Now I know there’s been a lot of chatter in the comments lately about jefbot needing to arm himself with the Angry Scarf before he goes off with Musashi, but remember: jefbot hasn’t seen thread nor tassel of it since the Super Scrawn storyline, and that was during his stay in the old apartment. If it was still lurking about in there, he probably would’ve seen it during the move. What happened to it? Where did it go? I’m sure these are questions jefbot will try to answer very soon.
The last known appearance of the Angry Scarf (note the lurking Scarf by the couch in that last panel.):
• JEFBOT.387_Threading the Needle
And I believe this was Miyuki’s last appearance before today’s comic:
• JEFBOT.429_Human Habitrail
See you Friday!
I cannot believe that the bot as a proud geek has no weapons surrounding his living space!?
yeah, you’d think bot would at least have a bat’leth lying around, f_f! and we know he has a glaive in his possession, but that would only be good for one throw, and it’s probably packed up in a box somewhere.
but hey, check you out – you just achieved the Shades of Firsting once again! wear them well: these are more dangerous than a broom, Nerf Bat, cleaver and blender combined:
Been training for the upcoming battle with my shades-of-firsting-fu, I’ll add these to the armory!
Where did the whole “Shades of Firsting” thing start? On which comic was the first pair forged?
a keen BOTreader figured that out a while back, bj42, but that knowledge has been lost with time.
I went looking for the origin of the Shades of Firsting
try JEFBOT.219_Ready to Rumble. is a bit misleading but I cant find any ” cool glasses ” before that
i think you’re right, Sapphire Wind! the last time someone looked, i’m pretty sure it was for the first “Shades of Firsting” reference, but the “cool glasses” definitely pre-date that and were basically the origin of the Shades we know today. 🙂
your Shades-fu is strong, f_f.
I can count 3 sharp blades at this moment without even having to open a box XD
heh. if i had Wolverine claws i could count 3 blades at the moment too, f_f! snikt!
Don’t we all wish that… *sigh*
yes. *sigh*
Would be a bloody mess though, unless it comes with the healing power. and if I had to choose I’d go healing factor all the way.
The Scarf returns!!
The knife seems like the best weapon of all the ones above. But it mught become a problem.if the enemy decides to make jef into a meal 🙂
not yet, DAS! jefbot has to find it first!
and, yeah – the bladed weapon seems best, but it’s kinda at odds with bot’s “No Kill” policy. still… better than the blender.
I’m thinking that the Angry Scarf would be more of an ally than a weapon. I must say though that the broomstick and meat cleaver have possibilities as weapons though.
the Angry Scarf could be both, Rainey! and, yes – if bot can’t find the Angry Scarf, i think the choice is going to come down between the broom and cleaver.
No to the bat? Is Bot insane? Take the bat!!
Uh, you do realize the bat has “Nerf” written on it, right?
Doesn’t matter! It’s a bat!
heh. yeah, as Rainey mentioned – it’s a Nerf bat, TCG, unfortunately. bot needs to go all “Shaun of the Dead” and find a cricket bat!
I was going to suggest that snakes are one of a hamster’s natural predators, but Angry Scarf is both snake-like and badass, so that works on a lot of different levels!
true that, Sarah W. should bot end up finding the Scarf, let’s hope it doesn’t go all snake-like and try to eat Mu!
Yikes! Beware! The scarf may turn against You!
May? It WILL! It’s the angry scarf!!
However, it’s a necessary risk, considering that mutant possum’s probably gathering it’s friends… Or getting bigger weapons…
yep! as TCG and JGT mentioned – it’s highly likely this will happen, Lor. but it’s bot’s only hope!
I called it!
bot doesn’t have the Angry Scarf yet, Maryz, but fingers are crossed! 🙂
… I guess I understand trying to keep the strip blood-free. But I’d have liked to see Bot with a cleaver. 😛
ha! there’s no such “blood free” ban on the strip, Anime fan, so there might be some spatters here and there down the road. but, yeah: bot going all Splatterhouse could’ve been fun. 🙂
Surely Bot has a nerf gun or two lying around! Every self-respecting geek should have a good maverick or longshot handy. And when you mod those things, they can get pretty dangerous…
Agreed! And not only one or two laying around, but also modified to get more distance out. 😀
i’ve never modded a Nerf Gun, TCG, but i’ve read about it and been tempted! more capacity and stronger springs might be a fun afternoon project. 🙂
absolutely, Shift – bot’s gotta have a few Nerf guns around! it would make for some funny panels to have him modding them into Danger Weapons while we cut to Mu waiting for hours.
