Now, some may construe a deeper meaning in today’s strip – that perhaps it’s saying that videogames turn off your brain and are therefore bad. But, no, there’s no deeper meaning. Just as they worked out for jefbot in the strip, sometimes videogames really do help to turn off random, repetitive thoughts and stressful thinking. Sometimes, this doesn’t work out so well, as during the times when I couldn’t turn off fitting mental block-shapes into mental block-spaces after a few marathon Tetris sessions. But for the most part, I find videogames a form of meditation in a way, and now that I don’t have as much time for them, I’ve found my stress (and insanity) levels to have gone way up.
Woo! Got today’s strip up on time! Just sayin’.
See I’m up because I work nights.
that definitely gives you an edge on getting the top spot, Fig. and check you out: this is your second time in that spot within the past couple of weeks! as you know, your quick response entitles you to the Shades of Firsting! wear them well: they’ll help in hiding the “crazy” within you:
Videogames is a great stress-relief…. I WANT MASS EFFECT 3 NOW (howling to the moon)
i hear the demo’s out for ME3, CE, but i’m gonna try holding out until the full-release of the game!
Yes, I tend to use video games to reduce stress and take out frustrations. It is surprisingly therapeutic.
surprisingly so, Destructur25!
We used to come back from long missions in the desert and play video games in the moral tent to de-stress. Duke Nukem on ‘God mode’ was awesome for that.
i always hear about videogames being sent to the armed forces, Oz. glad to know you got some use out of the initiative!
Right now nothing is better, after a long day of work, than trying to find all the Riddler Trophies in Batman, Arkim City. Sadly, I finished that task, and all the other side missions, the other night and I don’t have any new games to go back too so, I need to visit the Game Stop this weekend to see what they have.
was finding all the Riddler trophies in Arkham City easier than in Arkham Asylum, TPC? there were a few that i just could not figure out how to get in the original game, and gave up before checking out a faq/walkthrough. you just reminded me i need to finish Arkham City, though!
Just like the first game same are easier to get to some han others. When I had a hard time (I’m talking spending 10 to 20 minutes trying to figure it out) I went to the web to see how to get them, I have no shame in admitting that!
I got all but one from the first game, I just couldn’t find a way to get to it even after looking it up on line.
yes: no shame, TPC! while i try not to look up hints or answers for the main parts of a game – like major puzzles or boss fights – i have no qualms about looking at faqs/walkthroughs for little things for achievement hunting, like the Riddler trophies.
Video games are a great stress relief. Area 51 is my go-to cure-all.
Geometry Wars 2 used to be my go-to cure-all, Sarah W. lately, i’ve been playing a little Skyward Sword and Pokemon: B&W when i get a chance.
I’m not coordinated enough for controllers (Here’s a borrowed example), but give me a red plastic gun, and I’m golden.
Go figure.
heheh. well i’m happy you’re good with a gun, Sarah W! and not that i’m recommending you buy it, but have you tried the hands-free Kinect for the XBOX 360? it’s kinda gimmicky, but for a few games (most notably Dance Central) it’s pretty cool.
Good Morning Botiverse!
HAHAHA The first panel of this strip? This is how the inside of my brain looks a lot of the time. Especially when I am trying to sleep. My brain won’t shut up!
And people who say video games are “bad” have obviously never played one. They are no more violent then the cartoons of the 20’s and 30’s just much more graphic. And if you don;t want your kid playing those games, don’t buy them for him/her/it. If your kid finds other ways to play them, well then maybe you should monitor your kid closer. Not my Problem. I am an adult with my own money and I will buy whatever the hell type of games i want! *pant pant!* Oh…what? Where am I? *hops off the soapbox* Oh dear, Have I been venting again.
Ummm, cookies of DOOM, sparklie things, ponies!!! Everyone have a fantaburiffic weekend!
yo, Pix! g’morning!
glad (and sympathetic!) that we share some of those same brain-tentacles, Pixie! they certainly get in the way when one’s trying to sleep. ugh.
and you’re right about videogame violence: study after study has shown that most videogames (even the violent ones) aren’t “bad” for kids. they, in fact, help develop reasoning and deductive skills and can alleviate stress. that said, parents should definitely monitor their kids and should moderate “video game time” but some of these groups that want to ban videogames for contributing nothing beneficial and being “bad” and “evil” need to educate themselves.
mmMMmm… cookies of DOOM.
