Maybe not to the degree of the previous strip, but today’s JEFbot does mimic reality to some extent, as I did have a conversation with my sister in the hospital about her desire to become an Amazon, what with her losing her right breast and all to cancer. I would’ve dismissed this as a deranged thought from a drug-addled and post-surgery mind, but she actually brought it up again when I talked to her recently, and it’s been several months since that initial hospital stay. Of course, I shouldn’t be surprised, as it’s in keeping with her career choice from the past, as represented in this strip from 2008.
Again, thanks for all the incredible support for my sister, right from the beginning of this storyline. You can’t imagine how much she, and the rest of us Schuetzes appreciate it.
A shame that there aren’t. Well, she could be Wonder Woman.
heheh. my thoughts, exactly, GG! (though i’d be afraid to know what my sis would do with super strength and/or a Lasso of Truth.)
and check you out: you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! congrats! wear them well, as these might just help you spot any lurking Amazonians or invisible jets in the area:
Ha! That’s hilarious. 🙂 She probably would make a great, if not somewhat evil, Amazonian too.
Damn I was close to the top this time. Damn you cartoons and you ability to distract me for long amounts of time!
Oh, and I almost forgot. SKYYYYYYRIIIIIM!!! comes out today! 😀
i have Arkham City, Uncharted 3 and Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One just waiting to be played, Fiji. Skyrim and its 60+ hours will have to wait, sadly. let me know how it is if you pick it up!
It is EPIC!
glad you liked it, Fijiman, thanks. 🙂
and i, too, have been distracted by cartoons many-a-time, so completely understand. good luck at the Shades in the future!
*fangirl squee* I could TOTALLY see Xinda/Linda becoming Wonder Woman! Wonder Woman is my favorite TV show of all time! I wanted to be her since I wore the underoos in the 70’s! Linda Carter was the poo!
So glad they 86’d the movie. It didn;t look impressive and the whole pj jeans thing they had her in…OYE!
And YES Amazonians did cut off thier right breast to help them aim in archery! Who’s bada$$ now?!
Exactly Pixie.
I told jefbot that I was already half way there!
Completely true fact about Amazonians.
Ask jefbot about one of the birthday presents he got me.
You can probably guess what it is, as I’m still looking for it…
which bday present, Xin? oh – and you forgot your pirate sword hanging on my banner at Comikaze. i’ll hold it for you for safekeeping. 🙂
i looooved the Wonder Woman TV show, too, Pixie! Linda Carter had to be one of my earliest crushes. hoping to meet her at a convention one day! *swoon*
and yeah – the less said about that new show, the better. ugh.
You FORGOT the ayayayayayayayayayyehehehehhhh!
is Xena an Amazon?!
Yea, not a lot of job opportunities. Kind of like being an English major, but cooler. 😉
I love the first panel. Xinda looks awesome!
true that! i think out of all the jobs i’ve had since college, working on JEFbot’s the closest i’ve come to getting some use out of my English degree, shanna! heheh. *sob*
I didn’t realize YOU were an English major, Jeff! *snort* Sorry. I was thinking of my brother (who actually has managed to get several English-y jobs).
I LOVE the way my hair loooks! Thank you Jefbot 😉
well now you know what your next look’s gonna be for the next comicon, Xin! (kidding – DO NOT show up as a “real” Amazon.) 😉
Right now the theme from “Charlie’s Angels” is running through my head…imagine all of the botladies including Linda, doing the Angel pose, in all of our uniqueness (Amazon, pirate, evil queen, etc.)…That would be awesome!!!
Advantages to having only one breast :
– People can only tell that you’re half cold
– You could basically get away with wearing an eyepatch instead of a bra
– bras are evil and uncomfortable and never make me look like a perky 20 yr old.
– You can run/jog and only worry about poking one eye out!
