So jefbot had it in himself to heal the Angry Scarf, only, the price was that it completely depleted him. Not that he couldn’t use the sleep as he hasn’t gotten any for the past few days, but I wonder what toll would be taken had the Scarf been more profoundly wounded? Hmm. Hopefully, we won’t ever have to find out.
Haven’t posted the link to the beginning of this storyline in a while, so if you’re new to JEFbot and wondering what’s going on, click:
• JEFBOT.356_There Will Be Scarf
Was on track to get this strip posted at a decent time, but the power went out for a while in my neighborhood last night! Thus, the 4:15am posting. The sleep gods appear to be angry with me.
I can kidnap a graphic designer?!
hey, congrats on your first Firsting, Jcb! unfortunately, this feat does not earn you the right to kidnap a graphic designer, but it does award you with the Shades of Firsting! wear them well, and perhaps they’ll come with tiny LCD screens instead of lenses, playing videos of secret comic skills:
Hmmm… So the scarf is self-healing as well… Shades of Ultron…
it can heal, but it needs jefbot to do so (as far as we know), Maddgodd81. and Ultron rocks.
Love the strip! …and the art gets better and better! 🙂
thanks for the love and kudos, #1JF! 😀
Gooood Morning Everyone!
YAY JB finally got some sleep. And his powers of scarf regeneration are epic! If only I could knit that way! I’m still working on garter stitches and fingerless gloves (They’re easy and look cute when they are done! Don’t judge me)
I’d like to remind everyone that we do have a facebook Fan page known as Jefbot Fans. Please come and join us. We get to chat with each other and share news such as….
*Clears throat* For those of you who do NOT know, Our very own Kypress Harem Member is expecting a Botling! NO that is not an Exhaulted one’s offspring, it is the term I use for the Children of the Bot Fans(Whoa total Stephen King Moment there!) So CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. and Mr. Kypress on the new addition to the family.
morning, Pixie!
yeah, looks like bot’s gonna get at least a few ZZZs, even if it wasn’t exactly voluntary. heheh. and the Scarf regen powers are indeed epic! wish i could knit that way, too – my evil sis tried to teach me how to make a scarf but it just didn’t take. (so there’s no way i could even come close to doing garter stitches or fingerless gloves.)
thanks for bringing this to the site’s attention!: BIG CONGRATS TO MRS. & MR. KYPRESS ON THEIR UPCOMING BUNDLE OF JOY! WOOOOOO!!!
(and: yes, “Children of the Bot Fans” is extremely King-ish and creepy/scary. i like it. heheh.)
I just cannot tell you how pleased I am with the art! 😀
aww, thanks, Kate!
Love it! JB should have been more careful when healing the scarf….hasn’t he read any comics! Self healing takes a lot of energy!…unless you are the villain…they always self heal so fast >:(
indeed, nicobot: bot should definitely have expected repercussions from the healing session. no powers come without a price!
Cool! Now *that* is a handy super power!!! I wonder if the scarf can heal Jefbot or if it only goes one way. Poor Jefbot looks a bit like a crazy homeless person in that getup sleeping on the bench. 😛
yeah, that healing power could come in handy in many situations, shanna! (as long as bot doesn’t pass out immediately after.) as far as the healing going both ways: that won’t be answered in this storyline, but you’re smart to already be thinking along those lines! and, yes: let’s hope no cops come by while bot’s sleeping on the bench in all his gear. 🙂
Now that’s interesting!
Seems that takes up a lot of energy, though, which makes sense. Need more Mountain Dew.
bot and the Scarf definitely need to do some Dew, Aelyrin! time for them to get back home.
So, the real question for me, knowing how little sleep you actually get… Was it difficult to draw that last panel and not be jealous of the ‘Bot?
heheh. sad to say, the answer is a most emphatic yes, 11TN. i actually took a reference shot of myself for that last panel, and just wanted to stay in that position with my head back, eyes closed and snoring for the following few hours.
He either wakes up in bed with a huge headache, or he wakes up in one of those self hugging jackets in a padded room. 😛
ha! for all we know, the entire JEFbot strip is being played out in the head of a crazy nerd in a mental asylum, TCG! 😀
Sheesh, I wish my knitting would self-repair like that . . .
all you have to do is concentrate real hard, Sarah W! (of course, having an alien/scarf hybrid helps, too.)
NOTHING CAN STOP JB NOW…. except sleep, hunger, video games, sharp things, the IRS, someone with a club…
a kitten…
but a very mean, bullying kitten with a bad disposition, 11TN!!!
yes, NOTHING CAN STOP jefbot, ContableEnorme! …except for the things you mentioned and a few million other little things. heheh.
… a bullet, a tank, a nuke, a missile, a grenade, a sub, a cement wall, Wolverine, a fiery explosion…..