We all need some activity that lets us go sort of brainless and meditative, or that shuts of one portion of our brain and lets us concentrate mentally on other things. For me that is playing with fiber – knitting, crocheting, spinning. I admit that I am kind of selfish about it and make more time to do it than I should at the expense of things like cleaning the house, etc.
crocheting is a stress-reliever that you and my sister Xinda/Linda both enjoy, shanna! let me know when one of your creations become sentient… 🙂
I love video games. I especially love my Xbox. So many games to play, so many different people to meet. Maybe you should try finding more time to play video games Jeff, it might help a lot.
i agree, Fijiman – i definitely need to find more time to play videogames. (i have a huge stack of unopened videogames staring judgmentally at me from my shelves.) JEFbot, however, takes up most of the time i’d be spending playing those games. not that i’m complaining. in some ways, writing and drawing are just as therapeutic as a few rounds of kicking and punching pixels in Street Fighter IV!
I’m a rabid gamer myself. Since we’re on the subject of favorite video games, mine happen to be Smash TV, Gauntlet 2 and Ladybug.
ha! Ladybug, Rainey!? have you seen the JEFbot mentioning that game? your vintage taste in videogames makes me happy.
not sure what my all-time fave games are off the top of my head, but Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros. series, X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter, Star Castle, R-Type, Pokemon series, Final Fantasy series, Space Invaders, Zelda series, Metal Gear series, and the Kingdom Hearts series would be among them.
I just received the last 3 strips in my email this morning! WHY? ;0
i’ve been a little late getting those mailings out, xinvincible, so i decided to package a bunch all at once.
I’ve had this sort of problem since I started working from home a couple of months ago, the randomness in my head seems to explode due to the lack of physical social interaction on a daily basis but I do manage it saturating my brain with tv shows, movies and video games 🙂
yep, tv shows and movies will do the “brain distraction” trick also, F_F! comic books and books are good, too. 🙂
Books are overkill for me man! I go into total shutdown once I get into a book and can end up losing too many hours reading unless someone distracts me! lol
i know what you mean, F_F! whole summers flew by when i was a kid, with my head buried in some science fiction and/or fantasy books!
Hilarious! I LOVE “standby” mode.
“shutdown” mode’s good, too, FunnyShaffer. 🙂
Ah, the sweet nectar that is video games. Love standby mode. Best. Mode. EVER!!!
indeed, TCG! i’m thinking of pulling out my 3DS and going into standby mode with Super Mario World 3D RIGHT NOW. (unfortunately, i’m at work, so this might not be a great idea at the moment.)
I just built a ridiculously awesome PC. I’ve created a whole new sleep mode. Add the fact that it’s attached to my recently acquired LCD TV, I could spend hours playing on this awesomeness. 😀
awesome, i need to do the same thing, TCG – i’d love to be playing PC Skyrim or the KOTOR MMO! but i barely have enough time to play w/ my consoles or handhelds, and really don’t need another distraction right now. 😛
Those are some great looking tentacles.
why, thank you, MJM! i’m delighted you think so. 🙂
THE VIDEO GAMES TO THE RESCUE! The tentacles are pretty cool!
i can’t tell you how many times in my life that videogames have come to the rescue, DAS! and i’m happy you like the tentacles. 🙂
My PS3 is still down, sad faces…and I’m starting to crave the time spent rolling around fantasy lands, to take me away from the normal life. Especially since I’m in a directing class where I was almost forced to take an actress I can’t stand. (Dodged that bullet, thank God)
Since my system is down, I play silly internet games when I need to not work on school and stuff.
sorry to hear your PS3’s still down, T, but glad to hear that you dodged the bullet in directing class! but, yes – you need to get back to rolling around those fantasy lands, so get your console fixed asap. 🙂
Possible? I think Jeffbot passed “possible” already. The standby mode does always help though.
If you excuse me I’ll be putting my brain into standby mode with Okamiden.
yeah, “possible” was quite an understatement, even for jefbot, GardeBlaze!
btw, how’s Okamiden? i’ve been thinking of picking that up (not that i have time to play), but have read mixed reviews.
It’s a good game so far, makes excellent use of the drawing and partner mechanics in inventive ways and has a great storyline so far. It does have a fault in one part of the story though, but other than that it’s worth the money.
I do suggest playing Okami first though if you haven’t played it already. The game does a pretty good job of explaining the events from the first game, but some things might not make that much sense.
thanks for the rundown, GB. i’ve played some Okami but never finished it. might have to dig it out after i finish Zelda.
why do i get the feeling the first panel is based off of something, or based off of five somethings… so far im seeing star wars, 20,000 leagues under the sea, maybe invasion of the body snatchers?
either way, weird…
heh. yeah, was meant to be generally “weird,” steve. throw some Akira influence in there, too. 🙂
After a looooong day of digital painting and/or image researching, there is this magical shiny black box that says Playstation 3 on it in the other room. I use it to shut my brain off for a while because if I don’t, I paint in my sleep!