– Limit the embarrassing possibilities of a wardrobe malfunction with a nip slip…cut that b*!ch by half!
as always 😀 xoxoxoxo
In the summer, I didn’t notice the cold/headlights thing. But, you know how you use your bra for storage? A couple of weeks ago I had an extra piece of that cubed gum and I put it in my bra & promptly forgot about it until later when I was looking at myself & noticed my “righty” had nipple bulge in an odd place, which, was weird since I don’t have a nipple and I thought OMG! what’s happening to me now? Then I found the cubed gum, please don’t ask me if I ate it…
Dude, I totally would have eaten it…nothing better than body temp gum!! I have no shame.
it was good!
That is freaking AWESOME!!!! I laughed about this for 20 minutes.
didn’t you give me a piece of gum at the movies the other week!?? O_o
yes, and I saved a piece for myself.
HA! hilarious, ESQ! (and awesome – if the opportunity ever comes up to photograph you ladies in the “Angel pose” it HAS to happen!!!) my favorite advantage is the “half cold” one. 😀
I dunno, I fought with a lot of women in combat, and they complained about “things” getting in the way all the time… Maybe the Amazon tradition should make a comeback! Of course this suggestion would also get me lynched, so don’t use my name!
As I’ve been trying to look at the UP side of this situation, I’ve wondered if this will help me with my tennis matches as those “things” do get in the way. 😉
you and Lor should play some racquetball matches just to see who has the advantage, Xin. 🙂
perhaps you’d like a match with my sis, Oz? 😉
I’m thinking more Xena Warrior Princess myself. Although, I think she’d use you for chakram practice JB. I remember seeing a catalogue once, it had her breast dagger in it. That was a weird looking weapon.
Exactly KenderBryant! But, jefbot likes Wonder Women better, he wants all her gadgets. For instance, for my birthday, one of my presents was an “Invisible Plane” I’m still looking for it…. Back to Xena, that’s why I’m called the “Warrior Sista”, I actually had a friend who was my Gabrielle!
Did she do all her own stunts too (Renee O’Connor did her own)? I coulda gone with the lesbian reference, but I don’t want to be hunted down by Xinda, Ninja Assassin.
oh yeah, i totally forgot i gave you that invisible plane for your birthday, Xin! and i see you still haven’t taken it away, yet. if you don’t want it, i guess i’ll just have to sell it back…
Sorry jefbot, Mom mowed it down on the way to the Center.
Plus, how do you forget you gave someone a plane? Where’s my Whale?
there’s a reason she’s called Xinda: Warrior Sister, KB! yep, she totally worships Xena, but as far as i know, Xena still has both breasts, right? but i’m going to have to check out this “breast dagger” – might have to make an appearance in a future strip… 😉
Here you go:
BRILLIANT! I love that setup! Major gold star for todays strip.
I’m still laughing! The color is beautiful too!
arigato, FunnyShaffer!
Funny. The graphix r beautiful!
many thanks, Xenogirl!
Yeah, that’s one of my biggest complaints about being a fighter…the guys seem to just love targeting my boobs. I wear good plate armor over my whole chest, but that still stings! (Moreso since I got my nips pierced…increased sensitivity isn’t always good) So more power to you, Linda! Amazonians are always in fashion. 😀
tell me you’re joking, Tiana! tell me. you’re going to have all the fanboys going crazy on this site (or maybe just me) if they don’t know you’re pulling their legs!!!
No dear, all statements I made are absolutely true. No leg-pulling involved. 😀 Well, now I know where a couple of your levers are! 😉
Just had a shiver-inducing thought; rage-fueled Xinda, highly trained in hand-to-hand combat, in a dark alley…. Great, now I’ll never get any sleep, with that nightmare… 😛 😀
as long as you don’t provoke Xinda or mess with her dogs, you should be fine, Maddgodd81.
Thanks Pixie, I wouldnt get the Joke without you commnet. Still usefull or not cutting breast off for the sake of conviniance… Me not like.
Still, Xinda DOES look badass in this strip.
