sleepless nights. Wondering what all those things are in the refrigerator door (interestingly, it didn’t have shelves in strip no. 346; the tags make it just too easy to check these things, hehe).
thanks, Kim! glad you liked it. and actually, the refrigerator’s consistent – the door in #346 is seen from profile, so what you’re seeing is the thickness from the side. i actually just used my real refrigerator for reference.
Looked again. Utterly mortified by my interpretive error, will endeavor to keep big trap shut in future.
I was thinking Spider-Man since the last strip, but not quick Doc Ock. I was thinking more the alien symbiote…But this seems like twice the fun!
the Angry Scarf is sort of a hybrid between the symbiote, Doc Ock and an old Japanese videogame called Stretch Panic, Wowey. π
Spoiler: It’s like spiderman with the symbiote.
kinda. see above.
That’s weird I thought only masu based lifeforms did the assimilate and control aspect. Hmmm I guess JB’s brain was too much for the angry scarf?
yep, it’s possible that bot was able to master the Scarf, jiro maeda. at least for now…
You’re not REALLY a Doctor, but you can be hired to act like one!
true! i could even be hired to act like a Doc Ock, Stan!
one word: