You just know bot had an entire list of conspiracy theories as to why his pet hamster had disappeared on that fateful night, with “abducted by aliens” sitting at the very top. His paranoia will know no bounds if this is indeed true.
Second week of the new Mon-Wed-Fri schedule = done. Hope you’re enjoying the accelerated schedule and the latest storyline! See you Monday.
Plot thickens!
it does indeed, Peg!
and guess what? you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! wear them well – these are alien-abduction proof! just wear them to bed and you won’t have to worry about being taken by any non-terrestrials:
Good grief. Second for the fourth time. =P
And in general, when things go missing, I usually suspect mini-black holes that appear…aliens are more of a backup theory.
mini-black holes are good explanations too, Shift! i blame them for all my missing socks.
and what the heck? how is it possible!? Four secondings in a row!? here’s another pair of the Inviso-Shades just because:
Oh dear, sounds like there’s going to be some epic battles in the future. I can’t wait to see what happens next. Also, I’m digging the larger format. Looks good!
there will definitely be some future battles of epicness, emikae! and i’m happy you like the larger format – i do too! being able to change the format when needed is just one of the many reasons i love webcomics as a medium. 🙂
Pondering Musashi looks cute. Must get on shirt. Get on it JB
i’d LOVE to make a Mu shirt, Jf#300! i’ll have to gauge interest beyond just you and me, tho. maybe i’ll make a poll or somethin’.
Oh mu god yes. The second panel is adorable :).
How can Jefbot be/look all calm about this? I would run run and never return :/
i think Mu’s adorableness is overriding bot’s instinct to run.
Happy Birthday Jeff!
thanks, DAS! a happy one was had! 😀
Musashi has more human expression than Bot. I LOVE it!
HA! you’re right, Maryz! i think bot’s brain might’ve imploded with all the drama going on.
Not natural or wanted modifications, then . . .
Don’t you love it when Evil makes deadly weapons out of beings that will hate them for it? Seriously, is the power trip really worth the risk?
I WANT TO FIND OUT, Sarah W! muahaHA! 😉
and there’s a reason why the first creature is carrying out “Evil’s” plan, while Mu still has free will. we’ll find out the particulars soon!
Now, in any other story it would be the memory of bot’s love for Musashi that kept him from getting brainwashed, but… this is JEFbot. It was probably something he ate. Or maybe the memory of the other gerbil. Or were they hamsters…?
heheh. you know this strip too well, Jason – love wasn’t the reason for Mu’s free will. and, yep – they’re hamsters.
Pay…but they made you Musawesome!! I mean, did Wolverine hate the people that made him extra awesome? okay, bad example…The Hulk didn’t get upset about being made awesome…I’m just saying, there’s a bigger picture to look at here. 😉
I’m thinking I might wanna pick up this printout, whenever that happens.
ha! creations always want to destroy creators, theBean. it’s just the way of things. 🙂
and: like a print of this strip? or like the book when it’s collected?
“If this is indeed true” Hmm, that makes me think that maybe there weren’t really aliens involved after all! Now I’m picturing some underground lab like in Buffy the Vampire Slayer during the horrible season when she was with Riley. 😛 Perhaps it is a secret government lab that turns hamsters and other small creatures into weapons.
I like the new Robo-Mu. He seems like he is going to be an awesome character!
there might be aliens, Shanna! but Mu didn’t really say; bot kinda just leapt to that conclusion. it could still be true, though.
and, OH GODS! i haven’t thought about the Riley season of Buffy in ages! must beat it back into my brain’s recesses!
as for “Robo-Mu” – we’ll be finding out about his origins soon!
i’ll call your “Wooooooooooo!” Dj, and raise you a “Hooooooooooo!”
Hmm… I wonder… Do the aliens that experimented on Musashi look something like this?
heheh. if they do, JGT, it’s cuz i’m still slow-playing Mass Effect 3!!!
Hm…Can we expect some crazy alien fights?
yep, crazy fights are in the mix for this storyline, GG11!
Hee hee, Mu’s totally pulling a Gandalf.
“Gandalf? Yes… That’s what they used to call me. Gandalf the Grey. That was my name…”
ha! he totally is, Foxmouse. or a Kenobi: “Obi wan? Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.”
Hee hee, sorry for all the silly comments. I really am enjoying this new story arch. It’s nice to see your improvements as an artist and story teller since my absence.
glad you’re liking the story, Foxmouse, and thanks for the kind words about the writing and art! hopefully, i’ll never stop improving. that’s the plan, anyway.
and keep the silly comments comin’ – i love ’em. 🙂
What’chu talkin’ bout Musashi?!
bot totally needs a catchphrase, 52Pickup. especially with Mu in this storyline. 😉
I have a feeling if Musashi said “I was taken by a pack of rabid Care Bears” Jeff still would have said “I knew it!”
SO true, TPC!
Looks like Bot and Mega Mu are going to be going on a little trip. Bot better grab another weapon before he leaves though, I imagine that he’ll need it at some point.
yep! looks like a trip’s in order, Fijiman. and bot definitely needs another weapon – he’s not so good with the hand-to-hand combat, methinks, and there are dangers lurking about.
I imagine something along the lines of a golf club would do. Though I doubt Bot has a set of clubs lying around to use so he should probably grab a shovel or ice scrapper.
Actually, we’ve already seen that Jefbot can throw things accurately so I’m thinking he’d do well to get a cache of throwing knives, stars, sharp metal cards or even baseballs or hockey pucks. Grenades would be useful, too but very difficult to procure. Maybe Jefbot can get some of his sisters’ hairspray and a cigarette lighter.
He could use throwing weapons, but you have to then go and retrieve those which is not very practical in the middle of a fight. Hairspray and a lighter could be useful, but shouldn’t be used as a main weapon.
we should be seeing what bot has available as far as weaponry goes within the next few strips.
Well, at least he’s friendly towards Jefbot. Last thing we need is for a weaponless Bot to have to fight his old friend.
true dat, GB. not to mention bot would probably lose pretty handily vs. Mu right now.
Cornfather will probably wonder why Jefbot hasn’t returned in a timely manner.
unfortunately, the Cornfather already went home (see JEFBOT.502_Sigh-chology) so it’s gonna be a while ’til someone starts missing bot!
Mu is so cute in the second panel! <3
And I love Bot's jacket now that I have a closer look. Hurry up and show us Yuki Jeff! I don't have all year!! D:
heheh. Miyuki looks the same as ever, Natalie! as far as we know, Yuki’s still just hangin’ back at bot’s apartment in a cage.
and glad you’re likin’ Mu and bot’s new looks! 😀
I am indeed enjoying the MWF schedule. even if its just for this epicness (which would be understandable) it’s still be totally awesome. you sir, rock.
no, Alondite – YOU rock, for sayin’ that! glad you’re enjoying the new schedule and story! 😀
w00t, I’ve been waiting for you to follow up this storyline!
w00t, indeed, Oz! it’s been a long time comin’!
Just testing the new Gravatar…
I like your Gravatar sir.
i concur with Natalie, blackjacket42 – it’s cool. and makes me want to get back to playin’ Mass Effect 3.
Aliens will try to abduct you!!!! but, soon a hero will blast them and start a revolution!!! lol!!!! great comic!!!!!