Matej, hras s nami v utorok abo co je s tebov vlastne? bo minule si neprisiel ani si sa neohlasil ze co.
absolutely, Eddie. 😉
The ultra cryptic language 😀
i did debate whether i should explain the joke in that 3rd panel, Maryz, but more text just killed the humor, so i figured i’d explain it in the notes for the strip. glad you think Xinda’s badass as an Amazon, though!
There may not be any career openings for Amazonians, but there are other opportunities . . .
Making corner shots in pool would be easier — and maybe hiding cards in poker.
And a bank thief could store a lot of C4 in a B-cup . . .
all good suggestions, Sarah W! looks like there are many avenues for Lin/Xin to explore, yet. 🙂
Amazons are badass. They ARE Amazons of course. And Xinda is badass. Totally legit career choice for her.
i agree that Amazons are badass, dj – Xinda just needs to find a way to make money being one. maybe in Vegas at Caesar’s? hmmm…
Heh, that would be cool, all right… Fits in well with her dream of being an assassin. 😉
indeed, Insectoid! she might be a little conspicuous sneaking around in that outfit during one of her missions, though.
Just want to say – Xinda/Linda – you are AWESOME for being willing to share your story and courage during a difficult time.
Jefbot – thanks for shedding light on breast cancer and showing how strong your sister truly is.
This entire arc is excellent. Nice going!
thanks, Angela! agreed: Linda’s extremely brave and awesome for wanting to share her story with others during her fight. we both hopes this helps others who have encountered cancer either directly or indirectly.
Thanks Angela!
But, my little bro is the most AWESOME! I’m not easy to Draw or be around, and he does them both really well.
So am I understanding that Xin/Lin having a boob completely rebuilt? ~blink~ Because it’s filling my head with ideas that are turning images. Epic win images.
i believe it’s mostly rebuilt now, Infamous Nefarious, but she has to wait several months for the finishing touches due to her radiation treatments.
Ahhh because I imagined making her a new boob that was utilitarian as well as ascetically balancing…. Y’know, functional. Not just bouncy.
For example(s)!
1. Make it a pocket or pouch, like one of those rubber bowl deals. Keep change, keys, cellphone, etc in there. Perk: No more purse.
2. Put an I-Home station in there with a speaker. Be the center of the party and take it with her wherever she goes. Perk: Be able to instantly drown out annoying people with her I-Boob.
3. Retractable cupholder like in a dashboard. Perk: Get a long crazy straw and never have to hold the drink with her hands again!
4. Build in offensive capabilities like a machine gun or a laser. Perk: Lasers are awesome. 😀
5. Build in defensive capabilities like knock out gas. Or maybe deploy a concealing vapor barrier. Perk: Give it a honk and disappear into the enshrouding mists to safety.
The possibilities are endless when you throw reality out the window! 😀
Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys too.
Infamous Nefarious.
1. That’s how a bra works, bro!
2. Gr8 idea! I want an I-BooB.
3. This was when I realized that you’re a dude.
4. The only reason I watched “the spy who shagged me” movies.
5. I already have defensive gas capabilities…
A. You krazy!
B. I like the way your mind works.
Thanks for your ideas and support. 🙂
I’m like psoriasis, only more colorful.
For some reason I can see Xinda as an amazon. I’m not saying it’s a good idea though seeing as she could theoretically conquer the civilized world by herself…
ha! yes, i believe she could, Jiro Maeda. if she starts horseback riding or bow and arrow lessons, we might all be in trouble.
She’s doing better I hope?
I do not think it’s a good idea to leave Xinda handle sharp sticks… for those who are around him, of course.
Wait. So you’re saying that Amazonians have ONE breast?
Wonder Woman, maybe not. Wounder Woman, oh Hell yeah.
I only understood this joke because I read Y The Last Man a few years back.
I think the breast was removed because it got in the way of their bow strings…cant really remember but I think that was it.
Great job on the story line and strips.