The bat would have been good if it weren’t a NERF bat and the cleaver would be good if he had any skill with it.(which I’m assuming he doesn’t) What Bot needs to grab is a shovel or large ice scraper. Though a shovel has far more uses than an ice scraper.
true that, Fijiman – bot nerfing his enemies just wouldn’t be productive, and yeah, he just doesn’t have the skills (or the stomach) to wield the cleaver. as for a shovel, well, that would work. if only bot had one lying around…
Well I’m sure he’s got something better than a broom lying around somewhere.
i don’t know. if he can’t summon the Scarf, i think he’s gonna have to go with the broom, Fiji. 🙂
His no kill policy kinda limits him in what weapons he can use :S. Th most usefull one so far (no kill policy in mind) is the broom.
But yeah, after this he should invest in some tonfa or similair blunt weapons. (or a blunted longsword)
yeah, bot might have to change that policy if things get heated, Orzahn, but for now a cleaver is a bit much. heh. and good suggestions for future adventures – if only there were a 24-hour tonfa shop in the neighborhood!
They don’t have those !? 🙁 I am Dissapoint.
me too.
Hmmm… One wonders where the Scarf is, and how ‘Bot will go about finding it
pertinent questions, JGT!
As i said; it’s time to don the scarf!
Then again a lawn mower works to.
At least it did in the braindead movie…
heh. would love to see Mu’s reaction to bot bringing a lawn mower back. or just pulling up on a riding lawn mower and saying “jump on!” 🙂
The Scarf probably hid in the old clothes box, or at least I think so.
As for weapons…hm. I rather like that Nerf bat. It would be useful if the Scarf never shows up.
if it’s in the old clothes box, i’m sure bot’s gonna have some very strong words for it not to have come out to help him during the mutant possum fight, GG!
The Scarf was testing him…to see if he was ready…to achieve its TRUE POWER!
ha! let’s hope for bot’s sake you’re right, GG!
An!Gry! Scarf! An!Gry! Scarf! An!Gry! Scarf!
That is definitely what he needs. Good to see Yuki is still alive and well in Jefbot’s universe. 🙂 What will she make of Mu though?
ha! i like your cheer, Shanna! bot could use some motivation right now while he tries to find a weapon.
and, yep! Yuki’s alive and well. hopefully the reunion with Mu will go well. 🙂
Omg I forgot about the angry scarf/doc oc storyline >> I’m a bad fan.
nope, you’re one of the very best, Dj! 😀
i’ve been working on a little cheat sheet on the bot mythology so we can all refresh ourselves on what’s happened before. should be able to publish that soon.
Did anyone else see the cleaver and think of Diablo 1? “… Killed by a demon called the Butcher!”
ha! i didn’t initially, Mage of Chaos, but now that you mention it…
Must have…Angry scarf….
bot needs… a Scarf signal, Ezekiel! or the Scarf needs a pager or something. 😉
The broom or the nerf bat. Jefbot should definitely use one of those two. 😛
Anyways, I’m glad to see that Jefbot realizes how bad he needs the Angry Scarf. I am dissapointed however, that someone who at one point had a room filled with so many boxes that he put up a wallpaper of the warehouse from Indiana Jones on one of the walls doesn’t have any good weapons from any videos games laying about.
yeah, if the Scarf doesn’t appear, it’s going to have to come down to those two, GB. and, yes, it’s too bad bot – being a fan of the Final Fantasy series – doesn’t have a working gunblade or two in storage. 😉
Yuki is such a pretty squishy little girl~ And so fluffy! Seeing these two again takes me back to when I used to have dwarf hamsters growing up. The one that stands out the most in my memory is Kirby, named so because she had this bad habit of stuffing all the seeds in her mouth and running away to store them. Greedy little ham-ham! x3
i’ve wanted a dwarf hamster ever since i saw one at my friend’s house, Foxmouse! so cute. Yuki’s all fluffy and squishy due to being a teddy bear hamster. (i used to have two of ’em when i was in high school, actually.) 🙂
I just went back and read the Angry Scarf arc that I hadn’t read before. I think that was before I met you and checked out your comic. Any-who, that lead into the arc about your sister Linda having cancer. I have to say I have an even greater respect and admiration for you as an artist and just an all around cool guy after reading that story. You are the man Jefbot.
deep thanks, Marvin.