Well it seems he was forced to take a nap instead of of his own free will. Oh well, sleep is sleep and he needed it. Can’t wait to see what happens next. 😉
you’re right that he was forced to sleep, Fijiman. otherwise, who knows what mischief he’d be up to right now!
I’m jealous. If I could make the pain from my gout go away that easy, there would me many less broken things laying around our house. XD
all you need’s an Angry Scarf, Red! (although it hasn’t proven itself effective against gout pain, actually, so never mind.)
I’m in stitches! Sorry… couldn’t resist! The artwork is off the charts! Your strip looks amazing Jefbot! …and I can’t wait to see what adventures you’ll get into with this story line!
never apologize for puns, FunnyShaffer! we likes ’em here. 🙂
and thanks for the kudos on the art and storyline. a couple more adventures in this arc still await!
code red! CODE RED!!!!
HA! good one, Maesonic! very appropriate. 😀
Bot forgot that the only right action was to do a barrel roll and use a boost to get through
indeed, Lord Firesnake. if bot followed that advice more often, things would go way better for him, methinks.
Does this mean he also has the power of narcolepsy?
which would mean bot’s a narcoleptic and an insomniac!? he’s going to have a nervous breakdown if that’s the case, TPC. 🙂
Y’know, if he wakes up attached to a skyscraper he’s gonna be in real trouble. Just think how much hell Spiderman went through when it happened to him. Although, I do expect the scarf to be controlling his body while he sleeps…only fair right? Jefbot controls the scarf while awake so the scarf should be allowed to control him while he’s asleep.
yes, let’s hope bot doesn’t wake up in any precarious positions, Kasekine! and we’ll see if the Scarf gains control while bot’s sleeping – at this point it’s gotta be pretty exhausted, too. which isn’t to say it might not happen in the future…
The mighty Jefbot, with his powers of scrawn and alien microbe infested scarf he can…not rescue cats, rant to himself while fetching lost baseballs and pass out on park benches!
Loving the detail in this and how textured the trees, grass and scarf are in the first two panels, all that coloring for the background must’ve been pretty intense too! good work!
heh. yes, “Mighty jefbot” hasn’t shown much Superhero-ness yet, Descolada, but at least his heart’s in the right place. hopefully he’ll get better as his skills progress. i fear that may take a looooong time, though.
glad you liked the background! yep, that took longer than most of the backgrounds i normally draw. actually, ever since bot’s been out of the apartment, the time it takes to draw these strips has gone up considerably! (so it’s nice to hear you guys notice this stuff.) 🙂
ugh…. need more mountain dew….
Glad the power outage didn’t affect the strip too much. I wonder what other abilities the scarf has? Can it maybe blend into its surroundings? Disguise itself as another scarf?
jefbot and the Scarf could definitely use more Mountain Dew, jiro maeda. bot might want to consider extra Dew containers or reservoirs in the design of his next superhero costume.
as for the Scarf’s other powers – we won’t be getting into all of them in this storyline, but they’ll be revealed in time. 🙂
Regeneration? Cool.
Love the background. Did ou use some kind of font for *Snore*? I dig it.
Fantastic backgrounds, especialy the evening sky.
I hope against hope that park is a safe place during late hours. Ohhh, Drama.
yep! regeneration! i’m happy you liked the backgrounds – they’re a composite of a couple different locations around my neighborhood. and i’ve been coloring the sky to let the reader know that it’s starting to get later in the day, so glad you could tell the evening’s coming. 🙂
as for “Snore” – nope, not a font. just some hand lettering. happy you dug it!
Running off the alien-scarf-controlling-jefbot idea, will there be some sort of Venom character in the future?
hmmm… well, since the Scarf is kind of evil (or at least very angry), it’s already “Venom” in a way. but might there be a Carnage in the future? possibly. 🙂
Well, glad to see the Scarf can be fixed easily (without the Cornfather getting a chance to laugh at ‘Bot knitting, lol!). And even better, the boy is finally getting some bloody sleep!
we still might see bot knitting in a future strip, Tiana, you never know! heheh. and yes, if “passed out” counts as sleep, then at least he’s getting a few winks in. 🙂
Ah. That’s typical. He’ll need to build up his stamina to be able to keep going after healing, and after a while, it’ll take less effort and energy. I’m guessing that if he had been fully rested, it might not have been AS bad, but it still would have been draining (probably leaving him starving). But that’s just a guess from seeing similar things.
you’re probably right, KenderBryant – jefbot will build stamina and learn to repair the Scarf without it taking so much energy out of him in the future. and yes, had he not been going without sleep for so long, it probably wouldn’t have hit him so hard, either. well, let’s hope this is the case – would suck if bot passes out every time he uses the healing factor!
well at least he has regeneration powers… sort of
hey, new avatar, dj! i likes it.
“That kitten really did a number on you”.
I lol’d :D.
glad you LOL’d at that, Em! it’s one of those things that one hopes they never hear in their lifetime. 🙂
Finally, Jefbot gets a bit of shut-eye.