P.S. Sorry to hear about your PS3 Tiana. 🙁
P.S.S The tentacles remind me of The Sandman series. Awesome!
Thanks, skekTek…it’s a major bummer, especially since I don’t have the money to fix it yet. Maybe when my tax refund (finally) comes in, I can spare the cash to send it back to Sony (or buy a new-ish reverse compatible PS3, since I like the PS2 games too).
i hope you get the funds, T!
i hear ya, skekTek – videogames totally help in wiping your mind clean of some of the stuff you’ve been beating into your brain all day. (although painting in your sleep sounds nice!)
P.S. yes, very sad.
P.S.S. there could be some Sandman influence, skekTek; i loved that comic! 😀
This is something I would do. Seeing as I have like 5 systems at the moment, that could be one of many buttons
AND I am totally pwning your butt on trophies right now bot. I just hit the 500 mark
it’s nice to have many buttons to pick from, dj! now i gotta decide whether i’m gonna get a Vita or not…
Oh this is definitely you Jeff. I like how you did the remote in the second panel, I wouldn’t have thought Bot’s mind was so out of it that his precious remote could change on him. (;
it’s actually a game controller, Nat! but yes, on some subconscious level, bot still knew where that “Emergency Button” was, and how to use it!
That was it! Game controller was missing in my brain files at the time. Ugh D:
From the deep edge to an even deeper crevice oh boy JB I think we need to call on the aid of the Cornfather again
very true, Jiro Maeda! now that bot’s escaped his mental shackles, will he be able to escape the ones created by his XBOX? 🙂
So next his Xbox dies.
We see? The red ring of death.
Jefbot sees? The Eye of Sauron, glaring him down with firey wrath.
bite your tongue, Infamous Nefarious! if my current XBOX “rings out” again (as documented here), this will have been my 4th or 5th RROD!
And one does not simply funny-walk into Best Buy.
Ah, The Father anchors you to reality. We all need an anchor sometimes. And sometimes, a total jerk will give us one, just to watch us drown. People can suck sometimes.
very true, KB. sometimes you need to learn how to break the chain of that anchor – maybe jefbot will learn, soon. or maybe he’ll go insane/drown.
Playing is healthy. Every Child therapist tells you that. The fact that as adults we forget this truth is simply sad. All we need to do is either find new ways to play called hobby. Or stick with games of our yuth, whatever works.
well said, Maryz! i think once you forget how to play, the insanity really begins.
maybe we could play some ME3 MP? Or I still haven’t finished GoW3… just saying.
would love to play some ME3 MP, 11TN! i’m sure it’ll be a puzzle to figure out when where we’re both good for some play time, but let’s figure it out. i haven’t even started GoW3, btw. 🙁
Stress release! Level…
I don’t know what to call this level of stress… Can we call it Level: Tentacle, since I see a bunch of tentacles in this one?
sure! “Level: Tentacle” works, Rinthia! i shudder to think what’s beyond that level, though. 🙂
That’s one way to stop the insanity…and I think I know what will end it…cel maybe? Well, as River Song says, spoilers…
could be, GG! but if bot saw cel at this point, he’d probably assume she was just a hallucination. 🙂
I’m very impressed by your responses to everyones entries. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a webcomic author reply to everyones comments
thanks for noticing, ComicLover! while i can’t respond to every comment, i do love to interact with my readers, so try and write back to as many as i can. 🙂
OH MY GOD I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULDN’T TURN OFF TETRIS-MODE Haha I had a really bad case of that a year or two ago; I remember I was watching a movie and I couldn’t stop imagining how Tetris blocks would fit around the shapes made by the credits.
ha! yep, this happens to me all the time, FatHobbit! i haven’t played Tetris obsessively in years, but still can’t help but fit blocks into empty spaces sometimes. at least i don’t see phantom blocks when i close my eyes anymore… 🙂
Isn’t there suppose to be a strip today?
it went up late, Xin, but it’s up now! check it, here.
I think Jefbot might have pressed the standby mode for too long!
you may be right, F_F – especially since his mind’s still a bit lost in the next strip. 🙂
But, of course. I can’t say I can’t relate because I’m playing Scramble with Friends to a ridiculous degree, playing out my tokens to earn full tokenage by the time I wake up. My friend Steph has to physically take Diamond Mine outta my hands for me to stop. But, that’s totally different than this “ahh” sensation. Maybe I’ll work up to that point.
you gotta be careful with media, that tunnel vision can trap u bad 😮