If you’re in the San Francisco area this weekend, come by and see me at the JEFbot Table (#452), where I’ll be signing books, selling merch, doing sketches and handing out free postcards and bookmarks! I also have a limited amount of special APE/JEFBOT mini-BOTtons that I’ll be giving out to fans and readers only, so if you’re planning on stopping by, let me know and I’ll save you one.
This is my first APE, so I’m not sure what to expect, but I hear it’s a ton of fun, filled with talented writers and artists, workshops and panels for comic enthusiasts and a cool, indy vibe for creators and fans. And as I mentioned above, I’ll be selling my first collection of strips, JEFBOT VOL.1_All Dysfunctions Normal (which is still only available at my convention appearances), t-shirts and BOTtons!
Check out the official APE site if you have questions, and I hope to see you there!
Big apologies, JEFbot readers, but there won’t be a Friday strip this week – been hustling getting ready for a comic convention this weekend and just ran out of time. Although I’ll have to push pause on The Angry Scarf storyline at the moment, it’ll be back next week! (Monday’s posting might be a bit late since I get back that afternoon, though. Bear with me.) I’ll be posting about my trip on Twitter and Facebook, so check me out over on those sites if you’re curious. Wish me luck at the con, and see you next week!
GAH! I haven’t been to a con in YEARS! My last one was JACON during it’s second to last year (about 3 years or so ago). If I could meet you and Alina Pete (Weregeek/Moosehead Stew) I’d find a way to go.
Love the banner! Sorry we can’t make it up there. Hope you have a great time!
Have any plans to come to a Philly Convention? If you do I’ll point you to some really good places to eat!
You went on Vacation without me? Where are you staying?
What if I just send a picture of myself since I can’t afford to drive 50 of the couple thousand miles required? XD
So excited that you will be at APE this year! Please save me a BOTton (and a book, I’ll be in a swag buying mood!)
“New Superhero goes (to) APE as cartoonists are drawn to San Francisco and publishers are held at Bay!”
Good luck!
Button? No free psycho kinetic scarf?
a free BOTton! wow. Good luck from Slovakia, the home of Bryndza!
Hahahahaha! What does butter cheese have to do with this?
That’s blasphemy! Calling it butter cheese.
And why do I mention it? Cause it’s yummy. 😀
Hey! I knew it! Every time I tell someone there’s a country called Slovakia they think I’m lying. INTERNET PROOF PUNKS! lol
P.S. Hello my Slovakian cousin, this greeting is provided by a third generation Czech. And, an all American mutt. lol
Hello, our American Czech-descendant friend, your greeting is warmly recieved and returned by few Slovakian nuts.
hahah. Yeah it is true. Slovakia is on the map. Though we have a distraction in form of Slovenia I guess :D. Sending greetings too.
I hope all went well at APEcon! I’m sure you had a blast.
Can’t wait to hear all about it! So proud of you making your little niche in the con world.
Hey Bot, the three strips a week thing is cool, but I miss the individual attention that was payed to each of our comments. That, and three strips is way harder than two.
Forever a fan,
Anime fan
I can haz a BOTton?
Holy **** it’s a spambot! Kill it with fire! Kill it with fire!