I’m very excited about Prometheus, the uh, non-prequel to Alien (one of my favorite films) coming out this summer. So excited, in fact, that I’m thinking about putting a ban on all Prometheus-related promotional materials henceforth; I’m afraid I’ve seen too much already. So it both intrigues and frustrates me that director Ridley Scott has proclaimed the film, “not a prequel,” and that the movie only “shares DNA” with Alien. Now, it’s been well documented just how many similarities the two films share – much more than I’ve listed in today’s JEFbot – including that *spoilers* one of the characters is an android (just as in Alien), there’s a link to the Weyland Corp., the trailer mimics the title reveal, sound cues and cuts from Alien, etc. Now, word is that the planet is not, in fact, LV426 and the spaceship in the trailer might not be the derelict ship we’re so familiar with. But they’re definitely the same make and model. And the alien “pilot” is at least of the same alien species as our Space Jockey. *end spoilers* Actually, all this stuff only serves to amp my excitement for the movie, and I’m extremely intrigued about what Ridley Scott has up his sleeve. If, in fact, this isn’t a prequel to Alien, I’ll be shocked and possibly delighted. Guess I’ll have to wait and see this summer.
Sorry this strip wasn’t posted yesterday! Still absolutely swamped at work which is cutting into my JEFbot-makin’ time. As always, will try to get the next strip posted on schedule.
I’ve been confused by the sequel status of this as well – and I side with The Cornfather on this one, despite Bot’s blind devotion to his idols.
it’s funny that Ridley Scott is so averse to the “prequel” label for Prometheus, Brad. maybe the Star Wars prequels have sullied the term forever? (that’s my theory, anyway.)
and check you out – you got the first comment so you get the Shades of Firsting! congrats! and do not question why you must wear these well:
Bot and Corn put the antics is semantics.
well said, E. A. Setser. ’tis true.
The end of Prometheus might have little beyond a common narrative universe to do with the beginning of Alien. Chronologically, it’s a prequel, but this story may well be about a different crew on a different ship with the same species of alien except possibly on a different planet. In that case, very little about Prometheus would inform the events of Alien, and we wouldn’t go back to Alien wondering “Well, why didn’t they know _____?” after watching Prometheus.
some of the biggest questions from Alien are, who is the Space Jockey? where did he come from? why was he carrying around the xenomorph eggs in his ship? if Prometheus touches on these questions, then it’s gotta be considered a prequel, even beyond just the shared universe angle. or not. whatever Ridley Scott’s up to, he’s got my ticket.
maby the ships are basically a giant biological weapon from a distant war. and the space jockey basically a zero pilot. so its a different ship but would look similar.
Hellllooooooo BOTiverse!
I haven;t heard anything about this Alien-esque movie? Perhaps I should IMDB it?
Although, I am hearing some pretty disturbing stuff about the new Ninja Turtles movie.
I won’t see another Ninja Turtles movies until I’m sure Villain Ice is in it.
ha! now that might get me to check it out, TPC.
hola, Pixie! yep, it’s titled Prometheus and in every way, shape and form, this is looking like a prequel to Alien but they just don’t want to call it that. weird, but intriguing! if you like Alien, then you should definitely look into it. here’s the apple trailer link.
and, yeah. i’m hearing disturbing news about the new Ninja Turtles. specifically, that Michael Bay is mucking with it, but we’ll see.
Yeah, I don’t get how it’s not a prequel either. I want to see it, it looks great, but it’s a prequel, let’s not even kid ourselves.
seriously. i mean, i get my Ridley doesn’t want to call it a “prequel” cuz he doesn’t want it to be put in that context, but yeah, it’s a prequel. 🙂
? Not the biggest Alien fan, certainly not after last Alien vs Predator attempts where they mature in ridiculous speed and queens can obviously lay eggs by kissing…
Ok, Im gonna stop now. Still not really expecting much from the franchise now.
i don’t blame you for losing faith after the AvP travesties, Maryz. heck, i really don’t even consider any sequels to Alien canon (even though i love Aliens, i pretty much consider it its own thing.) but this one’s by Ridley, the guy who gave us Alien, and the trailer looks great, so my expectations are huge. actually, i gotta keep those expectations in check so they don’t get out of control…
nope. too late.
Prequel… self contained movie… either way, it looks amazing. Can’t wait.
yeah, either way, i think we’re gonna get an amazing flick, Saeed! good way to look at it.
So many good movies look good this summer…Brave, Batman, Men in Black 3, Amazing Spiderman…and it (in my mind) all starts off with The Avengers on Friday! I’m quite excited!
i know! it’s an embarrassment of riches this summer, GG. and i’m totally pumped for The Avengers! that’s another one i’ve tried keeping away from recently so i can approach the movie without knowing too much. i might need to make a blog post about it so we can all compare notes on it this weekend. 😀
I’ve never heard of Alien, I’m guessing its worth watching then? I understand Bot’s pain. I was talking about the new Dark Knight movie and my friend she said she wants to see how Robin comes into the picture, I personally have had enough of him. I ended up drawing Scrawn and Chubman oh photoshop and wanted to share my pride and joy.
I think these little guys came out cute. (‘:
yes! it’s totally worth watching, Natalie! go watch it now!
and i love your renditions of Chubman & Scrawn! definitely cute – they’d make great BOTtons. 😀
I’m pretty excited for Prometheus. The Alien and Predator movies are the few horror movies I enjoy. I’d also recomend the the Alien and Predator books(two seperate series).
Prometheus could possibly be the movie i’m most excited for this summer, 52pickup, which is saying something since there’s so much geeky goodness coming out over the next several months. the only Alien/Predator books i’ve read are the Dark Horse comics. some of those were pretty good.
I liked the Alien movies, but I’m not sure Prometheus is babysitter-worthy.
Avengers on the other hand? Already booked.
The wife and I are gonna ask our roommates to babysit our kid so we can go see Avengers over Memorial Day weekend for our anniversary. What can I say? I’m a romantic nerd.
awwww. romantic nerds are the best kind of geek, E. A.!
Hey, our anniversary . . . is that weekend, too. Whoops.
Holy cow, thanks for the reminder, E. A. — you’d think it would be easier to remember getting married on Memorial Day . . .
woo! yes, Avengers tickets have been bought for saturday and i can barely wait, Sarah W! my anticipation grows as we get closer to the date!!! expect an Avengers-related JEFbot this friday. 🙂
I don’t understand! My internet failed on me or something? I didn’t see this post on my live bookmark, I even visited the website. Hmph… Are there Shades for Trying?
I don’t have the right to say anything about this movie at all. The only Aliens thing I’ve seen was AVP. It’s not exactly my thing, but it’s cool.
hmmm. not sure why the strip didn’t appear on your bookmark, ShadowShuffler. sounds like a conspiracy to keep you from the Shades! hmmm…
and you should skip AvP and watch the original Alien and (time permitting) Aliens. the others i just consider fanfic at best.
One of the guys I work with was stoked about this. Looks interesting.
i’m soOOOooo stoked for this one, dj! i just hope it lives up to the hype, whether it’s a prequel or not.
So… it’s a sequel yet it’s not? What is it then… an alt universe side story?
heheh. i’d love for the studio and director to classify it as that during the press tours, Jiro Maeda – “it’s not a prequel, per se, more an alt universe side story.” 🙂
I just watched the Avengers (2 days early, bring on the hate) and the #3 prometheus trailer was on it. I’ll leave it at this:
I also so the Avengers last night. I was very happy with how it went.
I also saw the new Promethius trailer. I kinda wished I hadn’t, though, because I think the dropped a spoiler on us.
see, this is why i’m putting a hold on seeking any new Prometheus info – though i don’t think i can turn away from seeing the trailer with Avengers – i’m afraid i’m either going to get a) overhyped or b) spoiled with too many reveals, McClaud!
you must be punished for seeing The Avengers early, Maesonic. my tickets are for Saturday – an eternity! especially with your “Oh. MAH. GAWD” for the Prometheus trailer! arrrrghhh!!!
Agree jefbot sometimes ya gotta let logic take a backseat and let the masterminds of the art and entertainment ind. do their thang
you speak truth, MrSnow. even if it’s truly not a “prequel,” do i really want to know that? or would i rather just enjoy not knowing and then be surprised if it actually isn’t one? a geek’s conundrum!
Haha. Well, except for the fact that I am completely inept when it comes to movies and have no idea what this is, it does indeed sound like a prequel to Alien.
in a way i’m jealous of your “ineptness,” Destructur25 – that means you get to experience all this year’s geeky summer movies (Prometheus, The Avengers, Dark Knight Rises, Amazing Spider-Man, etc.) completely fresh!
My impression – after watching Mr. Scott talk about the movie – is that it’s not a prequel, because it seems to be an alternative universe to Aliens. Like it’s a reboot essentially without really rebooting the whole story.
He’s confusing to say the least. I’m just interested in seeing it because Ridley Scott said this is the movie he wanted to make with the technology he wished he had when he made Alien. And that’s good enough for me.
eek! “reboot” seems to be an even more taboo word than “prequel” in hollywood these days, McClaud! if it is in an alt universe, i guess that could sidestep the prequel label. whatever it is, i’m hoping it’s brilliant!
Now I’m uncertain. The promos for Prometheus looked awesome as hell, but I’ve never seen the Alien series. Those started coming out when I was still watching Sesame Street and Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, and they looked SCARY AS HELL! I might check ’em out now that I’m older, so long as they aren’t too gory. I’m not a fan of gore.
the first Alien is totally scary and awesome, KB. the second one’s more of an action movie with some scares thrown in (and awesome in its own way). the rest of ’em – especially the AvP series – are better left unwatched.
Just got back from AVENGERS! OMG! SQUEEEEE! *dies*
What if Prometheus answers those questions in a way that the audience knows but the characters in Alien still wouldn’t know? In that case, it technically is and technically isn’t a prequel. It would supplement the plot aspect of Alien without affecting the character aspect.
well, i guess it just comes down to semantics, E. A., and i think that’s what Ridley’s skirting around. i’d expect the crew of the Nostromo in the original wouldn’t know anything of the events of Prometheus, especially since they’re just a crew of miners that get diverted from their journey back to Earth. but, even if the final shot of the new movie is the Space Jockey (or the new human crew) turning on the “warning” signal the Nostromo crew picks up – and that’s the only thing that ties one film to the other – i’d still classify that as a prequel.
Fuuu so my previous comment needs to wait moderation. Jeff, WHY? )’:
ooh, thanks for letting me know, Nat. comment approved. the system does that sometimes when people put links into their messages. it’s basically protecting the site from spam.
Chubman & Scrawn FTW! 😀
Collage tends to be the wonderful time where you have very little money to burn, and a lot of time contemplating about different brands of low price bagels. Afraid I am going to have to sit this movie out.
Never, ever question the director. Even if the twit is Michael Bay who can take childhood memories and contort them to his will and yet still make millions…..
Oh sorry, I went off there didn’t I.
It’s not a prequel…and these aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
Ridley Scott is one of my favorites!
Hilarious! I can’t wait to see it.
LOL! Love the last panel!