Musashi and jefbot actually made it out of the apartment in one piece! (Even if the interior of the place wasn’t so lucky.) In any event, with Mu all geared up and bot on his way to get Yuki, it looks like our heroes might just have an adventure ahead of them, yet!
And not to be a downer or anything, but if you’re in the United States and haven’t filed your taxes yet, they’re due today so don’t forget (believe me, I’ve tried.) See you Wednesday!
Why the hell is he trying to save his crap at this point?
whatever small part of bot’s rational mind that’s still working is telling him he needs to cover up his tracks in addition to his geeky mind telling him he needs to protect his accumulated horde, blackjacket42!
and check you out – you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! wear them well: these make you look inconspicuous at night when you’re trying to smuggle stuff around your neighborhood:
Holy crap… I’m first!
yup! you got it within two minutes of it going up, bj42!
Damn. I got lucky.
Refresh, refresh, refresh, watch youtube, come back and lose first. :@
And a hat on a hamster? Love it!
heh. those YouTube videos are good at distraction, TCG. that stuff always used to happen when i would be anxiously waiting on an eBay bid to end, and then i’d be watching a cat video that ran too long and lose the auction. 😛
hat on a hamster! glad you heart it, man!
I love hats. My room is full of them. They upgrade you from kinda cool to completely awesome instantly! Do you wear hats Jef? I usually have to buy them large cause I have a fat head. xD
i love hats too, Foxmouse, but i can’t wear ’em – they never fit me right and they always look lame on me. they also sometimes give me headaches, so there’s that. i guess i just wasn’t meant to wear ’em. (i can wear knit caps, though, which i do on occasion, especially when i’m trying to tame my wild hair.)
Aw, that’s unlucky about the headache thing. But! On that “looking lame on you” thing, you’re just looking at yourself from an outside point of view. If you don’t care what other people think you can totally rock that hat with confidence. If you like the hat and wear it, it will always look cool on you, because that’s all that matters. <3
/inspirational speech
thanks for the inspirational speech, Foxmouse! i’ll have to remember to read it again the next time i attempt to wear a hat. 😀
That hat!
Master K’Kruhk from Star Wars and Raiden form Mortal Combat come to mind.
yes! both cool, Maryz. in my head, i was thinking Big Trouble in Little China. 🙂
And let’s not forget Sokaku from the Fatal Fury universe and Caffeine Nicotine from the Samurai Showdown universe. Also, you spelled “Kombat” wrong. Or did you spell it right? Depends how you look at it, I suppose.
man, i used to love Samurai Shodown a ton when i was in school, Rainey!
Speaking of hats–I sortof collect hats. At least, I say I do to explain why I have so many of them. =P Anyway, I love the ninja vibe Musashi’s got going. =D
what kind of hats, Shift? trucker hats? baseball caps? fezzes? fedoras?
and i’m happy you’re diggin’ Mu’s vibe. 🙂
Sugee! Awesomeness overload ibthe last two panels! *_*
i’m happy you liked ’em, DAS – it was originally just gonna be one panel of him with the hat on, but it just felt like it needed that extra beat in there to amp up the badassitude.
And thus a true adventure arc begins!
Wasn’t Musashi the name of a samurai? Fitting.
yes! he’s one of Japan’s most famous swordsmen, GeekGirl! hopefully Mu can live up to his namesake.
Hats could be useful in combat depending on what they’re made of. To give you an idea how this works, allow me to draw your attention to Oddjob from “Goldfinger” and John Steed from “The Avengers”. (I’m referencing the spy movie not the superhero movie.)
heh. indeed, Rainey. would be helpful if bot’s hat (well, now Mu’s hat) had a razor edge or was made out of something metal but unfortunately, it’s made of bamboo and not very deadly. could be used as a distraction, though!
Ohh, he’s got a cool hat now, watch out world!
yep, with that hat on he’s twice as deadly, TPC! 😉
Can I just say I love his forearms.
i love ’em, too, MC. nothing is as intimating as big forearms.
Me thinks it’s time to don the cape!
Oh, sorry. That should be don the scarf…
Seriously, that would be epic !
if only it had stayed around, Graypatch, bot might be more useful in a fight! but, agreed – that would be epic.
Mu’s badassery level has just gone up two notches. And that’s actually fairly clever, removing his stuff from the scene. Besides, Bot had just gotten off the phone with Cornfather when the thing attacked so he has that excuse.
good memory, Fijiman – and because of that phone call, jefbot would’ve had to explain why he was in the apartment but left his stuff there before the break-in.
I imagine that Mu’s bucktooth is sticking out of a feint smile in the second to last panel, because he knows exactly how awesome he looks.
heh. even hamsters have to stop and admire their own awesomeness it seems, Soul Man.
Even mutant samurai hamsters, apparently 😉
especially mutant samurai hamsters, SM!
You mentioned Big Trouble in Little China way up there, and I couldn’t help thinking that this Jack quote sort of fits ‘bot’s current situation (or maybe all of ’em):
“I’m a reasonable guy. But, I’ve just experienced some very unreasonable things.”
ha! if only bot had Jack Burton’s confidence and tendency to talk in 3rd person about himself, he might be less freaked out by what’s going on, Sarah W!
I love my strange hats: Cheshire Cat, bomber helmet with a earflaps, my fuzzy wolf one. They’re fun and keep your head warm
nice, Dj! i wish i could pull off the wearing of hats but they rarely look decent on me. i want to wear a fuzzy wolf hat! a bomber helmet sounds fun, too. 🙁
Ever since this arc started, I was trying to find JUST the right voice for Mu. I was trying everything from Keith David to Laurence Fishburn.
With today’s update, it finally clicked: Mu’s voice is Peter “Optimus Prime” Cullen.
oooh, Peter Cullen’s a good fit, JOE. although i’m intrigued by Laurence Fishburne, too. actually, all your choices are good picks. 🙂
Actually; my headcanon voice for Musashi is Kevin Micheal Richardson, the voice of Panthro in the Thundercats 2011 series.
now i’m gonna have to google that to hear the new Panthro’s voice, r61!
If dogs can wear sweaters than hamsters can wear hats. The logic fits.
i concur, Oz: your logic’s sound. i bet Mu could pull off a sweater, though, too. 😉
Snow Day! No work today because it has been snowing since 5 am or earlier this morning. It threw me off and I forgot to check in for the strip till now (it seems like a Sunday instead of Monday).
Jefbot’s got a good point that he probably shouldn’t leave a bunch of his stuff in the appt if he is leaving it in that destroyed state. He might never get that stuff back!
I like Mu in the hat. 🙂
woo! i’ve actually never experienced a snow day before, Shanna, but they sound fun (as long as one can stay home all nice and cozy.) and i agree: today just doesn’t feel like a monday; Mombot and i were just discussing this earlier.
and glad you can see there’s a method to bot’s madness in taking his stuff! also happy you like Mu’s new hat. 🙂
And now we discover our noble writer is working on a spinoff webcomic named “SpaceAlienSamuraiHamsterMutant” I only wish the acronym Sashimi worked here.
that works! done. expect the new comic sometime next month. 😉
ha! if only i had the time, Orzahn, i’d love to chronicle the adventures of a S.A.S.H.I.M.I. team! 😉
MUWAHAHA It works !!! huzzah. 😛 a modern age ninja turtles only cooler.
now all we need is the theme song. 😀
Ok, Mu just got even more badass than he already was! That last panel was just epic!
Now, what weapon will Jefbot choose? I’m hoping for the angry scarf.
If he has any sense, it will be the angry scarf.
but, remember: bot doesn’t know where it went to, Ember! but, yes: it would definitely be the weapon of choice for him.
happy you feel Mu’s new look has upped his badass factor, GB!
as for the Angry Scarf – no doubt jefbot would prefer it, too. if only it hadn’t made itself scarce after the events of the Super Scrawn saga!
Well, if the angry scarf is MIA then I guess Jefbot will have to go use something else. Given how much stuff that he has though I’m sure that’s there’s something he can use to arm himself.
less than you’d think, GB! (see JEFBOT.514.)
Just read the entire comic in one sitting here. Absolutely amazing work you have here, definitely going to keep watch.
I kind of hate how I found the comic and got hooked on the one story arc thats been building up all of this time to get to this point here. Grrraaarrgh.
Again, amazing work here, I love this comic ^.^
WOO! one sitting, Ezekiel Wymahn!? that’s some dedication, right there. heheh. thanks for jumping in with us! now’s a great time to do so, since – although you have to wait for this story with the rest of the BOTreaders – i’m now releasing strips every Mon-Wed-Fri whereas i used to only do two per week (and sometimes only one. yikes.)
thanks for the kudos and the love – hope to see what you think of future strips here in the comments!
Its pretty hard to look away from this lovely art-style and great story telling. Glad to hear theres gonna be three a week now! I just checked back to see what the schedule on here is too xD
I believe this will also be the return of Super Scrawn.
we shall see, Bunk! it’d be nice if the Scarf was waiting for bot when he returns to his current apartment, but it’s looking doubtful at the moment.
Let’s see… Bot with the Angry Scarf, Cel with her modified Blaster, Abraxas, Miyuki, and last but DEFINITELY not least, Musashi the Mutant Hamster… I think that’d be a force to be reckoned with
that team does sound rather formidable, JGT. let’s hope they can all assemble!